
Dates Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"It was all true. That was in '08, correct? Or '08, it was '07."
"Dates are really good for strengthening your uterus."
"December 7th, 1941 is one of the most famous dates in world history."
"Dates are one of the healthiest sweeteners."
"Date powder is so much healthier than table sugar because it's made out of whole fruit."
"She was built in either 1753 or 1773, though more reliable evidence indicates the older dates of 1753."
"I love coffeee dates if that wasn't already so clear"
"This is a pretty good date night meal. If someone cooked me this, I'd be very impressed."
"Owen James Hart, May 7th, 1965 to May 23rd, 1999."
"There are so many health benefits found with dates."
"Many people divide their lives into before and after the fourth of August."
"Now let's explore continuous dates."
"I've got 25 dates in September up until the end of November."
"It might help if you’re looking at the ephemeris to sort of circle those dates because that isn’t just a case of the Moon transiting through that sign, but it’s the one time of the year where it might be a New Moon in that sign or a Full Moon in that sign."
"...dates are great... you can also get a date sugar... or a date syrup as well if that's easier for baking."
"Another common mistake you might see is someone not being uniform with the way that they write their dates."
"What was the date that Frodo was last seen in the Shire?"
"January 3rd is a date that had more importance to me than my own birthday."
"I think one of the best dates I've ever been on, this guy in New York was like, 'I'd like to surprise you. I want to take you on a date.'"
"Quite an early jeep, 21 989 I believe."
"So Jake, everything happened on June 7, 2016, and here we are in August of 2020, correct?"
"I didn't know if that was the first, I don't know, my dates were all screwed up."
"I'm about to announce the 2023 dates coming up."
"April 5th through June 2nd, Season of the Force is back."
"The worst dates are the ones that are okay because they're distracting."
"The best dates are the ones where you're like 'how did we end up on this topic?'"
"The dates are really really important when you are planning."
"You can notice the little details in all of the dates."
"I'm gonna do a couple of daily dates."
"When you sign that contract, what date's on the bottom of that contract? May 32.12. All right."
"Best day of the month is the 18th. The luckiest day of the year."
"If you have self-employment earnings, know the dates."
"...that's right yeah uh 90s uh August 31st 1996..."
"99% of you will be thinking 'the heck of those dates they mean absolutely nothing to me.' There'll be a very small percentage... nodding their head right now."
"March 21st is one of the most important days of my life."
"We're going to be at Baltimore Comic-Con on September 8, 9, and 10."
"They're going to want to plan dates, they're going to be very, very romantic."
"That's your quick crash course on working with dates and time."
"You ask it questions about certain dates and times, and it solves the constraints to figure out the answers."
"Processed sugar especially not very often so dates are a good substitute when you're desperate for something really sweet."
"Around the 21st, 22nd, 23rd is actually supremely great for starting new things."
"Consuming just three dates a day can cause an irreversible reaction in the body."
"The power of dates is simply amazing."
"Join me on this adventure to discover what these dates have to offer."
"Dates are an excellent source of natural carbohydrates and nutrients that improve brain function."
"Dates are rich in antioxidants such as flavonoids, which protect the brain from oxidative stress and inflammation."
"Integrating dates into your daily routine can therefore help improve memory, concentration, and cognitive health in general."
"Dates nourish the nervous system."
"Including dates in your diet not only nourishes your body but also strengthens your neurological system."
"Dates are rich in nutrients that strengthen the immune system."
"Dates are extremely nutritious and have various health benefits."
"The power of dates is nothing short of miraculous."
"It tastes really delicious when you break up dates onto your kisuri."
"Dates are such a good replacement for white sugar, brown sugar, they're just so sweet."
"You can apply for this from the 10th of December until the 1st of February."
"We love dates here, and I can turn that into lots of different stuff."
"There's your three crucial dates: 1086, 1139, and 1247."
"This is the best date store in Jeddah, tanaki."
"The date of sale for the purchase is the actual contract signing date, not the settlement date."
"So lubridate is pretty helpful for dealing with pesky things like dates and times."
"Eating just five dates every day could unlock a treasure trove of health benefits."
"Dates are packed with vitamin A and vitamin K, two of the immune system's best buddies."
"Dates have their very own ninja assassins, silently taking out the threats to your health."
"Dates are the perfect food for everyone, loaded with nutrients."
"Make sure you make a note of the 28th and the 29th."
"Date is a favorite of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."
"Dates are very high in a lot of minerals and nutrients."
"The list of the dates produced by the priesthood was called 'Fasti' or sometimes 'Feriae'."
"Dates add so much sweetness and it's natural, it's not like processed sugar in any way."
"Hopefully that's given you an idea about how to handle dates and how to potentially delve into data."
"That's how we add dates, pretty simple."
"If a month starts on a Sunday, you're going to have a Friday the 13th."
"Subtracting one date from another can be an extremely useful application of formulas in Excel."
"These are amazing amazing dates, they're very very soft and very very sweet."
"I actually really do like eating dates, especially filled with peanut butter and some mini chocolate chips, and then you freeze them."
"I love dates because they're like candy, but they're nature's candy."