
Invigoration Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"It doesn't have to always look exactly how it has. It's invigorating."
"All of that comes from that invigoration that I found and the freedom that I found."
"It's all about empowerment, it's all about invigoration."
"It's invigorating, I feel like I just accomplished so much."
"Mint is a cooling mentholated green that is a breath of fresh air."
"Refreshing energy, washing away tiredness."
"The most invigorating thing he ever did was find a pursuit to call his own."
"There is nothing like it. I'm so invigorated."
"That was, um, quite invigorating, actually."
"The kind of minty freshness that this has really wakes you up, gets you invigorated. I love that."
"You feel the fresh, invigorating breath fill your lungs and nourish your body and soul."
"For the first time in I don't know how long, the amount of energy that I got from eating red meat, it was just like I was invigorated."
"Traveling out in nature, places like this, it's just invigorating to me."
"An invigorating fragrance, I really, really like it."
"There's something about cold water that just makes me feel alive."
"I think this place is invigorating."
"That level freedom must've been absolutely invigorating."
"I just love fragrances that make me feel clean and fresh and invigorated."
"Therapy provides a release of emotion that can be refreshing and invigorating."
"That's always nice when you turn up the cold and you're like, 'Ah, [ __ ].' It's like that last shower in the morning that wakes me up, and at night, it puts me to sleep."
"I found it relaxing, invigorating, it was just very refreshing."
"Ginger is a very uplifting and invigorating note."
"Compassion invigorates you; it leads to more helping. Empathy exhausts; compassion charges you up."
"I feel marvelous with the wind in my face, head up, chest out, swinging my arms."
"Vieri is citron and musk, very fresh and refreshing."
"I feel like the franchise has been reinvigorated; like this is a Renaissance."
"It's bright, it's refreshing, it's citrusy, it smells incredible right off the first spray."
"That breeze, that mountain fresh air, unbelievable."
"Cease to sleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated."
"A nice brisk cold water splash is a great way to start a shave."
"Spontaneity is just so invigorating, it's the elixir that they absolutely thrive off of."
"If we use our keys, if we take advantage of opportunities that present themselves, we will invigorate our ministry and give it new meaning."
"Rocky, it's just more fresh, it wakes you up."
"Inhale, drop the belly down, lift the chest, lift the gaze."
"The air was like wine, freshened by the wind."
"The breeze at the beach was strong with a liqueur of liberty that permeated the senses."
"Oh, that cold shower was awesome, I feel invigorated."
"May this practice invigorate you and uplift your own vibration and one another."
"It smells so good, you have the mint, you have the beautiful grapefruit that's really invigorating and uplifting."
"It's a very relaxing invigorating way to start or end your day."
"...the warmth flowing down her throat and heating her belly invigorated her..."
"Cold swimming is just something about it that really invigorates and gets my mind working."
"There's something sharp in mountain air, a clean wildness that simultaneously heightens your senses and intoxicates you."
"Branching out your hobbies kind of helps to invigorate your main squeeze hobby."
"It's very invigorating and fresh and kind of makes you feel like you're at a spa."
"I feel so invigorated because of the weather."
"When you walk in, it just feels like a breath of fresh air."