
Convention Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"The show's fan base is so massive that an entire convention was created... invader con."
"Maga Republicans met at the Palm Beach Convention Center in Florida."
"This convention that happened over the weekend, one of the most bizarre things."
"Evo isn't just a tournament anymore, it's now like a fighting game convention."
"I think one of the most crucial parts of journalism is to constantly poke and prod at convention and orthodoxy."
"Arriving there at that convention, I observed the crowd... When they sang, I could sense the true joy in unity."
"Cyberpunk 2077...undoubtedly one of the highlights for the entire convention."
"The size of this place is astronomical, it is like 400,000 square feet of vendors, celebrities, panels, and cosplay."
"Anime Boston cared as much about its attendees as it did about industry experience."
"You have the benefits of a big con with the heart of a small one."
"Moving on, another thing that makes Anime Boston so special is just how connected they are with their history."
"Now is that time, and the convention on founding principles is our chance."
"I said sign me the heck up setup is basically the same will be hosting the event there will be other con goers that have signed up to perform and they can come in and strut their moves."
"If Saya Con is willing to take the torch and place the Comic Con for this year, please consider supporting them."
"I love comic-con is it's because for the most part everybody loves things so much they're there because they love things so much."
"Reaching a certain level of statistical significance isn't a matter of truth, it's a matter of convention."
"Every anime convention should have an artist alley somewhere Independent Artists can set up and sell their products while the convention takes place."
"Brickcon is my local Lego convention in Seattle Washington."
"I think my first one was 2009 and I think I went every year until college so there were four years of college I didn't go and then after college immediately afterwards I was like all right we're going to Recon again."
"We don't defy the hard set boundaries of the path, but we think outside the box a little bit."
"Tanacon was its name, a convention hosted by Tana Mojo, an LA influencer who's best described as something like the female version of Jake Paul."
"Well, sometimes we go there to gamble. We might as well do a convention while we're there, right? That would seem practical."
"...it's getting to the point where it's like this Convention Center I had a birthday while I was walking from my hotel to the [ __ ] booth one day is it's it's that you can't watch that much."
"After an hour, there is something natural about wrapping up, even though it's an arbitrary human invention."
"The largest and most widely attended hacker convention Defcon is named after this movie."
"You can go to any con you want to. I will take a picture with you. I will congratulate you. And so will others."
"This convention in Puerto Rico is one of the top conventions in the world. It'll definitely be a good look for Black Ink."
"Everybody presenting themselves in a crazy fashion, everybody yelling and screaming, having a good time. What the [ __ ] are we talking about, bro? It's TwitchCon, it's a convention."
"The Bible is using this anisotropic synchrony convention because under that convention, which is perfectly compatible with all physics that we know about, light takes no time at all to travel from those distant galaxies to Earth."
"Whatnot is actually the world's largest virtual comic convention."
"This has been East skate con. See you in the next one!"
"We ought to imagine a congress of men and women who don't belong to any particular society yet who come together in a kind of constitutional convention. They're going to agree among themselves on a constitution how their society is to be run."
"Don't let that conventional wisdom ruin your hunt."
"It's not a convention, it's a meta convention, but there are so many smaller events, gatherings, meetups, projects, that it's become a group of other smaller conferences."
"I don't think we're gonna have any issues at this convention finding just a plethora of games."
"I actually specifically bought this for a convention."
"It's amazing to have these things to rock a convention whether you're like bringing cash around or for small pickups or that kind of thing."
"Why are the only superpowers I leave banned conventions with sunburn and covid?"
"What does it matter, the devil take all conventions! They were made for other times."
"It's not a furry orgy but it was a an orgy at a convention and it was like being talked around like the group and like hey do you guys want to go to the orgy?"
"I was at a convention this past weekend and it was an experience."
"The enormous cast of wildly super-powered characters has created one of the most popular anime fandoms of the decade, proof of which can be seen at any convention."
"In CS, if you've seen already last week, we almost always start counting from 0."
"Use your talent like a weapon. Don't let convention confine you."
"Visit to DragonCon that's certainly not here, blast."
"It was truly bananas. It was so packed, so busy, and I got to see so many cool cosplays and of course got to have just the absolute loveliest interaction with so many people that came by my booth."
"We thought it was a good idea to give the fans sort of a real in-depth sense of who we are and maybe hear some stories that they haven't before if they haven't been to a convention."
