
Inner Peace Quotes

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"Happiness isn't something you can really chase; it's something that you find within yourself."
"Yogananda said, 'There is a river of joy flowing inside of you. Find it, go there, get in, and drown.'"
"Self-love is our capacity to feed our spirit, to fill our love cup, to find our inner peace. We just need to tap into it."
"Spend a half hour a day to nurture your soul, your spirit, your inner self because that's what's going to change your life."
"All the answers to life that you seek out there somewhere are really all inside you."
"Happiness is from the inside. It's being okay with who you are."
"Maybe Finnish happiness is more like inside, you know. It's like inner peace, or something like that."
"The true source of happiness lies within you."
"Happiness is not something you get. Instead, it arises naturally and spontaneously when you get rid of something; when you get rid of your feelings of incompleteness and the desires associated with them."
"Inner peace is a signal you're on the right path, and a disturbance of the heart is a signal that you're not on the right path."
"You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony."
"Inner peace... means to be at peace with your experiences, negative ones as well as positive ones."
"I'm so glad now I get that complete smile, an archaic inside smile."
"The outer world is a reflection of the inner world, and all is mind."
"It threw me into a space of inner silence that was so vast, it felt like it swallowed up the whole universe."
"The kingdom of heaven is not outside of you; the kingdom of heaven is within you."
"There is unconditional love, which exists inside of every single one of us; there's unconditional happiness, unconditional joy."
"Just take a moment to take a deep breath, feel peaceful, drop down into your body, and listen to that quiet inner voice that we all have to guide us through life."
"Each person is born with an unencumbered spot, free of expectation and regret, free of ambition and embarrassment, free of fear and worry, an umbilical spot of grace where we are each first touched by God."
"The answers are always within each and every one of us."
"Healing starts from within, never from without."
"Meditation can also help you cultivate inner peace and lasting contentment."
"All problems are out there in the world, in the body, or even in the mind, but I am this refreshingly cool and calm, ever peaceful inner witness, serenely detached from everything in the universe."
"You are today living in the heaven that you have established within you."
"Find your inner peace. Find where your peace lies within you."
"The more you focus on the present moment, the more you align with your inner peace."
"Know that it's within you, you already have it, there's nothing to get."
"True freedom is freedom from your mind, from the conditioned thoughts and emotions that otherwise control you."
"Underneath the fluctuation of concepts and words, there is a space in you that is beyond words, concepts, and thoughts."
"True happiness is the absence of the search for happiness."
"Seeing that reality Brahman within and seeing that reality outside, you become that reality, you are that reality, and you find bliss and peace and completeness in that reality and never slip away from that reality."
"Suffering recalls your real nature, and you relax into the Peace of that."
"You are that unchanging, ever pure, ever shining consciousness, especially in the midst of disturbance."
"I know that I am pure spirit, that I always have been, and that I always will be. There is inside me a place of confidence and quietness and security where all things are known and understood."
"Deep within every human being is a level of the mind that is already calm, already settled, already wide awake."
"Happiness comes from a place inside that is not always based on your surrounding parameters, not always based on your circumstances."
"The kingdom comes not from without, but from within, always."
"We are not to be governed by the outer confusion but by the inner realization."
"Peace, being at peace with the world and the people around you."
"On the outside, everything was taken away, then you could totally feel heartbroken and like everything's falling away. But if you find that happiness and create that happiness within without looking outside of yourself, then that's true happiness and peace."
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, and patience. So, you have the one living within you willing to direct you in every circumstance of life."
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, and patience."
"The real happiness will come only when my soul rests in God ultimately."
"True intuition arises in moments of silence, away from the noise of the world."
"Find the transcendent dimension within yourself, and then the rains and the floods come, but they won't devastate you."
"There's a place, a deeper place in you, where you're free of suffering."
"You realize the silence within yourself, you understand the meaning of true wealth."
"When you're truly at peace and in touch with yourself, nothing anyone says or does bothers you, and no negativity can touch you."
"The only way to make peace with others is to make peace with yourself."
"Well-being is found in an inexhaustible source that you already are."
"No person, place, or thing can give you happiness. They may give you a cause for happiness and a feeling of contentment, but the joy of living comes from within."
"Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive; inner peace does not."
"If you were completely detached, it's like being detached from your thoughts. It doesn't matter what thought happens; if it's a bad thought or a good thought, you're connected with the source, so you feel joyful all the time."
"Happiness comes from within, from living a meaningful life."
"There is a deeper dimension in you where whatever happened to the person... becomes irrelevant."
"I felt very enlightened like I had learned some secret universal truth. I also felt a certain sense of inner peace."
"The amount of freedom, liberation, and inner peace that comes from knowing who you are at a deep level within is so freeing."
"The kingdom of God is within you; it's not about establishing a government in the world but establishing people who are part of God's kingdom."
"You cannot fill an inside vacancy with outside stuff."
"We're just reminding each other who we are and the fact that there is a home within all of us and we're all connected to that."
"Until you truly are at peace with yourself and are able to overcome the battles that weigh you down every single day, you'll never truly be free enough to succeed at its highest level."
"Peace is not something you find out there; it comes from within."
"You don't go and find confidence or happiness outside of yourself. It all comes from within."
"Find the kingdom of heaven that is within you, not anywhere else in space or time."
"If you don't store that stuff inside of you, it's beautiful in there."
"Once you've found inner peace and inner love and connection with you, the world seems like a fucking magical place."
"Success is to me peace in its inner world. Success is who is the person that looks back at you through the mirror."
"Our peace and our comfort does not come from this world, but it comes from you."
"We can't control what's going on outside, but we can control what's going on inside."
"The universe or your higher self, it whispers in the stillness."
"The kingdom of God is here... don't look here, don't look there, for the kingdom is within you."
"Forgiveness is about moving yourself to that place of inner peace, freeing yourself from the past."
"The kingdom of God does not come with observation; behold, the kingdom of God is within you."
"Drawing them closer to you love that's drawing them closer to their own inner peace."
"If you can be blissed-out no matter what's happening around you, that's success."
"Inner peace is not a selfish goal. It's from a position of inner peace that we can speak compassionately and truthfully to others."
"Peace is not a place for me, it's inside of me. So no matter where I am, I can maintain it."
"Your happiness lies elsewhere, sweetheart, and that happiness comes from within."
"Take a moment to give gratitude to the practice for bringing you back home within your own body, in your own self, and to a place of unshakeable inner security, knowingness, truth, strength, and power."
"The important is you're shining within yourself, and that's all that matters."
"Deep at the center of our being there is an infinite well of love, an infinite well of joy, an infinite well of peace, and a place within us where we are totally connected with infinite wisdom."
"When we close our outer eye, we open our inner eye and see in the middle of our mind a little ball of golden light."
"I found inner peace and realized I had the power all along."
"Being at peace with yourself is the end of craving, the end of fighting this world, making peace with life instead of always trying to change it."
"You don't let the ugliness in other people destroy the beauty that is in you."
"Important things in life are love, happiness, family, hope, finding inner peace, and helping others."
"The day you were chosen as Dragon Warrior was the worst, most painful, mind-destroying, horrible moment... But once I realized the problem was not you, but within me, I found inner peace and was able to harness the flow of the universe."
"Anything is possible when you have inner peace."
"Inner peace, inner peace. I wish I had inner peace."
"The end result of full Awakening is freedom from personal suffering, clarity of mind, boundless joy, inner peace, and the ability to live an incredibly fulfilling life."
"The sweetness of Iman is found in the heart of one who truly makes Allah their priority."
"The more you can do this, and drop into stillness, the better your outer reality will be because our outer reality is always just a mirror of our inner reality."
"The act of surrendering stress and worry, choosing instead to focus on joy and inner peace, paves the way for a harmonious connection."
"The more spiritual you get, the cleaner that road gets and that's why the habits of meditation, that's why the habits of treating people better, it cleans up and smoothens out the road to finding that light inside you."
"Your heart is like a gateway to the soul... When you listen to your heart, that will help you be in that energy of joy."
"The path to true happiness and fulfillment comes from within initially, and then it can be mirrored back to us on the outside."
"Physical clutter is just a physical manifestation of what's going on inside us."
"I am peaceful, vibrant, and divinely inspired."
"The deity is sitting in your heart and shining."
