
Societal Views Quotes

There are 612 quotes

"I think the smartest thing the rich people ever did was convince the broke people that money doesn't make you happy."
"Everybody's personal experience informs how they view society."
"They are young, they are tolerant, they are entrepreneurial, they are civic-minded. No wait a minute, they're spoiled, they're lazy, they're entitled, they're living in their mother's houses, and they are doomed to disappoint history." - John Donvan
"Mark Twain's definition of a marriage: Friendship recognized by the police."
"I think it takes a while for people to change their views because they're usually waiting for somebody to sell them something. But once they've bought it, it takes a long time to buy into something else."
"I don't care what y'all say, and y'all can miss me with that body positivity mess. Don't nobody want to be fat."
"Skinny don't automatically equal healthy, but we know for damn sure fat ain't healthy."
"If possible, I want people to be able to lead a normal life rather than paying for their sins."
"Women, you're the one that men go to war over, you're the one that men literally will kill for."
"Trends come and go; beauty standards are different depending on who you ask and where you are."
"Our civilization does not really harbor a concept of the whole of life."
"The media wants to paint gun owners and gun ownership as this thing that's stuffed into the dark underbelly of society."
"I think it’s fair to say that most Americans share the same sentiment as my neighbor – that what happened to the Indians was just part of the inevitable march of progress."
"People like me, the silent majority, are fed up. Our moral obligations and justifications have been reached."
"I'm never getting over the fact that romance as a genre exists largely because straight women fantasize about being loved and treated kindly by men, and men constantly make fun of this because they think it's just that unrealistic."
"Risk is not considered good these days, but I think it's very good. I think it's essential."
"We shouldn't be anti-intellectual and we should look at the data provided."
"The vast majority of Americans...believe that police brutality is bad."
"There is no appreciation for women intellectuals. It's all about the body, not about the brain."
"People aren't garbage. Most people aren't garbage."
"It's been amazing in the past couple of years to see how...the younger generation...have totally reconsidered the view of the monarchy."
"My father deeply believes that everyone has a fair chance, which is just basically untrue."
"About how media influences societal views and societal views influence media. It's kind of the main thesis of this channel."
"The majority of people are just boringly nice, and they just want everyone to have a fair shot at things."
"There's no right or wrong in this debate... it all simply just comes down to how you view society, how you view the argument of freedom versus security."
"Ironic racism or sexism reinforces these sorts of ideas within our spaces when it's often done to disguise acceptance of these views."
"Yes to body positivity and being beautiful no matter what size you are, but please don't romanticize obesity."
"Every generation thinks that they've invented the wheel. Everybody thinks that their parents and grandparents don't know anything."
"I just never subscribe to the [ __ ] argument that like kids these days are so much worse like I completely disagree."
"Mainstream media wasn't really representing what I thought most Indians actually felt."
"Nothing's as black and white, no pun intended there, as it seems."
"The strengths of masculinity and manhood unfortunately are being used against men at times."
"Parental influence is much greater than a lot of people give it credit for."
"Just because there's something that someone else might see as a negative within you, it doesn't necessarily have to be a negative."
"We have moved from being proud of ourselves to being told that we have nothing to be proud of, that the West is worst."
"So when I compare how much I made for painting my nails on the internet, which seems really like doesn't take much that much mental capacity, you know, it seems rather frivolous and silly."
"The perception of why I am where I am, right? That's like, there's, it's like you keep if you have an opposing worldview, this is how full of themselves that liberals and Afrocentric think they are with their worldview."
"Money is not the root of all evil. Poverty is."
"We treat domestic violence like it's a tampon commercial."
"Privacy is overrated criminals use as a cover to hide secrets."
"Good politicians should force us to confront our myopic views."
"Therapy will be seen as the same way that we see exercise today, something that we used to think was not necessary, but now we realize is actually incredibly necessary for our mental health."
"Anti-French sentiment has become widely popular among Malians."
