
Superfoods Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods, which contain an extremely large amount of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients."
"Legumes... the number one superfood... they're gut health foods and they're longevity foods."
"This one little cabbage here is one of the best veggies, because it has a whopping 1.4 millimole of antioxidants per 100grams!"
"Every once in a great while, a new superfood comes into play. Now, I hate the word 'superfood' because I feel like it implies this food can do everything, and I just don't believe in that."
"Berries, especially cranberries: a powerhouse of nutrition directly benefiting the kidneys."
"Red bell peppers: the crown jewel of superfoods for protecting Kidney Health."
"Blueberries: celebrated for their antioxidant properties and support for Kidney Health."
"There's so much incredible science on turmeric, green tea, blueberries, cruciferous vegetables, onions, garlic."
"The right superfoods can soothe, nourish, and strengthen the gut's lining."
"Beetroot emerges as a natural and accessible superfood that not only cleanses arteries but also fortifies the cardiovascular system."
"These brown rice cakes are amazing because the ingredients are all whole grains with super seeds."
"Oxalates are found in high-volume in many of these so-called super food today... whilst these foods... have a great reputation for their health benefits... we've been omitting one major downside."
"Moringa: the vitamin tree, a miracle food. Easy to grow, nutrient-dense, changing the game."
"Spirulina rocks, organic blue algae, eliminates impurities."
"Kale is probably one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin."
"It's believed some of these creatures of the deep are actually superfoods containing special health benefits you won't find anywhere else."
"Black or purple corn is probably the most anthocyanin-rich food on the entire planet."
"The positive health benefits of consuming almonds and chia and olives and things like that far supersede the negative impact."
"These aren't just your ordinary fruits; they're nutritional powerhouses."
"Kale is not going to solve everything, neither is hemp, or Chia, or blueberries, or acai, or beets, or anything else that's a superfood."
"Eggs I just think are one of nature's superfoods."
"The problem with the message about 'superfoods' is that what's causing oxidative stress in the first place is often the foods we're surrounded by and find so delicious and appealing."
"It's actually one of the most nutrient-dense foods on Earth."
"These superfoods provide a significant amount of nutrients for thyroid function."
"Nuts and seeds encompassing varieties like walnuts, almonds, chia seeds, and flax seeds offer a wealth of nutritional benefits that can be particularly advantageous for individuals grappling with arthritis."
"Superfoods are nutrient-rich and beneficial for your overall health and well-being."
"Moringa is known as the tree of life, and it is said to have dozens of times more nutrients than spinach."
"Embrace superfoods so we're reading it before we eat it."
"Blueberries are number one on every superfood list I've ever seen and they have the benefit of being really tasty too."
"Some people consider spinach a superfood... I add it basically to every meal that I can."
"so high in so many different vitamins minerals it is so it's so rich in micronutrients it is amazing it is just it's incredible it is one of the most nutrient-dense things"
"Leafy greens are the most nutrient-dense food on the planet."
"Each super fruit and vegetable in Field of Greens was Doctor selected for a specific health benefit."
"Microgreens are some of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet."
"Chicken broth is the number one superfood for supporting gut and immune system health."
"Quinoa is called a super grain because it's very high in protein."
"I'm a fan of the chia seed, I have a great chia seed pudding recipe in my cookbook."
"Sprouts actually have a hundred times more plant nutrients than the plant they come from."
"The antioxidant potential of one cup of kale is equal to 800 milligrams of vitamin C and 1100 units of vitamin E."
"Shaga has actually got the highest dose of the melanin antioxidant of any known food."
"Chia seeds have more antioxidants than blueberries, more calcium than milk, and more omega-3 fats than salmon."
"We need to go and find superfoods that are super loaded and dense with minerals and nutrients."
"Flax are probably one of the healthiest seeds you guys can eat; it's rich in lignins, omega-3 fatty acids, and higher amounts than basically all other nuts and seeds that I'm aware of at this time."
"I love to eat avocado, it has really great fats and it is also one of those superfoods."
"You can't find a single food that's more concentrated in essential nutrients than liver."
"These are like superfoods for the soil."
"We're done, this is like a digestive superfood mix here."
"I'm obsessed with hemp seeds because of their nutritional benefits."
"Wheatgrass is a very nutritious baby green to eat or microgreen."
"Superfoods like turmeric tea, apple cider vinegar, and cranberry juice can play a role in managing proteinuria and supporting kidney health."
"Vegetables are the true superfoods of all the foods that are available to us in the plant kingdom."
"Superfoods are so important... they're all combined into one."
"The truth is, there's a lot of superfoods that are in disguise, nutrient-dense foods that we wouldn't think are nutrient-dense."
"There are so many great foods out there that contain healthy bioactives that are good for you."
"These really are very nutrient dense, so worth giving a go."
"Tula is doctor-founded, clean, and based on probiotic and superfood ingredients."
"Blueberries help, believe it or not, those are one of the better superfoods to eat."
"The healing foods are really the leafy greens, the cruciferous, and the flax seeds."
"Super simple, super nutritious superfoods give you the energy you need to live each day to the fullest."
"Investing in your health is very important, but please don't feel bad if you can't buy the goji berries."
"Microgreens are packed full of nutrients, most the time they are very high in potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper plus they're also really rich in antioxidants."
"Sprouts and microgreens are some of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet."