
Configuration Quotes

There are 539 quotes

"So this is the right CSS selector to enter into my Google Tag Manager account."
"If you understand those things when we go in to do the configurations it will be a lot easier because you'll understand what's what's supposed to be happening."
"Now we have the VS code configured with all the extensions we want, let's review that real quick."
"This now works, it's pulling from our named configuration."
"We really haven't even written any code all we did was change up some configurations and we already have all of this functionality."
"Create additional configurations for UEFI bootloader for safer booting."
"Now when a camera or a device is plugged into that network... it will get an IP from the camera VLAN."
"Pi-hole will still only work on a device-by-device basis unless you change the settings on your router."
"Tailwind Is Now by default zero config. Huge, huge, huge."
"The data stored in a configMap object can be referenced in a volume of type configMap and then consumed through files running in a pod."
"Good configuration and change management can prevent incidents and outages."
"Unlike with TCP and UDP, when creating a rule for ICMP, you can specify multiple types you want to work with in a single rule without the need for creating an alias."
"Removal of web.xml completely makes developer life a lot easy."
"Spring Boot offers very powerful ways to externalize configuration and manage properties for different environments."
"Always favor externalizing configuration over hardcoding."
"Remember to leverage profiles for handling multiple environments."
"...with this we round up our list of eight essential spring boot properties."
"The app.yaml file was as simple as saying, 'Hey, we want runtime custom and the environment can be flexible.'"
"You now have a JS and a TS file config for Tailwind CSS."
"YAML stands for YAML Ain't Markup Language and is a data serialization language for writing configuration files."
"To manage networking resources, practice the steps to create VPC subnets, firewall, and configuring the resources within the VPC."
"That's the computer settings I think."
"We can also issue things like the Terraform validate, which will check if it is a valid config. Terraform plan gives us a listing of what changes would be made if we want to apply."
"As we saw, the sequence for interacting with terraform configurations is generally these four primary commands: init, plan, apply, and destroy."
"With all of that configuration in place, we can define the load balancer itself"
"By adding the following line to our config, we can enable mouse support."
"...if you start something at this time, with this astrological configuration, when the Ascendant and the ruler of the Ascendant’s in this sign, and the Moon is applying to these planets, this will be the outcome..."
"IPConfig is known as the Internet Protocol configuration."
"It can be daunting to configure this completely yourself from scratch, but it's actually surprisingly simple and there are loads of pre-made examples to get you started, which is what we're going to be doing today."
"If you change that location or change the file name in this previous step then you will need to update the config."
"Spring Boot provides starter dependencies already, it automatically configures Spring and third-party library."
"Home Manager is like a configuration.nix, but it makes for your user environment."
"Flakes make it very easy to update the whole system."
"That's how you do it as a module, and this will, with one command, update the system and update Home Manager as well and rebuild everything."
"Changing any setting requires a restart of Obsidian."
"CMD is something that is configurable."
"What we're setting up today is a great starting point, basic configuration that I think all of you guys should do if you're looking to do some VLANs."
"Here within settings you can change the name, you can configure application insights."
"Till now, we configured our 'Fast Ethernet 0/48' port and we assigned the IP address accordingly."
"This is how we configure default route on Azure router."
"These users are also able to access internet."
"It's a hidden feature the way the jumpers were configured on this card out of the box did not have this mode enabled."
"Once we hit apply we actually just go back over to assignments so when we go back to the assignments page you can actually see that we now have a VLAN in here that you can actually assign is the untrusted VLAN."
"Never fear because in today's video we're going to take a look at the fundamental configuration building block of home assistant YAML."
"The way the workstations are configured now, we have experienced people doing the work."
"...clicking on the gear allows us to go into site contents or site settings."
"...this lovely seat at the back now this boat has got so many seating configurations..."
"In classical mechanics of a single particle, how do you specify the configuration, or the state-- just different words for the same thing-- how do you specify the configuration or state of the system?"
"Those are the most important things that you can configure. You have to configure backups and snapshots. This will protect you in scenarios that you probably can't even think about right now."
"This is possibly the best configuration for off-roading, and this is where this is a giant highlight of the Jeep Wrangler."
"So this is a configuration at the pad side saying don't allow any traffic through unless it's coming from this subnet."
"Nothing should require manual clicks or have some unique configuration."
"It's your entire environment and infrastructure represented in a configuration code base."
"Having the configurator show you what it's going to look like in its truest form is really nice."
