
Big Picture Quotes

There are 326 quotes

"If we were to see the bigger picture, we could make more informed choices when it comes to our health and wellness."
"We cannot lose sight of the big picture. We are going the right way. We are making progress as a country together, not individually, but together."
"It's a lifestyle, you know, it's about total wellness. It's about the big picture."
"If you nail every single detail, then you have a big picture."
"Connect the dots... stop seeing pixels, start seeing pictures."
"We cannot study history and most importantly learn from it if we're determined to only look at little pieces of the bigger stories."
"We're all part of society. Scapegoating won't help. We need to focus on the real big picture."
"Always remember that fat loss is all about what you do in the big picture."
"Your mission is what everything else fits into, it's the big picture."
"It's important also to take a step back and say okay, you know how can we look at this objectively and how can we kind of make sense of it in the bigger picture."
"Give yourself a little bit more time so you can see the bigger picture."
"You have to pull your head out of the specifics at one point to look at the whole landscape."
"Equality fine, finally we get some. Thank you, Rihanna."
"I see the big picture now, and this is a force that no man can stop. It's intense, absolutely."
"Zoom out and have a look at the big picture. It's all about time."
"An interesting point and I buy it for the big picture."
"Own your potential, see the big picture, and realize you're closer than you thought."
"Always how to take the bigger picture connect the dots make better decisions about it."
"Sometimes you gotta let go of your notion, your thoughts behind something, and look at a bigger picture."
"It's important to work together, just remember this my gorgeous leones and also very very important time to remember to look at the bigger picture."
"Pay attention to the details. There's a lot in between that's even bigger and more important than the actual big picture."
"There's a much bigger picture of what's really going on here."
"In the details, in the minutia is to threaten losing sight of the bigger picture."
"Understanding the progression and the big picture gets us ready so that when this door eventually shows up it's not fear of the unknown it's excitement because there's so much more to the story."
"Take a step back and go, what's the big picture here?"
"I have this weird feeling there's something else, some bigger picture I might be missing."
"You know, I always look at the big picture. I don't know exactly what the big picture is but I always know that there's more." - Jay Park
"A lot of people are getting too wrapped up in details that turn out to not be as important as bigger picture issues."
"Keep your eyes on the big picture, leave the details to others, experience at least a success."
"Even the Christ knew the big picture. He knew the ultimate, the ultimate end of all of us who are in him."
"We miss the bigger picture when we get stuck on these little questions and little things that we don't understand."
"Always think about way up layout is the big time layout."
"There's a need for a transformation of the big picture ideas that are guiding or structuring your professional life or your public image."
"Sometimes what we experience makes no sense until we gain a wider perspective and see the big picture designed by the creator."
"Trust your intuition, it reveals the bigger picture."
"It's a daily walk of remembering the big picture and who Jesus is in our role in the Kingdom."
"Understanding the big picture is key, even if it means taking risky moves."
"If you focus on only what's obvious, you may miss the enormous."
"It's really important to remember the bigger picture."
"You need to step back and see the bigger picture before making any decisions or taking action."
"It's all about the big picture, thinking about that, taking care of the customer, treating them as your own, and obviously doing what they want."
"Big picture stuff, right? We're not just here to change a part and walk away."
"You got to think about that big picture."
"Big picture thinking allows you to see what others see."
"We're just that one thread in a large tapestry. Keep the big picture in mind because it provides perspective that then informs what you do and how you do it."
"Understanding the relationship between execution and the big picture is crucial."
"Strategic thinkers are able to execute and see the big picture."
"One thing about ENFPs which is not common with a lot of NF types is they tend to be big picture-focused."
"Keep in mind the big picture, and then it becomes the only intelligent thing to do. Nothing else makes sense."
"It's important to look at the whole big picture."
"Your opportunity is for you to think about the big picture here, take a higher perspective."
"a chance to make a statement big and little picture"
"Women by nature are holistic in their thinking. They look at the big picture."
"Big picture understanding doesn't mean that you don't memorize anything. It means you memorize things that help you see the big picture."
"You should be able to balance between paying attention to detail as well as understanding the big picture."
"You need all of these pieces to kind of paint the bigger picture."
"For me, the most impressive bit is the whole, it's the big picture."
"I always have a good perspective on the big picture and what's important."
"You have to take each puzzle piece and try to fit it together to get a full picture."
"It's always about the big picture."
"Tyrion seems to be ahead of it...focused on the bigger picture."
"It's a look, it's like a dream you know you're looking at the whole picture."
"But in the big picture, there's evolution taking place."
"It's easy to lose sight of the big picture when you're focused on the details all the time."
