
Poignancy Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Seriously, a story that will kick you right in the heart and right in the gut and will just leave an impact."
"Death is tragic and goodbyes are inevitable, but this is what makes life precious."
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."
"The difficulty of threading the needle of satire and poignancy in Jojo Rabbit was masterfully done."
"No one could have imagined it would be the last photo taken of them alive."
"My Battery Is Low and It’s Getting Dark."
"Knowing the limitations of our own dreams makes the brief window during which we get to live them so much more poignant."
"It's so accurate. It's so poignant without being aggressive."
"It manages to pay off a joke set up earlier while being very poignant."
"It's just an absolutely brilliant, moving, heart-wrenching book that has such moments of utter poignancy in it that I've just shattered by its state of the world."
"It's really poignant. It reminds me a little bit of books like The Remains of the Day."
"That failure of 'I'll never have a Baby Ben,' I don't know, I just thought that was so beautifully put."
"It's going to rain when I die. It's sad, but badass."
"Life is incredibly poignant because life is not endless."
"The last shot of the movie where the Holly Martin's character stands off to the side and then the woman Anna walks right by him."
"Remembrance Sunday is always poignant, I think it's poignant for the whole nation, this special moment when we pause to reflect on the sacrifice and commitment of others to provide our freedom today."
"With the sands of time slipping through her fingers like grains of sand, she bid Taran adieu."
"He knew he was about to die, and that, my friends, is one of the most poignant things you can even think about."
"Most poignantly, a pet spaniel licked the young woman's face."
"Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life, anybody's life."
"I think it's this underlying bed of poignancy that makes all of the Jack and Rose scenes play so vividly on top of that."
"All those moments lost like tears in the rain."
"There is something incredibly poignant about reading the story almost 5,000 years after its historical setting."
"The overarching theme of the story is poignant in the face of untold loss and nearly insurmountable difficulties."
"It's so sad to watch that last night was so sad; it's so poignant because of Michael's speech too at the memorial."
"It's still a really beautiful, poignant, painful feminist work."
"I love you," my mom whispered with what sounded like her last breath.
"It's absolutely brilliant and hilarious and heartbreaking."
"It was so heartbreaking and funny and thought-provoking."
"It was so bold and said so much and seems so poignant."
"It's so lyrical, it's very poignant."
"The death of characters is particularly poignant and particularly focused around some kind of act of sacrifice."
"That perfect moment, that last tear you shed."
"I just think the story is really poignant and interesting."
"Knowing what happened, I find it poignant."
"The moment when all the smiles died."
"What a wonderfully poignant and ingenious film."
"It's a sad moment for sure, but it's an incredible moment nonetheless."
"The wounded, the sick, the newborn babies, and the old men on the point of death, I saw them embarked across the great river, and the sight will never fade from my memory."
"Her story is particularly poignant because her financial troubles were not due to self-indulgent extravagance."
"It's extraordinary, I think it's very poignant."
"There was something very touching about it, and very poignant."
"It was a poignant moment of closure and an ode to the enduring connection they had forged."
"A lot of these questions are extraordinarily poignant and right on topic."
"The lyrics are beautiful, in a really dark way."
"It was equally sad and beautiful, the writing is stunning."
"The narrative takes a poignant turn."
"The main reason we felt so strongly for the Mary is that he died soon after he came to life, and that made his life and story brief and powerful, like a poem."