
Class Struggle Quotes

There are 176 quotes

"The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles."
"Class struggle, rooted in material conditions, is the driving force of history."
"The route to both social democracy and democratic socialism is the same road, and it's through class struggle."
"Marx correctly asserted that the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."
"The capitalist class, and that our struggles seek common goals based on our common humanity: dignity, freedom, and a livable planet."
"Stanley's sad endless and futile search for meaning and hope becomes all the darker when it's seen as a metaphor for the desperation of working-class people escaping into a fantasy."
"Class struggle is the fundamental relationship between classes."
"We have a system, an economy, which is doing just great for the people on top, for the middle class and working class, the system is in decline."
"A character that is emblematic of the eternal class struggle that has plagued human society for millennia."
"It's kind of like a class war is happening on top of an actual war or something."
"Historic function of fascism: Smash the working class, destroy its organizations, and stifle political liberties."
"The Connors have to hold on to each other to survive in a society where working-class people, and women in particular, are being worked to the bone."
"When the aristocracy gets a cold, the working class dies of pneumonia."
"Metropolis is the story of a conflict between the suffering workers and the pampered ruling class."
"In Parasite, the bad guy isn't greedy rich people or murderous clowns, but a system that forces us to leech off of others to survive."
"It isn't a matter of left versus right, it's top versus bottom. Class struggle is not left or right, it's class."
"The mass acceptance of plea deals was born out of an attempt to break working-class solidarity."
"It's going to have a serious negative consequence on the working class and people's jobs."
"We just want to make memes and grill, but the ruling class looks down on us."
"That's what I mean. I think the trajectory, what's amassing here, is a more united people against the ruling class than ever."
"Revolution is the overthrow of one class by another class and the subsequent suppression of the overthrown class." - Caption
"There's a solid history of solidarity in class struggle and in race struggle."
"This whole thing was never about the left and right it was always about the top and the bottom."
"The fight is top to bottom right now in America. It's not left to right."
"Humanity's potential is stifled, one class is oppressed and exploited while the other in luxury focuses its resources on keeping its power and powdering their noses instead of trying to make the world a better place."
"Class struggle defines most of human history."
"Destroying the middle class threatens the stability of the system."
"That is not an economy that's working for the American people, that's the economy working for the 1%."
"The struggle for justice isn't a tribal struggle between different colored people; it's a struggle between classes."
"There's a class war going on... People on top have the money, they have the power."
"It's not just we the people in America, this is we the people all over the entire world. This is the battle between the tiny tiny portion of really bad people at top and the rest of us at the bottom."
"If we are going to truly take on the billionaire class and rebuild the economy, then it's important that we not only strike but that we strike together."
"Don embodies the class struggles, masculine ideals, and self-reinvention."
"Karl Marx theorized that the driver of history was not nations and instead was class struggle, the material circumstances of people's economic position determined their lives more than anything else."
"Republicans are on the side of fighting for the rich and the biggest corporations and Democrats are on the side of fighting for working people."
"Any reform that gets pushed through is not gain for the working class but a concession given to them by the ruling class instead."
"What the imperialists are doing around the world and what they are doing to America and the working class of America are the same."
"There's been a nuclear war; class citizens can't even afford the luxury of escaping. A system that does not see them worthy enough to exist."
"People are waking up to what this ruling class has done to them."
"It's the people versus the political class, the ruled versus the rulers."
"Class struggle is an extremely important banner under which to mobilize."
"Racist language has been used to turn Americans against Americans to benefit the wealthy elite."
"If working Americans are too busy fighting with one another, we'll never address the very real problems our country faces."
"Working people are being destroyed, and we as working people need to unite beyond black and white and beyond left and right."
"We need to rise up working people need to unite we need to go beyond this black white black and white nonsense."
"Start waking up get angry get real angry because we're all slaves and we're heading into more slavery."
"You're being ripped off by the wealthy elites."
"We're amplifying this message of a class struggle that transcends race, color, gender, creed."
"Inside of this crash, we're gonna see it intensify because we've seen for the past 45 years a class war on labor."