"Sometimes you have to check things out from all angles to understand the big picture."
"Truth can be gleaned from the big picture just as much as from the little picture."
"I think it's incredibly valuable for you to understand how crucial it is to be looking at the bigger picture."
"It invites you to take a step back to zoom out and think about what's happening on the large scale of your application."
"You got to be able to step back and see the forest for the trees."
"The view from the outside still opens up new perspectives, a sense of the big picture."
"There is a component of evaluation of the whole picture of what's going on."
"You gotta see things from a zoomed-out perspective, from a bigger picture."
"You gotta step back and look at the bigger picture."
"Geography is sort of this holistic discipline that tends to look at the big picture."
"Don't get trapped in the technical details, view everything from the meta perspective of the big picture."
"I think it shows the big picture of leadership and management and not just trends and types."
"View everything from the meta perspective of the big picture."
"Knowledge is when you connect the dots between different pieces of information, grasp the context, and see the big picture."
"It might help to try and step back a little bit and see the bigger picture here."
"Try not to get so hung up on the numbers that you start to look at each of the trees and miss the forest."
"This is somebody who sees the big picture and somebody who's in love with life and their life and themselves."
"It really is about the big picture."
"Use what you learn today, apply it in a holistic way, and look at that big picture of what you're doing."
"Don't lose sight of the big picture."
"I'm always about just the over the big picture and trying to make it as good as it can be."
"I'm asking that people use their common sense and maybe take a step back and look at the big picture here."
"So if you try and just look at things big picture and be like, okay, this person's no longer in my life, and it sucks right now, but I have so much left to live."
"Get a new perspective, look at life big picture."
"You need to know your ABZs. A is your current state of affairs... B is the next thing after A... And then you want to know Z, which is what is the big picture idea here."
"It's important to understand that you gotta keep looking at the big picture."
"Sometimes you need to zoom out and see the bigger picture."
"The integral, computing the area under an entire curve, is inclusive, global, with a big picture from 30,000 feet."
"I must keep the big picture in mind."
"It's important to view everything with perspective and see the whole picture, just not one piece of it."
"Take a step back and see the broad picture."
"Do not let the small things kill the big picture."
"You need to see the bigger picture here."
"You don't want to major in the minor; if you pay too much attention to those minor details, you kind of miss the big picture."
"You got to see the forest, not the trees."
"I'm really good at getting the big picture stuff correct."
"I love the puzzle pieces that finally make the big picture at the end."
"You might not see the big picture, but the universe does."
"The problem is sometimes we have to take a step back, not take ourselves too seriously, and take a look at what's going on around us as far as the big picture."
"You must start thinking in that way, see beyond your feet, have a big picture thinking."
"My goal is really in the big picture, not just the little thing like how can you make this border work harder for you, but really how can we scrapbook quicker, easier, faster, and with a little more fun."
"Just always remember the big picture is the process."
"Sometimes we don't look at the big picture."
"Focus on the big picture to think in terms of strategies instead of tactics."
"You can't respond to every little thing that upsets you; you have to pull back and see the bigger picture."
"You're able to see the bigger picture here, you're able to understand more."
"Love the way his mind works; he always sees the bigger picture."
"Where GT is excelling is in the macro storytelling, the big picture."
"All I see is the forest, no matter how hard I try and look at the day-to-day, all I see is the big picture."
"I'm focusing on the big picture of being successful instead of these little bitty instances where I'm trying to be perfect."
"It's a process of becoming aware, it is a process of paying attention to the big picture."
"If you can have your brain wrapped around that big picture, then you'll always be a go-to guy or girl."
"Together they form the big picture."
"Each step that you're taking right now is adding up to the big picture."
"It's important to think about the big picture topics."
"It forces you to see the bigger picture and paint the bigger picture, and not get so fussy about all the tiny little details."
"It's all about understanding the graph, understanding the axes, making sure you're getting the big picture."
"You should be thinking about the bigger picture."
"You was always investing for the big picture."
"Use the monthly overview section... it's just a good thing to do to see the big picture."
"I love putting pieces together so that I see the big picture."
"Giving yourself the benefit of seeing that full picture of seeing the greater narrative of what you're creating, what you're participating in, what you're moving toward will be very helpful."
"In the big picture, if you zoom out large enough, the whole thing is this huge evolutionary machine."
"Structure is very important, and it's very important to step back and identify the bigger picture."
"Focus on the bigger picture here, as you should be; all of that's gonna pay off."
"I'm not vengeful, I'm not vindictive, I'm a big picture person."
"Take a step back and just look at the big picture and take it all in."
"I believe that when you dive too much into the details... you'll lose the bigger picture."