"It's about being true to one's own nature even when it goes against the grain of convention."
"What kind of character would be named Top Man without wearing a top hat? It would be a most unconventional naming scheme, sir."
"Alright, so Ultimate Alien Hunter, yes, I got this at WonderCon for 25 bucks a booth habit, and it was in pretty good shape."
"The distinction between wrong and right doesn't exist in nature; it only exists in civil society, constituted through conventions we hold together."
"It's like all good vibes. See at this convention I've noticed there are a lot more corporate sponsor boots."
"What better way to get over the exhaustion of a month-long road trip, a van exploding, and like nine hours of flying than to fling myself into the chaos of the Anaheim Convention Center where Star Wars Celebration has returned."
"Look at all these crazy characters. You almost don't even need to go in the convention itself; you could just spend a whole day out here being greatly entertained just by the people roaming around."
"I forgot how much I love this. I mean, where else can you go and see Darth Maul coming down the escalator? Scary!"
"The modern world begins to challenge all of the conventions that had been traditionally employed to convey meaning in poetry."
"This is about control and that delicious warmth in my chest. It feels like being Clark Kent, knowing that all that stands between you and the complete ruin of everyone around you is social convention, mercy, and a pair of glasses."
"Such an ironic end to the most astonishing convention in American political history."
"If you guys missed out on it last year, I actually host a horror convention."
"Just so we don't do the standard, like..."
"It almost becomes assumed that there should be five files in that directory in every new Laravel application."
"Questioning inherited convention can lead us to plenty of insights, whether some rules we've inherited really matter or are unjust."
"So bravocon is three days. It's Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We're going today on Saturday."
"Always rejoice is the appealing theme of this year's conventions."
"Did you get what you needed tonight? Glory to God. Women's convention 2024: Living a yielded life. Praise the Lord."
"...this year you could not miss loot Studios who had one of the largest and by far the brightest booths at the whole con."
"...adepticon is the place where the introverts get to be extroverts we can talk for hours about the same thing that we love and enjoy every minute of it."
"I highly recommend going to a convention even if it's just for one day, even if you just hang around the artist alley for a day."
"War is the moment when we loose the bonds of convention."
"The institution of private property is definitely not just a convention because no alternative to it exists."
"Maven is very conventional over configuration oriented."
"I mean you can’t talk about bad cons and NOT bring up Dash Con."
"...one thing that was new to me at this Con was a lot of tables in the artist alley ended up being taken up by writers with big stacks of books to sell."
"Having a friend or two can also ensure that you're able to eat during the course of the Convention as it's risky to leave your table unattended for long stretches of time."
"This convention is really emotional to me. I was born just a few years after the first convention."
"I think for me it was the first time I went to a convention and frappy like way outsold Bulma and I was like whoa."
"DragonCon is my favorite convention."
"This was the best comic book show I've ever been to. Listen, I go to lots of these shows, guys."
"It's only when things go wrong or are pushed to the limit by parody that you realize how carefully contrived these conventions actually are."
"Megacon for me has been something that I go to every year."
"It's very fun. It's set at a convention for this fictitious female murder mystery author."
"Throwing at hitters is the conventional retaliation. The standard retaliation for any of these infractions is for the pitcher to hit the next batter."
"I absolutely love turning convention on its end."
"We're planning a Brady convention next August in New Jersey."
"Challenging conventions is a really great way to do it but don't expect to be your resistance-free path there will be resistance there."
"My goal is to have my very own popup booth at soccer Aon next year and with that I'll have a bunch of custom devil fruits and a bunch of other goodies for you guys to pick up at the convention but to do that I need your help over on patreon to make that happen."
"There's just a lot of people in this room and at this convention this weekend that I love with all my heart."
"The people really stood up and said, 'Hey, we're not going to put this in the lawmakers' hands. We are going to be the ones to call this ratification convention and make sure we can sell alcohol in America."
"There is a compassion to wisdom and to challenging convention."
"It's a movie that defies every possible genre and convention."
"An immersive, educational, and entertaining convention."
"The UN is failing its own convention on the rights of the child by failing to ground intergenerational rights in the charter."
"how's faraja doing convention videos are more stupid than anything at the cinema though right I mean it makes sense that it that it's stupid if it's a convention drama when have we've ever seen we've ever seen a a smart dimension we've never seen that that's that's an oxymoron"
"The one thing that's going to keep you stuck is convention."
