
Shrek Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"My final opinion on all of this is Shrek is love, Shrek is life."
"Shrek isn't just an animated character, he's an institution."
"Some say the diss tracks are the best of all time, nah, Shrek is the best diss track that's ever been done."
"Between memes and franchising, it's probably impossible to grow up without Shrek entering your life somehow."
"Shrek wear socks when he goes to bed. Isn't he used to being in a swamp barefoot?"
"Shrek was the first movie ever to win the Oscar for Best Animated Feature."
"Maybe the best DreamWorks movies, it's Shrek, I dare I say."
"You gotta vote these guys out... you need more Adam Kinzinger's and more Liz Cheney's."
"As it turns out, the beloved DreamWorks ogre Shrek was actually inspired by a very real man."
"I think I'm going to say extended vacation for the Shrek Universe."
"I'd hang out in the Shrek Universe for a little while."
"Shrek Chris Farley version... Chris Farley was going to be the original voice actor and even recorded many lines for an early version of Shrek."
"Shrek was their first movie to win an Oscar for Best Animated Feature, beating rival Pixar's film 'Monsters, Inc.'"
"the Vibes are Immaculate the tune is catchy and the lyrics do a great job of summing up Shrek's feelings for Fiona and Fiona for Shrek we suppose accidentally I'm in I'm in love I'm in love in love I'm in love I'm in love Accidentally In Love"
"What color is film character Shrek?"
"How the hell is Shrek 20 years old?"
"Shrek's soundtrack, featuring 'All Star' and 'I'm a Believer,' shaped the film's tone and narrative."
"DreamWorks gambled on 'Shrek,' but its massive box office success paved the way for sequels and spin-offs."
"Shrek has found a second life on the internet, becoming the subject of countless memes."
"Shrek's height adds to his character, towering over most humans and making Farquaad appear even smaller."
"'Shrek' follows a classic hero's journey, resonating with audiences."
"Shrek was good but Shrek 2 is a masterpiece."
"Shrek, a sheep from New Zealand, avoided being shorn by hiding in caves for six years."
"Shrek is the naughty Disney, the more cynical Disney."
"Do you think Shrek would have gotten his princess if he spent the rest of his life moping about how ugly and smelly everyone thought he was? Of course not."
"Shrek's general goal of get rid of the fairy tale creatures has just become the very next scene."
"True love's first kiss baby we are back in Shrek rules I feel like it's been so long since we've been in anything resembling Shrek rules but true love's kiss is here and it is here to stay."
"Shrek is a self-fueling phenomenon people love this big green man and it's died down some but you'll still see it everywhere."
"Shrek retold is a crowdfunded shot for shot remake of the 2001 film Shrek released on the 29th of November 2018."
"Shrek is a legend and he deserves to be back in popular culture, let's be honest."
"Shrek is like an amazing example of something that's clearly made for kids, but there are so many different layers to the things they say and the humor they use that it's so appealing to everybody."
"Shrek's really all about Parenthood and that's what makes it so touching."
"The question is not 'have you seen Shrek?' The question is 'how many times have you seen Shrek?'"
"I think Shrek was like, 'I'll deal with a human woman for a human.'"
"Mustard beef being canonically British more specifically Scottish in this universe makes it feel like you squatted up with Shrek."
"Initial thoughts on Shrek? I love Shrek. I love Shrek as a kid, I still love Shrek."
"I need to release the Nicholas Cage cut of Shrek too."
"When Shrek confesses his love to Fiona, she actually stays permanently in her ogre form."
"Shrek Rave is coming to London? Well, yeah, of course, that's a thing."
"Shrek deserves more theme park representation."
"I want a Shrek theme park in Orlando. There, I said it."
"The second half of Shrek 2 is so absurdly good."
"There are very few animated movies that you could actually say that they defined a generation, but the first two Shrek films are among them."
"Shrek was a real game changer in animation."
"I guess you could say that I love this movie as much as Shrek and Fiona love each other."
"You ever seen Shrek? The donkey talks on that one."
"The central choice of Shrek is like the choosing the ugly for its genuineness over the pretty."
"Shrek 1, great movie, great characters, great message, ten onion layers out of ten."
"I love animation so much, I really love Shrek."
"I actually think Shrek the Musical is a great show."
"I've compared the tone of it to Shrek because there are aspects of the humor and some of the jokes that I feel like are very appealing to adults."
"Cake is life, Shrek is love, Shrek is life."
"Shrek this early though, feng shui, we are not knocking out Shrek this early."
"I'm pretty sure it's obvious in my video but yeah, I love Shrek so much."
"This collection is making me want to go and watch Shrek back to back."
"I think the only exception of like a movie that is not a Disney movie that's animated that I think is on that same level is Shrek."
"I love this series so much, we've got Shrek the whole story which has all four Shrek movies in a nice box set."
"It'll be cool to see Shrek's Hut."
"This is the greatest Shrek movie ever made."
"Once upon a time, Shrek was the biggest name in animation, even more than Mickey Mouse."
"Taking a bite out of an onion every day until the new Shrek movie is released."
"I did like when baby Shrek, uh, when he barfed all over the place in the first minute."