
Financial Tracking Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"This is about following the money. This is about following the money."
"It must be nice to follow the money and see where it goes."
"Write down everything that you spend your money on. Put it in a few categories."
"This manipulation is real, you can track it, you can see it, you can look at the numbers."
"Since the inception of this account, I've earned seven thousand and eight dollars in dividends."
"Follow the money, a regime committing not one but perhaps three genocides..."
"Follow the money for everything. Follow the money and you will find it."
"Follow the money, that will get you to the main top guys."
"You gotta have your lies straight you gotta have your lies together and more so it's Gotta follow the paper trail."
"Follow the money and you're going to find the truth."
"It's actually not that hard... Follow the money and you find out how this stuff works."
"So we've tracked up to two hundred fifty five thousand in the last like four days."
"Accounting refers to keeping track of money, so in companies and organizations, there is usually an accounting department."
"Follow the money absolutely the money is going to show you who benefits from it and who doesn't."
"You want the real story? Just follow the money."
"When you follow the money... you can find the sinister acts."
"Follow the money, that's all you need to do."
"If you want to know the truth, follow the money."
"I have an app that tracks all the money I make through promos. You can see from January 27th to April 9th, I made more than five thousand dollars while I was living with her."
"The income tracker is going to allow you to see all of your customers in a grid format."
"Track everything that they spend money on for a period of time... and describe why you made the purchase and how it made you feel."
"The number one common practice was that they tracked their spending."
"Track every single penny you earn and every single penny you spend."
"Frugal millionaires meticulously track their spending."
"So I just released version 5.0 of my free dividend portfolio tracking spreadsheet."
"It's going to show all of our growth, a trend line, our dividend data here, and the industry that the stock is in."
"Recording your purchases makes your spending real."
"This is a really great feature to help keep track of your spending."
"Keep track of every cent that comes into or goes out of your life."
"It's just as important to track how much money you're spending and how much money you're making."
"Ever since I started tracking my numbers, then I started to understand where my money actually went."
"Budgeting is crucial to help you keep track of your expenses and income."
"It just gives you kind of quickly at a glance how you're doing without having to do a bunch of math in your head."
"I'm tracking my spending every day, which makes me feel so much more secure."
"You just need to know where your money is going and what is paying for what."
"Track every cent that comes into or goes out of your life."
"It's better to understand the numbers and to track the numbers so that way you can see where a project is going."
"It's important to keep track of what you're spending... it also helps you understand the total value of your collection."
"You want to log in, see exactly what's going on with your positions, nice and easy."
"Track your money, track your spending."
"Every freelancer should be tracking their finances, and this is the way that I do it."
"Tracking my net worth every single year starting back in 2013."
"Track our spending... understanding where our money goes."
"It has been such a game changer in helping me track my expenses and my income."
"Every time you look at your bank statement and you see one of your customers has paid the invoice, you come back into the spreadsheet, highlight the row, turn it into green."
"Keep a log of expenditures... It's a concrete way of seeing how much you spend every day."
"The cash flow statement helps a company track the cash going in and out."
"You need to be able to follow where the money is."
"You can monitor the status of every invoice in your system."
"Everything you need to know about finding ROI in a business can be summed up by a simple phrase which comes directly from the movies: follow the money."
"Tracking spending is really important."
"When you see it on paper or you see it physically, it just makes such a difference, and you become accountable."
"It's always fun to kind of see on like a yearly and a monthly basis what kind of expenses you have."
"We're going to be able to read the current value converted into U.S. dollars of that wallet."
"The only way to know where your money is going is to keep track of it."