"...even though she's been stabbed through the lungs she still manages to sing a death duet with her dad because that's one of those conventions that I have been studiously trying to avoid having you encounter."
"The means by which they are made are social and conventional."
"This is only my second convention back since my brain tried to come up with a stroke."
"Usually when I go to a Comic-Con in Melbourne, no one really recognizes me, but I was actually pleasantly surprised quite a few people noticed me here."
"Lightbox Expo, it is one of the most incredible conventions to go to as an artist."
"First two characters denote the year, last two characters denote the month."
"I just imagine there's like a YouTube convention somewhere and it's like Logan Paul, Popeye, and like some 10-year-old kid. Paul Joseph Watson, just all the all YouTube's best and brightest."
"Power morphicon has always been a special con."
"He wants us to be able to absolutely question convention but to understand its value at the same time."
"If you behave distinctively if you break convention you're more likely to be seen as high status too."
"You don't say hi? I do say like quarter two or like quarter after, so if it's like 1:15 it's a quarter after one, or if it's like 1:45 it's a quarter till two."
"I cannot fucking believe that I sat down to film a story about one of the worst experiences in my career and that turned into me having a convention."
"I can't believe I spent almost 400 on this convention but it's worth it. I'm really excited to see Captain Marvelous and that photo op."
"...I'd still consider a-fest a good con I made more than my average for in-state shows I was able to keep my costs relatively low and I made a nice little profit I can put towards making new merch from my upcoming fall events."
"There's a big European convention happens in Belgium on the coast every year I believe."
"Conventional current goes from positive to negative."
"...it's more about what it means. It's portraying an attitude, an aesthetic, an upending of convention."
"What an AIM convention this has been! It's been fantastic."
"Comic-Con: where high energy meets high creativity."
"The entire refugee convention doesn't care who started what, who's to blame."
"Nietzsche challenges the notion that truth is about accessing some privileged reality, suggesting it's a social convention."
"We're going to be at Baltimore Comic-Con on September 8, 9, and 10."
"Catch us at AnimalCon in Florida, August 26th through the 28th, it's gonna be a lot of fun."
"No name belongs to a particular thing by nature but only because of the rules and usage of those who establish the usage and call it by that name."
"I think this convention was amazing because just look at the detail."
"The judgement I've made is about the importance of upholding a very long-standing and overwhelmingly observed convention of this house."
"I used to do cosplay, and from that, I learned about Mercon, which was a mermaid convention."
"In financial modeling, any assumption hard coded number, if it's not a formula, you put it in blue."
"The air feels electric with anticipation as the annual RoboCon, a famous robot convention, arrives in town."
"Since 2006, Anthrocon is responsible for depositing over 80 million dollars in the Pittsburgh economy."
"It is better to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally."
"This is the most fun convention that I have been to."
"CatCon is the biggest event in the world dedicated to cat and pop culture."
"It's the biggest social media convention ever."
"I'm really excited to be here; it's my first goer con."
"I don't know where to start actually, I'm just going to find a Funko booth and I guess we'll jump right in."
"Convention is just permission to do better."
"The one-way speed of light is in fact not a property of nature at all but a convention."
"It's just a social convention, but it's lovely."
"This is my very first convention in the UK and what a pleasant surprise it's been."
"She challenged the conventional way of doing things."
"Wolverine advertises itself as a low ceremony framework, basically meaning you don't have any interfaces that you need to implement; you rather follow convention."
"Pushing the boundaries, new challenge convention."
"Many of our troubles may be explained from the fact that we live according to a pattern, and, instead of arranging our lives according to reason, are led astray by convention."
"We're here at Animal Con, wow, this year is absolutely awesome."
"Recently did a very tasteless joke at an alopecia convention, fortunately, it didn't raise any eyebrows."
"Everything will be done according to the Geneva Convention."
"Are you ready for adventure and excitement? Because you're heading to one of the biggest and most exciting conventions ever to be held in Peoria, Illinois!"
"I had a lot of fun at the convention and meeting Haley in the flesh."
"Every year I make a super elaborate costume and I go and I walk the floor in full costume."
"I've just got through saying it's a construction, no deeper biological justification to be had, a social convention, a human product."
"I remember driving and I ended up at a Supernatural convention in Denver in 2021."
"Lakeland, Florida is a beautiful place for an aviation convention."
