
Readership Quotes

There are 255 quotes

"Thank you if any of you are watching... you just bought my books, thank you. It means a lot."
"Wizard hits circulation rates as high as 400,000 at its peak but regularly topped 100,000 copies per month for several years in a row."
"The overall point... readers feel like they know you."
"It's the kind of stuff that I think people would love to read about from an actual source."
"It's just simply a matter of keeping promises to your readers and viewers."
"More people have read his work than have read the Bible."
"Especially thank you to those of you who've been reading the reporting."
"I just feel really grateful to have the readership that I have."
"I owe my audience, my readers, big time."
"He gets people prepped up and ready, and everybody returns, everybody buys the new book every single time."
"It's very important to provide real value to the readers."
"McCall's had an unprecedented readership north of 8 million."
"A consistent schedule lets your readers know when to expect an update to your story so that they show up."
"Books will start strong but will lose interest over time as the readership stabilizes. It is almost always a downward spiral like water slowly leaking out of a glass with a teeny tiny hole in it."
"More online visitors read that article in a single day than any previous Atlantic magazine story."
"Joyce wrote works like 'Ulysses' for readers like you and readers like me, lovers of literature."
"My dream was just to get people who wanted to read this to read it."
"To treat readers like adults and to trust them with complicated information."
"Your main goals in your marketing are always to bring in as many new readers as you can and to hold on to as many of your current readers as you can over time. And that's how you're going to grow your career."
"A team who between them can boast a readership of 24 million."
"Real people will actually read the book."
"Your hook should be the thing that convinces people to continue reading. This is the intriguing element that compels your readers to continue."
"There's a reason why everything isn't handed on a platter to his weekly readers."
"Stranger in a Strange Land has resonated with over 5 million readers globally."
"Not every Marvel fan is an X-Men fan and not every X-Men fan is a Marvel fan, right? You can have people who are like, 'Oh, I'm a huge DC fan and I read X-Men,' yeah, like you can keep X-Men as like a separate Universe perfectly of readers, yep."
"People were angry about the portrayals of those characters but it made no difference to anything. They carried on reading the books those characters appeared in. They carried on reading the Punisher."
"It's pretty exciting how you can have a genuine relationship with your readers, with your community."
"It's remarkable how popular The Lord of the Rings is so dense in so many ways and so complicated but it has always had this really vibrant life among the common readers."
"Backlist is King. Once you have a lot of entry points for readers to find you and to fall in love with your books, backlist really is everything."
"You are always searching for new readers. The goal is to always find people to replace those who are no longer reading your books."
"Happy 25th then to all your readers."
"It's all about the reader... making a sale is great, but there is nothing like passionate readers who shout about your books."
"Your pricing is your barrier to your readership. How you set your pricing is massive."
"Books that blew up because they made a lot of people cry."
"Our goal is to create impact in the lives of the people who buy our book."
"As I'm getting older it's easier to get tired but the thing that gets me untied every time are my readers, are the people on this call, are the two of you that show up and have it resonate with people."
"...a new author looking to really increase my sales or make the most amount of money or get my books into the hands of as many readers as possible."
"Sometimes that's the best marketing strategy to get as many readers in as possible."
"Readers have been intrigued by the mystery of what that lost book may have contained."
"Miscategorization can lead to disappointment for readers."
"Your books won't disappear and your readers are not that stupid."
"As long as they buy it I'm happy. I not have them read it."
"He never worried about how many people read his poetry."
"Almost 10,000 people read it [Fourth Wing] 10 days after the release, 20 days 20,000 people, and... almost 100,000 people already read Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yaros [after one month]."
"...his books wouldn't be bestsellers if he was writing cold and abstract fiction."
"I have managed to revitalize her books and am now seeing new readers with the objective of making her books accessible to as many people as possible."
"Once your book is published it's not your book anymore to a certain degree it's the readers'."
"In the scope of the start, you are sort of managing our expectations as readers, examiners, and supervisors."
"We need all the readers we can get."
"...you find a comic you read it you look through it you dig it and then you start to seek seek out more so this is what we can do to to grow this readership without further Ado"
"You want to write a paper because you want people to read your research. You've been putting probably many years of effort into this paper so at the end of the day it would be sad if you write it and then nobody reads it."
"Readers all over the place [are provided] with a fair amount of fun."
"As long as there are new readers being introduced to Calvin and Hobbes, Watterson's legacy will live on."
"I definitely hope that anyone would give a chance on reading and I hope everyone would enjoy."
"We want to make new comic book readers."
"Readership has to be qualitative... it's a community that's worth more than a great number of sales."
"We need to generate a new comic book readership over time, and this is a tradition that we are going to be participating in every year moving forward."
"No more complaints about lack of readership, about the lack of availability of comics for new readers. We're going to help sow those seeds. We invite you to do the same."
"We just know that I wanted to get our readers to think more carefully about these essays."
"I never fail to read your columns, they're always so full of wisdom and understanding."
