
IT Management Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Ping and traceroute are invaluable tools. They will make your life a lot easier."
"Traceroute: Shows every router that the packet goes through."
"I cannot think of the network as the security perimeter anymore."
"If you understand those things when we go in to do the configurations it will be a lot easier because you'll understand what's what's supposed to be happening."
"DevOps is not just a single product, it's the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users." - Donovan Brown
"Reverse proxies aren’t magic and they don’t fix everything."
"That's how the DMZ works - you make it totally secure so it protects everything that's sitting behind that second router."
"Once you have network security, you will never be facing any virus problem or any hacking problem again in the future."
"It's only worry-free if you have a good backup solution."
"Windows deployment services allows you to deploy windows to a new PC over the network."
"So you don't need to worry about changing your existing policies. They'll just work on Windows 11."
"Communication with end-users is key in IT support."
"Ansible, Docker, and Linux: the trifecta for enterprise configuration management."
"What I want you to think about when you think about the cloud is just a computer somewhere else that you are using in some fashion"
"All of these services could just be one monolithic service. It would save us memory and resources."
"Your system should never be exploitable by known vulnerabilities and known exploits."
"The question is not whether we are migrating, but whether we are migrating safely."
"Automation allows us to handle mundane, repetitive tasks, freeing up IT personnel to focus on more critical issues."
"Starting at the transport layer it allows us to look up at the application and immediately exonerate the network below and that's our goal."
"Concurrency control is essential, especially in distributed environments."
"Money is not an issue because the cost is the downtime, not the hardware."
"Firewalls: block ports, but blocking too much can cause unexpected issues."
"If your data doesn't exist in three places, it doesn't exist."
"One of the most important concepts in the ASAP system admin is the concept of an instance."
"The 3-2-1 principle of data protection stipulates that you should have at least three copies of your data on at least two different storage mediums and one of them should be off-site."
"The last pillar, by no means least, is security."
"Good configuration and change management can prevent incidents and outages."
"Group Policy gives me more than 3000 settings that I can use to manage computer accounts and user accounts."
"Configuration management ensures that systems are configured in a similar fashion and that the configurations are known and documented."
"Active Directory is a really powerful way of managing computers and policies for those computers."
"This is the benefit of using Active Directory: we have centralized management of users and computers."
"Group policy is a pretty basic thing. It's just applying settings to all the computers that we specify."
"An IT manager needs to stay on top of their game, be up to date with technologies, and know what the best solution is for a business for the long haul and for their success and growth."
"Azure Active Directory can help secure your cloud-based resources from any security risk while streamlining IT processes, cutting costs, and ensuring that your corporate compliance goals are met."
"So, net new, you definitely want to have a URL naming convention policy in place."
"Are you ready to transform the way you manage IT?"
"Health checks are important for monitoring external dependencies."
"Just an example of kind of how you can use that as well as take action for like uninstalling products using CM pivot and scripts"
"...we can see that all the package has successfully been distributed and we've got all our content ready to go for our clients."
"...ensure that the SAM background jobs run so that the discovery models are created..."
"You don't want to be sending sensitive information like configuration settings through emails. There should be a central repository like a SharePoint."
"Stephanie in fact has generic all permissions on the Management Department, so what can we do with the Management Department? Any suggestions on what we can do here? Now since we have full access to it, we could do pretty much anything."
"Maintenance and support practices are important to provide assurance to users as well as management that the expected level of service will be delivered."
"An SLA is an agreement between the IT organization and the customer; it details the services to be provided."
"Our infrastructure is now versioned, it's now in scripted form, we can reproduce it, it's immutable."
"Keep backups. If you don't test your backups and have a tested recovery plan, you do not have backups."
"Back up your stuff; for as long as folks have been working in IT, we've been talking about the need for backups."
"While partitioning can be used to improve performance in some scenarios, creating a table with too many partitions can hurt performance under some circumstances."
"Installing the latest updates on Windows Server is important because updates patch security holes and make your installation of Windows more secure."
"The advantage of a global group is that you can use it in any domain in the forest unlike domain local groups."
"A person may be part of the IT InfoSec group as well as the vulnerable group because their vulnerabilities may be too high."
"So once you know what your query is waiting for, then of course life becomes a lot easier."
"Minimize technical debt where feasible, especially fundamental technical debt."
"You see how you're managing it from just one place makes it super easy for you to manage 10,000 computers if you want to."
"Ninja is a SaaS based multi-tenant RMM platform that helps MSPs and IT providers manage and monitor their devices."
"We proudly and humbly boast of five thousand partners today and almost 2.5 million endpoints under management."
