
Dashboard Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"QuickBooks provide a convenient dashboard for you to look at basically every element of your business at a glance."
"On this dashboard, you will find most of the metrics we discussed so it makes it easy for you to track what's happening on your site."
"A dashboard is visualizations from other Power BI reports pinned to one specific place that can be updated in real-time."
"Oh I love the dashboard isn't that beautiful."
"Welcome to Data Tutorials, where we'll see the design and development of this beautiful dashboard from start to end."
"Building a report or building a dashboard, okay."
"The initial setup is done and we're on the unified dashboard under the Mac Telecom SE."
"When we build our dashboard, we'll use visualizations when we want a quick impression and tables of data when we want to compare precise numbers."
"Dashboards: Your control panel for cloud applications, easily customizable with drag-and-drop widgets."
"Don't rush building the dashboards. Always take time in analyzing the requirements, understanding the data, planning the structure, planning the mockups."
"We're about to embark on an exciting journey with Google Looker Studio to create a dashboard for our fictional company."
"It's like they took a whole tree and just plopped it on the dashboard."
"The dash dominated by this central color screen."
"Once you've created a dashboard, you can see it here in the start list."
"Copying an existing dashboard can save you a ton of time."
"I want to be able to see an all-up kind of dashboard, a single pane of glass to see it."
"Kubernetes offers a really cool thing called the dashboard. It essentially is a GUI application for interacting with your cluster if you are command-line averse or you just would like a visualization."
"So now that we're kind of sending all of our paths lead to dashboard, let's make that dashboard."
"Dashboards are an intuitive and interactive way to visualize your data all on one single screen."
"I encourage you all to go check it out. But mostly I encourage you to go and actually build dashboards yourself."
"This is my dashboard and I hope you like it."
"That's the advantage of the dashboard is that you can grab many disparate systems and many disparate databases and put all them together into data that you can actually display and strategize with."
"...I just think is super useful because let's say you're on the dashboard of creators companion and you're looking at your top three videos, you have a super quick way to get to the video itself..."
"The best thing about the dashboard is that it can be dynamic and intuitive, responding to the actions of our audience or the people engaging with our survey."
"Using the right visualization can make your key metrics stand out on a dashboard."
"One of the great things about Home Assistant is the ability for you to design whatever dashboard you want in whatever custom way you want to do it."
"And when we turn on the engine, then you can see on the left side speed, right side would usually be RPMs."
"What's the best way to personalize a dashboard? That's a great question."
"The dashboard gives it a fighter jet feel, with ambient lighting along the center console and door scoops."
"...we can create some interactive charts here, which are very powerful and you can start making some dashboards."
"The threat analytic dashboard helps us to highlight the reports that are most relevant to our organization and it summarizes the threats in different sections."
"The materials used for the dashboard and center console help elevate the driving experience."
"So here's the gauges, so it has a speedometer on the right side with your fuel gauge and on the left side is your engine coolant temperature down here and then it has this needle with this eco indicator type thing."
"Once you get your data into the system and start building this dashboard, that's fed also from the underlying sheet so you set up the dashboard once and it's updated in real time whenever the underlying sheets are updated then the dashboard reflects those changes."
"The dashboard for you as a business owner is just so you can see immediately when you log in what your profit and loss looks like, what your expenses look like."
"This Dash is clear, it's crisp, it's easy to read, and it gives you all the information you need at a glance."
"it's really fun and of course to look at that classic dashboard and you know the clip-ons and the whole day you did a nice job congratulations"
"The dash is absolutely wonderful to look at, telling me everything I need to know at a very quick glance."
"The Honda dazzles with its five-screen dashboard and virtual door mirrors."
"In this part, we will mainly concentrate on introducing monitoring across all our services and how to view the status of our services in a dashboard."
"Finally, we are going to be putting it all together and building a complete dashboard."
"This is a beautifully crafted UI library. If you're building a dashboard kind of interface, what better way would be to start the application than using the Next UI?"
