
Percentage Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"Just because it's one cent doesn't mean it can't go to point one percent or point zero one of a cent."
"Eight percent gay that's fine eight percent."
"That's an increase of over 1700 percent in profit."
"but so they were down 252 000. from the start of the program and I think that may be a new record percentage-wise because that's what 26 27 percent of the initial audience was not there at the end"
"So the answer is going to be twenty percent."
"Remediate came in at 48%, not quite half but I think close enough. We can call it that."
"10% niacinamide is not any more effective per se than the lower percentages."
"The tank levels are displayed in a percentage so the fresh tank is 25 percent full the gray tank is also 25 full and the black tank is empty."
"Arbitrage betting: if you're earning 2% risk-free on your money a day, that's 60% a month."
"About almost 10%... are defunct viruses."
"Feels like four and a half percent is inevitable, which is so interesting because you're so right."
"Apply the trick to find 10 percent."
"Find 10 percent, then halve it to get 5 percent."
"An improvement of twenty-three and a half percent over the year."
"The minimum is always twenty percent, the maximum is one hundred percent."
"The percentage of people that can risk 4% is 0.001%, so you probably can't."
"3 to 10% range will protect most people."
"Okay, it's at 1.050. That puts it somewhere in the four and three-quarter percent range for alcohol."
"For most people, 18 to 22% would be a lot healthier than 15 to 20%."
"The portion of time the server is idle is twenty percent."
"To increase a number by 20% you multiply it by its multiplier 1.2."
"80% of those thoughts are negative."
"So we finally got an email that came out, and they put it at 38%."
"So, the higher your dollar amount is, the less you can take off a percentage of it, that's how we think about it."
"That would be a full fifty percent increase. I'm impressed."
"Solar panel prices are down 50% over 100."
"The more roast we need more roast like we need a percentage."
"So if you have a hundred percent to start off with and you're asked to find eight percent of something, what is left over must be 92 percent."
"So if something appreciates by eight percent, it becomes 108 percent of your original starting point."
"...to calculate a percentage, remember to convert the percent to decimal and replace the word of with x."
"70 to 80 percent of our immune system lives in our gut."
"Over 80%, that's a remarkable feat."
"Visible planets and stars make up just 5% of the universe."
"All of the exciting stuff like stars, galaxies, planets, that's about 0.4%."
"So the actual percentage that we're gonna have is eighty percent."
"A percent is always something out of a hundred."
"To convert a decimal to a percentage, multiply it by 100."
"Every percentage point can make the difference in who's going to be the leader over the next four years."
"The decimal equivalent of 25% is 0.25 and the fraction equivalent of 25% is 1/4."
"The decimal equivalent of 75% is 0.75 and the fraction equivalent of 75% is 3/4."
"If we started with a hundred percent and we added on two percent, then we've got a hundred and two percent."
"Approximately 68 percent of all distributions fall in the interval mu plus or minus one standard deviation."
"Approximately 95 percent of all observations fall in the interval mu plus or minus 2 sigma."
"Approximately 99 percent of all data will fall within three standard deviations of the mean."
"This represents a 30% decrease, not a 70% decrease."
"Sixteen percent of the total is 120 kilograms."
"75% - that's a pretty good figure in just about anything you do."
"That's getting close to 10% so that's pretty significant."
"Seven to ten percent is a phenomenal annual return."
"The formula to find a percent of change is to find the amount of change, divide that by the original amount, and then multiply that amount by a hundred."
"Percent means per hundred, so 32 percent is 32 over a hundred."
"The value increases each year, year on year, by 12.2%."
"When you convert this value into percentage, Excel is treating the value as part of the whole."
"Six is exactly half of twelve, so it makes sense that the answer to this question is that six has to be fifty percent of twelve."
"Annual leave is usually paid at the same rate as ordinary hours but some people get annual leave entitlements which are at 17.5%."
"First cousins share about twelve and a half percent of their DNA."
"To turn a percentage into a decimal, we need to divide it by a hundred."
"Work out 49 as a percentage of 200. That's going to be 24.5."
"If we're increasing 10%, percents are different from other numbers in that they always start as a hundred percent."
"By choosing k to be, say, 95%, you can effectively say that you've retained 95% of the variance in your data."
"Breakouts will do at least a 16 percent move upwards in 76 percent of the cases."
"25% of X is 250, what is the value of X? The answer is 1,000."
"The mean absolute percentage error is the summation of actual minus forecast divided by actual, multiplied by a hundred, over n."
"If x percentage of 240 equals 12, find x."
"The percentage change in demand is 20."
"Therefore, Sam has 68 percent more than Billy."
"To decrease something by 40%, you multiply by 0.6."
"If our bunny population increased six-fold, that's a 600% increase or multiplied by six."
"25% means 25 out of a hundred times thirty-two thousand dollars."
"If the alphabet equals the numbers that they represent along the alphabet, then attitude itself equals one hundred percent."
"Solar fraction is the percentage of the total hot water load you have that solar is able to contribute."
"If we're increasing by 3 percent per year, that means that we get to multiply by 1.03."