"We're going to get all of this information, and at the very least, that's what we need to create these accounts in Active Directory."
"Now is the time to move services to the cloud and take back control of your complex hybrid IT."
"We're using vSphere with vCenter server to manage the entire VX Rail as a single entity."
"Testing is the one place that you can really judge the success of your IT disaster recovery plan."
"The real key thing is that these are centrally managed by IT because they're within SharePoint and SQL Server."
"The IT guys are gonna like working with you, the data engineering guys are gonna be like, 'Thank God this guy's got his stuff unlocked.'"
"You can do things like hybrid linked mode where you're able to manage both environments from one specific vSphere client."
"Apple Business Essentials is great if you're a business owner who has some tech savviness skills but maybe you're not an I.T professional."
"Keeping tabs on your system health and having good monitoring systems in place is paramount if you want to keep your systems problem-free."
"With Zabbix, you can monitor all kinds of networking equipment, servers, application services, and more."
"You have successfully installed Zabbix."
"And if you again, if you would remember only one thing from my talk, remember about meta-monitoring, so monitoring your monitoring stack, it is essential."
"The great thing about this is that if you create these queries and they're very specific, it gives you the governance that you need."
"Dataverse handles all the performance, stability, and disaster recovery without adding another server for the IT department to have to manage."
"It's best to have two department sites for every department to ensure the proper security posture."
"We started off with this clearly defined network... It's very simple, it's very easy to understand and very easy to secure."
"The device is secured, the device is compliant, the device has all the applications, all the policies, everything is there out of the box."
"We prefer to use different systems inside our IT environments."
"Server response time is going to be really important to monitor."
"Doing an upgrade is obviously a fairly major project on your storage system."
"IT time and resources are very valuable."
"Create a centralized syslog server that all the systems in your hybrid cloud log to, so that you have a centralized point so that you can do correlations."
"We don't care whether it's a rollback, a roll forward, a hotfix; the only thing we care about is that the user may have been experiencing a failure and then is not experiencing a failure."
"Cluster health status changed from yellow to green."
"RBAC helps to enforce least privilege principle as it ensures that employees are only granted access to resources that they need to perform their job functions."
"Over 90% of IT leaders expect to expand cloud services in the next one to three years."
"The big thing here is make sure the time and date on all of your servers are the same."
"If you're serious about managing your IT assets effectively, then Mart is the solution for you."
"Protecting your domain controllers from malicious or accidental action is critical to the security of these environments."
"Syslog is basically, as the name says itself, it's pretty self-explanatory, it's the system log software, the system log solution."
"Modern management brings a slew of other automation and security tools."
"When ready, simply update the service definition to point to the new version."
"It's much easier to shut down the VM and simply move a few disks around than try to, for instance, move a SQL database doing like a backup and recovery and have to worry about that type of configuration."
"The global administrator role is the most powerful role you can have in Azure AD."
"Having an appropriate backup strategy that has multiple tiers and duplicates of files in different physical or network locations is incredibly important."
"We literally had customers use this to migrate up to 300 VMs in a single weekend."
"It's really powerful, it really has ushered in this new age of when you're thinking about companies and how they manage their IT departments."
"You can monitor your server health using no extra software."
"COBIT is a business orientation which links the business goals with the available resources."
"If you've got a large switching campus, you need to be more aware of the balance between security and flexibility."
"If you're an IT admin or somebody who runs a lot of different machines that have Docker going on it, this is a great way to come into it to see all of your different instances."
"Popeye can leverage that information to tell us if we've overprovisioned or underprovisioned within our configurations."
"The quieter and more boring your environment is, that's winning. That means you're doing things right."
"The self-service options allow for password resets and other profile maintenance to be done without IT resources."
"With federated authentication and SSO, you'll be able to manage and authenticate users using Azure Active Directory."
"If you're just on the free Azure AD, then you can only synchronize users and not groups."
"We're going to configure the MIME types at this top level."
"With an uptime of 99.9 percent, it also removes the headaches and opens resources within your IT department."
"The notebook is completely managed."
"Event-driven Network automation proves that Network automation is not only about configuration management."
"Active Insights, a really cool feature for IT business owners."
"If I need to collaborate, if I need a site, I don't need to call IT, I just can go here and create a site by myself."
"Looking at mean time to recovery instead of mean time to failure."
"We have a rich set of tools we've provided for IT admins to deploy and manage Windows Virtual Desktop."
"If you deregister the instance from the LB first and then terminate, you'll find that the traffic is routed to the existing healthy instances much quicker."
"What makes Nmap stand out as the tool IT and network managers need to know is its flexibility and power."