
Dreaming Quotes

There are 1387 quotes

"Dreaming provides at least two benefits: creativity and a form of emotional first aid."
"Dreaming is almost like informational alchemy, where you fuse things together that shouldn't normally go together but when they do, they cause marked advances in your thinking and productivity."
"I'm just going to close my eyes and dream about unicorns and fairy tales."
"I celebrate the artist, the dreamer, the healer."
"If we weren't daring to dream, we would never have airplanes today; if we weren't daring to dream, nobody would be in a position as a professional athlete."
"For me, dreaming was really a beautiful place of exploration and discovery and adventure."
"Dreaming is pivotal in our humanity. We need more dreamers, we need people who raise our awareness and keep our minds open to things that do not forge part of our reality."
"The truth of the matter is that humans need to be able to dream and have broader level theorizing about the world in order for life to be worth living."
"Humans need to be able to use our imaginations and dream to be able to live."
"Dreaming big doesn't cost any money. Why wouldn't you dream big?"
"We believe that we can't even achieve without dreaming, and so obviously there's some relationship between our ability to intuit and imagine and the manifestation of the reality that we experience itself."
"Every time you dream it, it becomes as new and fresh as the day it was born. So keep dreaming your dreams out there; we'll keep them safe here until they come true. And they will."
"Generosity creates a reciprocity that allows you to dream again on a level that you have become comfortable not to dream on."
"Give yourself permission to dream with the lid off."
"To die, to sleep, to sleep, perchance to dream; aye, there's the rub."
"Imagination: Envision a new reality, give yourself permission to dream, believe in unlimited possibilities."
"Imagine a new reality, give yourself permission to dream."
"Do you find yourself dreaming of something better than the life you lead?"
"This person is a dreamer, someone who thinks of wonderful grand plans."
"Dreaming big is something that we used to do as kids. As adults, we tend to lose that ability."
"The vital thing is to dream... for young kids for the next generation to think about the things that are seemingly impossible."
"You're supposed to dream; that's why we do it."
"Never stop dreaming, because it's our dreams that allow us to reach places that sometimes our so-called reality traps us in."
"We love dreaming big and being creative, and before we even start talking to architects and engineers, we want to dream with no limitations, no matter how wild and unrealistic our ideas might be."
"It's quite possible I'm dreaming all this because we seem to be discovering exactly what we're looking for."
"Mr. Sandman, give me a dream, please give me a dream."
"I've always been a dreamer. I've never really been grounded... I've always kind of grasped onto the 0.01% hope that something could possibly exist that is outside of what we understand to be possible."
"Seeing things that aren't there, hearing sounds that were never made, believing things that are not true yet being certain of them, being unable to control one's movements, having conversations with people who don't exist — as it turns out, a list of symptoms of a person with schizophrenia has a suspicious overlap with a person asleep and dreaming."
"Once REM picks up in the second half of each night, our consciousness is borrowed, our bodies taken safely offline, paralyzed, and our conscious minds create fiction, strange, hypothetical, and extravagant. Sometimes they are even true."
"Dreams cost nothing. Just [expletive] dream."
"Freud's suggestion that dreams protect sleep has found support in contemporary neuroscience, indicating a biological function for dreaming."
"Dreaming may have developed as a way to prepare our brains to handle the situations of which we are most fearful before they happen."
"Why do we dream? This is one of life's great unanswered questions."
"Just remember you're totally safe, you're just dreaming, you're just asleep, everything's gonna be fine."
"When you look at clocks and you look away and look back at them again, time usually changes... a good indication of whether or not you're dreaming."
"When you dream, you basically enter a different world... your brain has created by itself."
"The people who dream and those people who dream big have a different kind of life than the people who don't dream."
"What your brain does in dreaming is actually start to work through and piece together things that are happening during the day."
"Our world needs dreamers in a world where everything exists so materially."
"Dreaming is one of the major things that we do to process emotion."
