
Turning Point Quotes

There are 843 quotes

"Don't give up now because you're right around the corner from a turning point."
"April for you could be a really big turning point in your life."
"Every single season, there's always that one game that kind of sets us off, and we go on a good run."
"Rock bottom is wherever you stop going down. Then you look back and you go, 'I guess that was my rock bottom.'"
"As far back as I could remember, this marked the beginning of my quarter-life crisis."
"The Victory of the Battle of Adwa is a turning point of history on this planet."
"I remember like there being a little bit of a turning point, which was I made like this viral video, and it ended up making a lot of revenue."
"For better or worse, you happen to be alive at one of the most dramatic turning points in our species' history that ranks right up there with climbing down out of the trees."
"At the end of the day, I think there's going to be some sort of come to Jesus moment."
"This is a turning point. There's more to come."
"Fumbles practically collapsed in relief when we turned the first corner."
"We are at a turning point. It is time to have a serious discussion about reining in artificial intelligence now before it's too late."
"This is a turning point where you are released from some aspect of fear or guilt that has previously held you back."
"Forsaken... the actual turning point of Destiny."
"The death of George Floyd marks a turning point in history."
"I enjoyed the storyline up until that point."
"Echoes was a turning point in Pink Floyd's history."
"This will go down in history as a major turning point."
"One minute this was it the moment where Breaking Bad went from a great show to one of the greats..."
"Things are much more packed here... turning point for the protests."
"Every single one of them is wanted now. This is a huge turning point and the world has taken notice."
"We're about to get hit a point where it turns around."
"The battle was a turning point that eliminated the Japanese Navy's ability to conduct large-scale carrier operations."
"Miraculously, man. Then shock was one fight away from winning this map."
"The summer of 2412 is memorable as a turning point in interstellar war fighting philosophy."
"Final Fantasy 7 was the turning point for the series."
"Annie's Lobby: where the Straw Hats truly become a pirate crew."
"This is a big turning point here in that it's something we've always wanted to do."
"Midway has always been a candidate for turning point was the outcome of the war in the Pacific decided in those two days."
"When Grush came forward that was the turning point for me."
"What we were witnessing was a major turning point in the conflict, one still playing out now. The attempted disarming of the Celica had put them on the defensive, and Muslim civilians were now left increasingly vulnerable."
"From that moment on, the ship descended into chaos."
"Final Fantasy 16 will likely be looked back upon as a turning point for the mainline Final Fantasy games."
"Don't quit, because you're just about to turn a corner. Something's just about to change."
"The victory at Las Navas de Tolosa proved decisive. The Almohad menace to the Christian kingdoms was ended."
"Could it be you're in a suddenly moment with God? That you're one prayer away, you're one word away, you're one encounter, one moment, one second, one breath away from God flipping it all around in a moment?"
"It changed the whole trajectory of his career."
"It's become so ridiculously one-sided that this whole ninja thing has basically been the tipping point."
"Once you get to that stage, dear ones, you simply threw the switch because from now on you get real communication and results."
"It was not merely an incident of false blame, it was a turning point in Ahsoka Tano's life."
"It's turn 127 and this is where things are going to start getting a little bit crazy."
"We are at a turning point in our nation called America"
"There's always a point of turning around. Always a point."
"Black Lives Matter needs to be a moment... a turning point... a defining moment."
"Yeah, I feel like this is gonna be the turning point for me. It was one, there's two, and there's depression."
"This will be a turning point for the country to overcome this, this is a turning point for the country."
"This represents something new, a turning point for legends."
"A turn to the dark side is logical. She's lost so many people, and she hasn't lost them all at the same time."
"Trump's moment of Reckoning has finally come."
"Imagine being encircled and listening to this and going okay so he wants us all to die you know that's our leader and the German public they're not buying it."
"Stalingrad is the beginning of the end for Adolf."
"Stalingrad make no mistake is the beginning of the end for Adolf."
"Every single witness retracting their testimony... yeah, that moment's over now."
"It's kind of the almost the beginning of the end."
"That's the moment I knew we had turned things around."
"This definitely feels like an inflection point."
"It's the point of no return now, you are committed."
"Courage is required in this situation. There will be a turning point and there's a lot of success."
"You have reached a turning point in your life."
"Connie's had a lot of wins, in my opinion, this is a woman who is quite fatalistic when we started out with this to see her make this huge Turning Point it gives me chills."
"Operation Biting: a turning point of the entire war."
"This is the inflection point, the turning point, the seed beginning to crack open."
"At what point did it start to turn like that for y'all... I'll go back to that game."
"The Rodney King Beating was the final straw here."
"You're about to reach a fantastic turning point in your life."
"The year 1942 was a fulcrum on which the fate of the world was balanced."