"An array just means that there are multiple sensors arranged in some configuration that act together to produce a desired sensor pattern."
"One of the configurations is this, you have the forward console seat with the big bench seats."
"View and change network information with ipconfig."
"Before we conclude, let's show how to disable some features that you may not want from the base lazy Vim configuration."
"Another thing really attractive about Clipper is that the printer's configuration resides in a single file."
"Let's go ahead and open up Neo then you'll be prompted to install the example configuration."
"Structuring your configuration is what differentiates a good configuration from the bad one."
"So, there you go, environment-specific configuration achieved without having to modify the jar, and now all that configuration sets inside your source code, no manual effort."
"Another really useful trick, or well, it's not really a trick, it's more of just a useful thing, is going even further with this idea of defining the same option in more than one file."
"If you're defining an option that is an attribute set or a list, it will actually automatically merge, which is super super helpful."
"All of the options that you would want to include, all of the configuration options for `hyperland`, you could put in the `hyper.nix` file, and all of the configuration options for `xmonad`, you could put in this file."
"And with that, everything is completely and correctly configured."
"So for those cases, where you need to add a little bit of extra information to tell SQL model and SQL alchemy underneath to tell it, hey, this does this thing with the database, then you can pass additional parameters and additional configurations."
"Once you install these plugins, you need to go and set them up in the tools section."
"So if you have two robots on a circular track, they can really visit all configurations. There's no sort of left and right anymore. You can have them in any position."
"To test VLAN configurations, configure IP addresses on devices and use ping or traffic generators to send packets and verify VLAN functionality."
"You can use the config file to store parameters such as the username, hostname, port number, and other things as well."
"There's no good or bad about those, there's really what you want it to do. What is your security posture? How would you like to configure the security for your systems?"
"This shelter itself, yes lean-to type configuration. The highlight of this for me is the tie-out points are just there. It's easy, it's lightweight, it's super durable."
"Now you can uncomment this and you should. It's set to false by default."
"...this is done by configuration system so if you decide to support the feature or not you can do that without coding just click if it's going to be supported or not."
"This is a dual rear wheel chassis and it's all-wheel drive."
"This is required so that I can give a cluster name for my Kubernetes cluster."
"Moving to the side, this new generation of Colorado is locked into only the four-door crew cab configuration with a 5ft bed on all trims."
"Link your domain to the Google Cloud static IP address."
"So now the engine is enabled, that means now you have just enabled this particular thing where you are telling HashiCorp Vault that I will use this to create key-value pairs."
"Because you are using environments and because you are using workspaces per environment, state files are created for each environment, and you have unique state files. So there is no problem of conflicting infrastructure."
"Automating environment-specific configurations with terraform workspaces ensures consistency and reduces errors."
"Having three separate small surfaces makes them modular... you have flexibility to do that and you can easily reconfigure things on the fly on your table."
"Now when you have configuration management software, everything becomes a lot easier to manage because you can have one place to basically implement your configuration."
"You can configure a multi-site routing where you can have multiple sites fronted by the same application gateway."
"The whole point of this is I want to kind of create this JSON configuration file that deploys whatever this resource or this application spec is."
"...you can configure a mass of other options to control how the scanner works."
"Secret management is a bad idea. It's not going to be configured at all when you deploy to Azure. How do we solve that problem? Well, we want to use Azure Key Vault in this case to solve this problem."
"And this is all made easy just because of the flexible design of the .NET configuration API. You can plug in configuration providers like Key Vaults, like Secret Manager, and it just works."
"Kubernetes essentially takes a declared state of how you'd like to configure your server, your micro-services, your containers, and it makes it happen."
"So, that's the IKEv2 policy configured. We need to enable IKEv2 on the outside interface."
"We're going to rectify that and configure it for HTTPS."
"The attention with the connectors is to have as little coding as possible, primarily only configuration."
"We're going to configure that using SSH."
"CloudFormation allows configuring an entire network through stacks."
"If you're using Wi-Fi, there's like an extra step just to configure the Wi-Fi. You probably will need to plug that into an HDMI monitor, have a keyboard plugged in so that you can edit the configuration file."
"What this will do is add a line at the end of the boot dot text that will make it so we boot from USB from now on."
"It's allowed me to simplify my config and make plug-in management easier whilst also improving startup times and also making my setup more efficient through features like lazy loading plugins."
"The Metric Halo uln8 can be configured to have up to 48 inputs and outputs all simultaneously."
