
Prospecting Quotes

There are 138 quotes

"The more people that dig together, the more likely they will be able to find some gold."
"In the hopes of becoming rich, it lured prospectors from all over the United States and beyond."
"You matter, death threats aren't what you do for entertainment."
"If you're asking your prospects in the first 30 seconds of a conversation how are you doing today or how's the weather down there, you're actually lowering your status in the prospect's brain."
"They didn't have uh what it took to actually go find a club and probate or Prospect for an established Club."
"It's basically everything you need to know about prospecting and it's available now on Amazon."
"Think about logic automations, so when I've got a new account, make sure, please admin, developer, that you set the default to prospecting."
"Take the extra time to vet your prospects, go the extra mile with personalization even if your output suffers a bit, and I'm confident that you'll find the link building process more effective, efficient, and enjoyable."
"Finding seed prospects is important because it'll do two things for you. #1. You'll understand why people are linking to a page, and #2. Because you know why, you'll know how to approach them in your outreach pitch."
"You can be on a spot and know that there's good gold there, but once you find the actual pay streak, the spec count will go up exponentially."
"The time is favorable... none of us goes out to prospect."
"Don't sweat that, prospecting is one of the funnest, memorable points of being a part of that club that you're going to have."
"To help you out and make your prospecting more successful, I'm going to share with you seven gold-rich spots that most people kind of ignore."
"You need to ensure your prospecting is done properly. Do not aimlessly call people if you don't know who they are."
"It doesn't have to be in this exact order. It can be in any order you want, but by the end of the call, you need to understand if a prospect has a budget, who the authority decision-makers are, if there's a need for the prospect to even buy, and timing on when they will buy."
"In any type of sales meeting, you have to understand whether or not the prospect or the customer that is gonna buy from you has a budget."
"If there was 250 business days from when I started my business to when I sold, I probably did 60 Minutes of prospecting at least 240 out of those 250 days."
"If you qualify the prospect first, then suddenly everything you say in your demonstration is going to hit a lot harder because you're directly addressing the pains that you uncovered during the qualification step."
"...that's exactly what happened to ed in 1975 ed was a prospector in the uh california nevada sierra mountains..."
"In order to have effective conversations you need to show the prospect that you can actually solve their problems."
"If you work hard on the prospecting side and you get your foot in the door at a good company with lots of hot leads coming in and all you got to do is take them over the phone, then you're in a winning position."
"This is what is called paydirt. Paydirt is created by prospectors all around the world, and it gives you an opportunity to get real-life concentrates from someone's claim or creek."
"One simple screen, one simple pan, one little shovel and you can be off pan and gold on your own."
"Another good thing about prospecting is fishing. You're going out fishing, a lot of times just take a gold pan with you. You never know if the stream you're in has gold and fish, so when we're going fishing, I always have a pan."
"Prospecting requires skill, knowledge, and effort."
"I wrote 'Fistful of Gold' to help you find valuable minerals for yourself."
"Understanding individual ore minerals is essential for successful prospecting."
"What you know about minerals and what you know about finding gold and gold deposits is what makes you a better prospector."
"If you have the skills and know what you're doing, you can find significant gold."
"It's really exciting, I love when prospecting pays off like that."
"I reckon this machine is a good machine for any beginner or somebody who's just starting off to get into gold prospecting."
"Prospecting, that is the job and it's amazing."
"You can never sell to the prospect's needs because most of your prospects don't even know what they need when you first start talking to them."
"Prospecting is the biggest skill set that most salespeople fail at."
"Follow-up literally never ends. It never ends. That's how you never run out of prospects."
"We want to make our prospects feel special. What we don't want to do is make them feel like you are mass outreaching to millions of people."
"Product for prospects is the first commitment somebody makes of a significant amount of time or a significant amount of um or a small amount of money but they're making a commitment and they're also revealing themselves as someone who's interested."
"With my big Dolly pot, it only took a few minutes to crush all the quartz down to size, releasing the gold, making me happy."
"It's time, let's see how much gold I actually managed to get out of those specimens."
"I'm not a Salesman or anything on gold hog matting but I do have to say for prospecting with this little mini trommel cat's ass."
"So here are our tailings, remember there's five grams of gold in these cons so even though this is maybe a little more than some of the other mats it's, you know, it's still not a lot compared to the total sum."
"I think I have a good chance of finding a nugget today."
"Learning how to recognize gold when you find it is a skill. It's not something that knowing nothing you're going to be able to go out and do."
"Prospecting is a skill like a trade skill. Plumber or electrician. You learn how to prospect and find gold, you're gonna be way more successful."
If you're interested in becoming a prospector and finding your own gold, my book "Fistful of Gold" can help you learn those skills.
"This one piece of equipment should suit pretty much all your prospecting needs."
"Just because we have a gravel bar, we have a whole 20 acres we're going to still going to have to prospect the rest of that too."
"You have to put in the work and you have to prospect because business is just not going to knock at your door."
"You find a business on Google Maps, a simple prospecting tool to make this even easier."
"Your prospects are going to pull you in and start chasing you down rather than you pushing them trying to chase them down."
"I declare this one of the greatest days of prospecting ever."
"In this video, you're going to learn some of the best prospecting business development strategies you can use to find new clients and close more deals."
"Look at the size of those two flakes, that is a nice nice pan, it's gonna be a good year."
"I see gold, tiny tiny pieces of gold sitting on the surface as I'm panning it."
"That's prospecting for you, it don't always hit it first spot you look."
"We got a nice little smile of gold in that pan over there."
"Alluvial stream prospecting like this is by far the easiest way to find gold anywhere in the world."
