
Positive Quotes

There are 610 quotes

"They are definitely wanting a relationship with you, definitely wanting a commitment, and they are working on it. That's really, really positive."
"Her laugh... contagious. So sweet, so genuinely sweet."
"I hope you guys are having a wonderful lovely fantastic day."
"This is a huge, huge shift. Very, very, very good."
"It's cute. It's fun. It's light. It's breezy. I like it."
"The only way to describe it is an utter assault on the senses, in the best way possible."
"I love y'all, man. I'll see you on the next one, I'm out."
"That's cool, that's really badass, that's awesome, I'm happy."
"Hey friend, that was a nice happy cry. It's a nice little Sunday blessing right?"
"It's a very affecting scene, but it's happy tears."
"Being a mama's boy is a good thing probably."
"Loyalty is a positive aspect, they're very loyal to you."
"That was one of the sweetest, coolest moments."
"Change is always for the better, congratulations if you've changed."
"A beacon of hope in a moment in time when very few are available."
"I think that was a clear and very positive signal sent by the leader."
"It could be magic happening this week. And all we have to do is open our hearts and allow it in."
"It's a very big positive to see that treasury yields are rising."
"You guys just don't know how amazing you are."
"It's still nice to hear, because you still hear the other stuff."
"The even more important thing is that you are exceptional."
"You're unlocking your prosperity, that abundance is moving towards you; there's alchemy here, it's like magic."
"That's actually really cool. That's a good one."
"Overall the digital flavor siren aversion 2 gets a rather positive thumbs up from you guys."
"You feel finally understood... a good thing."
"You have six very positive influences and relationships that you will have in this lifetime."
"Her energy and enthusiasm are really contagious."
"The proof that Nasty Gal is the opposite of nasty."
"I just think those natural interactions are so much more fun, yeah, it's cool, awesome."
"Competition, competition, competition is good."
"Take care, have a fantastic and awesome one."
"You're awesome parents, you're obviously thinkers, you're and you're working together."
"You're showing me high levels of individuation, I'm not saying you're on your own but you're showing me you're very comfortable with being on your own which is good."
"Peace, there is no need to worry, everything is working out beautifully."
"You truly are American Patriots, and it's a pleasure to meet you."
"Honestly I think this is a win, this is amazing for you."
"This game is surpassing my expectations in every way."
"The vast majority of you are actually patient."
"Final thoughts on the pedals, first impressions of this pedal set out of the box is positive."
"Best friendliest smartest chat in the YouTube game."
"That's what it's all about, man, that type of impact that you have on your family."
"They're very chill, relaxed, and sweet vibes."
"September was a whirlwind, so many good things happened."
"The biggest upset with a positive connotation."
"Rest assured, this is probably one of the only incidences in Daniel Larsson's story that has a positive outcome."
"It turned out to be for the best."
"Everything was pretty light-handed which is really good."
"Everything exceeded my expectations, so definitely a thumbs up."
"It's not a mixed review from me, friends, it's an A plus."
"That's the good thing that Corona time did, there were some positives."
"Thank you so much for recommending this; really appreciate it, honestly, it was sick."
"It's good, thumbs up, two thumbs up actually."
"This is the best month so far, y'all doing good."
"This is one of my favorite things that's happened in a long time."
"Always try to end on a positive repetition."
"Overall, I like the movie. That was fun. I enjoyed it."
"Honestly, I really think this is by far one of the best Primes released so far for the Studio Series."
"It's very uplifting," said Rincewind.
"I really, really, really enjoyed this."
"But so good these are the ones to try I'm telling you so good."
"Having a dog was the greatest thing about the pandemic. It just absolutely rules."
"This is surprisingly good, hearteningly good."
"It's a really lovely lovely thing to hear and reminisce about."
"That is awesome, that is bloody awesome!"
"Tables are turning in your favor."
"It's actually really good, surprisingly."
"The refinement side of the Yaris Cross is actually a real positive."
"They are divulging voting rights, which is a positive thing."
"This one's got a high spot on the tree."
"...it was memorable for all the right reasons if you will."
"it was overwhelming in all the best ways"
"I had a blast with the second half."
"So we're a bad influence, but we're like a good bad influence."
"Reviews were overwhelmingly positive."
"The positives are there, you know, the swings are feeling dialed."
"Overall, I think this is a really dope product and for only 12 dollars I think it's a hit."
"...all in all I think this is a hit for sure."
"I absolutely really, really enjoyed it."
"This year is going to be an year of self-discovery for you, it's a very good thing for you to happen."
"People say really good things about the show."
"The feedback that we've gotten has been absolutely fantastic."
"Thumbs up for this movie, definitely."
"Thank you for sending this. It actually has been amazing."
"Stolas and Octavia: A more positive father-daughter relationship."
"I want my videos to be helpful in a realistic, kind, and positive way."
"That moment changed my whole life for the better."
"I definitely do give it a thumbs up."
"stopping driving 90 percent of the cars around and letting nature take a foothold again in many areas has been a positive development"
"I am nothing but impressed right now."
"I read them and I hear you know the majority of these positive amazing comments and they mean a lot to me so I'm really grateful and really appreciative."
"Short Circuit received generally positive reviews for its humor, heartwarming story, and the endearing character of number five."
"That's actually really, really nice."
"I'm feeling good right now, I'm feeling [ __ ] amazing, you know."
"Highly recommend. It's very therapeutic."
"Alright I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your day and I will see you in my next upload."
"I'm gonna give it a thumbs up, it definitely works."