"Let's not waste any time, let's dig right into the config and see what we have to do to get up and printing on our Ender 3v2."
"...configure things the way you would like your terminal lines to look and feature."
"If we have any dependencies like Python or the JDK that need to be installed in the environment, we can utilize the image keyword."
"This is super helpful to kind of understand what we need for our configuration to be what we want our micro services to be in terms of configuration."
"So, what we are saying here is whenever this CloudFormation is creating this VPC resource, for the cider block, reference whatever value we put in this perimeter."
"...how and why you might wire solar panels together in series and how the series configuration will increase the voltage of your electric system."
"Ansible is awesome when it comes to configuring those resources."
"The goal we had there was that the input had to work out of the box with no tweaking... there's no reason why we need to have that as a configuration option."
"This is where we keep it in most of the time is just a big configuration."
"That's so cool, so now this particular configuration is the Bowden tube configuration."
"If you look back at ICE under settings, the EAP TLS is by default turned on."
"Will the DACL override the static ACL configured on the port?"
"What it boils down to is we're setting up an issuer, pointing to Let's Encrypt, configuring our solver to use the DNS01 challenge with Cloudflare, and setting up our email address and API token."
"Ansible's push model means that it pushes out configurations to the managed nodes."
"You can probably do so, but we don't offer user options over there. I think you can let Suricata listen to localhost and pass traffic in. There are some concepts you can apply, but we can't easily provide it from a user's perspective."
"I like to uncheck this because this says, 'Hey, if my ISP says to use certain DNS servers, go ahead and override what I just wrote in here. I don't like that, so I'm going to uncheck that."
"...but with a normal Express lrs receiver, we just simply jump into the express lrs configurator, we compile all of our features, our settings, we type in our binding phrase, we hit build, we take that, we flash it via Wi-Fi right onto the receiver and we're good to go."
"So this configuration file is literally the home of everything. Like with any tool that runs on Linux, the conf file is very important."
"I'm just trying to show you configuring BGP at its core and how easy it is to actually just get basic functionality working."
"OSPf works the same, it just might look different how you configure something but it does the same thing at the end of the day."
"Ansible is agentless so what do you mean by agentless is that you know uh if you want to configure in the pre as I told you in the previous example you want to configure hundreds of virtual machines or any servers."
"Your new best friend is this file .vimrc."
"Steal your friend's .vimrc when you start out."
"Accept traffic on Port 80 and forward that traffic to the application running on Local Host 3000"
"A standard access list has sequence numbers, so if we need to add a new entry, we can insert it between existing entries."
"You make your configuration changes in one place and it sends out all of that information to all of your equipment."
"Here we are in the BIOS. Let's start with tweaking by loading the setup defaults."
"So, for configuration migration, we have a tool that basically, um, you input your existing configuration from the router and it then analyzes the configuration, says which lines of config are not compatible with SDN, flags those, and it's going to ask you to remove those."
"In this video I'll cover how to wire each one your controller and then the steps to configure various types of components including buttons switches motion sensors relays and more."
"This thing is not going to come in under 250 grams not even in its lightest configuration."
"Which OS configuration uses data labels to control resource access?"
"As with BIOS, you could configure the boot order here if you needed to."
"If we were looking at configuration based on intent, I think we could do a lot better."
"Configuration, especially performance and optimization configuration, is an abstraction itself."
"If you want to guarantee that you are always going to receive a particular IP address, you're looking for address reservation."
"Keep your Kubernetes configuration as code."
"Through the dev config, we can define which software libraries or modules are enabled by default for any application built for your hardware."
"So, the only option here, the one that makes the most sense, the one that 87% of you chose, is VT not enabled, and you'd be absolutely correct."
"Maven is very conventional over configuration oriented."
"When you are designing your network, keep in mind that the primary zone must be available to make any changes."
"This is a solid option, especially in this premier configuration."
"You can name your outputs, you know, front left high, front right high."
"Git has three levels of configuration: system, global, and local."
"So what you'll see is it's assigned to VLAN 100."
"Configure disaster recovery covering databases, applications, and web tiers."
"Gitops ensures continuous reconciliation, automatically updating configurations based on changes in git."
"The filter configuration will be selected that best meets the requirements of the equipment in which it's to be used."
"One of the suggestions is prevent misconfiguration and enforce security configuration and compliance. Definitely one of the biggest added value that we can have."
"Now, to start using the browser filter, like we enabled the percentage filter inside the Startup.cs, we need to make sure we call the AddFeatureFilter and specify the browser filter as well."