"The world around you may be unstable, but if you find your core, and if you think of God, and you have faith—unshakable faith—that all that is happening is happening for good, for the world as well as yourself... it is possible to keep your peace, inner peace."
"Every practice is a journey down into that inner space to find your center, not just your physical center but your spiritual center."
"You're going to spend a lot of time with your own energy, just fostering that inner sense of validation without seeking it from others."
"The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit."
"Your inner peace is the highest form of wealth."
"We live in a crazy time now, don't we? Where inner peace is something that we don't necessarily get a lot of."
"It is your right to discover this inner world of thought, feeling, and power, of light, love, and beauty."
"To remember that the love that they seek is already within them."
"Please find your inner peace; it tears me up to feel that you are hurting."
"When you discover your essential nature to be unborn, limitless, complete, and utterly untouched by all the afflictions of daily life, then you’ll enjoy inner peace and contentment that never wavers, even at times of crisis or loss."
"When there is peace and joy in your heart, the things and people you meet will give you peace and joy."
"That's when you need that breath of awareness, that inner silence, that restful alertness."
"What we really want to do is understand this reactivity so we can reconcile our views on certain aspects of reality, the divergent views, and create inner peace."
"To create this inner expansion and this inner sense of peace, you have to be aware."
"The moment I embrace my peace within and surrender the outcome is the moment that the universe can truly get to work."
"Yoga is really about the inner connection between your body and your mind, and that's where you feel that sense of bliss and grounding."
"More fundamental than the outer purpose is what most people usually overlook, and that is the realization that what matters most is finding your inner purpose."
"Only by becoming still may you know me, the indweller of your soul."
"Everybody has to fall apart to discover your harmony."
"Satisfaction doesn't come from the outside; it comes from within."
"A man changes the state of his outer world by first changing the state of his inner world."
"When our actions line up with our values, we tend to feel peace instead of turmoil, connection instead of discord, and greater joy in our lives."
"I have a peaceful, tranquil, untroubled heart. This is where I choose to spend my time."
"Unfortunately, this search for worldly happiness turns out to be badly misdirected, because the true source of happiness is actually within us."
"Witnessing a sunrise, but the sunrise was inside my body."
"Calmness is power. Say unto your heart, 'Peace, be still!'"
"Self-control is strength; Right Thought is mastery; Calmness is power. Say unto your heart, 'Peace, be still!'"
"Love yourself and tap into what has always been for you, which is the love from the creative source where everything has come from, including you. You are born magnificent."
"Deep in the lives of those who permanently triumph over sorrow, there is an abiding peace and joy."
"Spirituality is meant for removing the second arrow."
"Things do not touch the soul, for they are external and remain immovable; so our perturbation comes only from our inner opinions."
"Once you embrace the inner divine and your own sacred solitude, the right people arrive at the right time exactly on schedule, without forcing."
"Turn off the news, look in the mirror, and say, 'Hey, am I at war with myself? And if I am, can I heal it?'"
"When you love yourself for who you are instead of what you do, there you'll find peace."
"If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place."
"Happiness comes from within. It comes from getting yourself in order, getting your thinking in order, not trying to control the world."
"Once you find peace, you can do anything you want to do."
"The realness of life comes not from externally acquired happiness but from peace and earthiness within."
"It's a wonderful way of living, actually. You still fulfill your role, you still do whatever has to be done, but deep inside, there is this feeling of oneness with everybody."
"For time immemorial, people have dreamt of greener pastures, visions of a promised land that lie just beyond the horizon, a place abundant in life and full of opportunity where one can settle down and truly find inner peace."
"Being free from the inside, that is the main goal."
"Your faith in yourself and your peace with yourself is one of the most important things that you can ever do or ever have."
"As long as there's a war within ourselves, there will be war in the world."
"The kingdom of God is within... that what Jesus talked about, that heaven is not a place to go, but a way to be here and now."
"All the external stuff is irrelevant if you're not happy within."
"Forgiveness doesn't mean that you condone somebody's behavior... it's so that you can have peace within yourself."
"The more that the self can open the heart, exercise faith instead of fear, the more the self becomes as the lighthouse in the darkness."