"I think one of the big positives about this movie to me was some of the characters."
"The outcome is awesome so I hope you'll join me today."
"Chaos should be regarded as good news, extremely good news."
"Mob Rules, it's solid, yep, nothing bad."
"This date is going pretty great now."
"I understand. It's very common. But negative self-talk isn't the only way to motivate."
"Honestly, it's unreal so today is, I want to say it's an exciting day and it is an exciting day."
"Pretty over the top in an awesome way."
"I had a great time watching this."
"I think it turned out pretty good so far."
"It was a blessing that, you know what, I'm making not just her, but my older brother who passed away, like I'm making them proud that I'm transferring my skills to something positive now, you know?"
"I've been loving it and have not had any negative effects."
"I would say all in all, a very good port selection here."
"I have nothing but good things to say about this guitar."
"My HIV results came back positive. I'm clean. Yeah, when your results are positive, it means you should have a positive outlook on life, and that you are definitely Gucci."
"What right there that's the kind of start that I like to see."
"It's been like a breath of fresh air."
"I feel like a million bucks. Better than a million, I feel like a superstar right now."
"That's a win-win situation really."
"I hope you guys have a wonderful evening, stay safe out there, I look forward to seeing you all again very soon in the next one."
"So it's time for my rating, guys, and to be honest, it was actually pretty good."
"Everyone that I met there was like super super nice."
"I got to say this thing turned out absolutely amazing."
"It's been a very good experience so far."
"Lincoln also sets some precedents, not necessarily always in a positive way."
"All in all, it was a fantastic day and with that being said, we're off. We'll see y'all tomorrow and now it's time to pay the price."
"He's definitely on a good day here."
"I'm dying I'm dying it's so good."
"EO has been ongoing for years in a way that would make even one piece blush and has had many ups and downs but I think overall has left a more positive taste in many people's minds rather than a negative one."
"We ended up getting really good stuff, everything was amazing."
"I am thrilled to death with this."
"Overall, this is a really good movie."
"Auto regulation is a fantastic thing."
"The purpose of what I do is a positive one. I really do genuinely believe that most of my songs are life affirming in some way."
"Small actions create ripples, and those ripples create more ripples. Eventually, the ripples can become a wave, resulting in a massive overhaul of the world, in turning a negative flow into a positive one."
"First was good guys, all first was really good."
"This movie was actually really good."
"That's fantastic. That's even better news."
"This is indisputably a positive thing for the environment."
"Overall, it was still a good vibe."
"Definitely a great little feature."
"For such a morbid ability though, it's incredibly positive."
"I think everything's really starting to look up for all of us."
"You have changed a lot in a positive way."
"The change that comes out is a really good change for us all."
"The car has a lot of character. It's a jailbreak, that is good."
"My first impressions of the Book One are looking really good."
"My college experience was phenomenal."
"Star Wars finally seems to have a win on their hands."
"Things are changing and they're changing in the positive direction."
"We've got chaos up here brother, yeah, it's good one though, it's great chaos."
"It was a real good start of the game."
"Just know that that's something that you're going to have to worry about or whatever and that can also mean a good thing to you because you know when you go to car meets and stuff like that you know a lot of people like these cars."
"This thing is actually pretty sweet."
"Honestly, I'm having the best time."
"Starting off with the positives for Ghostbusters 2016... I will say that I like the updated effects here."
"This gets a thumbs-up, I really like it."
"I think it's actually a good product."
"The vibe was great. It was a really freaking good event."
"Oh my gosh, that is so smooth and so good."
"That was great this was really really great."
"It makes us feel good. Thank you so much."
"...just a really, really good day one."
"I'm just so grateful that last night went so well."
"If you look for the good, you find the good."
"So, overall, what are my thoughts on the kit? Well, I definitely have to say that this kit is fantastic in every sense, way, shape, and form."
"This is the best experience ever."
"Well, we give this two thumbs up."
"We ended up having a great night."
"Positive people are good for your mental health."
"Honestly, this was a really, really good chat."
"It's just really, really refreshing."
"It's just been overwhelming, overwhelmingly positive, and we felt like there's a real buzz around this."
"50% more capacity was a good thing."
"I really love the Vibes I'm feeling so positive"
"So, as you guys can see, lots of pros. I love the stairs. It's very kid-friendly."
"I have a date. Well, alright, that's something."
"Everyone, if you get the chance, come out and check this place out. It's really sweet."
"I loved it! Thumbs up, definitely!"
"I have absolutely no regrets about it."
"There were a lot of very positive things that were happening."
"It's about as good of a situation as we could possibly ask for."
"This is a great first impression."
"It's a great problem to have, yeah."
"The upside has been the strengthening in the relationships."
"I love that they are picking up again."
"Initial impressions are extremely good on this."
"It's blowing my mind in a good way."
"This was a really fun show to watch."
"It's been a thoroughly amazing program."
"The inside is very different but in a good way."
"I felt like that Holly was in such a good spot."
"It's been a crazy few weeks man, but for good reason."
"I think it's looking pretty sweet."
"Superman Returns was met with largely positive reviews."
"Honestly today's been so lovely so far."
"Automatic two thumbs up for me, man."
"It's just got a really good vibe."
"There's always a positive way to communicate."
"That was definitely an awesome start to the new Peacemaker series."
"This is actually a blessing in disguise."
"Everything about this book gave me the happy feels, the happy butterflies."
"Once again I think it's really awesome."
"Having your parents tell you we trust you to make that decision is really very positive for a child's development."