
Self-concept Quotes

There are 463 quotes

"I am not what I think I am; I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am."
"I'm not smart or dumb, I'm not rich or poor, I'm not good or bad; I'm just me."
"You are everything within the field of awareness. You are the field of awareness itself."
"You're not only who you are right now and how you feel right now; you're this strange entity that exists right now but that already existed in the past and that is going to repeat itself into the future."
"I am not living in this world; I am this world."
"Our temperament, that is, our emotionality, combined with our home environment and the school environments that we were raised in, shape what we know about the world and our concepts of self."
"Liberation is my term for liberation from the illusionary imprisonment of being a 'me' in a story."
"You get no more fear of death...because there's no self, there's no one to protect anymore."
"Ultimately, your concept of yourself is built out of the narratives that we create out of our experience."
"Keeping small commitments to ourselves impacts the story we believe about ourselves."
"You are not enclosed within your bodies, nor confined to houses or fields. That which is you dwells above the mountain and roves with the wind."
"When you're a person who their internal idea of what they are aligns with their reality, that's incredibly powerful."
"Identity is what we repeatedly do... it's who we are."
"I think ego is a concept of yourself. It's not necessarily inherently a negative thing."
"You're transforming how you think about yourself, how you perceive yourself."
"To reach a higher level of being, you must assume a higher concept of yourself."
"The number one driving force of the human psyche is to stay congruent with the ideas that we carry about who we are."
"You don't have to be scared of the monsters when you are the monster."
"Having a cohesive, consistent self-concept is an important part of mental health."
"I don't understand for the life of me what's so good about being alpha. I want to be myself."
"Humans experience the face as a social and cultural symbol for the physical self, the metaphysical self, and unity between the two experienced by both owner and observer."
"The invention of a modern self, an 'I' at the center of a complex experience of the world, an 'I' that feels like it's self-determining, free, desirous, torn between nature and city, between work and pleasure, between rootedness and wanderlust."
"Your self-concept seriously determines the way people treat you."
"To manifest the dream life that you want, you need to have effective self-concepts."
"Learn to love good men. The self-concept that only good things happen to you, only good people come into your life, good friends, good work situations, good partners, good everything. You are chosen, favored, protected."
"We are actually nothing, and how beautiful that is because that means they do not know what to expect from us next."
"We are eternal on our soul level and we are limitless on our soul level."
"If I'm the bad guy in the process, okay, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to take."
"The metaverse is when the idea of the digital self becomes more important than the physical self."
"What makes you you is one hotly debated idea in philosophy."
"The less concerned you are with what other people think, usually the better they think about you."
"I am large, I contain multitudes. I contradict myself."
"The self is everything you could be across time."
"It is fundamental to who we are and who we can be."
"Own you and be congruent. Be who you present yourself to be."
"We all like to think of ourselves as the protagonist."
"If you're just your brain and your body, do you remain the same?"
"Being attractive is... a combination of everything about you."
"Each one of us are very unique by ourselves."
"I was never interested in any of that. I just always thought, for some reason, I just wanted to be free."
"Self with a small 's' means 'u,' but the Self with a capital 'S' is all that supports you in being you."
"You are not your country, your race, or your religion."
"Flow does not cause the dissolution of the self; it reveals that the self was never there."
"You are the sovereign of the seen and unseen worlds."
"You're not really supposed to know how cool you are when you're a teenager."
"To simply deny who you are creates a vacuum because then you're nobody."
"You're the main character main character energy yeah absolutely."
"You cannot be defined by one definition. It's all the many things that make you who you are that relate to you and resonate with you, and that is who you are."
"Men really do need a Mythic conception of themselves as protector, provider, and procreator."
"I don't want my life to be like a movie, I want to be like a main character."
"Technically they're saying that there's an infinite version of you."
"Maybe not worry about being a good person so much and just be an individual."
"To be an individual, like your own thought, independent."
"You're just a background character, which is very freeing."
"Each of us is the only infinite awareness there is."
"You cannot walk through the door into the quantum field as a somebody; you must enter as a nobody."
"I am greater than all the stories I've ever heard about myself."
"Our true self is dynamic, fluid, and constantly evolving."
"I would change the human understanding of themselves to place more emphasis on our shared biological reality and less on all the fictional stories that we create with our minds."
"We're the sum of all of our choices, of all of our experiences."
"The extraordinary is in what we do, not who we are."
"Pink represents the social aspect of the Self."
"What you are is not what other people have constructed of you in their minds."
"You can choose to react however you want when you engage in the emotional tornado that is your girl."
"Frame should be effortless. A lot of guys construct their idea of themselves and obviously it's very shaky if someone sees through it they can poke into it immediately and break you."
"Every relationship we've ever had in our lives is based upon the way we think about ourselves."
"You're not fixed into a static box, you're a dynamic being."
"You have a huge sense of self-worth. I'm not saying entitlement, I'm saying you have a very strong idea of who you are."
"There's no downside to being a bigger person and carrying yourself like you are a million times more powerful."
"The actions you take determine your identity."
"The narcissist can no more get rid of a false self than you can get rid of your true self."