"Jane Austen's novels are full of interesting readers that I would argue are very different from the sorts of reading that women of the time period read..."
"It's pretty much an undisputed opinion now by the readers of the series that one of the best things about Riyria Revelations is that it is a series that keeps on getting better with each new volume."
"just know I read them all and I really do appreciate all of you guys"
"Readers are as mysterious as writers."
"Giving your hero a goal from the start is an instant way to engage your reader."
"Kagachi, you know, one of the latest manga in Weekly Shonen Jump that has been blowing up and has surpassed the majority of Shonen Jump manga and readership."
"We had a million downloads of our articles that's a fairly robust attention to what we published over the years."
"Jane Austen's skill at characterization... deemed to be remarkable in astute readers of her own time."
"The more they fought amongst themselves the more the readers loved it."
"Engaging with readers is such a privilege because we do this to stimulate a conversation."
"Advocating for your book and your story is a critical part of going from the inward facing process of authorship to the outward facing process of obtaining readership."
"Perfect for new readers... good for first time or long time readers."
"The purpose of the writing is the reader; the reader is the spark that makes the bomb go off."
"It's incredible to me that there's that big of a readership of a fandom."
"We need more people in the industry, and we won't have older readers unless we cultivate younger readers."
"Just because it's not important to you, doesn't mean it's not important to readers."
"You're thankful, I'm thankful that people buy our books."
"Why wouldn't I engage with the readers? They're my audience."
"Thank you for taking the time to read this."
"I don't believe my books are finished until they're read."
"Thank you for all the support and coverage and readership of the site."
"I hope everyone has a nice day if you see this and got here thanks so much for reading."
"Thank you for taking the time to read all of this, I really appreciate it."
"We're indeed fortunate to bear witness to the Ferrante phenomenon and more importantly to be readers of her work."
"Once a work is out in the world, it stops belonging to the author and it now belongs to the readers."
"The foundation of a successful writing career is picking up people along the way and then keeping those readers happy."
"Once your reader is hooked on your characters or your story world in some way, keep them hooked."
"For someone to take time out of their day to read what I have to say, and then take time to put into their own words how they found the book, it's just so nice."
"Featuring related posts on your website is a great way to keep your readers engaged."
"In many ways we're writing to communicate to our readers."
"Giving your cover an eye-catching and creative design that's perfectly suited to your target audience will ensure that your cover speaks to the right readership."
"This will help my reader make a better decision."
"There should be no limit to the readership the comics can appeal to."
"Books that'll stand the test of time are those ones that will have that sort of core identifier for the reader for a long time to pass."
"There are new comic readers, there are a ton of new comic creators."
"All the growth, a ton of money is being made in comic books, an entire generation of new readers are coming in through bookstores."
"It's worth it, the people who want to read this are not the people who are waiting for all those omnibuses to exist on their own."
"It's amazing having such a dedicated readership that wants to go on that adventure, that visualizes things more real than I can."
"Thank you for all the love that you gave me on the last book that I made."
"It's nice to write a book and to have people read it and listen to it. That's all I ask."
"There's just something really fresh and original that they know they can sell, that they know will connect to the readers."
"Thank you for those 12 of you who bought the books last week; we appreciate it."
"Readers want what they’ve always wanted. A source they can trust."
"The reader is a very amorphous and multiple figure in my mind."
"IGN still does have a level of influence and they have readership and viewership."
"I read everything, I really care about this. So thanks all, I appreciate it and God bless."
"What I want is to be a published author, to have a few readers, to be able to hope that somewhere out there, someone loved my book."
"Piccolo smiled at us as if he thanked the readers for the time that we'd spent with him."
"This is one of those outsider books that is just going to be a favorite for so many readers."
"You never know how many people are going to read what you write and you just hope that people will and that they'll be able to follow you."
"I am so grateful that they took a risk as a reader on a new author or a listener for the audiobook."
"Their main mission is to promote new and emerging authors as well as help readers discover books that they'll love."
"I think it's really important to a lot of readers, maybe even subconsciously, that you get excited by that first sentence."
"Howard Zinn has never had more readers, has never had more influence."
"Readers are generally a little smarter than writers expect them to be."
"Let's put some good comics in front of them and see if we can grow the comic book readership."
"Let's try to top that and let's try to get some new comic book readers out there."
"We have to change gradually, or we'll alienate our readers."
"Your reader needs motivation to continue reading."
"The Times is read by the people who actually do run the country."
"What I want to do as an author always is to just ask questions and to get the reader to say, 'Well, what do I think about this?'"
"Readers are... your collaborator essentially if it's true that the book is created equally by the writer and the reader."
"He always wrote with the goal of wide readership, and his fans range from the poor and barely literate to the aristocratic."
"Crime fiction has overtaken general fiction in terms of its popularity amongst readers."
"Our free and fearless journalism is funded by you, our readers."
"Collaboration is a great way to create prizes for readers on the cheap."
"I hope lots and lots of people read it."
"Thank you very much, and I've been reading as many of them as I can."
