
Fundamentals Quotes

There are 1688 quotes

"Step zero in treating depression should be lifestyle medicine: diet, exercise, sleep hygiene, smoking cessation, substance cessation."
"Our best science tells us that space-time is not fundamental. This is the conclusion of both physics and evolution by natural selection."
"We're going to have to let go of space-time. It's not fundamental, there's something else that's more fundamental from which space-time arises as an emergent concept or property."
"Always remember, as long as you adhere to good UI design fundamentals that you've learned so far, then you really just can't go wrong."
"If you can do that while also not ignoring the fundamentals and setting strong intentions when you practice, you'll find yourself making a lot more progress than you used to."
"What you might notice is that you will miss chances to play winning moves. That's okay, the goal here is to focus on the fundamentals."
"We should think about the process that we need to adopt and identify the root of the problem, the fundamentals."
"The underlying business has to be incredible."
"Price is a liar. The price of an asset is not its value. The value of the asset is determined by the fundamentals."
"Data structures and algorithms strengthen some of your basics and fundamentals of computer science."
"The principles and fundamentals we're discussing are much more important than the price, but the price is Bitcoin's marketing department."
"As long as you agree on the fundamentals, like what you see in your future, the values you want to live by, and what you feel you need to have integrity towards in life, you have a lot of room to grow and change."
"Focus heavily on the fundamentals. That will get you very far."
"Before you can do those hard things, you've got to learn how to do the fundamentals."
"Just learn the fundamentals of the game. They will help you more than anything else, trust me."
"Perception is the number one most important thing in valuing anything... Fundamentals come in second place."
"First impressions are everything to me, and it's pivotal for a game to get the fundamentals right the first time around."
"You could not just do a brick in the wall model from fire, earth, water, and air to get to the periodic table. You actually need to go all the way back in the decision tree to the question, 'What is it made of? What are the fundamentals?' and rebuild from there."
"We have to remember the fundamentals; this is a good fundamental sign."
"This stock is pure speculation. No part of this movement in the stock price is attached to fundamentals."
"In success, success principles are all the same... the fundamentals underneath, the underlying principles are the same."
"The fundamentals for team building never change."
"Everything I work on in my program is that there's no games or gimmicks or tricks or magic, and it's really the fundamentals."
"It's really important that you guys realize that the fundamentals around Bitcoin are strengthening."
"I'm a big believer, following the great Michael Jordan, that if you want to play a great basketball game, you have to focus on fundamentals."
"Fundamentals are not just for beginners; world championships are won on fundamentals."
"Don't see the fundamentals as a phase you come to pass through; see the fundamentals for what it is, the bedrock of your entire game."
"What we're gonna do is we're just going to take a few normal moves, and we're gonna learn the fundamentals of Street Fighter because you will win a lot of games with fundamentals."
"The fundamentals really, having a healthy start to the instrument I think is actually the key to being able to play the instrument for decades healthy, without injury."
"Fundamentals are important. AI is there, but if your fundamentals are right, you can use it as an intern."
"So, what's the point of learning the primary chords? Well, every other chord is the derivative of the primary chords."
"Revenue is the building block for financial analysis."
"AMC has strong fundamentals right even without the short squeeze I think it's a hundred dollar stock."
"At some point, everything boils down to content."
"Concepts tend to represent fundamental concepts of our domains."
"Fundamental to any solution is to understand the nature of what we're dealing with."
"This is the building block... out of which consciousness is constructed."
"In times of crisis, we're forced to return to core principles to physics to chemistry to science that is true no matter what your horoscope says."
"Once you learn the fundamentals, you can literally draw in any art style you want."
"Working on the fundamentals is one of the best things you can do as a young player, as a beginner, to improve quickly, because, everything branches out from those fundamentals."
"It's one of the most fundamental human drives to have a romantic relationship."
"I keep going back to the fundamentals - simple, sensible, and sustainable."
"Master the fundamentals and everything else you do will rise." - Michael Jordan
"Understanding UI design fundamentals is key."
"You need to have the fundamentals of good nutrition"
"And all we have to do for the final is apply the four fundamentals of football: skills, training, strategy, and teamwork. So get out there and play your hearts out together."
"Prime numbers are known as the building blocks of natural numbers."
"Prime numbers are the building blocks of all numbers."
"The reality of the underlying business does not change that much. Fundamentals is a good way to invest."
"The physics approach to thinking is very good. Boil things down to their fundamental truths and reason up from there."
"Fundamentals win fights, so those should be your focus first and foremost."
"The strategy that's just fundamentally sound will eventually win."
"Calories make up the underlying foundation of the entire fat loss process."
"All the extra bells and whistles don't really matter; what really matters is if the foundation is the same."
"If you build a house on a faulty foundation, it doesn't matter how much refurbishing you do."
"Our field fundamentally, down to the core of its being, is about solving problems."
"Be able to get your feet right when the ball's in wide areas. Your body position like these basic fundamentals... I don't when I watch games now I don't think these fundamentals even trained no more with some of the players."
"We're going to teach you guys to separate the fundamentals from the noise."
"Physicists like to think in terms of fundamentals."
"Fundamentals matter, they do. There's absolutely no debating that."
"It made more sense to understand process and fundamentals, and that's what we're teaching on our channel."
"Ignore the noise and focus on the fundamentals."
"This crash course isn't really about the application itself; it's about learning the fundamentals of flutter."
"Focus on the fundamentals; that makes your job the easiest."
"Basic human needs are at the heart of absolutely everything."
"No matter what, E equals MC squared is fundamental."
"Never stray away from the basics really helped me."
"One pump burpees. Excellence in the basics. Get good at the basics first."
"Learn the fundamentals before you break them."
"Sometimes markets do something dramatically different than what they should do based upon fundamentals."
"If we drill down to the tiniest building blocks of our universe, we’ll find particles."
"The fundamentals remain the same, and that's encouraging because they're things I can control."
"Nothing can stay the same forever and so you want to make decisions based on sound fundamentals not based on emotion."
"Think in terms of blocks and adhere to good UI design fundamentals."
"Fundamentals don't change; it's how you use them that do."
"Undervalued projects with good fundamentals, they're the gems."
"Solid fundamentals are just as important if not more important than having good mechanics."
"Bear markets are good for building and talking about the fundamental stuff."
"Stylistically, don't really need to worry about it too much, just make sure you're consistent with the basics."
"We need to go back to basics to reset the clock and focus on what really matters."
"Ultimately, for me, this whole project depends on one basic thing that is the root of all types of left politics: political education."
"Cardano has its fundamentals growing faster than ever."
"Focus on the fundamentals and think rationally."
"Time, space, and matter are completely inseparable."
"In our ideal, we want to get the fundamentals in place, whatever they may be, in a way that we can build on top of them."
"It's really important to note that the only way that rendering is really effective or cross hatching is really effective on a figure is if your underlying structure and your lighting is well established."
"Allyship is nothing more than showing basic fundamentals of love with one another."
"You have to put in the hours in terms of the background fundamentals."
"Fundamentals are key, market sentiment isn't always reliable."
"Fundamentals vs. price: The ultimate decision-maker."
"Go back to knowing what the basics of storytelling are it's the story and the storytelling that makes great movies."
"The most fundamental aspect of democracy is that we're going to decide."
"Every single day stock prices change, but every single day the fundamentals of a business do not necessarily change."
"Investor behavior driving the market, not fundamentals."
"Real estate investing fundamentals don't change."
"At the end of the day, you've got to go back to the basics."
"It's crucial especially in these end times to return to the foundational truths of the faith."
"Collagen is the building block of your skin."
"Our commitment to truth is fundamental to our ability to govern ourselves."
"With computers, zeros and ones make a lot of sense."
"You cannot be creative unless you have been taught the basics."
"Fundamentals, man, the fundamentals. Need that."
"Mario Party DS gets all the fundamentals right."
"If you're looking at those two things, which one do you think is more important? Do you think it's fundamentals or do you think it's technicals?"
"You can't trade or invest on just technical analysis alone. You have to understand the fundamentals also."
"Now remember what we said, you also have to take into consideration those fundamentals."
"Fundamentals make such a big difference of course it's always nice to trade with fundamentals in your advantage."
"Pro level players on land doing things fundamentally right."
"Build a solid foundation by mastering the basics first."
"The fundamentals always win in the long term."
"You really need to understand this to get the basics of coding."
"Do not attempt any form of animation until you've done a ball bounce."
"It's much more important to understand the fundamentals of how this works, why it was set up, why it was created in the first place, and focus on the process."
"That's why you need to be looking at fundamentals and technicals so you can understand, hey, why are these projects outpacing the rest of the market by a lot? It's because there's a fundamental story developing."
"Each lesson goes deep on the fundamentals you need to know."
"All of these are like the fundamentals and the most basic but most important ingredients."
"He's the best at giving you the fundamentals."
"What's right here is fundamentals though, man."
"At least in these first couple months of the game, if you play frame solid, just play on your plus frames. Don't Mash when you're minus. You can get all the way to like blue ranks just by playing basic fundamentals."
"How important the fundamentals of processing and mixing are."
"You're going to be learning fundamentals every day for the rest of your life."
"The fundamentals, because that's what athletes Master."
"Get back to the basics. That's a clear message. You need to get back to the basics to have some sort of success."
"Stick to the basics and you'll probably have a really really good result."
"The name of the game right now is simply ignore the FUD, look at what's happening around the world, look at the fundamentals."
"The foundation of cooking is really having the proper setup, the proper organization, and it's the reason why it's the first thing we cover in my new course 'Conquer the Kitchen'."
"This is a second devastating knockout in a row from this young man. He did it with fundamentals fellas."
"Nobody knows what will happen except that if you reason from first principles you know that it's got to actually perform better than all the other asset ETFs because the underlying fundamentals are just better."
"Don't skip the basics. The basics are so important and they'll get you so far."
"Being good at the basics really helped with all the advanced techniques."
"The basics are underrated and they are super important."
