
Character Arcs Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"It was always suspicious that Quasimodo didn't end up with anyone at the end of the Hunchback, unlike almost every other Disney protagonist."
"For the first time in a long time, I have actually no idea where the characters and their arcs could go."
"The character development and the character arcs that these people went through was something unprecedented on TV."
"This is really about seeing what becomes of this particular family."
"If you're gonna take some of my favorites and end their stories, you better end them strongly."
"Killing off your headline star can have a lot of benefits provided you avoid enraging everyone who bought a ticket on the basis of a favorite character whose sole role turns out to be no more than victim number one."
"Marineford is my favorite One Piece arc of all time because on top of every chapter being a 10 out 10 banger, you had arguably the biggest plot twist in One Piece so far."
"Big hints, future plot threads, and returning characters."
"Fullmetal Alchemist is widely acclaimed for its quality, detailed story, character development, and intriguing plot twists."
"After years of mystery surrounding the Night King, his entire storyline ends in seconds."
"The Funeral Parlor came to an end much like that of The Barbershop, in a storm of chaos and destruction at the hands of one Jake 'The Snake' Roberts."
"I just gotta wonder maybe if they'd started in charge of the character arcs and then it maybe wouldn't have felt jarring perhaps."
"This series is meant to be a celebration of everything that's come before."
"It satisfied fans of every character, and delivered something bolder and bigger than anyone imagined."
"Doctor Strange in five years time sacrifices himself or whatever. Are you gonna care in the same way that you did when Tony Stark did it?"
"All Stars 2 works because of the heroes and the villains, the story arcs that all come back from prior seasons and the new ones that form throughout this season."
"I cannot contemplate like the fact that yes in these next two movies we need some retirements and we need some losses and these things are part of both the business realities and the storytelling necessities that they're facing."
"I appreciated the twists in character motivations."
"All of this great character development arises two-thirds of the way into the game."
"The examples I've illustrated here demonstrate clearly how one show's writers dedicated time and effort into developing the character arcs and plot."
"I hated that kill monger is killed meanwhile in a fucking of post-credit scene we see white ass Bucky Barnes having a Redemption arc in Wakanda."
"Everything those first three seasons did, including stumbling around a bit trying to find their footing, is what allowed Stranger Things to finally find solid ground in season 4."
"Megamind, Metroman, and Titan all have full ass character arcs that are all beautiful and complete."
"The Saul was coming to the end of his life, and this is how he dies."
"What this change does is make the climax of Riva's story tied directly into Obi-Wan's story."
"This is how you write a story where a consistently written plot following cause and effect is able to communicate rich themes as well as deep character arcs."
"...none of these types of arcs are necessarily any better or worse than the others. They all have their merits and they all have characters I love that go through them."
"I want media where character arcs mesh with thematic arcs."
"The adaptation finds the time to complete character arcs in a more satisfying way than the novella."
"Good character arcs make stories worth our time."
"Which character arc did you...appreciate the most?"
"Remembering that your ultimate themes come from your ultimate character arcs."
"Season 2 performs a constant juggling act between moving the plot forward and expanding on character arcs."
"I think what George is doing with the Azor Hai and Nissinisa story is presenting us with two potential heroic ideals: one false, and one true."
"He will head north, he will steal Heartsbane, he will take Gilly, and he will encounter Randall Tarly again."
"What an amazing redemption for them both."
"Flawed characters should have the potential for growth and redemption, allowing them to evolve and learn from their mistakes, creating satisfying character arcs that resonate with readers."
"Saul was effectively following the tragic hero archetype where he starts out as being the chosen one, he has given victories, he's given what he needs, and then he lets his own pride get the best of him."
"What this pairing and these two respective character arcs demonstrate is just how malleable the nature of good and evil truly is."
"I also felt like they completely dropped the ball on giving us any kind of character arcs or character progression for Ant-Man and especially the WASP."
"'Captain America: Civil War' builds up from 10 films, offering a rewatchable experience with heart, action, and strong character arcs."
"Benjen was going to return to the story later on."
"I can't stress enough how much I love that we just come full circle with all these characters that we had once met. It genuinely feels just very rewarding as a viewer to be like, 'I know that character, they're back!'"
"This is the moment that made me absolutely love this manga. It's such a cathartic culmination of character arcs and ideas that have been meticulously built up over dozens of chapters."
"The fact I cared about moments like these is evidence of effective storytelling and character development."
"Every one of these characters gets to do some great stuff."
"Time Force is so top to bottom incredible in how it uses its theme to carry the story and the characters."
"This finale paid off so many character arcs built throughout the years."
"It's so effective at getting you to care about these characters."
"It's fascinating about the show is that it's not afraid to make the characters do unlikable things."
"Every character's storyline has been very well fleshed out, so it's easy to have an interest in all of them."