
Tactile Sensation Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Interesting, I mean, it has left my skin feeling quite soft, not gonna lie."
"I think everyone does this, for example, when you're writing with a pen, how the pen feels in different matches, yeah."
"She's kind of like velvety and fuzzy and just beautiful."
"Everything that you touch feels absolutely premium."
"It surprised me, it almost feels like you're writing on glass."
"And then at that point I just felt the sensation of when a warm hand just lays their hand on your shoulder like a comforting I'm here."
"It feels fragile almost like I could just break it if I just squeezed it too hard."
"Wouldn't it be cool if you opened him up and you felt him? He's all gooey on the outside, slimy because, you know, that's the venom part that's controlling him."
"I just love them, they're super weighty and just like expensive feeling."
"There's a sort of softness to the feel of the pen on the page."
"I feel like my skin is just like soaking this up."
"Feels like I'm touching a Muppet and I love it."
"It feels like plushies in the scrunchie."
"You build that physical connection and the tactile feeling of it."
"He feels like a toy. He's not what you imagine. He feels like he's just so perfectly smooth. But like his scales feel like plastic, like hard plastic."
"Feels nice in the hand it is not slippery it does feel nice and rubbery on the sides like a smooth rubber."
"These feel really good on my hands."
"This is the most tactilely pleasing finish I've ever put my hands on... it's just perfect."
"This one feels really smooth and soft"
"I actually really like this soft touch fabric that's all along the top of the dashboard here."
"Honestly, just go up and feel it. I need to find a blanket of this, I need to find sheets of this."
"It feels really great in the hand."
"The leather-wrapped steering wheel feels really nice in the hands."
"The big one for me is how they feel."
"They feel really good, like unbelievably just I don't know how to explain it, you have to just hold they're really soft and they're like but they're still like they come back, you know, like they're kind of they're still kind of springy does that make sense?"
"this is the kind of softness where you find this in store whoever you're shopping with or even if you're not shopping with anyone you want to go to a stranger and be like feel this oh my God you need to feel this"
"As human beings, we're tactile. We like to feel things and smell things."
"You've removed the gloves from each hand, pulling finger by finger out of the steel-reinforced leather, to feel the cool air softly wrap around them."
"They refuse to buy any wearable, they only want to go off feel."
"If you land on the side of them, they feel like an ice cube."
"The feeling of the ball in general is really nice."
"I like wearing jeans. I always go commando in jeans because I like the feel of denim against my nads, you know what I'm saying?"
"That's what they feel like when they're on your feet."
"This puppy feels like it's breathing."
"This key feels so good in the hands, ladies, and it has a good amount of weight to it as well."
"It's a really nice feeling pen case."
"I love how the oil pastel feels so oily as you paint; I can almost imagine getting it all over my fingers."
"The look, the feel of the knobs, the glow of the lights."
"They feel really good on the skin, they're extremely soft."
"Nice and soft, unique feel to it."
"It was very smooth, had a very smooth texture to it, was obviously made out of metal, it was very solid, and it was very cold, ice-cold."
"It's a really beautiful color, I love the feel of it."
"It's really soft; this is softer, most definitely."
"Nothing feels better than a good back scratch, especially like when someone lightly does it with their nails."
"It genuinely feels as soft as Boost underfoot."
"My hair feels baby soft, baby soft like it is silky smooth."
"I really like how it feels under your feet."
"It's so fun, it just feels good too."
"My hands feel nice and silky smooth, they feel like new hands."
"It literally feels like extra skin, so if you like seamless leggings that feel like butter and feels like extra skin, go check it out."
"Oh my God, wait, that is such good wax, holy mother, wait, that was so satisfying."
"I love them, they're velvet, thick and just so nice."
"It's a fuzzy, nice comfy looking rug that I'm guessing it's really nice to step in and it kind of feels good."
"It feels like a feather in your hand."
"It's a smooth, comfortable, soft to the touch steering wheel."
"The sand feels so soft; it feels like... baby powder."
"This right here is why you buy a vintage guitar; their necks, they feel like glass when they're nice and clean."
"They're squishy comfortable, aren't they?"
"I really like the look and feel of it."
"You can feel it break in as you go."
"The furniture has sort of that cognac clay feel to it that you get there and that and sunsets, things like that."
"This actually feels like an acoustic piano."
"The sounds of water splashing echoes off the surrounding walls, and the water is cool to the touch."
"This is like my favorite DNA ball ever. It's so squishy and look at it, it's so clear, it's literally like a balloon or like a bubble."
"I love how it feels, I love how it falls."
"It feels very, very smooth and elegant."
"It's so squishy, it's absolutely gorgeous."
"When you touch the cover of the GhostBed Lux, you will notice it is actively cooled to the touch."
"It's probably the softest fabric everywhere, it feels like cashmere."
"This thing feels premium. Wow, I really do like the feel of these."
"Life-changing, oh my gosh, feeling this is..."
"They're so comfortable; it's like soft to step on, yet firm enough."
"It feels divine, like it's soft, it's got a beautiful twist."
"This card stock has a beautiful matte finish to it; it almost looks like it's kind of velvety or suede."
"It feels just like a towel; it's seriously so soft, the quality is insane."
"For some reason, I love the way dots feel, it looks like you're putting pearls in."
"Those Gateron optical brown switches... are more tactile than your typical brown switch."
"It's because of the feeling, the vibe of reading real books."
"I can't tell you the texture and how amazing this feels, it's so soft."
"I just love the feel of the book."
"It's very soft, so very comfortable, it feels really good quality."
"It feels like you're working with a real three-dimensional material."
"I've never felt cubes with this kind of consistent silkiness and smoothness that the mystic lube provides."
"It feels like I actually have a powder on my face."
"It feels like butter, feels really, really nice."
"It just feels like a cloud when you apply it on the skin."
"This feels so good, it literally feels so soft, like I just can't deal."
"The feel of this product is absolutely zero; the touch of my skin is super soft but not slippery like a silicone."