"I like the idea of people being creative and dreaming."
"I am somebody who...I'm a dreamer. I dream big, and I have a lot of ideas of what I want to do with my life."
"Humans need to be able to dream and have broader level theorizing at the world in order for life to be worth living."
"Lucid and Vivid Dreaming. Another sign that your third eye is open is when you find yourself having amazing lucid and vivid dreams."
"Dreaming seems to offer at least two different benefits for the brain: the first is creativity, the second is essentially emotional first aid."
"We are like the dreamer who dreams, and then lives inside the dream."
"I was able to start dreaming again when I started getting healthy. I didn't even have dreams, and now I dream every single night."
"Dreaming is this huge part of our lives. Think about how often you're sleeping and how many dreams you've got in your life, whether you remember them or not."
"When I was younger, I had this dream... I was flying around and everyone else was just like, 'Whoa, that's so cool.' And I remember just wishing it was real so bad."
"Our neurological system doesn't differentiate between waking experience and lucid dreaming experience, which means you can use your dreams to strengthen the neural pathways associated with any skills or competencies that you want to develop."
"Doing a lucid dream and dreaming about a skill that you might be practicing and learning, it's almost like practicing in your sleep."
"I've always been a very big dreamer, but definitely in pregnancy, it has gotten worse, way more vivid."
"Dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream, dream!"
"Dreaming is about control; astral projection is about surrender."
"Stanley yelled, 'I'm dreaming!' This is all a dream! Oh, what a relief Stanley felt to have finally found an answer."
"Mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling."
"Great dreams are still dreams, and dreams are the best. You can do anything in a dream."
"Dreaming about what you are always thinking about is from you."
"If this stops spinning, we're still dreaming."
"Everyone dreams; some can put a smile on your face, while others wake you up in a panic."
"There could be many benefits of being able to induce lucid dreaming."
"Allow yourself to dream. Allow yourself to rest. That's when the magic really starts to happen."
"Dreaming is letting ourselves believe in magic, continuing to look for the upswing."
"One of the more powerful ones is lucid dreaming."
"Cala Maria: Dreaming of fame, with a touch of kindness."
"Someone who had a dream and took action on it."
"All my greatest ideas were conceived in dreams." - Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
"Big dreams are the highly significant dreams that are often remembered for a lifetime." - Marie-Louise von Franz, Dreams
"Dreams are impartial, spontaneous products of the unconscious psyche." - Carl Jung, Civilization in Transition
"It's important to let go and dream a new dream."
"I'm in the dreaming phase here...stay positive on this."
"Lotteries sell illusions, but tonight I want to dream."
"Give yourself permission to dream, believe in unlimited potential."
"Dream big, look beyond the horizon, fantasize the heck out of your dreams."
"Our job is future making, and the first step in future making is dreaming your fucking ass off."
"We need more kids believing in themselves, we need more dreamers out here."
"Dreaming... this is the one thing that we all share."
"Neal would dream; you could hold his breath and that would make him float."
"Dreaming is every bit as good of an existence as wakefulness." - Enjoying altered states of consciousness
"Everybody dreams, but there are few who place any importance to the phenomena of sleep."
"Dreams afford a separation of soul and body."
"Dreams are most profound when they seem the most crazy."
"Dreams are the blueprints to reality, before we can create something tangible, we first need to dream it."
"The world is dreaming around you. You're magnetic."
"Everything that ever gets started starts with a visualization, starts with a dream, an idea that you actually turn into reality."
"Realizing that you still have the power to have that sort of lucid dreaming in your day-to-day life, it still can be there."
"You made them start dreaming again, I feel like their dreams have been shut down until they met you."
"Let's just like try dreaming together you know."
"Sometimes you don't need to fall asleep to start dreaming."
"We need to pick our objectives, we need to dream new dreams."
"I woke up or at least I thought I did. I couldn't move my body, but my eyes were wide open."
"Dream a new dream is the big message I'm getting through here for you guys."
