
Objection Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"I do not consent to being there, so delete this [ __ ]. I'm being dead [ __ ] serious."
"You should object at the earliest possible point because if you object to radical stupidity when it first emerges, you kind of make people aware of the fact that what they're doing is radically stupid."
"Resistance to moral truths is objectionable."
"Anyone who comes and objects and says hey this isn't appropriate are deemed a Karen."
"I did actually object on the day it happened, but everyone else just ignored it, and then two days later, that was it, my Patreon was gone."
"Regulation by enforcement is extremely objectionable and will stifle domestic innovation."
"There can be no objection to utopia based on purely factual reality."
"Objections during trial...if a question is asked that you think calls for inadmissible evidence, you let the attorney asking the question fully ask it, you say objection."
"I think Sam is a really interesting example. A lot of people have objected because they disagree with his conclusions."
"Not only did he strongly object to the death penalty, but the pope also argued that there was a considerable amount of new information coming to light."
"I shouldn't be forced to call people in the order that I'm being told to when these are my Witnesses."
"That's not leading mine because it's so wrong."
"I'm stopping those rounds for what he's saying."
"Forced birth is the biggest BS phrase that I've heard in a long time."
"That's ridiculous, I'm not paying that."
"A stone so light that he could prop it up wouldn't be heavy enough to kill him," I objected.
"If anyone objects, speak now or forever hold your peace. I do, I object!"
"Dr. Lawrence has apparently come down with kius so we'll proceed with William Bordon instead. Dear Mr. Hoover, the purpose of this letter is, sorry, these are accusations that have not previously been made, accusations of a kind that I don't think belong here."
"An objection is just simply an unsolved problem."
"Objection calls for speculation. Sustained. Miss Gibbler, your witness cannot testify about something which she has no personal knowledge of."
"An objection is not a rejection, it is just a request for more information."
"Trial objections are like flipping a switch. You've got to be able to act almost instantly before the witness responds to the question."
"I will object if he misstates the law, you can instruct the jury to disregard any misstatements of the law and we continue in that fashion if possible for a reasonable amount of time."
"What an objection usually is, is just an excuse."
"No objection. No, exhibit 132 has been admitted."
"I said, 'No, I don't accept your explanation. It is not fitting.'"
"I cannot marry an invalid. I am too young."
"This just doesn't work. It can't work. It's just... no. It just can't work. You can't put the Montreal Canadiens colors on a Boston Bruins Jersey. My mind won't accept it."
"Join hands, if there be any person who has reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony, let him speak now or forever hold his peace."
"This is so not okay. There is so much wrong with this."
"The court must appoint an amicus, and that's my objection to this. I want to give the court the discretion."
"If this goes, and you're sat here in the s***."
"That's impossible, Mr. Poirot, we know it's impossible," someone objected.
"I object to genocide because I'm a human being."
"You're not gonna let him sign up, right?"
"I just got to come say this is wrong."
"I find the attempt to force us to classify our beliefs as objective or subjective, and then the assumptions that get made passively, usually about which beliefs are which, decidedly objectionable."
"You've no right to make them kinds of innuendos."
"I might not do nothing to him, my [__], please don't try to take it back like you didn't just say that."
"No, never, Chris s*** and wrecked that."
"Let me close this video by addressing one objection that's come up."
"To morally object is not to want violence. Those are two very far away things."
"Every husband has every right in the world to be objectionable."
"Well, that's no, no you can't just do that, you know?"
"Your honor, I object on the grounds that the plaintiff is being a little [ __ ] about this whole thing. He should just be happy he's alive."
"It's propaganda is what it is, we cannot be doing this anymore."
"I don't want to be made into a coat."
"ladies and gentlemen of the jury i did not object to the district attorney's opening remarks simply because i was certain that you were cringing as i was at the blatant attempt to appeal to prejudice"
"It's just wrong on so so many levels."
