
Memorial Day Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Memorial Day has to be about more than only hot dogs and beer."
"Why do we celebrate Memorial Day? Oh, isn't it for the soldiers in the army who fought for our country?"
"Memorial Day is about those who have fallen for our freedom and obviously so much more significant than any sale or deal."
"Memorial Day, a day on which we celebrate the Valor of our soldiers of our of our service people all over the world."
"Memorial Day sanctifies Americans who have fallen on the fields in order to make sure that America remains free."
"You all enjoy your Memorial Day for sure, be safe again, be safe, be well, return up though."
"Their sacrifice remains vivid and is recalled each Memorial Day."
"Happy Memorial Day, God bless those that gave all."
"That's what Memorial Day is all about: remembering the people that fell, honoring their memory."
"It ain't just for barbecue and a day off, it's to remember those who lost their lives fighting for our freedoms."
"I just wanted to say happy Memorial Day and thank you to all the veterans out there who have lost their lives over the years."
"Some say that Memorial Day is just the unofficial start of summer, but here in the heart of our nation, there is a difference. We know that today is a day of significance, a day of remembrance..."
"May we never forget the black fallen and the different kinds of soldiers on this Memorial Day."
"Happy Memorial Day! It's a great day to be alive and watching all this unfold."
"Memorial Day was first commemorated by an organized group of black freed slaves less than a month after the confederacy surrendered."
"And Happy Memorial Day. Today, we recognize those who have given their lives for our country."
"Would you please remain standing on this Memorial Day weekend, we pause here in a moment of silence to pay homage to those individuals who have given their lives unselfishly and unafraid."
"It's Memorial Day weekend and that means..."
"That's a little story there, a little history on Memorial Day here in the U.S. Happy Memorial Day to everybody."
"Memorial Day weekend has always been about honoring fallen heroes... it's also been about families."
"Happy Memorial Day if you live in the U.S. and you're remembering today."
"Have a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend."
"Let's not forget what this weekend's all about, especially Monday being Memorial Day."
"Memorial Day is for those who served and lost their life."
"Hope you guys all had a beautiful Memorial Day and spent it with those that you love."
"One of my favorite jobs is delivering flowers to the cemetery for Memorial Day. It gives me a special chance to remember friends and family."
"Memorial Day gives us a chance to reflect on the brave men and women who sacrificed everything for this great country."
"Memorial Day is to remember those who died while serving the country."
"Did anybody do anything fun for Memorial Day?"
"Shout out to all who have served and who've lost their lives defending our country, so that we may have the freedoms that we have."
"It's Memorial Day today, so shout out to all who have served."
"Memorial Day is a day to recognize those that have made the ultimate sacrifice for our well-being."
"Happy Memorial Day, especially to all my fallen soldiers and veterans out there."
"Memorial Day is where we honor soldiers that have fallen and fought for our country's freedom."
"I wish everybody a happy Memorial Day, safe, healthy, and happy."
"That truly is a Memorial Day I'll never forget."
"Memorial Day honors men and women who died serving in the American armed forces."
"As we honor America this Memorial Day weekend, let us pause and remember the men and women who sacrificed their lives to protect our freedom and preserve our Constitution."
"We race to remember on Memorial Day."
"Memorial Day is not just about going to the beach and picnics; it's about appreciating this country and appreciating, I think, the greatest country in the world."
"Giving our thanks to the men and women who've lost our lives, that's what Memorial Day is about."
"Please don't forget really what the day's about, it's for the men and women who's gone before us, who's paid the ultimate sacrifice."
"Happy Memorial Day from my family to yours."
"Memorial Day is an important event. It's a time when people gather at country churches and family graveyards to join in a kind of celebration."
"Remember on Memorial Day, the main deal is, hey, it's all about those who gave their all for this great country."
"We send these Memorial Day thoughts your way, wishing you a sober and blessed day of remembrance."
"For those who are fallen this Memorial Day, I remember you and I thank you."
"Stay safe and happy Memorial Day weekend."
"This Memorial Day weekend, Coca-Cola and NASCAR are coming together to honor and remember the military men and women that have sacrificed so much for our freedom."
"It is a wonderful warm Memorial Day here in upstate New York."
"On this Memorial Day, I'm thinking about all of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice to protect our way of life."
"Thank you for joining us for our Memorial Day ceremony. We are here today to honor our heroes."
"The freedoms we all enjoy and sometimes take for granted are certainly remembered here this Memorial Day weekend."
"Hats off to the troops, hats off. Thank you for your service, all you Memorial Day, all you veterans out there."
"Thank you for your service, everybody, it is Memorial Day weekend."
"I can see way, way up there, there's a whole bunch of white crosses, we're heading that way, to pay our respects to veterans on this special day."
"Hello everybody, how are you? Happy Memorial Day weekend."
"To be racing on Memorial Day is definitely special, feels bigger than us."
"Just remembering everybody that fought for us on this Memorial Day."
"Memorial Day, don't forget to honor and remember all those who have served our family."
"Happy Memorial Day to all my vets, to my people who are still active. Thank y'all for your service, thank y'all for your sacrifice."
"Memorial Day is about honoring and remembering those who have died while serving our country."
"Happy Memorial Day to all of our armed forces personnel out there, whatever branch of the military that you serve and whatever you do to protect us and our freedoms, we appreciate you all."
"Hey everybody, happy Memorial Day!"
"Remember what Memorial Day is about, definitely remember those that paid the ultimate sacrifice to serve our country."
"We thought in remembrance of Memorial Day, this is a pattern that's free that you can get."
"What will your family specifically do to show honor and remember on Memorial Day? So my family, we definitely talk about all the people who have served."
"Happy Memorial Day to everyone out there that's in America."
"It's the Friday before Memorial Day, so we want to wish you all a very happy Memorial Day."
"Remember the meaning of Memorial Day, to remember and honor those who never took their uniform off."
"Memorial Day is a day for remembering and honoring those in the military who died, especially if they died in a battle."
"Remember what Memorial Day is all about."
"Be safe, be healthy, have a great Memorial Day Weekend."
"Happy Memorial Day, and thank you all for those who've given that ultimate sacrifice."