
Hooks Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Hooks get a bad rap, they're seen as gimmicky and superficial, which they can be, but sometimes they're really helpful."
"Is there ever a bad hook to black pink songs? I don't think there is."
"There are just tons of awesome hooks and super catchy melodies on here."
"React hooks are functions that enable functional components to use state and other React features."
"Every song is pretty much like a punch in the face, and I like the intensity, but it's intensity with hooks. I just think the riffs just sink in deeper this time."
"The song had a few distinct and catchy hooks."
"You can have multiple hooks, not limited to the very beginning of a story."
"With the latest version of React, we can use React hooks which makes our code lighter."
"'Suicide Season' is covered head to toe in hooks."
"True both the hooks and the goddamn."
"Why is a hook important? It just makes your series interesting, right? This is the first time somebody's going to come onto your series, they are wanting to get engaged, they're wanting to be drawn into your series."
"...just so [__] awesome these hooks that are just so climactic after climactic hook after climactic hook never get sickening..."
"Uniswap now has Hooks and it allows for uniswap base to be extremely primitive but hooks to reintroduce complexity."
"There's so many great hooks in that song, there's more hooks in the slaughterhouse."
"Learning every single hook that is core to React. I don't exactly mean that you need to know all of them, but I just think that you should at least get an idea of what they are and when to use them."
"Fish make mistakes, they're just like us. Hooks catch fish, they're just like us."
"The spy who loved me is a way better hook into the movie and doesn't undermine itself as badly as this one does."
"I never knew you could make an entire album without hooks and make it sound that good."
"...it doesn't sacrifice the fact that this album is really fun to listen to. There's a lot of hooks..."
"Think about all the hooks that exist like there's plenty like great ones it's cool you know there's a lot and they're all like so similar this one just has a different uh feel to it for me."
"Do you have a good reference for a place that we can go to if we're not familiar with kernel programming to see all of the different Hooks and like specifically what they refer to kind of like a jump start to pour the hook in and what to like the pieces?"
"Red hooks on the front increase hook-ups; it's been proven over and over."
"Just because people are clicking for me doesn't mean that my go lives don't still need to have hooks and a reason for them to click."
"Every song has these hooks, you just want to hear it land in a certain way, and they deliver every time."
"We're not actually going to be using useState; we're going to be using useReducer."
"The most used and powerful hook you're going to use is the handle hook, which runs each time the SvelteKit server receives a request and it determines the response."
"Let's really understand what hooks are and how to use them."
"Let's look at how you can use hooks for error handling."
"Let's look at how you can use hooks to modify a fetch response."
"Let's look at an awesome use case for hooks, which is parsing form data."
"What if you could just make a hook that parses that form data for you and just gives you the parsed form data?"
"Let's look at how we can use multiple hooks together."
"Hooks are very powerful, and I hope you now understand how they work and when to reach for them."
"So okay, hooks are very powerful, and I hope you now understand how they work and when to reach for them."
"I was just so excited about the composition that we get with React, or with hooks."
"Event listeners are a great use case for use effect."
"We're going to be working with hooks and in here, if this is your first time working with hooks, then that's great."
"Julian's croon on this record is godly, one fantastic hook after another."
"We're going to use the use transition hook."
"Their songs were all hooks, all about the hooks."
"This is what a React component looks like if you're using functional React with hooks."
"There is a better way... of course using action and filter hooks."
"Action hooks add data or behavior. Filter hooks change or manipulate existing data."
"Hooks allow your code to interact with other code in predefined locations provided by WordPress core, a theme, or a plugin."
"Big picture, we don't want to have to say React dot and we just want to be able to say useState."
"You'll gain an in-depth understanding of hooks."
"Specific catfish hooks by species can make a significant difference in your catch."
"The hooks on this album are super infectious."
"It goes great with hooks. In fact, hooks were designed from the beginning to be compatible and work really well with Concurrent React."
"Distant skies, which has hooks to die for."
"It's that thing of like, you know, when you're a songwriter, you look for hooks."
"This hook returns a function we'll call it bindLogoPosition, and we're going to take this function and add it as an attribute to our container div."
"We need to use one hook that comes with React Redux, and it is a very extremely important hook that you need to learn called the Use Selector hook."
"If you're new to React, there's something called hooks in React."
"Hooks are about improved code reuse, composition, and better defaults."
"If you like this reactive style of hook programming, feel free to use this as a template in your application."
"We're going to be using the useState hook for our mobile responsive navbar."
"By the way, I am not gonna be using the traditional putting the connect and the map dispatch to props, map state to props, all that stuff. I'm gonna be using the hooks that we have Redux library comes with nowadays."
"You can now have state within a functional base component with the useState hook."
"We can use all the hooks we enjoy, we can use the browser APIs, and all of that cool stuff."
"You have to make sure your hooks are very powerful and eye-catching."
"React hooks allow us to get away from using class-based components."
"Hooks are really a mental model shift."
"The React useEffect hook is one of the most important things to know in React."
"Melodies are super dope, crazy, and the hooks are great."