"Is it possible some of these critics were just jealous too?"
"When I hear people say that stupid pop music is empowering to women... I could only think that that is incredibly demeaning and insulting to women."
"This is about the most emasculating disposition that a black man can ever take."
"For centuries, people have claimed that lazy people are bad, lazy people ruin society, lazy people are useless. But what if laziness isn't even a real thing?"
"I think masculinity is under attack on some level as a bad thing, and so I don't think masculinity is a bad thing at all."
"A lot of times, especially in hip-hop, the CEOs and cops are painted as the bad guys."
"Some people just want to watch the world burn."
"The true rebellion is not supposed to be attractive because it just isn't."
"My scars looked really artistic... people genuinely do think it's a white ink tattoo."
"How much money are people allowed to have or to spend?"
"Inmates are humans too, we all make mistakes."
"These liberals tend to think that if you're accused of a crime you're guilty of it. That's a terrifying reality."
"Society has determined that cannabis is not a crime most of the federal government needs to catch up with the rest of the nation."
"The West wants heroes and villains, but they don't want their heroes to also be Nazis."
"True freedom is seen by those not free as being negative or evil."
"As long as you think you're white, there's no hope for you."
"The people that I meet in real life are good people."
"This more expansive view of our fellow citizens is actually the highest call of patriotism."
"Nobody cares when black people kill each other, it's normal, right? Unfortunately, that's the way that everybody sees it subconsciously."
"Reputation is everything. Everything with me depends upon the estimation in which I am held."
"Religion isn't bad, it's been misinterpreted."
"I don't think the progressive movement, the feminist movement actually cares about respecting women. I think they care about being anti-religious conservatives whenever convenient."
"From that standpoint, they're like, 'Well, why bother to get married?' And it's like, 'Well, because there is still something special to marriage.'"
"When you say women and men are the same, then you've really mitigated the crime of rape."
"Cannabis is genuinely one of the most fascinating discussion topics I've ever seen because of how emotionally polarizing it is amongst people."
"I often think that people see other people succeeding as them [themselves] becoming less successful, when that's not the case."
"The world operates on a tragic view of human nature rather than this therapeutic view."
"The majority of Americans feel differently than what you see in the media."
"Video games are not these nightmare machines that cause people to just get sucked into them."
"They call you sheep and cattle. But there will come a time when none of them will be able to walk down the street."
"Chinese people are not your enemy, it's the Chinese government."
"I see why they kill themselves because i would never want to be in that position that seems horrible and i acknowledge it's real in their mind but i still think that it's a disorder and that it's a delusion."
"Maybe Ron DeSantis's actions emboldened fascists to think that they have more broader popular support than they actually do."
"As long as society insists upon viewing things only through the lens of individual people who are at fault, oppression will never be sufficiently addressed."
"There are no little people, there's just people."
"If a man says that, it's viewed differently."
"The truth is that health is not a moral flex."
"I think that they will be never interested in sex study starting psychiatry disease because of different stories."
"When you're a person that excels where usually your race doesn't excel, you will always be looked at in that way."
"Intellectual narcissism empowers religious people to dismiss opposing viewpoints."
"A man is not a luxury. It's not optional for average women."
"Women love men under the premise that they provide value men love women idealistically women tend to love men more from an opportunistic standpoint."
"The world is finally seeing Muslims are not the monsters that we've been portrayed as for so long."
"Why do they care? Like, nobody here knows who I am."
"Everything is so demonized, so you don't want to see what actual good is."
"That's the kind of thing... normal human beings."
"Well, their hatred is nothing new; the elites have always despised Christianity."
"Get people to think of sugar kind of the way we think of cigarettes."
"Apparently, what the left would like is a world where you feel better about yourself because somebody else has their wealth taken away."
"Why do people like him so much? It's precisely because DC hates him."
"And lastly before we go, remember the baddies are insecure, the stagnant women want you to help them travel, and the closed-minded women want you to teach them things."