"The simple reality is the people on top, the billionaire class, are doing phenomenally well. Meanwhile, the middle class continues to shrink."
"Society as a whole is more and more splitting up into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other — Bourgeoisie and Proletariat."
"Our victory shows that we can overcome the billionaire class that wants to divide and conquer us all."
"It's a disaster for the working class to have the party of the people center itself around affluence."
"That's the game, and I've always told people, if you find yourself being angry at someone on the economic rung lower than you, you're probably being manipulated by someone higher on the economic ladder than you."
"If you want like revolutionary action in this system, it has to be targeted along class lines. It has to be the use of the state apparatus as modes of seizure."
"Neoliberalism was an attack on the working class and an attack on the working people everywhere."
"As the middle class shrinks... lyrics about struggling through, working hard, and eventually getting rich are increasingly relatable."
"You can't use the tools that capitalists have given you to win in a game against those who own capital. You're nothing."
"Acts of violence that cause harm to members of the working class are counterproductive."
"Start from where you are right now. Start from the fact that huge numbers of working-class people are in peril and get them back into a movement."
"I'm tired of these people scamming, cheating, and trying to get through the system while the rest of the poor and middle-class people get nothing but the middle finger."
"This whole thing is going to end in a worst-case scenario for the middle class."
"It's about the one percent versus the rest of us."
"They're seen as representing broad swaths of the working class against employers and against the government."
"If we ever want to get working-class power in this country we have to fight racism we have to fight all of the ideologies that divide the working class and keep them separate."
"This is really one of the rare clear victories for the working class."
"The deeper down you go in the class structure, the more our people suffer."
"The trucker convoy is the closest thing to a working-class uprising I've seen in my lifetime."
"Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe."
"There's going to be some kind of working class Rebellion against these conditions being Unleashed by our leaders right now."
"Every time we flex the collective muscle of the working class, some rich asshole has a very bad day."
"The movie carries the theme of the rich dumping on the poor."
"Schultz's fight to stop a Starbucks barista Uprising... revealed a lot about billionaires."
"This is a class war by the government against working-class people."
"The media is one giant propaganda machine fueled by the wealthy for the wealthy."
"This inward auto aggressivity means that the exploited classes are not inclined to revolution so much as depression."
"Riveting, powerful, a little bit of a working-class moment, eat the rich, eh?" - Dan.
"The poor and middle class will pay the price."
"The struggle to lay claim to the labor, the land, and the wealth of society... is called class struggle."
"The fight against class oppression and Empire remains at the center of everything we do."
"Any sane person would choose revolution which is to say the working class is overthrowing the capital's class."
"Freedom and order in their view are luxury items purchased by the uber rich and rationed to the well-behaved working class."
"When you have an underclass that isn't able to get out of the underclass it drags the whole economy down."
"If you're not facing absolute hostility from the ruling class, you're not doing what needs to be done for the working class."
"Left and right are still useful short hands but do not make the mistake of thinking of the left and rights as representing abstract ideas, they merely reflect the material struggle between the classes."
"The real fight going on every day in our society isn't between rich and poor."
"There's 200 trillion dollars of debt... that the lower class just gets screwed over and over again."
"We're fighting for the middle class, not the billionaires."
"This struggle that appears as a struggle between nations in fact masks the fact that it's a struggle between classes."
"Race was used to embed neoliberalism, allowing class struggle to operate on the terrain of race and culture."
"Gary Gensler is the enemy of the working class. Shame."
"Standing together against the power of the 1%."
"The working class and the middle class of this country are in serious trouble."
"The populist style is always about the common folk versus this kind of awful shadowy elite."
"The labor movement cannot afford to allow these ideas to gain ground because they only serve to empower the billionaire class."
"The onus is on us to actually remind people that this is not about one person and that the ruling class has a history."
"But we absolutely want to build as I said independent campaigns against a billionaire class."
"To defeat reactionary Politics masquerading as populism we need anti-press managerial class struggle from the left not more identity politics."