"The time is right for you to dream, absolutely."
"You are their wish, they're wishing, hoping, dreaming to be with you."
"Be present, dream of the future, and remember that everything is possible."
"I feel like I'm dreaming. I never thought this day would come. I wish this would last forever."
"Like the movie Inception, you can be the architect of your dream world."
"What are something people do in sleep? Dream."
"You better believe I'm looking up at the moon and I'm dreaming."
"Dream hard, dream big, because whatever your ten of cups is for you, that's very much possible."
"We all dream every night, we just don't remember."
"We live inside stories, we dream in stories."
"It makes you question reality, it makes you question whether or not you can tell the difference between dreaming and sleeping."
"Perhaps dreaming is actually an evolutionary outgrowth of the playing dead defense mechanism."
"Dream and let the possibilities drive your questioning."
"I always thought I was experiencing the most complex level of dream impossible."
"The dreamers are the ones who actually achieve it."
"It's time for everyone to start dreaming again and believing that things are possible."
"Dreaming is the future. Now let's get ready for today's missing topic!"
"Time to dream boldly, time to dream big, because whatever it is that you can see in your mind, you can have in your hand."
"Our brains explore the mental landscape through dreams."
"It's like these fever dreams of things that you've been thinking about earlier in the day."
"Not over giving anymore, finding your purpose, allowing yourself to dream."
"Never discount dreams, you can get so many good ideas from them you wouldn't even believe it."
"I'm not really dealing with reality when it comes to working towards the future. I'm a dreamer."
"I'm dreaming of a sweet just like the ones I've heard about where the bees are Mary and the bugs aren't scary and what there's no Cub that's left without honey."
"Dreaming allows us to think outside the box, promoting problem-solving and creative thinking."
"Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep: vivid dreams, brain activity similar to wakefulness, essential for memory consolidation."
"If I was in that position I wouldn't know when I was dreaming and when I wasn't you know the line is a dream."
"When we fall asleep and we go into dream sleep there's something different happens with time."
"You could absolutely tell me no, that wasn't three minutes, I was dreaming for what felt like 15 minutes."
"We are just getting oriented right, like I woke up in a dream."
"The lucid dream experience can be very frightening or it can be an amazing liberating experience."
"You don't need anyone's permission to dream big."
"Start imagining, start dreaming of living here. How cool is that?"
"Strength isn't just in what you can do, but in what you dare to dream."
"The moon, when it's up and when it's bright, makes us dream and wonder." - Rob Roy Britt
"Give yourself the space to dream a little bit."
"All we had to do was dream, dream and of course cheese and exploit the game into oblivion."
"Hey, I've been dreaming about you every night. What you do, I can barely breathe."
"One moment of meditation in the lucid dream is equal to a seven day one week meditation retreat in the waking state."
"Use your lucid dream state for your spiritual practice and really your life can change."
"Lucid dreaming can change your life and I want your life to change."
"Lucid dreaming isn't something you need to learn to do, it's something you need to remember how to do."
"Dreams fuel innovation; the world we live in today was dreamed into existence."
"Allow your expectations to expand, dream big, and you will meet your destiny."
"One can dream though. A better future is possible."
"As you sleep you dream, but this dream is not like any other you've had. There is a sense of dread, foreboding."
"There's someone here who can really make you happy in love."
"Sleep comes easier tonight. If for the first time in a long time, I dream of clear skies."
"I even had a dream last night which I'm definitely working into the plan for the kitchen."
"We could do things that no one had even dreamed about yet."
"You don't actually have to do anything, you can just plan, research, and dream."
"You mustn't be afraid to wish a little bigger, darling."
"There's always something to look forward to, you've just got to open your eyes and dream."
"True courage is refreshing your dreams even when everyone else says it's impossible."
"Casual dreaming can be a source of inspiration, problem-solving, or simply a way to escape momentarily from the demands of reality."