"I just found our biggest nugget of the day, it's over a gram, probably a two-grammer."
"This is probably the most gold-rich creek I've ever been on."
"The total amount of gold that I'm going home with today is not as important as finding where the deposit is."
"This is the best spot. This is the best sport I've ever prospected."
"They say you can find gold everywhere on the Fraser."
"I'm going to take the debris coming off of one of these bluffs, high bank it for a little bit, and see how much gold the Fraser deposited thousands of years ago."
"Prospecting is not about mining lots of gold, it's about figuring out whether or not there is gold in the ground."
"The person willing to give us the hard contact information and request the hard book is a better prospect than the person who would only give us email."
"These were no ordinary people; they were the prospectors."
"There are gold nuggets in this creek big enough to be detected by that machine right there, I guarantee it."
"Some of the best finds being made today by prospectors are rich pockets of hardrock gold at the surface."
"Your hesitation to prospecting and calling your leads actually starts to dissipate because you're not having to deal with all of the conflict."
"Prospecting is about when you get out and find new places and make new discoveries."
"If you want to get the skills of being a successful prospector, what you know makes all the difference in the world."
"I do this because I am an enthusiastic old prospector, and I just love finding it."
"When I chase the right prospect, when I get the right prospect, when I put them through the right process, I can close them at full price."
"Always go to the top. That's my one top tip for anyone in telephone prospecting."
"I'm not a miner; I'm a prospector."
"It's been a long, long winter; spring is here, and I'm back out prospecting now."
"As long as we're still picking up nice gold like that, it should still be worthwhile, I think."
"Only the hardiest of prospectors could deal with the challenges of hunting for gold and silver in the Mojave Desert."
"Prospecting helped me through one of the toughest times of my life."
"These historic Death Valley prospectors had a really hard life."
"We'll pan it out there and see how much gold we recovered."
"I hope you find a lot of gold and good luck in your prospecting adventures."
"Look for gold where people have moved a lot of dirt because they weren't doing it for fun."
"That's prospecting, that's what it's all about."
"So are you ready to embark on your own gold prospecting adventure? Your journey starts here."
"The most powerful tool a prospector can utilize is his knowledge of the ground."
"That's where there is a lot of gold."
"Prospecting means exploring the ground and the soil and the riverbanks for strata that contains gold."
"Prospecting is a process of disqualifying. 'Nope, can't help you' is as good news as finding the person you can help."
"I recommend doing calls in conjunction with other marketing to that prospect."
"There's still plenty of gold and 2.3 grams; we're going to add to that today for sure."
"Prospecting is a skill and it's about what you know because what you know makes all the difference in the world."
"Well hello everyone, Dan here with Dan here prospecting. Welcome back to my channel, and if you're new, welcome! I hope to earn your subscription today."
"It should be great at separating gold from my concentrates."
"The cumulative impact of every single day prospecting is exponential."
"Prospecting is the price that you have to pay for anything that you want to accomplish in sales."
"This is what you dream of as a prospector, to find a vein like this."
"This is the largest single deposit of gold I've weighed up on Vo-Gus Prospecting."
"That's where we possibly could have some gold contact."
"The most important couple of hours in your day, you want to dedicate those to the most important thing in your business which is prospecting and marketing."
"A teacher should be a prospector looking for gold."
"Prospecting is probably one of the most important topics of all."
"I truly believe the best list for wholesaling real estate today is driving for dollars."
"I'm out here today prospecting, looking for a new deposit of Jimmy Jimmy garnets, so wish me luck, and I hope you enjoy."
"I'm going to go ahead and guess that whoever was living here was probably prospecting or running a little mine or mill or something like that."
"I wish you the very best in your prospecting adventures, get out there and find some gold."
"Social selling is not a panacea; it enhances, elevates, and can accelerate your prospecting efforts, but it is not a replacement for focused and deliberate outbound prospecting efforts."
"Prospecting skills via the phone, emails, social media, text messaging, or in-person are basic foundational competencies for sales hunters."
"I found better gold in this small stretch right here than anywhere I've tested in this area before."
"The most important rule in prospecting is test, test, test."
"If you want to be able to gain the skill of being able to go out and find gold for yourself, it really is a skill."
"You want to grow fast, you've got to prospect; you can't be scared of time."
"Hold on, is this a new game changer for the prospecting industry? For you, the prospector, I think it is."
"Selling is all about passing through rejection to find a prospect who will talk to you and to find someone who will buy from you."
"It's the ones that sound good but are a little bit fainter that end up being gold."
"All these prospectors were rewarded for their hope; they found what couldn't be seen."
"It's reassuring to see this much gold hanging out in the box before you even gone through it all."
"Now is the best time to get into gold prospecting because it's literally over $3,000 Australian an ounce."
"There is no better time to become a gold prospector."
"Prospecting is so much fun, you're talking to these people, you're helping them, everything is actually positive."
"For a hard-working gold miner in a good location during the strike, a week of prospecting could yield two thousand dollars."
"If we can get through the clay layer and into a gravel layer below, it could be just a real bonanza."
"This is what prospecting's all about."
"This is what prospecting is all about, finding a little bit of color and enjoying just absolutely beautiful scenery like this."
"They are useful for geology, are your samples radioactive? You can even prospect for uranium with one of these things."
"It's a wonderful legacy that is left for the individual that goes to the high Sierras or into the foothills and the mother lode."
"We're glad that you could join us and I hope that you and I'll get a chance to go prospecting again together sometime."
"As a gold prospector, you're going to want to go to the locations that actually have the gold in the first place."
"Sometimes I surprise myself, but I'm always prospecting, you know, looking for that gold."
"So hopefully you picked up some tips on prospecting and panning a little bit."