"Configuring priorities enabled, configure preemption, configure tracking for both protocols."
"It's no longer changing the MAC address, and that's because the load balancing is now host dependent."
"That interface that port suddenly inherits all those configurations."
"I'm attaching this DNS zone to my V-net, so it's going to be consulted each time someone asks, 'What's the IP address of something under this domain name?'"
"The way you can pull environment variables from or pull configuration from environment variables is you just simply move the secret key value and you."
"If user is trying to enable provisioned IOPS with MySQL RDS, the minimum size of storage should be 100 GB."
"So we're gonna add an MX record and basically it's the record that tells whoever's trying to email your domain where to look."
"So let's start configuring our application."
"The service is started; let's open up our browser and let's just head over to Hit enter, and you should see this Django 3.2 placeholder landing page. So this means that we've configured our Docker files successfully."
"Now, Docker Compose is going to build the Docker image, and then it's going to start the Docker container with the configurations."
"This is a stereo amplifier, well this is designed as a mono, but you can use it also as a stereo, you can configure it in the rear whenever."
"Disabling the default website in Apache and enabling the new configuration for the custom website."
"Parcel is also a module one bundler, it's a bit newer, it's less bloated and it's more of a no config solution."
"...with a parallel configuration the current of each string will be added together while the voltage remains the same."
"When we're done with our testing then we'll reconfigure the tables."
"Use secrets and config maps for configuration data."
"so whenever you have a tsconfig.json that means you're working within a typescript project"
"Environment variables are often defined in a hidden file on your local machine."
"Have you configured the SSL cert?"
"How do you incorporate this into existing CircleCI? Take your existing config dot Yaml."
"Configure Samba to provide the network share to client."
"So now sensor 11 is tuned to something totally different."
"In this video, we'll talk about configuring services to start automatically at the boot."
"This is how you can make your services run at the boot time."
"...we need to uncomment #define Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN"
"I'll have a link in the description to my current entire neovim config so you can take a look at my setup and also use it for reference."
"The red vision setup and configuration is an in-depth process and redarc has a very detailed video to help you through this."
"You change it to disabled or enabled."
"Mass knows how to configure all of these devices out of the box."
"This may look like a very bare surface YAML configuration file but that is exactly what we want as it means it's easier to create new functions"
"I think with regards to dual monitors, the last thing I want to teach you in this screencast is how to configure the i3 bar at the bottom of your monitor."
"And yeah, we've got them all working, obviously there's a lot more configuring I need to do in terms of like the dashboard actually get it properly finished and separated between the two rooms and stuff like that but this does just work really well."
"Virtual services are powerful resources. They allow us to configure the behavior of the sidecar service proxies in terms of traffic routing."
"All these YAML files make up my application and its infrastructure."
"For now, we should have a single pod IP address under both services."
"That's all for the basic remote write setup."
"Instead of writing all that giant Kubernetes YAML, you can now define your Kubernetes services in HCL."
"This file will be created and configured when this many computers install the Containerd and configures it."
"Make sure you set this to dev/test or else if you leave it on default it's going to add a bunch of things that you have to pay for which we don't want in this case."
"AWS Lambda: Configure memory and timeouts for optimal performance."
"Configuring Jenkins for sending out emails is essential for notifications about build status or deployments."
"All inbound traffic is blocked by default, and all outbound traffic is authorized by default. Anything leaving your EC2 instance, any kind of data really leaving your EC2 instance, is allowed by default."
"Configuring this task is pretty straightforward. You have to provide job parameters in the JSON document."
"It's really important that we set up our configuration in terms of the different environments that we have."
"If you wanted to do things like upload a new SSL certificate or do things like that you can use the portal administrator directory to do all of that."
"The awesome window manager is one of those window managers I often tell you guys is a fantastic first tiling window manager it's really easy to configure and it just looks good."
"A web map is not a copy of my data. It's just a configuration file that references my data."
"So as you can see I've got the network address, it defaults on the Windows exporter to Port 9182 that can be customized during the installation of the windows exporter package."
"Configuring third-party tools in Jenkins requires installing the plugin and configuring it in Global Tool Configuration."
"Default environmental variables in Jenkins include job name, node name, workspace, build URL, and Jenkins URL."
"The storage class name is nfs client so if you're using the helm repository they have changed the name of the storage class to nfs client."
"The next thing you want to do is you want to configure it. There's many things that you can configure this GridView with."