"That's how you keep your readers engaged."
"Our manga readers are very resilient; they're going to get their manga one way or another."
"Know your readers... the more you know about the type of person who is really going to love your book and latch onto it and become a fan for life, the better off you're going to be."
"Bringing the book to new readers has been absolutely a dream come true."
"I was resolved to fit the work as much as possible to the general capacity of readers."
"The pre-new52 Superman was our eyes and ears when he stood on and watched the Justice League... it was us as readers watching alongside Superman."
"We truly have some extraordinarily sensitive and incredibly perceptive readers in this community."
"Can I get a sequel? I would read a book too immediately."
"The obvious solution to this aging out dilemma is that we need to have a new generation of readers, collectors to emerge."
"I'm sorry if I haven't answered your emails, but I do read every one of them."
"They treated their readers with respect when the industry was seeing some hard times."
"Readers will appreciate the authenticity."
"Stronger connections mean more loyal readers."
"That's why you write what you want to read, because if you want to read it, someone else is gonna want to read it too."
"Let's move a million Comics to potential new readers all across the country."
"I worry about hitting that point where... people just aren't reading my books for some reason."
"So far, your books have been read by more than 32 million people worldwide."
"Most of the people who've purchased this book do obviously like it."
"We need a variety of book lengths for all readers."
"There have always been readers for short books and long books and both, and there always will be."
"If you can give readers characters they've known for years in a brand new package, they'll eat it up."
"The American Weekly was circulated nationwide and boasted the largest readership of any printed media in the nation."
"Having somebody interested enough to read so thoroughly is the highest reward a manga creator could ever hope for."
"We're about telling the truth and we work for our readers."
"Thank you for your interest in the website."
"You need to be consistent, keep putting out high-quality content that you know people want to read."
"...so many people have been reading it and enjoying it and loving it."
"One of Douglas's great gifts is his ability to connect intimately with his readers."
"Somebody writing hoping that everybody's going to read this."
"Thank you for joining us, thank you for reading along, thank you for doing this series with us."
"The primary meaning is the meaning received by the readers."
"I love reading your comments and I appreciate you whether or not you leave a comment."
"It's a way to broaden your readership, and just cool things may happen."
"I like seeing where the readers are in the world."
"The people who purchased the book, do not give away the ending, okay? We don't want to ruin it for the clouded."
"The indispensable relationship I should build in my life was not with a specific person, but with an unspecified number of readers."
"I really appreciate anybody who checks out my book."
"Maybe I'll lose out on readers who don't agree with me and that's fine. You know, it's okay, that's the risk you run."
"Women do read too, you know. They'd buy your paper if you made it more attractive."
"We as readers like to get really protective and I think that's great."
"My readers have helped me more than I have ever helped them."
"Fondly looking forward to a long and pleasant acquaintance with our readers."
"We sell as many audiobooks as we sell physical books. We have a huge audiobook audience."
"You still need to write great content that people actually want to read."
"It's never been about a ship sailing; it's been about, 'Hey, I'm an intellectual person. We're all intellectuals reading this manga.'"
"I feel like it holds a lot of secret significance for the people who've actually read this book."
"What keeps me going is definitely meeting readers, getting positive feedback."
"The more people that you can get to read your blog articles that you have ads on, the more money that you can make."
"My hope is that you, my eventual readers of a hundred generations ahead or more, will feel yourselves spoken to as if by a contemporary."
"The things that we suggest are always in the best interest of getting your book into the most readers' hands as possible."
"Everybody wanted Rick to write about them because when Rick wrote about you, people read it."
"I want everybody's money, I want everybody to read the comic."
"We read every single one, thank you, enjoy."
"The notion that you write and someone reads you seems to me extremely robust."
"I didn't want to switch it off entirely because of my readers, because of that community I had."
"The most influential paper in England because of its exclusive readership."
"There are only, in my humble opinion, two kinds of readers: readers who love your books and readers who don't know they love your books yet."
"Not a day goes by that I don't hear from a passionate reader of the book."
"Connection is really important because that's how you develop relationships with your readers."
"Treat it like a real business, treat it like something people are actually going to read."
"Thank you very much, I read them and appreciate them."
"That article is going to be helping 10 people every month... over 10 years it's going to be 6,000 reads from just one article that you would have ignored."
"I do read every single comment that we get."
"The Guardian has always been a community of readers, journalists, and contributors."
"The article has been viewed over 26,000 times and has an approval rating of 74%."
"Circulated purely for the pleasure of the common reader."
"And to the reader, I bid farewell, hoping that many of my brethren may read my words. Adieu."
"These magazines were very popular during the time, they had immense readership and it was also enjoyed across all classes."
"Fantasy romance is so huge and has such a large readership that it just feels so separate from some of the other fantasy things out there."
"Every week I was troubled by the thought that if I had been a better person or writer, the readers would have been happier."
"The great collection of readers is my biggest motivation."
"Robinson Crusoe... continues to be considered as a classic with wide readership."