"Finally, the last thing that typically people object to about this is the Branded Amazon boxes and potential invoices that they worry might come in the orders."
"The toughest objection um right now I would say is commission because of the fact that a lot of people think that the house sells itself yeah so and of course I mean even in a hot market."
"Abuses objection to the traditional manner of giving holy communion is therefore twofold."
"Objection, your honor! Helen Kimble has quite literally had her skull bashed in!"
"And I say this morning that it is my hope that every young man in this country who finds this war objectionable and abominable and unjust would file as a conscientious objector."
"First of all, he really objects to that and cites a bunch of different artists that work for them and how different their styles are."
"She thinks it's wrong and doesn't want Luisa to witness what she considers murder."
"I quite understand, but you objected to a cruel, ruthless, murdering, though beautiful woman."
"But if you understand the commutative property of multiplication you understand that none of these objections are valid."
"...justice does work that way therefore I'm just getting rid of an objection to the justice of the Cross."
"...justice doesn't work that way."
"This is starting to become a pattern of behavior and it's one that I find extremely disturbing and unacceptable."
"Speak now or forever hold your peace." Would you ever attend a wedding you didn't approve of?
"You can save the recording, everybody some time. This case was filed last summer. I know this issue is waived. I'm gonna object. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Look, but if you have... I'm trying to solve a problem here, okay? Because if you have the problem and it's an ongoing."
"Let them wed," she said. "Marjorie should be mourning Joffrey, not marrying his brother."
"It's not like that, you goddamn pervert!"
"That man dead and gone, you coming up here with this?"
"That should not be allowed. That should not be allowed."
"I strongly object to the show of kindness, Lord Kazekage."
"He's never answered the objection, the major objection Marlin posed with regard to how are people held responsible for something they have absolutely no control over."
"Did you say to the publisher, 'Hey publisher, wow, I testify in court how I'm just a scientist. I'm not on one side or the other?' And if you title my book 'Witness for the Defense,' it makes me seem like I'm biased in favor of the defense. Did you raise that issue? No."
"Don't put no [ __ ] photo of me choking my son on no damn flyer."
"So when you say organized religion with laws, it's not necessarily something that you'd go against. It's your perception of certain religion and certain rules that are applying now which you may disagree with. That is where the objection may come from."
"...true objections are best overcome through what we call a reframe."
"The court does find that the question that was presented was inflammatory and irrelevant and completely unnecessary."
"I'm not sure what the defense is asking for these witnesses to do. I think at this point the suggestion is we see if it's hearsay, we see if what the person's talking about is their personal Facebook post or is this something they read."
"Just bringing witnesses in to say they looked at Facebook and unrelated to... the defendants... is an objection that's going to be sustained. Those are two very different things."
"Griffin may have made a sexual advance, and Kim objected. Griffin knew then that he had gone too far."
"The only time I’d strongly object to it is when it’s used as a way to deny the continuity between the ancient and the medieval Empire and disregards its Roman identity."
"Whatever happened to a good old 'I object'? Now we're using smoke bombs."
"We are in a place where we have to be very clear about what is objectionable, what we cannot tolerate in the culture."
"I hate racist talk on my timeline."
"If you say in a court of law 'objection' and I object to your objection, who do we appeal to? The judge."
"If there's anyone here present who knows a reason why these persons cannot lawfully marry, then declare it now."
"Damn, that is a lucid, intelligent, well thought-out objection."
"I strenuously voiced my objection and they promised to send an acknowledgment of my contribution."
"In the interest of saving time," she said sweetly, "are there any more objections?"
"I strongly object to this proposal because the building of the superstore will affect our recreational areas and Martin Woods."
"The state's motion to Strike should be denied."
"I trust your ability to stand up and object."
"You have the right to object to how your data are being processed."
"I object. Today is a happy day, don't make it too shabby."
"That to me is the genius, is to make you jump up and say, 'I object to that.' That's a good joke."