
Cherishing Quotes

There are 117 quotes

"When you have an opportunity to do so cherish those that are close to you."
"I refuse to think like that so that makes the time you spend with the things you love special and you should cherish your time with it."
"Any day you receive it...is one to stash in the heart."
"Life can be really hard. I've learned this week that you need to cherish people when you have them because you don't know when they're gonna be gone."
"Life is precious and it should be cherished, not just with other people but your own life. You get to have infinite chances."
"Cherish life, show your loved ones that you love them."
"There are so many parts of life that are very sweet and very beautiful, and if we don't cherish them in the moment, we look back on them with nostalgia wishing we appreciated them more."
"We really have to hold on to the moments that fill us up."
"We cherish mothers, we cherish babies' lives."
"The time they have spent together will be treasured by her."
"He insists that what matters the most to him is that she took the time to pick it for him, so he'll cherish the gift."
"And so he wished that he could preserve This Moment Forever."
"...he wanted to learn to cherish her the same way she did him..."
"Cherishing life is the most precious thing."
"Life can take a loved one at any time, so cherish those you love, make time for family and friends, and tell people you love them often."
"It's just a very beautiful loving, cherishing relationship that I see for you with your soulmate."
"Not to remember more but to remember better... hold on to the things that matter."
"He really cherishes me and spoils me, it's a lovely combination and I suggest it for every marriage."
"I just want to live life better. I want people to cherish me in life, give me my roses while I can smell them."
"I plan to live my life to the fullest, cherishing those around me."
"It's okay to protect something that's really special to you."
"A day like this is super special, and I'm gonna savor every minute."
"Just wanted to look after and do everything with her, have her with me all the time, and just enjoy every moment and cherish every moment, little gorgeous girl."
"He cherishes every moment with you."
"They feel very protected by you because it feels like you're someone who cherishes this energy."
"They are alive in our minds. We see them, we remember them, and we need to cherish this."
"...I will be cherishing them forever."
"...every day we try to make every day like it is our last day together, so we try to make every day count."
"Cherish the ones you love, absolutely, absolutely."
"But, uh, we'll cherish every minute of it."
"You're reaching for those really special times... Those special times."
"When you feel sparks, you don't let it go."
"You just choose joy with that person or that baby that you know you only have for a short time."
"I've been thinking about you a lot; your friendship and the time I spent with you, I cherish."
"The most beautiful gift ever been given to you, so cherish it, go and live."
"I don't want this moment to stop."
"This is the happiest I've ever been in my entire life, and I don't want this happiness to slip away."
"What if you could collect life's greatest moments, if you could just hang on to them and not let any slip away?"
"We all want to try to hold on to the best moments of our life."
"His memory serves as a reminder to cherish loved ones and prioritize compassion."
"As long as you cherish what's important, everything else doesn't matter."
"I cherish you all so much, thank you, thank you, thank you."
"I resolved to cherish these smiles forever."
"It's memories. I love creating memories."
"Every minute I'm cherishing with my parents, understanding the blessing that it is to have them both alive and well and traveling with us, is a blessing."
"I cherish these moments, sharing the traditions that were passed down to me."
"Let's go play, and then go to the room and go to bed. I'm so tired, but I don't want to forget this moment. I don't want to leave."
"Make sure you're spending every moment that you can with your friends and your family, telling them that you love them, that you cherish them because life is not promised."
"I always tell my kids I love you when I hang up with them, see them, leave them, because you never know when you're going to see them again."
"You gotta hold on to those types of days."
"If a man is loving you the way God loves the church, which is not a dictatorship, which is not demanding, it's about cherishing her, if you feel cherished all the time, you're going to want to submit."
"Keep hold of those lovely memories."
"It's not worth it, especially with kids, because then you lose all those moments before you know it, the kids are grown up."
"St. Marys is a snapshot of what to look forward to, and what to enjoy, and what to hold on to."
"I'm trying to savor these moments because I'm going to blink my eye and they're going to be all gone."
"It's important to cherish these moments, especially in times like these."
"Our access to what we most cherish in life involves pausing."
"I'm going to do everything I can with them before they get old enough and they don't want to do anything with me anymore."
"Every day goes by so fast, and every moment counts, baby, I don't wanna miss a thing."
"So let me enjoy this moment because I know one day they're gonna be over."
"I appreciate every second, every minute that I had more with Christopher."
"Hold these moments a little longer, reach out and take them before they fade."
"I never want to forget this, so I'll keep this memory in an album in my heart."
"That's the moments you should cherish."
"It's a blessing, and of course, we want to take advantage of that and just enjoy every single moment we have with her."
"You will never get enough time with someone you love, but you can cherish the time you had."
"I hope to find somebody who cherishes me the way I adore them, a healthy type of love."
"I want this moment for a lifetime; you give it out to let this left, and that's the right time."
"They're not gonna be babies forever, so I'm more excited to cherish the time that they're literally babies."
"Everything about life is beautiful, and we don't want to give it up."
"I value every day because I've lost people who I would give anything to have a date with."
"Make the most of the people who you've got around you while they're around."
"The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by demanding but by cherishing."
"I'm taking this moment in because before long, I won't be able to cuddle them both like this because they're going to be so big."
"She's tracing every moment with him and locking it in her heart."
"One day your parents are going to die, so I'm going to miss those moments."
"We knew we had something special and didn't want to spoil it with regrets."
"So here's to the memories; I'll forever keep them here with me."
"Hang on to whatever it was that was so wonderful about your friendship."
"I'm trying to remember every detail. I want to hold on to this memory forever."
"I may have lost my blood related family, but from now on I want to cherish my real family."
"This little man is an angel from heaven."
"I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I'd like to do is to save every day till eternity passes away just to spend them with you."
"I cherish every moment with them and I just want the best for them."
"The memories that we wanted to make are lost, so we have to hold on to the ones that we have."
"You have to try your best to love the people that are close to you because one day God's gonna want them back."
"Because there is no afterlife, every moment here should be cherished and maximized."
"You better cherish them while they're here."
"I love that for everybody, and these are the moments in my life with my family that I never want to miss out on."
"I'm really trying to keep in mind that baby is going to be here sooner than later, and that I need to cherish all these moments."
"I will take your words, they'll lock them away in my heart forever."
"I just want to make the most out of these precious moments."
"It's a pity to miss someone, but I should cherish what I own now."
"It's inevitable that they age and it's hard to accept, but the best thing you can do is really just cherish every day."
"She was a little angel, she was a gift."
"You always have to lose it before you know how to cherish it."
"These are precious moments that I know I'll never get back and I'll miss them when they're gone."
"I ardently cherished each passing day."
"When you have those people in your life that mean something to you, you have to hold on to those things."
"Get rid of those that's where you declutter, but the things that you love and you enjoy that are representing you and your family, by all means, keep."
"If I don't show some affection, then I'm not cherishing you enough."
"Every day goes by so fast, and every moment counts; I don't wanna miss a thing."
"Let's approach the people and things we cherish most today as if each moment with them is extra, a bonus borrowed time."
"Cherish was about just being in the moment and cherishing life like as it is right now."
"Value them, cherish them, treat them right, listen to what they say, let them listen to you."
"It's just a season of life; this is the littlest she'll ever be, just enjoy."
"I'm soaking up all of these precious moments with my baby."