"If you really believe the (beep) they say, that rich people are actually good and better and vulnerable people are weak or lazy, that sounds terrible."
"But that word feminist is so heavy with baggage, negative baggage."
"I think Society could benefit from more people seeing the world this way."
"Luckily, young people are a lot more intelligent than conservatives insist they are."
"You can't deny it is an element of Glamor to be super criminals."
"We often talk about being poor as if there's an honor in it, being poised, grinding. Let's release people from that."
"Some of them do believe that... the world has been taken over by a kind of left wing communist gay ideology."
"The world won't accept us until we stand up straight."
"She just didn't want people to think she was a loser who had given up."
"If people can do that without becoming drug fiends, then I don't think there's anything wrong with that."
"It is insane that we do not consider prisoners as human beings."
"The world is better off without the broken, they bring pain and they inflict their pain onto others. Are you broken as well?"
"77% of people in the chat said bad, 23% said good."
"Religious persecution is often justified by some even though it seems completely unjustifiable in the eyes of others."
"I believe in it because there's a lot of diverse viewpoints in the United States."
"Real life is not what you see on Twitter or mainstream media."
"I think a lot of the super wealthy people are celebrities that we exalt."
"It won't kill you to acknowledge that men just like women can be pretty damn awesome at times."
"But it's always up to us to have conversations with those we disagree with and it's only then that we can stop looking at the world through black and white."
"Death is boring now, it's just dull, people living their lives."
"You will grow old, and men will lose interest in you. This is a fact of life. It is inevitable."
"Do you think therapy's for [ __ ] [ __ ] or crazy people?"
"When people believe in nothing, they'll believe in anything."
"The brighter a lady shines, the faster she may burn."
"The minute a girl is in a relationship, people are like, 'Well, no point in looking for her now.'"
"People don't like getting cut. Juries don't like to see people getting cut."
"They say money doesn't make you happy, but maybe they just don't have any money."
"The idea that people are poor because of their own bad choices... the delusion that exists here is palpable."
"There's lust and then there's respect, love doesn't last long."
"The world doesn't reward failure. It rewards those that manage to escape it."
"Humans desperately want to be loved and to feel useful."
"We have to stop treating politicians like celebrities and saviors."
"Weed and psychedelics are the righteous drugs."
"I think this person perhaps after jail time will be lionized on the left."
"I'm not anti-man, I have so many good male friends and I love men."
"We might not like her, but she's supposed to be the real True Believer."
"Dive back into time to see the rise, fall, and well, rise again of Japan's castles."
"Sometimes being a woman is like living in an aquarium."
"Some of you guys are really incapable of viewing relationships between characters and people without a romantic or sexual lens, and it shows."
"That's a great example of the actual disconnect between elite leftists that are in their own bubble and the general population."
"That's a sentiment obviously shared by millions of Americans."
"There's still 10 to 15 percent of the country that's not ideologically opposed in the sense that they will never ever get it but some of them still have questions."
"The feminist movement...degrades women. It pulls her down from the pedestal that God puts her on."
"Everyone hates lawyers until you need one. Then, who you gonna call? Ghost Busters!"
"The British public would also agree, when you look at institutions in this country with the least trust, you're looking at politicians, used car salesmen, and journalists are at the bottom."
"When a black person is brought up, it's usually negative."
"So y'all like the white me and not the black me."
"It's like Jeff Bezos is the kid that nobody would pick at dodge ball."
"People will believe what they choose to believe."
"Marriage is cool. Don't let anybody tell you that it's not cool."
"People who believe conspiracy theories aren't actually more stupid or insane than the rest of us."
"Stop talking [ __ ] about men. Okay? That's all we want."
"Can you turn a hoe into a housewife? Absolutely."
"It's like he's just gonna be this sad old man, he's basically like that homeless dude screaming at the wall in an alleyway."
"Trying to treat mental health like physical health."