"Focus on your self-concept...cultivating love and trust within yourself."
"Your opinions are just furniture that you decorate the apartments of your mind."
"Don't found your identity on the accidental."
"Even if you lose your memory, you are still you."
"This is who you are, you are a child directly of God, that is so core."
"Life is a series of stories in which we are the characters."
"This is not evidence of your vulnerability, this is evidence of your invincibility."
"Your perfect you is the unique way you think, feel, and choose, shaping your experiences and contributions to the world."
"The sense of self is an illusion, but it still exists."
"You're more than a feeling. Just because you feel something doesn't mean you have to be that way."
"Identity is like this stream of memories you have, physically and mentally."
"If you don't have standards for yourself... you're just going to be an amoeba."
"I'm just floating around here, I am a planet, I'm a galaxy."
"Your soul is you having an individual spirit."
"The power of being a believer in Jesus Christ is that my identity is found in Him."
"Your whole identity should not be what you do sexually."
"Excluding distractions, fears, doubts, and indecision becomes our identity, our self-image."
"You aren't your emotions. You experience them as something separate to yourself."
"The self is not just living in your body; the self is a plural verb."
"Make happiness a habit, link it with your self-image."
"What Separates Me from so many people I guess my life and what I am is what I believe and what I think must be and not what I must own."
"In every snapshot of experience, both the self and the other are created at the moment of experience."
"The concept of how you can be in the world is really what is important."
"The most powerful force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we Define ourselves."
"Nameless. The rejection of labels, it works."
"Being positive is not what I do, it's who I am."
"Get comfortable being misunderstood, only a fraction of people will be able to truly grasp your essence."
"What it means to be me is partly determined by how I perceive others perceiving me. Part of me is literally in all of you."
"God wants to fashion and form our identity so that we start thinking about ourselves the way God thinks about us."
"All I ever wanted to be was good."
"I am not someone who is loved; I'm an idea."
"We already knew that he is both Bruce Wayne and Batman, not because he has to be but because he chooses to be."
"So live in the feeling of being the one you want to be, and that you shall be."
"There is no 'you' who you really are other than who you choose to be."
"Health wealth beauty and genius are not created they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind that is by your concept of yourself and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to is true."
"Becoming the version of you in the wish fulfilled is really about being the version of you that is already living in the reality with this experience."
"The strongest force in all human beings is this: we act in a way that matches up how we are defining ourselves."
"Remember your self-concept that you are the creator of your reality and you're in charge."
"Your self-concept determines everything that happens to you."
"All change begins with a change in your self-concept."
"I fundamentally thought of myself as somebody who was a writer."
"Receiving what it is that I want when I had a man giving me what I wanted, I could not accept it because of my old self-concept."
"So learning how to reconceptualize yourself as an important individual who is real on the inside and who is just as important as everybody else is like a tremendous antidote."
"Your name is what you believe, not what your parents called you."
"Feel that you are now what you desire to be."
"Your tomorrows are determined by your concept of yourself. As you fall asleep in the arms of your lover, your ideal, the time of the singing of birds is at hand for you."
"Shame is what happens when guilt becomes grafted onto our identity and our self-concept."
"Our self-image is our own conception of the sort of person I am."
"A thought of self or identity is fragile by nature. It exists via thinking, so if we're not thinking, then it can feel like we don't have a self or even don't exist."
"Whatever you say 'I am' to, whatever comes after 'I am' for you is how you reveal your self-concept and what you believe about yourself."
"Once we understand how to change our self-concept, we can change everything about our lives too."
"Our self-concept is essentially created for us when we are children, so as adults or as autonomous beings at whatever age, you can take your power into your own hands by recreating your own self-concept."
"Your problems do not define you. What defines you is your attitude."
"Your concept of self determines the order of events you encounter."
"It's like a very specific version of yourself."
"We're kind of drawn to others who see us as we see ourselves."
"You are so much more than your self-concept, you are so much more powerful than that."
"Start envisioning and imagining that you are that person right now."
"...if you want to withstand chaos, do you want to be who you are or do you want to be the thing that changes who you are constantly?"
"Your concept of yourself, your identity, is so foundational to everything that you're going to manifest that you can't skip it, you can't just stay in that old character role that you've been playing and then expect to manifest something completely different."
"Your self-concept, your real sense of yourself, your real identity that you hold towards yourself and about yourself, is extremely important when it comes to manifesting long sustainable shifts in your life."
"Your self-concept is your superpower how you think how you feel about yourself is so incredibly important."
"When you take time to be proud of yourself, that is something that helps you to define your self-concept."
"So with this person feels like it's their, you know, strong will, it's their self-concept..."
"How can you adapt to reality when you falsify it? And you think, well, I'm just lying to other people. No, you're not. You can't just lie to other people because what you say becomes you, especially if you practice it, because we build ourselves out of words."
"In the end, what I'm doing is I'm not proving to the world that I'm just some great athlete, I'm as great as I can be, but I'm proving to the world that I'm a builder of teams."
"Your idea for yourself is 100% in alignment with your soul."
"We're habitual constructs. The way we think, the way we act, the way we operate constructed who we are up until this point."