"The secret of life, of abundant life with its strength, its felicity, and its unbroken peace, is to find the divine center within oneself and to live in and from that, instead of in that outer circumference of disturbances, the clamors, cravings, and argumentations which make up the animal and intellectual man."
"Embrace change. Find peace with your current state of being and don't be too obsessive."
"Peace is an inside work, and it's happening right now."
"We all want to live a peaceful life and the number one way to do that is to work on your inner self first."
"The keys to living a happy and peaceful life is not ever going to happen by changing things on the outside; it's all about working on the inside."
"The power within the quiet; the Earth and universal energies want to assist and be felt right now."
"Find that stillness and presence within yourself, find your breath, and really be conscious of all the experiences that are happening within you."
"Not by trying to get peace of mind but stopping the getting, stopping the wanting and realised peace of mind was there all the time."
"That is the most powerful meaning of life, stillness, inner peace, realising there's nothing to get, nowhere to go, the end of craving, the end of wanting."
"As you cleanse your inner world, spontaneous joy begins to arise, unfettered by past burdens."
"The essence of spiritual growth is to clean up your inner world to experience constant inner joy and peace."
"Paradise is the state of being spiritual, the state of having no thoughts and the state of selflessness."
"Be silent, be still, and know God. Until you feel worthy, it ain't going to happen."
"Each of us can find a perfect world right now, and that perfect world comes when we look within, when we live from the inside out."
"Being a sister to yourself is recognizing that inner child, that divine woman you are trying to become, and how they both live within you."
"You're always going to have that love from within."
"Making peace with your past is very important; it plays a huge role into who you are."
"It has completely healed this wound for me. I don't get triggered, I don't feel it, I don't carry it within me."
"I overcame [my identity battle] last year and realized you know, just need to find happiness from within."
"The only way out of that is self-forgiveness."
"This joy I have the world didn't give it to me, and the world can't take it away."
"I am built for the fight, and there's just nothing I can do about it. My peace is found in the battle, my peace is found in the process."
"The pursuit of happiness begins with inner peace and understanding."
"Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain."
"The kingdom of heaven is within; in fact, it is you."
"True happiness and true solace come with Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, not with anything of this Dunya."
"The result of self-realization is an ongoing feeling of peace, the end of compulsively thinking about yourself."
"Psychological suffering stops arising because all insecurity is caused by what we think and believe about ourselves."
"Surrendering to peace is about the inner acknowledgement that all is well."
"May your path be illuminated by the Inner Light of wisdom, compassion, and love, and may you find in the depths of your own being the peace and understanding that you seek."
"I really made peace with myself and I feel like I forgave myself."
"Cultivate a deep sense of inner peace within yourself."
"There is an unconditional power that makes you not need anything or need very little that inner peace exists it's no longer a mystical experience it is but it's not far away."
"Inner happiness is if you've ever felt it you know it's the best feeling ever just to be content and happy with yourself."
"Your sense of who we are comes from a deeper place and that resolves all questions of self-esteem, self-confidence."
"Patience, balance, harmony, and divine intervention."
"A deep sense of inner peace... transcends happiness and unhappiness."
"God is the silence. You need to silence these voices in your head."
"Finding your true north, what makes you happy, what gives you bliss and peace."
"Suitable for my soul, necessary for my assignment."
"I felt a peace of calm I've never experienced in my life and overwhelming feeling that I could relax."
"Winning ain't just in stuff, it's how you feel in your heart."
"If you feel peace, everything is just so so so good."
"Learning how to lay down my warrior... that's been a consistent struggle."
"If you're really interested in freedom... legitimate inner peace."
"You can't shine your light far and wide if you're not handling your own situation."
"True inner Freedom: objectively watch your problems instead of being lost in them."
"It is wise to nourish the soul; otherwise, you will breed dragons and devils in your heart."
"Fears are only from the outside world. When you go deep enough, there is only love."
"Isn't that wonderful to come to peace with yourself before you die?"
"Iman beautifies the soul and gives inner energy, contentment, and optimism."
"Connect to the blue flame, which is the light of pure love within you."
"Trust that right now you're meant to be on your own... Breathe, focus on meditation, focus on creating that peace, balance, and harmony within yourself."
"You have all the answers within you because you're connected to source."