
Modern Times Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"We are living in very unpredictable, uncertain times."
"We truly are living in the apocalypse. This is a time where we're given lots of revelations."
"We are undoubtedly living in a time and a day that's extraordinary."
"We live in great times, where you have great options."
"We are living in exciting times though cuz look at we're all saying oh this is crazy it's crazy it's crazy but [__] is it crazy no it's crazy."
"There's never been a safer time to be a child."
"We live in very interesting times where there is an overabundance of information."
"We live in the most interesting of times... the most disruptive technology ever."
"We have to provide some way for people to trust the medical system."
"We're living in a revolutionary time when it comes to acceptance and confirmation of whatever it is that's going on."
"2020s here, shit's stranger than it's ever been before."
"What a fantastic time we live in with these dinosaurs."
"We live in a time of great abundance, not scarcity."
"It's almost like we're living in a surreal time."
"He lived the raw life of the gospels in the 20th century."
"UFOs are real, I mean, this is a wild time to be alive."
"We live in extraordinary times right now where medicine has realized that one size doesn't fit all."
"We're living in the age of deception and betrayal... something that's not at all obvious."
"We live in incredible times. You know, man, look, we could FaceTime each other if we need to."
"This is the least time in the history of humanity we should be taking anything serious."
"We live in a time that a lot of people are calling the awakening."
"It's exciting times we live in you know these ufos are all of a sudden just not going to be they're going to be identified they're not going to be unidentified."
"It's like we're living in sci-fi times or something. Definitely sci-fi times."
"Strange times we live in, partner. Strange times."
"It's a very fascinating time that we live in."
"What a time to be alive, you know, all these pictures were always so unbelievable and outrageous."
"It's an exciting time to be alive, we're talking about true transformation."
"We live in wondrous times, wondrous times indeed."
"We're in different times now; the people choose what they want to listen to."
"Everything is paradoxical these days; everything is completely upside down."
"Tell me we are not living in the best time."
"I do feel overall that we're very lucky to live in a time where we have these powerful interventions."
"Tolkien admitting that the mythical and historical tale of his work really can be applied to present times – the story being about death and the desire for deathlessness."
"The most tremendous earthquake of modern times has occurred."
"Especially nowadays, you have so much opportunity at your fingertips."
"Easily one of the best endings out there in modern times that I can recall."
"This event will go down as the most tragic tornado outbreak in modern times."
"Saintly humor continues right up until modern times."
"I just think it sucks right now to be an artist in modern times."
"We're living in a time where it's hard to be a decent man in indecent times, you know?"
"In these last days, men that are leaders are lacking."
"I think it's a cool time to be alive and a lot of people get very scared of what's going on and [ __ ] but I don't, I think it's like people were scared in the 50s too."
"To be able to be prophet in these times and spell it correctly and not PR Oh fi t."
"Achieving something like that in today's times is quite remarkable."
"Isn't this an amazing time that we live in?"
"The good guys always win, even in the 21st century."
"These are challenging times for children and for parents everywhere."
"We're living in times of great change."
"See that hate is nothing good in sight, sign of the times."
"We're living in dramatically changing times."
"Why the urgency to all this? Because we're living in an amazing time."
"People believe some pretty strange things these days."
"It's absolute magic, we live in some amazing times."
"The coronation of King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla is unique in modern times."
"We need more design now than ever before."
"Forget about the swashbuckling adventures of Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl; in reality, pirates come roaring in on motorboats."
"Among Us is the chess of our times."
"We live in such an opportunistic time where it is the easiest it's ever been to make a lot of money."
"Miracles are still happening today."
"Crazy times we're living in, isn't it?"
"It's a crazy time to be alive right now."
"Friendly faces are few and far between these days."
"This is an extraordinary time to be alive."
"We live in a time where starting a business is more accessible to anyone and anywhere."
"We're living in some pretty cool times."
"I believe that such things happen today, I really do."
"You are truly truly the heroes of this day and age."
"That's the times we're living in."
"This is what a civil war in this time would look like."
"We're living in very exciting times."
"These are exciting times we're living in."
"For the most part, if you just want to live in a time that's good for people, it's right now."
"It reminded me a lot of 'Modern Times' by Charlie Chaplin."
"I'm profoundly grateful to live in the times that we live in now."
"You've got to have a positive attitude in this day and time."
"What a luxury, what an incredible time we live in. One hundred slaves are working for every single person here in my audience 12 hours a day, working like dogs to make you live comfortably."
"People are just, you know, like talking to each other. Weird times, but they're hanging out and they're not on their cell phones."
"Young people nowadays are really amazing."
"It's really incredible times, and because of that, I think we're getting really diverse shows."
"We're really living, as we all know, in what seems like an unprecedented time, enormous challenges now and into the future that we're all grappling with."
"It really consists of humanity and we need this nowadays."
"We are living in crazy times, people."