"The point of view self, memory self, these are both flawed in the idealist thinking of what the self is."
"Your self-concept from 'I'm not a millionaire' to 'I know it's going to happen.'"
"Fundamentally involves changing your concept of yourself."
"Being yourself is a myth because who is yourself? It's just a collection of characteristics and beliefs and all of these things what you think you are, and you can change it."
"Every action we take in the presence of another is a fracture in our idea of self."
"The way we think of ourselves is really the only limit that we have."
"Your self-concept determines your life."
"Your self-concept, your state is who you imagine yourself to be, what you add to that plank slate that you are."
"Nothing externally is gonna be able to help you feel fulfilled. That's what meditations are there for, that's what working on your self-concept is therefore."
"Your self-concept is the key in your life, that's the foundation, your self-concept, slash state, slash identity, that's what your whole life evolves around basically."
"So if we say things to ourselves and we have a way of conceptualizing ourselves that we've overly reinforced, it will not go away overnight, right? But we don't tell people that."
"Your self-concept creates your states of being."
"Being faithful comes from what idea of yourself do you want to have."
"Change your self-concept. I don't deserve suffering. I don't deserve living in a reality I don't like."
"The false self is compensatory. It compensates for some inadequacy, some lack, some deficiency. It protects the child's true self, which is hurting, crying, shy, fragile, vulnerable, cowering in the corner trying to avoid the blows of fate, the abuse, and the trauma."
"You're not going to give up even when it's hard. You're going to work on your self-concept, you're going to heal from the inside out."
"How important having a solid self-concept and sticking with the values you find important is... being content with myself keeps me grounded when things are hard and it's easier to manage my emotions." - Judy H
"Any label you put on yourself is such a bad trip you're laying on yourself, no matter how good it is."
"Your self-concept is literally going to change your life and put you in the bracket of the top one percent of women."
"Self-concept comes down to doing the things for yourself, speaking to yourself the way you want others to do for you."
"I really want to think of myself as this stable independent woman."
"It destroys everything she believes about herself."
"You are not what you think you are, but you are what you think."
"...you have an independent self, which is your agency, your ability to control things, your ability to problem-solve, and then you have an interdependent self, which is yourself in systems."
"Now we remember events that are related to ourselves better because we encode them into memory more deeply by relating them to our highly developed self-concept."
"Whitman redefines the self, in which the self, the soul, and the real me are three separate parts of the human entity."
"Your entire concept of yourself has changed, and your assumptions have changed your entire world."
"You're gonna attract things into your reality, but you have to actually live as that version of yourself."
"We manifest based on the dominant state we dwell in, determined by our self-concept."
"Time is an illusion; we select different states to experience based on our self-concept."
"Jesus favorite title for himself in the gospels was 'Son of Man.'"
"When you reinforce the self-concept, you understand your worth and value."
"True freedom is the disassociation, the reconciliation, the removal of and the discarding of the idea of myself."
"The words that you put after 'I am' will determine the kind of person that you become."
"The words that you put after 'I am' will determine who you become."
"The self seems to me a lake, a location, a point on a three-dimensional graph or a node on an electronic grid. There's nothing in the point, its location. The larger scheme it serves to map and the reality to which it is oriented and whose energy it conducts, that's everything."
"I'm kind of tired of the idea that I've built of myself when I was younger."
"Identity is stronger than action, so lead with the identity and the actions will follow."
"You didn't integrate your wins, successes, progress into your self-concept."
"Change your conception of self to completely transform the world."
"Identity is a personal construct, you are who you say you are."
"Overcoming anxiety means challenging our preconceived notions of ourselves."
"You're not gonna let anybody step on your self-concept. Not today, period."
"I'm eternal, immortal, universal, and infinite. My expectations are truly limitless."
"There is no such thing as a true self. There's no core of any being. The Atman does not exist. It's Santa Claus."
"Any way that we categorize ourselves ... is we could almost, if we wanted to push it a little further, we could say these are all collective hallucinations of the left brain."
"Of all the judgments we pass, none is as important as the one we pass on ourselves. Self-concept tends to be destiny."
"I don't believe in any kind of self or soul or entity that's going to come back again as it is."
"Let's think of a goal that's more associated with your identity as well too."
"The self cannot be cut by weapons... burnt by fire... dissolved by water... or dehydrated by air."
"Main character life is for everybody and you can be the main character of your life even if you don't want to be over the top and loud and get all the attention on you. You can still be the main character. You still are the main character in your own life."
"You are the operant power. Your reality, you are."
"Get clear on what you want. What type of relationship you want. Who do you want to be. Start working on your self-concept. Start changing your beliefs around love in general."
"Your desires come through you and your conception of yourself."
"The events you observe are determined by the concept you have of yourself."
"Man is all imagination; therefore, man must be where he is in imagination."
"Individuality is a very complex and difficult concept."
"You are free to choose the concept you will accept of yourself. The process of rising from your present concept to a higher concept of yourself is the means of all true progress."
"Usually what people think about us is a reflection of what they think about themselves."
"Implications for self: Special relativity doesn't just redefine our picture of reality; it alters the concept of ourselves as temporary beings moving through time."