
Regret Avoidance Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"You knee-jerk reaction should be go do it right. You don't want to ever regret not doing something."
"Regret minimization framework: minimize the number of regrets."
"You hate this often if it dies in this gym you're gonna feel so bad."
"I live my life in such a way that... I have as few regrets as possible."
"I have this thing where I impulsively buy things at the thrift store because I hate the feeling of regretting and not getting something that I found."
"It's better to say oops than to say what if."
"Better to live a life of discipline than a lifetime of regret."
"It's difficult to wait, but it's more difficult to regret."
"I'll do it. I don't like to live with regret."
"Sometimes go with your gut feeling. Don't trade Kobe Bryant."
"When you're on your deathbed, you should have no regrets."
"How can you say no? I'll regret it if I say no."
"It's better to just go for it and find out then did not say anything and then regret it later."
"The pain of discipline is better than the pain of regret."
"I wanted to be sure I lived a life with no regrets."
"It is stronger to be vulnerable than it is to have regrets."
"Don't live with regrets. You regret what you didn't do."
"Life is too short to be regretting stuff or being angry or looking over your shoulder."
"I certainly never wanted to feel that I could have done more."
"Do whatever you won't regret. That is a good general principle of life."
"To me it's better to know the outcome rather than to think about the regret of never trying what I thought impossible."
"Don't wait till the funeral to see people you love. Don't experience this and feel regret."
"We will never regret making that a priority."
"He fears danger, but he feared the dying look on someone's face far more. He believes in living a life with no regrets."
"I feel like every decision you make is ultimately, 'Am I going to regret this on my death bed?'"
"Don't waste your time with 'shoulda coulda woulda.'"
"Not taking that job would have been the fail."
"Regret is almost worse than trying and failing; not trying at all and not knowing if you could have done it, that's what haunts you."
"Does a human only lives for a blink of an eye worrying about stupid things like bad aftertaste and living a life with no regrets."
"Life is very short. When you're 90 and 95 years old you're only going to be doing two things: regret or when you were younger you felt the pain and you did that, you took action and there's no regret."
"So my biggest encouragement to you and one of the biggest regrets that I see with couples is just not being themselves."
"I'd rather look back and say oh well then look back in my past and be like oh what if like what if I had tried this I'd rather say oh well than what if."
"You're avoiding doing anything you're gonna regret."
"Life is too short. I don't want to have regrets in life. I don't want to feel like I could have had more experiences just because I wanted to be selfish with my energy."
"My biggest fear is having regrets, that's my biggest fear."
"Live without regrets and do what you love to do."
"You're not ever going to regret following the guidance; you will regret not following it."
"You're never going to regret buying the bigger engine."
"Wouldn't you much rather be able to look back upon your life with contentment and peace instead of regretting what could have been or what you could have done?"
"So if you've really been waiting for the opportunity to really put yourself out there, to live your life out loud so that you have no regrets, this is really your time to do so."
"Your best may vary from day to day, but as long as you're giving it your all, you can avoid self-judgment and regret."
"10 seconds of discomfort is so much better than a lifetime of regret."
"I want to talk about the long game, what you can do right now to avoid five or 10 years in the future having regrets."
"Never have regrets and that's by going at something with full force, full force."
"I don't ever want to live with regret. If you don't try, you will have regret and that will weigh you down forever."
"Never will I tell somebody something that if I knew it was the last thing I ever said to them I would regret it."
"I hate living life with what-ifs."
"I will never complain about my family again."
"I'm kind of willing to make the mistakes. That doesn't scare me as much as having regret."
"If you don't say 'I quit' and someone tells you you're not the right person, you're gonna live your life saying at least I didn't [__] stop."
"It's always worse to not, you know what I mean? Because then you always have the whole 'what if' you know that kind of thing. It's always better to be the better person."
"Stick to the plan, yes deals do come up, but your plan has to take priority or else you might feel regret when you go home."
"It's better to say 'Oh well' than 'What if'."
"You don't want to regret not trying something."
"I never wanted to say shoulda woulda coulda."
"It's better to not live with regrets."
"I don't like sitting with regrets. I much prefer to give something a go if that's what I want to do."
"I'm not doing that. I want to be able to shave in the morning without any grief or regret or shame waiting for me in the mirror."
"You don't want to live with regrets."
"Don't stress over it; no regrets. Be wise before you make a decision."