
Code Organization Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"A function is a block of code that is organized and grouped together in a way so that it can perform a specific task."
"Functions allow us to both reuse and better organize our code."
"Functions allow us to define a block of code which we can call and execute whenever we want."
"Defer is normally used to keep functions together in a logical way."
"Concise project and code structures are more important than excessive class or function creation."
"You shouldn't write all that code in one file like we have done so far. You should break that code into smaller, more maintainable, and potentially more reusable chunks."
"Laravel really goes against that unorganized spaghetti code stigma that PHP has."
"By putting code in a function, not only can you run that task whenever you want, but it also saves you from repeatedly writing the same code."
"Server actions are composable. It means basically that we don't have to have this function inside of here. We can shift them out to keep things clean."
"Server actions are composable. We can shift them out to keep things clean."
"Using parameters in functions helps prevent naming conflicts and keeps code organized."
"To make our code more organized and easier to read, we're going to separate each language into its own file."
"Native JavaScript modules allow us to split our code into separate parts that can be imported where they are needed."
"Let's encapsulate all of the card logic into its own file."
"The point of functions is to make a reusable block of code that does something specific."
"When we're talking about React, we always want to put things in their own files. We always want to separate things out as much as possible because then it's easier to maintain the code."
"Separating modules into different files reorganizes our code and makes it much more organized and readable."
"Instead of making your query functions directly inside components, create them outside for better organization."
"But what if there was a way that we could make it so we could get rid of all this mess? This is just mess to me. It works, we can read it, it's procedural, we can go from top to bottom, we can understand it."
"User-defined modules organize code and promote reusability."
"Different import methods offer flexibility in code usage."
"I want to create multiple different enemy types to keep our code organized and easy to navigate."
"If we can divide our code into two separate parts, we can then run each part on its own core."
"Folder structure isn't meant to improve your code, make it faster or anything like that; it's meant to make your project more organized and more readable for other people and for yourself."
"Otherwise, that would be literally insane to jam all your code in one file."
"Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm which tells you that you should divide your code into different objects."
"There are two key areas of code organization in Go that will make a huge impact on your usability, the testability, and the functionality of your code: the package naming and package organization."
"Object oriented programming is basically organizing our code into objects."
"In object oriented programming, we organize all of this code into an object."
"Explore the magic of Python functions, your go-to recipe for organized and reusable code."
"Demystify the concept of modules, your toolkit to organize your code into manageable units."
"Instead of having this code on every single page of your website, we want to break it apart, put it in its own file."
"We are no longer separating our markup from our JavaScript."
"Modules are very useful to make your code a lot more modular."
"TypeScript in React will help you organize your code better."
"Functions are really useful because it allows us to break down and group our code into smaller chunks."
"Organize your code so that any executable section of a block has no more than 50 or 60 lines of code."
"This makes the application more organized and set up for cleaner code."
"We don't want to put everything in one single function call, and we also want to separate concerns as much as we can."
"Pulling out code into small functions is one way that you can make your code easier to read."
"Setting up a model class and structuring your code base in a way so that there's a separation of concern."
"Namespaces allow us to group different classes into different categories or different namespaces."
"It's best to keep your actions separate as it will keep your classes short and easy to understand."
"I think it's a little cleaner and neater to have your app logic in a separate folder."
"Using sequential layers when possible isn't something that really gives you any speed ups, but it is a lot cleaner code."
"The most important thing to actually take away from this is how the code is actually organized."
"Program structure is invaluable in terms of a code base that I might come back to."
"Using a state machine can really help you clean up your code."
"Always use nested subprograms to hide the details, so that your code tells its own story."
"Encapsulation means binding code and data together into a single unit."
"Being able to make your code locatable and easy to find, that's kind of the best recommendation I can give you on that."
"Modules are awesome. They help us to keep organized code bases especially as those code bases are growing in complexity."