"I'm very impressed, I'm very excited for another day at Dragon Con."
"Hey there everyone, and welcome to GalaxyCon Live where we're bringing the convention experience directly to you."
"You're learning something every day; every day is a school day here with us at Comic-Con."
"That sort of thing right there is just one of those really fun and unique experiences at a convention."
"Come join Whatnot Con for over 1200 different exhibitors which includes sellers and artists and celebrities and even studios like Marvel."
"I love coming to New York Comic Con because you get to be in an amazing city, meeting amazing writers."
"Pack drinks before you go to a convention. Water specifically, have a big jug, fill it with ice before you get there, and you can refill it throughout the day."
"Pack a couple of snacks as well, because you're going to be hungry, and you don't want to waste money on convention food because it's not cheap."
"Always have a plan when you go to a convention."
"Book your hotel early. The earlier you book it, the closer you can get to the convention."
"Carry your phone around your neck as a camera, makes it really easy to pull it up for pictures, and you're going to want to take pictures."
"Sunday is fun day, especially with bulky items. Vendors mark stuff down because they don't want to carry it home."
"Transworld is a Halloween convention for all types of vendors, companies, and organizations to show off animatronics, props, decor, costumes, masks, accessories... basically anything you can think of."
"Best table setup I've seen at any con, so much space."
"I was at a tattoo convention a couple of months ago and met some unbelievable tattoo artists."
"I finally got invited myself to be a guest at DreamCon."
"If he was half as great as she thought he was, then he was a man worth breaking convention for."
"Something that was best of show at the annual convention in Detroit this year."
"Thank you a ton for coming, have a wonderful rest of your convention."
"It's awesome, a Supernatural convention, the first ever!"
"What is iappa you might ask? It is a big huge ginormous convention."
"I remember feeling oppressed, just everybody that I talked to, it was like this convention, everybody was grand and great, and I was the only flawed person around."
"It's the ultimate fan convention for He-Man and She-Ra fans; it is so much fun."
"The age of humanity is upon us all, and if all conventions are still upheld, then it is humanity who shall set the terms of our fate."
"I'm thrilled to be here, and it's fun to be back at BronyCon 2013, so have an awesome weekend."
"Thank you so much again for this opportunity, even though it's been years now, and thank you for making it genuinely one of the best Furry Convention experiences I've had ever."
"It was just really, really exciting; there were so many neat things that actually go on in a convention."
"My experience as one was incredible, the con staff was so wonderful and helpful."
"If we did everything opposite of convention, we would be much more right than wrong."
"Sometimes it takes something like PowerCon to remind me why I love this so much."
"PowerCon kind of reenergized me a little bit, made me remember why this is so much fun."
"Many people have wondered why we are so odd and so noisy... but when we come to these conventions, we just come and surrender ourselves, and God does the rest of it."
"Life is good, you're here, you get to do the convention close to home."
"It's going to be the hopefully first annual free online convention featuring a whole lot of great speakers."
"They made some really odd ones for this convention, I thought it was really cool that they did it."
"The correct way to apply the order of operations is using the left-to-right convention that division and multiplication have the same weight, they have the same priority, and you do whichever you see first moving from left to right."
"Every two years we attend the convention of The Associated Locksmiths of America."
"I just finished my trip to one of the largest, and if not the largest, Lego convention in the world: Brick World Chicago."
"The rights claimed are the very core of the convention, notably the right not to be killed or seriously harmed and the right of the group not to be physically destroyed."
"Welcome to our 1952 Librarians convention."
"The best thing about these horror cons is just all the different cosplay."
"I was so excited about this because I didn't have any expectations going into the con."
"The company is attending a convention and plans on giving away 3D printed keychains featuring the logo design."
"Break from convention, but don't feel like there is a way; there's your way."
"I love the convention and the reunion aspect of it."
"VidCon is my absolute favorite convention out of all of them."
"...the crown is to her right, and this is a very common convention, not just by van Dyck, but a lot of the portrait painters of royalty..."
"It is better for reputation to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally."
"Anime Matsuri is going to be huge, there's huge stuff coming."
"Conventional wisdom isn't wisdom; it's just conventional."
"It's become much more of a pop culture convention."
"You can't be unconventional until you know how to be conventional."
"Nature and his relationship to it are a deadly serious matter, prescribed by convention, mystery, and danger."