
Mystical Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"Gold is the best performing asset class year-to-date."
"If I let you go, will you let me go? It must be taken care of by its High Priest."
"It may have already been known in some ways but the fact that Goddess statues can sense each other and their condition fascinated me."
"Master Willem sought the chord in order to elevate his being and thoughts to those of a great one by lining his brain with eyes."
"The Black Stone is a relic of a much more magical past."
"Most importantly, I finally got the mystical gem."
"Sophia's resplendent form creates a mystical and unique appearance."
"It's beyond a trend, it's beyond a mystical experience, it's a transformative experience."
"You are the sovereign of the seen and unseen worlds."
"This location seems timeless and otherworldly spiritual."
"Your connection brought them back to life, awakening them from a deep slumber."
"Zari is giving me very much older Vibes Witch Doctor Vibes."
"Ethereal and effervescent like a wisp drifting through the mist."
"You're very magical and you're into the unknown."
"The lake has the power to mesmerize you if one stares too long, leading to death."
"It's so witchy, you know? It's like so mystical."
"I'm in the Emerald Tablet number one, and Thoth said, 'But in a time yet unborn, I will rise again mighty and potent...'"
"The Vimana flashed away into heaven beyond the stars like a thought leaving a golden Trail in the sky."
"Ezekiel Saw a perfect living example of extra dimensional unfolding."
"When the [ __ ] hits the fan and everything starts crumbling, they would come to the star children's, to the other guides, to the people who had different types of earthly powers."
"The pool's water source from an ancient well is believed to grant wishes but at a terrible cost."
"It's a creature whose capacity for love is so limitless that it's practically immune to fear."
"As a kid, I looked back and saw these cards and at the time, they were already mystical, and now I could help create those."
"Because Earth is a mega portal, it's a very powerful place and it has a lot of hidden tunnels and gateways."
"Suddenly, the water spirit appeared before me."
"May the night mother hold you in her cold embrace."
"We are finalizing the clearing of all remaining dark portals and vortexes, artificial wormholes, masonic and dark lodges."
"The most beautiful and profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science."
"The artwork is so soft and muted, it's earthy, it's got this underlying witchy quality to it without it even meaning to."
"This charismatic little ape could absolutely be imbued with a mystical spirit."
"Mystical is just a fancy way of saying experiential."
"The state of mystical illumination... it's just like everyday life."
"People being drawn to that kind of mystical energy witchy energy that you give off and the powerful energy of you being someone that has that kind of Hidden Side."
"She's in the World Between Worlds."
"You just had this inclination or interest in the more mystical, metaphysical type of things."
"You're a unicorn. You're a mystical creature that cannot be captured."
"The Cabinet of Curiosities is a mystical Bar and Lounge like no other not only can you relax and enjoy a couple cocktails but you can also have an immersive experience by exploring the cabinets containing many objects from around the world."
"There may be more powerful beasts out there, but there's nothing quite as mystical and enchanting as the dragon."
"The peacock Lord goes to the fortune teller."
"Master numbers like 11, 22, and 33 carry great mystical potential unlocking higher realms for those whose souls resonate at their frequency."
"Communion incorporates us to the life of Christ, incorporates us to the death of Christ, and incorporates us to the members of the mystical body and their joys and sorrows."
"Mystical questions are prayers. They are prayers. They are not questions. And prayers are answered through the redirection of your life."
"This is the true Narnia, this is Aslan's country."
"It's hard to talk about music sometimes because words fail you, but it's very mystical."
"There's something rather mystical about this place and people say that if you have ears sensitive enough to hear The Whispers of the stone nights they'll predict the future."
"When Kronos crosses chyos, that's where the supernatural takes place."
"...when something special and magical and mystical happens that is not causal, it's reassuring, it's a gift."
"For you to be swiped out of your body to take on the new body, you need an ofen to break."
- The transformative power of the ofen in the Rapture
"Pisces energy is mystical, dreamy, and intuitive."
"This seems very enchanted, right?"
"I was granted mystical powers by the statue."
"Lavender goes by he, they, and they are 15. They deliver dreams to people to warn them of things like an omen."
"You're hard to tame, not in a sense of like you're a wild ferocious beast to tame... but you're this kind of mystical creature."
"Men see your beauty as a timeless masterpiece, ageless and mystical."
"In those days mine eyes saw the secrets of the lightnings, And of the lights, And the judgments they execute."
"You are literally like some sort of Clairvoyant Wizard."
"Whisper? A blade forged from metal pulled from the Far Realm."
"The Heavenly Dow Lotus had linked with bwo."
"Revelation came to him like a great detonation, like lights of an unknown kind coming from an unseen world."
"There has always been a small group of human beings of mystical inclinations who have recognized that the only answer lies in acceptances."
"You're very grounded, very down to earth, but at the same time, there's this very mystical quality, this ethereal quality that people just can't figure out who you are."
"The Amethyst Order seeks to know all things about death for theirs is the way of the amethyst wind of Shyish, the wind of death."
"A blinding light illuminated the sky and from the glow, a half Spirit appeared."
"There's something quite spooky and mystical about it with these jagged cliffs."
"Dr. Strange: 'Nowadays, Strange's aptitude for all things mystical is second to none.'"
