
Colleagues Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"They don't want to grow to be enemies; they want to remain friends, they want to remain colleagues."
"It seems like a lifetime since we worked on cartoons together, thirty years really slips away, doesn't it?"
"Being appreciated has its perks, good old co-workers can really save a crappy job."
"I wouldn't call each other friends, but we're professionals, and he's a guy that I do respect."
"I work with the greatest group of people you can imagine."
"Isn't it natural to welcome a new colleague? What's the point of starting out as enemies?"
"People you work with are, when you get down to it, your very best friends."
"It's great when you have a show and you have regular employment and you love the people you're working with."
"Wow wow wow and today we don't have a guest, a friend, well is he a friend guys can you guess who he is? Friend? I'm a colleague, he's a colleague, we work together."
"Now, this is work I've done with my colleagues: Kathleen Champion, Nathan Kutz, and Stephen Brunton."
"This person Also may have struggled with work colleagues because work is being so heavily indicated here like they could struggle with a rigid... structure or with bosses."
"It's safe to say that I really love my job and I love the people that I get to do it with."
"A vase containing a single white rose was on display at his former workstation in the area control center as a show of support from his old colleagues."
"Work-life balance, health benefits, and great people to work with: pros of Allstate."
"Here I get up for the year and I go into work each year... it's always fun and the people are talented people that I work with."
"I've never been great; I've never bad to say; I have only great things to say about the people that I work with, both 'Supernatural' and 'The Boys.'"
"I do actually enjoy it. I work with a really nice group of people."
"You could be celebrating something with colleagues, especially work colleagues."
"We all got assigned our client and this guy will be in everybody's business but his own."
"Susan said she loved working with Jon."
"I don't love my job, but I do like the people I work with."
"...when you're working in a group of people, you're co-workers and when you're working independently with other people that are similar to you, these are your colleagues."
"Good evening it is so fantastic to be here for so many reasons but perhaps most because I'm sitting on the stage with these two dear and esteemed colleagues... and I am so looking forward to the opportunity to talk to them."
"The company offers great benefits, and I genuinely enjoy my work. My colleagues have become like family to me."
"I guess it's all about forgiveness and making sure everyone's okay. The best source of comfort is the colleagues, the people you were with."
"You guys are a community. I don't want to make it seem like I don't think you guys are like my colleagues."
"Once the lawsuit starts, colleagues develop amnesia. They don't really remember; they don't say they didn't, but they go, 'Yeah, I'm not sure I did.'"
"I don't miss retail one bit, but I do miss the people I worked with."
"Collectively we are the office bloke all three of us together in a room."
"I have respect for my colleagues."
"You know what, it's never the job that's good or bad, it's always the people you work with that really dictate whether you like a job or not."
"We hold so much power over each other's mental well-being that to be in the kind of relationship that we're in as streamer colleagues we have to care about each other's feelings."
"You're really important to me too. When I smiled and nodded to her she looked down. Um, but I-I don't see you just as a colleague but also I love you, Kanan. Meon-chan, me too. I feel the same way."
"You spend more time at work with your co-workers than you do with your family."
"They weren't just colleagues. They weren't just friends on set or when they were writing their books. They were honest, true best friends. Soul mates, for lack of a better word."
"I really want to get to know my colleagues better."
"How great is that feeling?" - Reflecting on pride in seeing colleagues advance in their careers.
"For some of my co-workers, he was the only fun part of their day."
"I love my job and I love the people that I work with."
"I've come here today to stand before you, my esteemed colleagues, with a confession."
"I have never worked with such hardworking people before."
"The single greatest determinant of people's happiness in their workplace is how much they enjoy their colleagues."
"I love going to work, I loved working with the people."
"I work with some of the smartest people I've ever met in my life."
"The bond among colleagues was strong, and we worked together daily with united effort."
"We were able to laugh at one another, which was nice."
"The most valuable colleagues and employees you have are the ones that learn the fastest."
"It's a privilege to be here today with my colleagues."
"They were some good dudes, man. I love working with those guys."
"I want to wake up in the morning and be happy with my coworkers."
"I love those people, the people that I work with."
"Let me say this about Mike Graham, Mike and I got along quite well. I really liked Mike."
