
Health Impacts Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"If I were to take you and deprive you of exercise for a day, deprive you of food for a day, deprive you of water for a day, or deprive you of sleep for a day, and then map your brain and body impairments, sleep deprivation would have the most significant impact."
"Men may be happier in their marriages than women and men may have more to lose in a divorce or breakup in terms of health and happiness."
"But the long-term effects of bad sleep are less known, and it turns out they have a huge impact on our health and even how long we live."
"We're just basically electrocuting ourselves, overstimulating until we die."
"Food restriction, even outside the context of weight loss as we so often see in Wellness culture, can be incredibly damaging long term."
"If obesity in America completely disappeared overnight, it would have roughly the same effect on the recruiting pool as adding roughly 70 million people to the overall American population."
"Processing is what's really bad because it strips out the fat and strips out the fibers, taking out these major protective factors."
"So, the immune system... that's when the disease pathology can occur."
"Overwork can make me feel sluggish and foggy like my mind isn't the sharpest it could be."
"Marijuana is a drug and just like any other drug, it has negative consequences for a sizable portion of the people who use it."
"Cheese is everything that was in milk that's not healthy for you... it's only traces, but when you turn milk into cheese, it's concentrated."
"When white folks catch a cold, Black folks get pneumonia."
"People who had recovered from COVID-19 show underperformance in cognitive abilities."
"Sugar is the number one worst food because it's everywhere."
"The worst part about this thing is even if you recover your lungs might never be the same."
"Understanding these scientific mechanisms underscores the importance of moderation and timing when consuming alcohol."
"Dieting rarely promotes good health, and diets often do more harm than good."
"Being very realistic and calculated when it comes to deciding what is worth imposing these stresses on your body."
"Eating fast food, going out too often... hurts overall health."
"My hair is also thinned out at the back and my hair just never recovered," - Laina
"A healthy child is more likely to become a productive adult."
"Sugary and processed foods have short-term and long-term effects on the brain, gut, and immune system."
"It's really important to let people know what the potential impacts are so we can correctly diagnose it and do something about it."
"Fear be as deleterious to cognition as the couf itself."
"Loneliness for humans is just as impactful to our physical health as smoking cigarettes."
"Everybody is going to get in trouble when they eat sugar and starch whether you gain weight or not because it creates metabolic changes that might not make you fat but make you sick."
"The tragic reality of having COVID is that your mild cough can be someone else's death knell."
"Every time something happens on the Sun that could affect human health I tell myself, 'Alright, you know what's coming, you know what to do with that energy, you even know the spectrum it's coming in on, don't let it do anything bad, use it.'"
"You eat a lot of bread, you eat pasta, that's still sugar."
"Insomnia: difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, linked to health conditions, medications, or substance use."
"Certain character traits make you much more prone to be stressed and therefore more prone to illness."
"If we didn't close our border early, we would have had thousands and probably hundreds of thousands more deaths."
"The vaccines are good; they have a purpose in ending the pandemic, but they also can cause injuries. That is a fact."
"Two out of three young cold sore sufferers say their self-esteem and confidence is shaken when they have a cold sore."
"Don't fear carbohydrates but eliminate the processed sugars which do appear to have very clear negative effects in humans."
"Testosterone is awesome if you need it. It's great for sex, mood, energy, focus, motivation, and definitely body composition changes."
"Something as primal as what you put in your mouth every day affects all of those things."
"Stress can stick in your body, like physical trauma, surgeries, and injuries."
"Your ultimate risk is because of inflammation. So you are increased risk of heart attacks, stroke."
"Sleep deprivation: profoundly affects cognitive function, mood, physical health, and even accelerates aging in extreme cases."
"We carry traces of these encounters in our DNA and they affect our health in many different ways."
"Insulin resistance contributes to so many chronic diseases or what I like to refer to as the plagues of prosperity."
"They haven't had time to develop all the rather nasty, mostly self-induced comorbidities that we all have because we lead a pretty unhealthy lifestyle."
"If you eat too much low fiber carbohydrate too frequently, it will interfere with your ability to burn fat."
"Everything on this list can alter gene expression."
"Saturated or unsaturated: the shape of lipids determines their state and health impact."
"Eating things that we're not biologically designed to eat and we're getting physiological harm from that."
"Race-based discrimination has been linked to a number of poor health outcomes."
"Systemic racism is detrimental to your health."
"With COVID, it seems to be much more multi-systemic than than the sort of post-viral things that we were seeing partly because it does seem to affect um many systems of the body into various degrees."
"When your stomach's not working, how does that impact the entire body? We'll talk about that quite a bit."