
Trout Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Insect hatches are one of the best times to catch trout, you know right where they are."
"Trout lose their normal caution at the height of a hatch and can be approached more easily."
"Trout often ignore something that is smaller than their current food and are suspicious of something that's larger."
"Trout do this all day long, all their lives."
"Steelhead trout is a farmed species of fish rated green for sustainability, very similar to a rainbow trout, maybe a little closer to salmon in flavor."
"We're just gonna keep sight fishing for this trout."
"Guys this trout is fighting harder than some of the salmon I've ever fought."
"This is the type of fishing that anyone can come out here, just get some pin fish, throw it on a bobber, throw it out, and get some trout, redfish, something."
"...if you guys are looking to get into some trout, bottom-bouncing baits, you don't really like the Huddlestons or, you know, basements are way too much, Savage Gear's got you covered now with their pulse tail trout."
"Frogs and trout are both great jumpers."
"Oregon has an amazing trout stocking program."
"This is just an incredible trout. Let's get it back."
"Trout fishing is something that is really kind of personal to me."
"The first fish I ever caught was a brown trout, and it just really kind of sparked my love."
"West Virginia's very own golden rainbow trout, an unbelievable creature."
"That's a big trout right there, 20 incher. 20 inch trout to end the day on, that is sick."
"The brook trout or as it's often referred to as the speckled trout is truly one of God's greatest creations in the animal kingdom."
"This fly with the tungsten bead is perfect for pocket water trout."
"That is a giant trout, dude, that fish just came out from under the mangroves."
"That is probably my biggest trout in almost a year."
"Pools are the primary holding and feeding areas for the largest trout in a stream because their needs are all met there."
"Streamer fishing is about salesmanship; you've got to sell this presentation to the trout."
"If you want to catch more trout on creeks and rivers, let's get started."
"That's a nice rainbow, shiny one too. Look at him just shining in the light."
"That is a brown trout everybody, if I've ever seen one, look at this thing."
"That's a nice solid trout, and boy, the way he hit, oh he just pounded it, it was so awesome."
"The section of river running from Grayling to basically where the South Branch enters the main El Sabol is known as the holy waters for trout fishing."
"That's definitely one of my favorite bakes, my favorite ways to prepare the lake trout."
"The trout magnet will catch trout when all other lures, even live bait, will not."
"That there is a gorgeous, lean Lake Superior lake trout."
"Beautiful little speckled trout this morning."
"Trout establish preferred positions or stations in the stream. These special places are called lies and are selected because of the quantity of food available or the shelter provided, or both."
"You can actually fish for trout in this river, rainbow trout and brown trout, pretty darn amazing."
"The net result is big, robust, and strong trout."
"I'm going to talk about the four best trout lures that you can use to catch trout, particularly in streams and rivers."
"A fish that fights ten times harder than a trout, and like immediately, you've got them."
"Perhaps you've dreamed of a pool where the bottom is lined with trout, where hordes of big ones lie in the crystal depths waiting only the coming of the angler's fly to rise and take it."
"A trout likes to live in slow to moderate current with faster water close by."
"If you like a more active fishing style and like to catch big trout, streamer fishing with a fly rod may become your favorite method to locate fish."
"It's a fantastic venue at 125 Acres, full of rainbow trout and wild browns."
"The pupae certainly get the lion's share of interest from the trout."
"The trout will mouth almost 95% of particulate that goes by."
"That's the kind of trout I want to catch right there, that's a nice speckle trout."
"That has to be some of the best trout I've ever had."
"That is a high-quality rainbow trout."
"In lakes, trout are very opportunistic on the food sources they prey upon."
"Trout hunt and cruise the shallow shoals of a lake."
"Stillwater trout have lots of food to choose from."
"Trout like to feed in water that is from two to four feet deep, in velocity somewhere between one and two feet per second."
"I caught nine trout, eight wild Browns, and one wild Brookie."
"Trout begin cruising the shallows, here they hunt and feed aggressively, building the fat reserves they will need to get them through the long cold winter ahead."
"This is trout fishing, and trout are a sensational fish."
"If you want to start catching more stock trout than everybody else on your local creek, then this video is for you."