"Lucid dreaming: where the dreamer becomes aware that they are in a dream, allowing varying degrees of control over their dream environment."
"You help people believe in magic, inspire them, make them dream."
"Every reality begins with a dream, a seed of inspiration."
"My dream looks great, but I'm still striving to make it look so much better."
"You have to have a dream if you'd have a dream. How are you gonna make a dream come true?"
"Allow yourself to dream—dreams fuel the human soul."
"This is one of those stories that's gonna make you dream again."
"Some of you may be returning to better times and to keeping your dreams alive."
"Dive into your dreams, there is something going on in your subconscious."
"Dreaming dreams is simply a way of receiving revelation from the Lord in the night."
"Trust in your dreams and invest in yourself."
"The path of a dreamer is a lonely one. It can be very painful, very arduous. But it's so worth it in the end."
"The future belongs to those who dare to dream and work towards it."
"I'm gonna put my head in the clouds for a little bit. Just vibe and create."
"Allow yourself to dream, be inspired, and have ambitions."
"I want to be an inspiration, not just an icon. Every dreamer in this room, there are people whose lives are tied into your dream."
"It's okay to dream, but don't stop dreaming."
"The pursuit of happiness, the dream that keeps on dreaming, the happiness that keeps on happening."
"To sleep perchance to dream... that's what we need to be doing is be getting good sleep."
"Envision a new reality, give yourself permission to dream."
"Maybe one day you'll be that person we were talking about who meets their special someone on the ferris wheel. You never know, keep dreaming guys."
"We have the power to dream, to keep our eye out for any changes on the way through adventure."
"When you're dreaming and you're having an amazing dream and you kind of wake up for a split second but you're able to fall back into the dream."
"Dream nobly and realize the dreams, but dream no, because in the not distant future you're going to awaken."
"Nobody compares. I dream about you every night."
"If you can breathe and move yet you don't have a dream, when your heart stops beating it'll be a formality, you're really dead." - Bob
"They've been thinking about you a lot, they've been daydreaming about you, they've been fantasizing about you being together."
"Imagine waking up one day and being the person you've always dreamed of becoming."
"Nolan wants us to liken this experience of watching all parts of this movie with the experience of having a dream."
"I'm a dreamer, shouts out to Maya and Serena."
"You're starting to use your imagination more, you're spending more time daydreaming or literally dreaming."
"Dream up however you want your life to be and then assume that that can happen and work your way towards it."
"I wasn't sleeping, I was dreaming about success."
"It's nice to dream and at the very least express some creativity."
"You can do anything in your damn dream, bro."
"Allow yourself to dream. Be idealistic, allow your mind to wander."
"Dream the world into being. If you can dream it, you can have it."
"There's no way in this world I ever been but you and my arm and you here my you and [Music] me I just can't dreaming of you."
"If we do not dare to dream then what are we we're animals sitting in traffic on the goddamn I five that's what we are."
"Ultimately, I think humans have a bias towards unending hope, dreams."
"Recapture the wonder, innocence, and unapologetic truth within. Allow yourself to dream and imagine."
"Dream so big that people think you're absolutely crazy, and never be afraid to fail."
"It's always so much fun to look through real estate websites and find your dream home, you know? It's like a little adventure in itself."
"Start dreaming again... If you have dreams that you think might actually matter and you're a little bit worried about being too earnest in public, get over it."
"I think I've learned a lot from dreaming, sometimes what I dream affects my day."
"The more I hold myself close and fully embrace who I am, the more I dream, the more my heart grows, and the more I thrive."
"It seems as if I'm dreaming but this is reality. I'm in Göttingen and I saw Professor Hilbert."
"One has to dream, especially going into the new year."
"I'll just keep dreaming, I love this dream."
"Being a dreamer can be a good thing."
"We dream, we think about the future, we think about our goals."
"We're just dreaming, we're just figuring it out one day at a time."
"Life's a fairy tale for those who dream."