"This is one of my favorite dashboards."
"Don't forget to plug your microphone in if you've run it along with the dashboard."
"This dashboard is fully automated and allows you to dynamically shift the views so that you can always stay up to date on all of your habit performance."
"You can customize this dashboard just based on those queries and adding them to a visualization dashboard."
"The Power BI dashboard is easy to use and provides all the information you need in one place."
"With this new dashboard, we hope to save you time by allowing you to check in on the most important areas of administration with a quick glance."
"For did a big refresh about five years ago and then put an entirely new dashboard in."
"I think that the Subview, Tabbed card, and Swipe card are powerful tools to make your dashboard much smaller and more efficient."
"Let me know in the comments what your ideas are to set up an efficient dashboard that does not need vertical scrolling!"
"We just want to bring in our image from our dashboards that we created with Figma."
"We'll recreate one of my dashboards that I created earlier this year."
"It was just easy to use, right? Like you could just quickly drag and drop and at least MVP dashboard in a day."
"You can arrange elements on your dashboard, bring elements to the front, align them horizontally or vertically, and make something report level."
"Making dashboards interactive by adding buttons, controls, dropdowns, or any elements that let users play with the data."
"This Garmin Digital dash me too very nice easy to see it's big so I can see when I'm driving down the road that's a huge feature to me."
"When the car is running you'll see that little green guy there... you've got your range to empty on the bottom left-hand corner."
"The whole idea was to get three main points to mount the main weight of the dashboard."
"This dashboard is completely customizable guys."
"Just by scrolling down here, it has an n8n style dashboard."
"...the best dashboard I've ever seen... designers have put a lot of time and effort into making this look amazing."
"Let's describe our dashboard page."
"It's got a really lovely TFT dashboard."
"A dashboard is essentially like a view, but it can be exactly however you want it to be."
"Having it front and center on the dashboard is for me a constant reminder that we're on the right path."
"So build a detailed set of dashboards in advance before your services go live."
"Overall design of the dashboard is really nice and something you, I and anyone can use it."
"So that's mainly about it what I wanted to show you in this step-by-step dashboard and I hope you have found it useful."
"If this were applied to a dashboard this would allow the end user to see the top 10 quickly."
"We have a dashboard showing us profit by year and sales by year."
"I'm really proud of the final dashboard layout that I've come up with that includes a great schedule view of each day or week filtered from Google."
"Let's start making the analytical dashboard using Plotly Dash."
"Great, as you can see now we have two indicators added to our dashboard."
"It means when you check in during your weekly, monthly reviews, you can jump into the dashboard that's relevant for each section that you're taking a peek at."
"You still have access to your weather station data, you can still put it in your dashboards, you can plot it, you can store it."
"I hope you're enjoying building this dashboard."
"There you have it, our nice interactive dashboard."
"Welcome back, and here's what you can do in the dashboard."
"Consider what type of content should be added to the site, especially the dashboard, and the goal is not only to have this site serve as an operational hub but also as a tool that yourself, your staff depends on."
"Heimdall is an application dashboard that allows you to create and manage shortcuts for all of your favorite services."
"We're getting data from a data source, saving it to a database, and then building APIs and front-ends to consume the data and make a nice dashboard available."
"I hope you enjoyed this, I hope this was... will give you a head start on using excel sheets and with dash plotly and creating these beautiful dashboards."
"I think we can call this project done. We have a dash once again."
"It's essentially a template for R Markdown, which can be used to create a dashboard."
"What's really cool about Flex Dashboard is it's like its name, it's an extremely flexible dashboard."
"It's really a nice little dashboard that you get for this."
"If you do a lot of reporting, we have an analytics dashboard for that."
"This is a dashboard, this is so cool, right? It gives you so much of this sort of interactivity with it."
"We are done with that, we are about to move on to the dashboard, which is the coolest part, in my opinion."