"Let's stop acting like fast food is just like demon cuz it ain't."
"It is time for a more accurate portrayal of single people in single life, one that recognizes the real strengths and resilience of people who are single."
"Hostility to slavery was by no means confined to elites."
"Folks, folks, folks, it's just the weak being weeded out."
"I just feel like we always talk about every generation not having morals and ethics."
"The majority of people who do not have faith still believe in at least one aspect of the supernatural."
"My dad needed his father. And a lot of times, you know, I know my purpose on Earth, you know, but what's wild is that I've had people tell me that fatherhood is not necessary, and I'm going, but you wouldn't say that about motherhood."
"How do you not fucking believe that there's gotta be some shadowy group out there that tries to control things in the background?"
"The vilification of the wealthy is inevitable at this point."
"Jesus is not popular; it's actually one of the most counter-cultured things."
"It's more important to just make these lifestyle changes that I could maintain over the Long Haul."
"Everyone hates lawyers until you need one." - Peter Tragos
"Cheating is complicated, and society doesn't prepare men for monogamy."
"25% of this generation believes that a male can be a female and a female can be a male."
"Society doesn't have very tolerant views to polyamory."
"Most Muslims are good people, most of them are really just decent human beings."
"If people can't relate, my whole thing... is objectively useless."
"I feel like people love an underdog until they make it."
"England and the monarchy seemed benign and wholesome, despite the knowledge of slavery and colonialism. Somehow we didn't blame Miss Queen and her family."
"People who issue death threats... want to watch the world burn."
"White people aren't inherently racist... we shouldn't call people racist."
"The thing about smart people is they seem crazy to stupid people."
"Wrote actress in pinup Rosalind Hayes in 1952, 'Some people thought being photographed as near as I was to nudity was an unpardonable sin. Yet they must realize that work most frequently called for consists of cheesecake or leg art.'"
"Do I think that some people are hardwired and destined for Crime? The answer is yes."
"Men are the disposable sex, women are the protected sex."
"It feels like a complete mockery of God and how Jesus tells us we need to be born again."
"Extensions have this, I don't want to say negative connotation, but..."
"Marriage is not something that favors men, I don't care how many times these womanists want to sit there and say that it benefits men."
"These are fundamental attitudes. These are not your view on the next tax bill. These are your views on civilization itself."
"Whites further removed from personal experiences with crime see punishment as the correct way to deal with criminality."
"We see what society has deemed ratchet or ghetto becoming unforgettable identities."
"Pitbulls are so sweet man if you could see. Yeah, I called them monsters earlier and I'm sure the pitbull lovers out there will hate me for that."
"Caffeine is the drug we've all accepted in society."
"It's okay, it's tolerated, but I don't think that it's necessarily the type of thing that they would say that 'yeah, it's probably the case'."
"There are over 100 million Americans that want the world to end in their lifetime."
"Reality is you probably believe in at least one conspiracy theory just like I do."
"Young people are more open-minded than people give them credit for."
"I don't think drug addicts should be in jail period..."
"Men are not going to date you because a lot of the girls out here are not worth dating."
"I just think it's ridiculous to say like just like all cops are bad obviously not all cops are bad."
"Children are a blessing, not an environmental threat."
"The reason why it exposes feminism for the fraud that it is."
"I believe human beings are valuable and redeemable."
"They have a media infrastructure that constantly reinforces them that this is the appropriate way to think about the world and to engage with the world."
"I wish women could see yourselves the way men see you. Men don't hate women, we love women. Desperately want women to be women."
"Women are as good as men are, in fact, better than men in many aspects."
"We have now reached a stage where just about everybody in the world thinks that slavery is beyond the pale."
"They filed a copyright claim against him for both videos that he had mirrored."
"They don't want to see you become successful without them."
"What is so scary about a woman having an opinion as strongly as a man does?"
"Love as it's commonly understood in Western society is a 100% social construct."