"I worked with two broadcasters who I didn't know very well... and one is Stephen Colbert, and one is Rich Eisen."
"You support colleagues... and ensure that you get the best performance out of people."
"The laughter from his colleagues when they figured it out was priceless."
"Always be nice to the people you work with, always develop those connections."
"It's crazy that we just met because we used to work together years ago."
"I'm trying to be a more humane human to my colleagues and guests."
"Happy days, mate. I'm like so proud of my colleagues."
"What does Andrew Garfield think of Tom Holland? I really like him. I think he's a wonderful person."
"I've got legit friends with someone that I work with."
"When he finished it and shared the script with some of his colleagues, they were so impressed with his writing."
"It is an awesome privilege to be able to call myself his colleague."
"You'll remember the people that you worked with."
"I love my job, I love every second of it, I love my co-workers, I love coming in every day."
"We are three colleagues, but first of all, we are three very, very, very good friends."
"She's been extremely fortunate to continually learn from colleagues and researchers."
"I enjoy my job tremendously; the people are so nice."
"I work with some of the people I find the funniest."
"Thank you all for your kind introduction, but before I finish, let me also add that I want to take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues for their tremendous inspiration and kind friendship."
"I've been very lucky. I've had a number of colleagues who have been wounded and of course, we know others that have lost their lives covering conflict."
"I'm really happy to see you. I always really loved seeing you at work."
"Our relationship has evolved from mentor-mentee to colleagues to just friends."
"We all have co-workers that we don't like, and you just stay strong and stick it out to the end of the day."
"We couldn't be more fortunate that we get to hang out with these people every day."
"I should like first of all tonight to put into the record that I was proud of my colleagues."
"I was able to make a lot of friends of people who are working there that are my age."
"These will be your colleagues, these are the people that you'll be seeing at conferences."
"We're so celebratory of each other's work and we've remained supportive colleagues."
"I felt blessed to have such caring colleagues."
"I feel really blessed that I have worked with amazing men on the show who are all dear to my heart."
"Just as relationships with your students are important, relationships with your co-workers are important."
"I work with some of the greatest people."
"If you got a job where you love the people you work with or work for, that's pretty good."
"I always check on my co-workers because sometimes they're going through a rough day."
"We started as good working colleagues and then became great friends."
"The most powerful resource you have as an employee is your co-workers."
"Greetings to all colleagues wherever you are."
"I'm just trying to meet some new friends, hang out with some coworkers."
"We were the star couple, even our older colleagues admired our relationship."
"I just pinched myself that this is my job and that I get to work with these amazing people all year round."
"You and your colleagues will be successful."
"Just know when you've got the support of your colleagues, your friends... that makes all the difference."
"I really enjoyed the people that I worked with, I enjoyed everything that I learned."
"It is so nice working with cool people, and you guys just made it a blast."
"Good day, my professional colleagues."
"Just become a sponge and learn from your co-workers and figure out what you want to do."
"You guys are my closest friends in this office."
"I got to work with some of the funniest people in the world."
"You can even compete against your colleagues without any ill will and recognize that it's okay for one of y'all to win and one of y'all to lose."
"You're going to meet some very great wonderful people that you're going to be working with that will celebrate you."
"I think I made more friends on Another World than any other show I've ever worked."
"Your co-workers will become your friends, which is an amazing pro."
"It's almost certainly going to be the people I'm going to miss most about Safari live."
"We're just friends, colleagues, men of similar ilk."
"I'm excited to hang with old friends, make new friends, and make friends with my coworkers."
"The best part about being a musician is the community that is my colleagues."
"Honestly, I love what I do, and I work with great people."
"I remember Aikman asking me, and it was just so amazing to be with Troy and Pam and Joe."
"At the end of the day, any job you have, you have to be happy with what you're doing and who you're doing it with."
"More often by midnight, one wakes up and listens to his colleague's hearts."
"The weirdest thing I've had to put up with working here is literally just every single one of my co-workers."
"Those everyday heroes could also be somebody you worked with, somebody that you've been around."
"I appreciate you opening up to me. These are very difficult times and it is good to feel the support of colleagues."