"Child of the elder blood starry-eyed"
"The Book of Illumination, the Safer Zohar, is the most monumental text in all of Jewish mystical history."
"There's something that kind of reminds me it's very like ethereal and sort of witchy."
"The whispers of angels taste delicious."
"I think you should keep this rock of mine, definitely does something for you."
"Christian existence in the mystical tradition."
"It is impossible to doubt that there is a mystical side to man's life and his relations to nature."
"There's something spiritual there."
"The cup is the fifth element, the vessel that can contain these primal energies."
"It immediately transports you; you are in this whole other realm, this fairy tale, fantastical, mystical kind of realm."
"Ben was one of the original horse whispers; there was something mystical about his connection with horses."
"The dramatic natural backdrop... gave almost a mystical feeling to the place."
"The experience was supernatural, spiritual; it was something that just had to come out."
"I'm so pleased with how this one turned out; it looks so cool and mystical."
"It's an unbelievably wonderful, mystical, magical place."
"Mystical Tutor is one of the strongest tutors in the game, only being outdone by Black's amazing tutors."
"Sealing technique: Ten Phantom Dragons Consuming Seal."
"She looks more witchy now; everything just seems to work better here."
"Life, death, life, truth, Dionysus, Orphics."
"I've never ever come across these type of shirts with those like, you know, very mystical animals and like very scenic backgrounds."
"These people possessed faculties that allowed them to interact with the beings of a higher cosmic order."
"A mystical river flowing silently beneath the towering St. Paul mountain range."
"Whatever that totem was, it was insanely magical."
"There is a spirit in the woods with intentions of his own."
"The thing itself is already mystical enough, and he made it even more mysterious."
"The love of your dragon reaches out to you."
"The divine, the mystical, is just kind of on the edge of our actual experience."
"A shimmering force moved all the way around me and it stopped right in front of me again."
"It just felt mystical and special."
"Kailash is not just a mountain out there; it is a point of contact between the ancient times, the humans, and other beings which are not humans."
"You'll meet them again, beware," she warned abruptly, "but you will be saved by a beast."
"An armor that was imbued by Angels."
"Shade of evening... allows for more telepathic abilities."
"It's a bit mystical, a magical setting here, almost looks like a bit of a mirage in the desert."
"Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight."
"The Dybbuk Box contains a malicious and restless spirit."
"We're doing like a mystical night happy hour."
"The Fairy Glen is a little bit of both: naturally occurring and man-made, but still brimming with magic."
"Pondering the orb, these are more than pondering, he's discussing with it, he's communicating."
"Her father told her that this is why he keeps her from there; there's an evil that lingers in that area from dark magic and negative energy."
"You have been granted power by Ukulele. Use it in times of need."
"You've been granted power by Ukulele. Use it in times of need."
"His body slowly dissolved into mist, becoming one with the rain."
"Some dunes are covered in magical things... they're a little darker than the normal sand dunes because they have lots of bits of pottery on them."
"Ancient cultures like Egypt considered cats to be divinely connected creatures, clearly recognizing their mystical essence beyond the physical."
"It's witchy, it's magical, it's underground kind of but it's in real life."
"It's something mystical and from another world; he's never seen anything like it."
"I sort of felt that something mystical happened, and I felt sort of complete."
"We're gonna do some crazy sky and this is gonna be definitely mystically like green."
"It actually feels quite mystical; it is really, really weird, really mystical, really weird."
"Melchizedek is also responsible for the foundational teachings of Kabbalah, which is the mystical Judaism that many of you are familiar with."
"It was viewed as being inherently magical and regenerative."
"Nanny, seer woman of mountain dream, fire woman struggle, hopeful stream to freedom river."
"They have these really great haunting, mystical melodies."
"With the help of a mystical artifact called the rainbow of light, which reflected the incomparable amount of love and courage in her heart, the Megan defeated that great evil and became a protector of the land."
"It would seem completely magical, like finding the staff of a wizard in a world full of ruined temples, utterly mystical."
"As long as you have this stone, you will always be connected."
"Neptune is dreams, illusions, creativity, imagination, fantasy realm, your spiritual limits, mysticism."
"The elements of harmony may still be with us in their own way."
"They are mystical and they look intelligent."
"It was a very special kind of mystical experience just kind of dimly seeing what was going on around."
"I think I am in love with my guardian angel."
"I have the mystical lands of Kel Switch, Harvest Moon Wanderings by Karen E. Myers, fabulous book, keeping this one."
"I love when a mermaid is mystical and slightly strange and doesn't quite fit in the world."
"He was simultaneously prince, prophet, healer, musician, and guardian of ecstatic mysteries."
"This forest was ancient and alive in a way that I couldn't describe but could only feel deep in the marrow of my bones."
"There is a magic in the Native American flute that's a lot bigger than anything a video could ever tell you."
"He can channel the extra dimensional energy of mystical beings to empower his spells."
"You don't know what warm fuzzies are until you get personally welcomed to a forest by its avatar."
"You're almost like etheric, kind of otherworldly."
"Emergence, creation, resurrection, and the magician energy."
"It's like there's some kind of mystical part of this that's greater than the sum of its parts."