"The long-term fundamentals are the things that matter."
"Microsoft is the poster child of the best fundamentals of any company."
"The fundamentals of why gold is important are falling into place."
"Just go back to the fundamentals, like finish your development."
"Lines have infinite points, but specifically, you need at least two."
"If you're not making progress, it's because you're overlooking the fundamentals."
"Building a portfolio without hype, focusing on real fundamentals."
"The fundamentals of XRP is what's really going to give it value."
"It looks like they're improving incredibly nicely, and the fundamentals of this business are absolutely exploding right now."
"Guess what when you see good fundamentals on a project you will see the price follow."
"Fundamentals tend to shine through, much kind of like we just heard two years later."
"There's nothing more important than his fundamentals."
"It's like the fundamentals, it's the little things that people don't really talk about."
"Once you know how to master the basics then you can branch out."
"Hard skills are like the fundamentals, soft skills are like the things that make up your style."
"We have the tools to make the right decisions fundamentally."
"Even though we might have differences of opinions, if we can come back to the main focus of who is God, who is Jesus, who is the Holy Spirit, how do you become saved, we bring it back to just the fundamentals."
"Tracing is fine as a tool in your work, but learn the fundamentals and know when to use it."
"It's important for me to kind of go back to some of my basics, some of my mental routine."
"For loops are a fundamental aspect of every programming language."
"It is so important to understand how the normal heart works, including anatomy and electrical properties of normal AV conduction."
"It's not a change in our understanding of obesity, it's getting back to the fundamentals."
"I think your base is the most important part of makeup."
"These are the fundamentals of tattooing: straight lines and solid color."
"Investing was 90% fundamentals, 10% emotion; it's flipped, it's 90% emotion, 10% fundamentals."
"What does 'Forever' mean? As long as the fundamentals stay the same and they're good allocators of capital."
"Understanding the basic fundamentals of astrology... is more important than all the softwares and panchang."
"Everything stems from this one rule: if you square a vector, you get the length squared, and then everything else just naturally emerges from that definition."
"I'm going to go over everything from how to draw straight lines, how to draw circles, how to draw all the fundamentally sound things that you need to know in order to become a better artist."
"Every Java program should have at least one function, and that function is called main."
"The course goes from zero to intermediate level and teaches you all the fundamentals you have to know to be confident with this deep learning framework."
"The very first opening task is to control the center."
"It's literally the most basic element of football: effort and desire."
"I stop thinking through all those complicated lines and I just focus on the basics."
"In order to achieve any goal, you have to start with mastering the fundamentals."
"Learn those fundamentals because it doesn't matter what tool you're using in the future."
"The fundamentals across the board with sports, anything, will get you farther than all the fancy nonsense."
"You're never too good for the fundamentals."
"No matter what make they are, how big they are, or how many cylinders they have, these are the basics."
"When you study fundamentals, it feels almost like cheating for how fast you improve."
"Take a learning path on Skillshare to help you cover the fundamentals of various art forms."
"The market will tell us more than anything about the fundamentals of a company or the fundamentals of a project or crypto."
"At the end of the day fundamental fundamentals will rule."
"Weight and balance are so fundamental to flight."
"...if you can understand this you have one of the building blocks that you're going to need to build spring applications."
"You instead need to now more than ever revisit those fundamentals that you never learned in the first place."
"The fundamentals of Linux, whether you're talking about Kali, Arch, Ubuntu, Parrot, Red Hat, the primary commands are all going to be the same."
"In order to be successful as a data scientist, you need to have the basic fundamentals: coding is a tool to apply statistics and machine learning."
"It's not about the camera you're using, it's about the lighting, the composition, recording great audio."
"It's not about the camera you're using, instead it's about the lighting, the composition, recording great audio."
"Don't skip the fundamentals, man. Don't do it. Practice every day until you can at least identify some of your strengths."
"There is no substitute for learning the basics."
"It was filmmaking really at its basis."
"We're talking about fundamentals. We're talking about our Basics. If all our infrastructure is built off of a faulty Foundation, what's going to happen to your house? It's going to fall apart."
"All animation is based on the same simple fundamental principles that anyone can learn if you just try."
"This is definitely more on the easy side, but I still think that this is a good problem to really understand the fundamentals."
"Understanding how shapes work is really going to serve you well."
"The fundamentals save me every day."
"Start with the easiest stuff. Master the fundamentals before moving on to more difficult tricks. Build your skills step by step."
"Learning only API is not important, you need to understand the fundamentals, how it works underneath, then only you can become a great data scientist or anal engineer."
"Understanding this will make everything else make sense."
"Don't be trying stuff like that until you learn how to make it from five feet first."
"Armed with these fundamentals, you're well on your way to mastering the art of scripting Linux."
"It's all about building up the foundation."
"When you feel life out of focus, always return to the basics of life."
"I think the geometry of the space is what's fundamental."
"Vectors are incredibly fundamental because it's what we use for almost everything."
"Intelligence scaling is not power scaling; we need to understand the fundamentals before diving into it."
"One of the most fundamentally sound matches we've seen in a long, long time."