"You've got to keep one eye on the bigger picture here and don't be too shortsighted."
"I'm all about the little things; the big things take care of themselves."
"Subtle Providence: God is somehow at work in the big picture, even when it seems like He's not."
"Over the years, I've learned how to see the bigger picture."
"You don't miss the forest for the trees."
"You know how to step back and see the bigger picture."
"You've got to get past the haters in the moment and just look at the big picture."
"Develop a briefing that in general looks at the big picture."
"When someone misses the forest for the trees, I think what they're saying is that you're focusing too much on the details to see the big picture."
"Zoom out, look at the big picture."
"Be brave; it's always the small pieces that make the big picture."
"For better understanding, it's like looking at a map, you start with the entire map, the big picture, which is the whole globe."
"It's always good to keep an eye on the bigger picture."
"We've got to take a longer view than that and I think that if you take a longer view you can see that there are big issues but you can also see that you can do something about it."
"You've probably heard of the old saying 'the forest for the trees'... this talk is going to be about the forest, the big picture."
"Look at the whole picture, not just your picture."
"Remember, don't get blinkers on, take them off, look at the broader picture."
"It opens your eyes... you'll understand where you fit in the much bigger picture."
"Zooming out big picture, this puts things in perspective."
"Start to understand the bigger picture of the case or deal that you're working on."
"It's amazing just how mistakes, when you see the big picture, they're just part of your journey."
"It's only when you kind of zoom out and look at the bigger picture that you conclude that all of these different pieces of evidence are pointing or drawing sort of a bigger picture."
"You're not listening ahead and thinking about the big picture."
"Everything that happens, however atrocious, is in the big picture, in the interest of the ultimate enlightenment of all beings involved."
"I hope you learn to step back and think big picture."
"Sometimes you got to think about the bigger picture."
"You need to focus on the bigger picture; that's how you think like an entrepreneur."
"Sometimes you've got to look at the story and the very bigger picture."
"I have to learn to zoom out a little more often to see the bigger picture."
"You don't look at the small picture; you look at the whole picture."
"I think this is an instance of them just seeing the bigger picture."
"Allah has the picture; we have the pixel."
"If we ever get to the point where we're not asking 'Am I missing something?' we're missing the big picture."
"Top down processing is looking at the bigger picture."
"If you can place the individual terms as little puzzle pieces, you'll see the bigger picture."
"Look at the big picture. What do you want to do in life? Then you can overcome your challenges if you focus on the big picture."
"When you look at this, the first thing you should look at is the big picture."
"The big picture from creation forward focuses on God's presence in this world."
"It's so easy for us to get over-focused and fixated on every single day needing to be a green day, but the big picture is it really doesn't matter."
"You too can be an important part of the big picture."
"One of the striking characteristics of an old soul is the ability to see beyond the immediate, to grasp the bigger picture in situations."
"It's not about the close-up details, it's about the whole picture."
"I always have to take a step back and remember to look at that bigger picture."
"We have to remember the big picture."
"I want to be somebody that looks at the full picture."
"You must take into consideration the big picture."
"You can't be mad if you can't see the bigger picture."
"You got to see the forest beyond the trees, Homie, we see the big picture here."
"You have to be able to see the forest; you can't just see the individual trees."
"To apply systems thinking... is to work on the big picture."
"Let's zoom out and get some perspective."
"...they are the most predisposed to having really good big picture question discussions which ultimately fall into the religious category: who are we, why are we here, is there a God."
"It's about a much bigger picture, taking all the factors into account and making a determination."
"Take a step back and look at the grand scheme of things."
"On the day-to-day, maybe I'm not getting the greatest rewards from doing those little things that are helping me, but in the bigger picture, I'm really helping myself to create the life I want to live and just be the person I want to be."
"Trust the magic of the big picture."
"The big picture is what you have to understand, it comes back to these three things."
"It's really important to keep in mind the bigger picture whenever you're looking at varying frequencies across a time domain."
"You need to keep your eye on the full picture."
"They've lost the picture of the forest, because they're focusing so much on the trees."
"We can only see a small bit of the bigger picture, but as we continue to zoom out and step back, we see more and our thinking can change."
"It is a holistic approach that looks at the big picture and takes into account the interconnectedness of various elements within a system."
"History is really the story of individuals; it's the story of how those individuals fit into that big picture."
"Don't sweat the small stuff, and really just focus on the bigger picture moves that you can make."
"It's a skill, being able to work under huge pressure and being able to look at the bigger picture."
"Big picture stuff is just more fun and more interesting to talk about."
"The great artist has always had this uncanny ability to just almost like take a step back and see the big picture."
"Let's look at the bigger picture."