"Responsive dashboard using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript."
"Data looks good, so the next thing you're going to do is creating the pivot tables that will allow us to create the dashboard."
"You could build a dashboard from any kind of different data source that you have in your database."
"This is the coolest looking dashboard yet."
"The dashboard is where you can read all your analytics."
"So I showed you a nice dashboard previously with a list of jobs on the left and then a map of jobs on the right."
"This is Riverside, and when you first log into Riverside, you get to a dashboard where you can see all of your studios."
"It's comprehensive, beautifully clear, lovely to read instrument panel."
"Portainer gives you an incredible dashboard experience to manage, configure, and monitor your Docker environment."
"You'll definitely learn more if you build each panel on the dashboard yourself."
"That's pretty much the whole dashboard, these are some of the key metrics that you would want to track."
"It's not about fitting furniture in a room; it's about fitting information on a dashboard or in a visualization."
"One of the quickest things you can do to add functionality to the dashboard is by clicking this uses filter button."
"Always focus on organizing the information displayed on your dashboard."
"The whole point of making a dashboard is so your user can gain insights from your data."
"A dashboard is basically allowing you to show sets of information together on one screen."
"Creating different visualization types, combining them into a dashboard or a canvas workpad for presentation together with annotations and custom colors."
"Zapper.fi is a DeFi dashboard and it's awesome."
"Now we can move on to the fun part, and that is the crypto dashboard."
"We now have a much more user-friendly dashboard for anyone that's working with the recipes that we're creating as part of the website."
"The superset dashboard itself does have the ability to have Auto refresh set on the charts."
"The new Readiness Check 2.0 will be an active dashboard."
"Create a view that is only going to have the data we need so we can send it into our dashboard."
"With Yacht, you have a really nice graphical dashboard of all of your containers running on your container host."
"We now have our dashboard that allows us to see all of the batsman performance information for whatever batsman we choose and whatever year we choose."
"The Kubernetes dashboard lets you see the various resources deployed inside your cluster."
"K9s is a cool text dashboard that runs in a terminal."
"Lens is a free dashboard that you can install on Windows, Mac, and Linux."
"We have created a dashboard for our clients such that they can see every stage of the charges."
"It's really great for building a smart home dashboard."
"Give your users a much nicer experience when they log into that dashboard."
"The technology is laid out in quite a good-looking dashboard."
"You get this spiffy dashboard that tells you memory usage, CPU usage, local disk usage."
"So this is going to be our dashboard."
"Pretty sick, right? So that is the beginnings of our dashboard."
"The dashboard gives you reports for the overall progress of the project."
"The Dashboard is really just a quick way for users to see what kinds of data they are collecting, as the data is being collected."
"This is basically how to add filters to your dashboard."
"You will create your first dashboard using Power BI to understand the data of your projects."
"Now that we've done all the hard work, we can put it nicely into a dashboard."
"Once you're verified and logged in, you'll reach the dashboard."
"Adding a dashboard to favorites provides quick access to the dashboard."
"If you see something on a dashboard, it's a lot easier to know like yes, we have a major problem."
"Let's integrate the dashboard first of all."
"We have a mass baseline scan... provides a simple dashboard."
"With a sheet, we have much greater control about the data that actually goes into our dashboard."
"There's also a way to look at these stats and everything going through using the backend or these stats dashboards."
"We'll first calculate our metrics, then lay out our dashboard, and finally, implement our data in Google Data Studio."
"Alright, so we have made it and now we have our dashboard ready, outlined."
"We're interested in developing as Commerce guys is essentially our own analytics dashboard."
"The auditor dashboard is a centralized place for monitoring control activity and reporting."
"We're also going to tie this into a larger dashboard to not only track time but see where time is going."
"The teacher dashboard... served me well."
"Once you log in, you'll be greeted by the TrueNAS dashboard, which shows you all of your system information and current system health."
"After, we can take it one step further by combining different charts and make a full dashboard."