
Disease Treatment Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"When there is disease in the body, resolving the problems with nutrition can resolve the disease at its core and potentially even eliminate it completely."
"We can treat the underlying mechanisms of diseases that are all linked together through a simple common pathway, which is food."
"Whenever possible, we want to treat the cause of a disease rather than treating the symptoms."
"Pharmaceutical companies are meant to serve the good cause of making the world a better place by trying to find a way of abolishing simple or more complex diseases and life-threatening ailments."
"More than any other industry, the pharmaceutical sector invests up to 20% of their incomes in research and development of new ways of treating diseases."
"Understanding how the system works may help scientists figure out better ways to treat these diseases."
"SCP-500 has been shown to cure the disease even at advanced stages."
"Medical science cannot cure disease without taking care of what's causing it."
"There's just an incredible amount of opportunity, many unmet medical need diseases there that we can make an impact on."
"This is not improving someone's life by three months or modifying some sort of signal by 10 or 15, no, this is correcting the disease."
"College is cool sure yeah, I'm going to be a college to I'm class of 2028 yeah I'm still thinking about it even though I'm 100% committed."
"mRNA is a technology, it's a fundamental tool, it's being used for rare diseases, oncology, and of course for infectious diseases."
"When it comes to treating diseases, knowledge is power."
"The remedy for the most lethal pathogens can be found where we'd least expect."
"Even if you don't exactly understand the disease, treating the root causes can often dramatically improve or reverse it."
"We now have the technology to actually take on other types of diseases."
"If we really want to tackle it... we have to make those treatments available."
"This blew up in their face. They did not want this for a second."
"Whole food plant-based diet treats illness and disease with no side effects."
"Monoclonal antibody specific neutralization of the virus... will prevent infections and it can basically hopefully have a dramatic beneficial effect on people that are currently ill."
"The first antibiotic had been created and the world now had a potential cure for pneumonia, gonorrhea, meningitis, scarlet fever, and other infectious diseases."
"Plant-based diets provide health benefits in the treatment of certain diseases."
"Stem cells offer the greatest potential we've ever known to cure disease."
"We can actually find very important information affecting your health from your genome sequence even when you're a healthy person."
"There's such an urgency to develop more time and resources into treating and researching this disease."
"Objective is to identify a molecule which can be used for treating a disease."
"The goal is to keep somebody like this engaged in care and to treat the actual diseases that they have."
"If we're able to identify what goes wrong in human diseases and what happens normally, we're able to develop therapeutics or drugs to help treat these different diseases."
"This photonic medicine is the future because of its mitochondrial mechanism and involvement in so many diseases."
"Gene therapy represents a paradigm shift in disease treatment, offering a novel approach that targets the fundamental genetic causes of ailments."
"The more diseases we look at and the more underlying biological mechanisms we study, the more reasons we have to explain why these changes are so powerful and how quickly they can occur."
"The ability of science to solve problems... clearly in the case of heart disease and cancer, make a lot of progress."
"Human tissue research is crucial to increase our understanding of disease and helps us develop new treatments."
"Only a year after these incidents, mankind managed to discover a plant that served as a cure for the disease."
"Can we actually impact those disorders? My gosh, if we could actually start not just masking the symptoms but also healing the disease at a fundamental level, even a little bit, that's so exciting."
"Disease and understanding disease actually begets new treatments."
"We're closer than we've ever been to finding treatments or a cure for this disease."
"Any type of ancestral diet will not only prevent but may treat early and intermediate stages of AMD."
"The true definition of Shang Han Lun is the study of six Channel differentiation, and how it is applied to all diseases including infectious exogenous and miscellaneous endogenous diseases regardless of the nature of the pathogen."
"We can essentially develop aptamers to develop powerful oligonucleotide drugs that can be used to treat many different diseases."
"We're working actively in cancer, autoimmune diseases, rare genetic diseases."
"Surely we have a duty as his parents to understand the disease and the treatment he'll have to go through."
"They clearly, clearly help if you are already in a diseased state."
"We're dealing with the very basic cellular responses, and because most diseases are founded in that, it works very well."