"Capitalism has always been a failure for the lower classes. It is now beginning to fail for the middle classes."
"Neoliberal globalization is the weapon of mass destruction for the traditional class struggle."
"No power on Earth can prevent the outcome of this last class struggle. The capitalist class is doomed to extinction."
"This is a fundamental tool of the owning class to use against the non-owning class under liberalism specifically."
"The city under capitalism reproduces social inequality but also serves as a furnace for class struggle."
"History is a history of class legislation, legislation that serves the interests of the privileged."
"So, how does one get out of this? If the dominated classes cannot see the conditions of their own subjugation, then we must return to the intellectuals."
"Class struggle stands for the irreducible political moment at the very heart of the economic."
"The petty bourgeoisie can 100% be won over to the left; they just need a strong working class movement to win them over."
"... if common rules is on the table then you have the totality of the dynamic of the working class emerging out of capitalism to challenge capitalism ..."
"The alliance between the industrial working class and socialism seemed to have come to an end."
"We have to be really clear that the culture war is a class war and the middle class are trying to stop people from accessing culture which belongs to everybody."
"Emancipation can be won and it will be won through the destruction of private property and by the working class fighting together to build a socialist society."
"When crisis comes, the working class will turn to the most apparently radical movement."
"Once you have this working class that can more efficiently utilize time to create structures of power hierarchy and technology that are not based on the individual desires of a bunch of capitalists but on the collective social desires of a self-conscious working class."
"...those who work by hand or by brain and those who own control every delegate in here belongs to the working class..."
"The enemy, politically, is not the bottom."
"The events that took place enhanced and exacerbated the class divisions that existed in Britain."
"The ruling classes in Eastern Europe are threatened even by the memory of the revolution."
"The real enemy is still up there: the bloody masters, the most ruthless, arrogant, and vindictive bosses in contemporary industrial Britain."
"I've accepted the basic truths of Marxist theory of class struggle, of Marxist analysis of the capitalist economy."
"For the first time in a hundred years, the United States is seeing a real resurgence in class consciousness and criticism of the status quo."
"The wealthy capital owners benefit from the working class dividing amongst themselves and infighting."
"There is nothing more dangerous to the holders of power than actual class politics."
"Understand history and human society as an ongoing conflict between people of different economic classes."
"The middle class is better or, at the very least, in any conflict between the upper class and the middle class, it is pretty clear why the middle class will always triumph."
"The essence of human history is the conflict between owners and workers."
"The proletariat isn't simply a victim class, it is the class that can take hold of society, reorganize society, reconstruct society in the interest of society as opposed to the interest of a corporation maximizing profit in the next three months."
"I have been fighting for years to take on the elites on behalf of the working class."
"...the elite of the first class caused the end of the world yet the Common People bore all the suffering..."
"The end of capitalist exploitation can only come at the hands of the working class."
"In any given catalytic environment, the proletariat would revolt against their oppressor, the bourgeoisie."
"The actions taken on that historic day laid the groundwork for a new era in Russian history driven by the ideals of the working class."
"The only thing that will prevent it is a refoundation of politics, a removal of the parasitic political classes that are just managing this class exploitation and not challenging it."
"There is no reform for a system built upon the oppression of a lower class."
"Capitalism is about the consolidation of power. It's time for the working class to band together and take our power back."
"The ruling classes are restricting the poor; they are being educated therefore they can never get themselves out of this awful situation."
"Marxists focus on the inequalities that exist between different social classes."
"The difficulty of upward mobility of the working class, inequality in a capitalist system."
"The role of the union is to be this organ of class struggle."
"The master class has always declared the wars. The subject class has always fought the battles."
"The class struggle... gave birth to the idea of anarchism, the idea of the total negation of a social system based on the principles of classes and the state, and its replacement by a free non-status society of workers under self-management."
"If both groups can understand that you're under the same bubble of class oppression, you know, and work together and vote out a lot of these corrupt politicians, it would just help."
"We are the proletariat, the bourgeoisie, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."
"When we stand united, we put fear in the hearts of the billionaire class."