"I felt like God was saying it's your turn now. Verify this, your affirmation."
"The attacks on September 11, 2001 marked a sharp turn of the wheel."
"Wonder Woman got herself right, it's the turning point for the DC EU."
"A good old Baron smite steal can literally turn a loss into a win."
"Gradually, the tide of battle turned against the Germans."
"Yes if the initial outsider's angle was a barrel of gasoline just waiting to go off the addition of the biggest baby face in wrestling history now turned heel in joining forces with them was the moment which ignited the whole thing."
"Did you realize that you had something going when you had to move out of your garage and until their parking lots be like this is what I'm gonna be doing full-time from now forward it was it."
"India is at a turning point and that the vibrancy of its market is unbelievable."
"Perhaps in hindsight, this is a turning point in the conflict."
"With the conclusion of operation Citadel the Strategic initiative definitively shifted to the Red Army."
"He stopped and slowly turned around, unable to believe what he saw."
"This is a turning point, a moment of truth for all of us. They're really trying to push this agenda forward, and more and more people are seeing clear as day where this is going."
"Stalingrad: the bloodiest battle of the entire war and a major turning point in military history."
"I think we've reached a tipping point, where everyone's going, 'Holy crap, what is going on?'"
"You do things positively and you attract positive things."
"It is where things are turning in your favor, a big turning point for you."
"David realizes that this is his opportunity."
"The Battle of Stalingrad turned the tide of the war on the Eastern Front."
"From powerless situation, it's gonna have a flip-flop moment and it's going to provide you with a moment of liberation."
"333 means you're reaching an important stage, but you are going to have a turning point which is completely going to surprise you."
"For me, personally, this is the straw that broke the camel's back."
"In my experience, people who have gotten clean, it doesn't happen unless you hit bottom."
"This here we go, maybe it's a good day for the resistance and a pretty bad one for the RDA."
"If Arsenal were to go up there and get a result today, it'd be absolutely incredible, be a turning point for Arsenal."
"A little piece of fabric turns Andy Rich's investigation 180 degrees."
"Yeah, it's all fun and games till the Nazis show up."
"There's a turning point in a change for the better."
"Long have I endured this injustice, but no more."
"This judgment card is very important because I feel like this is going to be the wake-up call that this connection needed."
"There's a lot of fighting left, but I think history will show that this is probably the turning point."
"I'm here to tell you that I think crypto's at a turning point."
"End of denial, end of running away...the sobering moment."
"A bullet piercing the smoke changed absolutely everything."
"I miss my dad like like [ __ ] but but I think that that was uh you know a turning point for me."
"You've just hit a turning point in our decision tree."
"I think this is gonna be a major downfall in his career, a major turning point for him."
"A sudden unknown power awakens inside of him which immediately turns the table of the duel."
"Every battle has that moment you learn to recognize where the tide was either turning with the gods in your favor or against it."
"It was feeling like a lost cause, a waste of time, but then I heard an explosion coming from launch site."
"Dak's journey marks a midway point, sort of a crossroads in his career."
"This is a turning point in history, definitely."
"There's a turning point, you're taking control."
"That was a huge turning point for my career."
"Trading for Wentz was the turning point in helping the Eagles win their first ever Super Bowl."
"The winds are shifting, the tide is turning."
"I was waiting for the right time to come out and speak my truth."
"The ultimate turning point in human history."
"This is where we get our redemption arc... let's go."
"This is going to be a very important turning point for a lot of us, this is where we are going to get some of more powerful glimpses into what the future is going to hold for us."
"Before El Alamein we had nothing but defeats. After El Alamein we had nothing but victories."
"We are really in the midst of an incredible turning point in women's sport."
"The historic resistance of the Ukrainian Army could be one of the most important turning points in the world."
"This was the Yankees' most embarrassing moment ever, from really the turning point of the Yankees, right? Really?"
"We are going to look back at history and say this was a key turning point."
"The big tobacco moment has arrived for Big Oil."
"This is where things take a turn for the worst."
"The line I want to live became undeniably one of the crucial turning points of the conflict."
"August 19th through August 22nd... the DNC convention... Tipping Point of a lot of different things."
"People are going to see me win this thing. This is where I turn it all around."
"The breach has begun to turn and the Lord is raising them up."
"This drama reflected a turning point in sniper's career and public perception."
"He never gave up on me, in fact, he even risked his life to save me. And that was the turning point."
"We've turned a corner, the economy's turned a corner."
"Vietnam was probably the biggest of many global conflicts that signaled a turning point."
"This could be the turning point in the match."
"They managed to kind of turn up a little bit and clutch."
"There might be a more of a turning point in this connection in the next few weeks."
"Turn yourself in, do the right thing Brian, in your whole life you never do anything brave."
"You're no longer bound by these things, this is an incredible turning point."
"The end of challenging times is here. Things are finally looking up."
"It's an exciting time for the 49ers because they're at a Crossroads and if they make the right decisions this could be the springboard to the sixth super Lombardi."
"This stream went exceedingly well and quite frankly I think this is going to be the turning point in which Destiny 2 is saved."
"This is the turning point in my personal style."
"Crawford's power ultimately turned the contest in the 10th round."
"Something's turning in your favor because something has been revealed here."
"The comic book industry is at a crossroads."
"I felt like we just turned the corner."
"Bitcoin is at a major inflection point."
"Returning to New York proved to be a pivotal moment for Hines, marking a significant turning point in his career."
"That was a major turning point in my life."
"The turning point in our tumultuous relationship with Mrs. Turner came unexpectedly, like a revelation in a stormy sea."
"The outcome is a turning point in your soul's journey, aligning with your highest purpose."
"Jordan made the game-winning shot against Georgetown, which he said was the turning point in his career."
"It was the turning point of World War II."
"Few could have predicted what a strange turn things were about to take."
"You want to utilize the pain, the struggle, the losses, the defeats, the shortcomings, the rejection... and then that turned out into a freaking blessing and an advantage in my life."
"It's a turning point for humanity at this time."
"What started as a desperate castaway situation had become a pivotal point in human history."
"There's a turning point in the month of June that's going to bring you a lot of happiness."
"That was really a turning point particularly in the second half."
"Life really does bring you a sudden turning point."
"Here's where the story really takes a turn."
"The battle for Kursk marked a crucial turning point in the war as the Soviets successfully repelled the German offensive, inflicting heavy losses on the enemy."
"We're right on the cusp of a very important turning point."
"When I kissed him, that's when it all changed."
"Trust in this, that this is a turning point for the two of you."
"This could end up being a major turning point."
"The siege of Osgiliath is a turning point in the war."
"We may be at the point where... we get to the all at one part now."
"It was like one comment... that changed the game."
"The birth of the babies marked a turning point both Laura and Clara gave birth to healthy children their laughter and innocence AB balm to the wounds of the recent past"
"This is a serious inflection point in our relationship"
"It deconstructs a character so brutally with barely any backing music."
"But it was the event that made me go, 'You gotta do something with your life, bro.'"
"Instagram proved to be the turning point on Cardi's road to fame."
"Once again the match turns on a dime."
"This right here is the moment when it all went South for the crooked lawyers."
"Those two elders truly I should thank them because it was at that point that the switch just flipped."
"This then is the point at which Europe was cleft in two, the place where a 25-year-old warrior changed the course of history."
"...the possible turning point in the war between the Federation Alliance and the Dominion."
"Instead of getting locked up until I was 21, I got probation until I was 21. Good for that, you understand? And that was the birth of 'Oh them there, get your ass in the gym.'"
"Just two weeks after signing the deal with Roc-A-Fella Records back in 2002, Kanye was driving home from a late night studio session in California when he had a nearly fatal car accident."
"Tara then hits the widow's peak out of nowhere."
"By 1943... the run of victories was over, and it was a dramatic run."
"This right here would take me to my first lead of the match."
"The world is getting better, poverty is declining around the world, and... 2016 is really a turning point."
"Yugi then surprises Merck with the powerful tribute summon of Obelis the Tormentor turning the tide of the intense Shadow game."
"The tide of the war in the Pacific was about to change."
"All of a sudden there's a huge opening here and then it became like oh wow, this is Cannonier's fight all of a sudden."
"Abandonment from those that you trusted is a pretty good way of turning someone to the dark side."
"You're going to get to a place where you are no longer happy with where you currently are. That is your breaking point."
"It's the old boot in the corner that turns it around for Lex briefly."
"It was a lot of things but it was just the emptiness over and over throughout the years and then something after the last time I got sober triggered to me and just said, you know what I'm just going to go full on."
"Little did he know this marked the beginning of an extraordinary turn in his life."
"This was a turning point in the history of the Loch Ness Monster."
"Gladis Knight and the Pips joined the mtown records roster in 1966, marking a turning point in their professional journey."
"We are at the beginning of a major turning point as a culture."
"There's more to know than what you currently know. Your life is at a turning point right now. You're ready. Very soon."
"I was lucky that I missed that shot because my commitment level was so low. It took me to a lower place. It was a literal rock bottom. And I met with Coach May 20th, 204 with Wojo and Collins, and it was like the moment that changed my life."
"One of the key moments in my life where things shifted for me."
"That's when it really got serious."
"Everything changed on one kick. It's just crazy."
"25, turning 26, and I think I've just hit the point in my life where I'm just ready to move on and start fresh."