
Meaningful Quotes

There are 231 quotes

"Zuko's journey has been meaningful and consequential."
"It was touching, heartfelt, and very meaningful."
"Oda's conclusions always carry some greater meaning in the context of the broader story."
"It's added a little bit more of a meaningful progression of the world."
"Relationships are built in a number of ways but meaningful relationships are always built upon personal relationships."
"This is not just a fling, but something serious and meaningful."
"There's something deeper to this, there's definitely a soul connection, it's definitely something meaningful to you, meaningful to them."
"Celeste is a very meaningful experience disguised as a side-scrolling precision platformer."
"He really left a lot on the table for us to think about...there's so many things out there very thought-provoking very mindful very meaningful."
"This was beautiful and you can tell this meant a lot."
"Set up your social life around meaningful experiences."
"What you yearn for is in fact meaningful, purposeful, and contains all the information you need to understand yourself."
"He gave me something heartfelt that means the world to me."
"Who wouldn't find dinner with Jesus meaningful?"
"Do things that are more meaningful with meaningful people that mean something to you."
"True friendship is never minor, always meaningful, and never ending."
"This run was real, it was substantive."
"It would be a wonderful day to do something meaningful with someone you love."
"Just focus your time and effort and everything on other things that are more meaningful and don't get caught up in this whole panic and this craziness that's going on right now. It's just not worth it."
"When you're involved in a really good synchronicity it's like finding yourself at the Nexus of electrified meaningful time."
"This is still one of the best movies ever."
"This is going to be the beginning of a very meaningful experience."
"I found my niche, my work is very meaningful here."
"There's no gift that means as much as good friends."
"I live a happy and a meaningful life... I'm at peace."
"I think what really brings heart and soul into a home is having a home that is really collected with objects that you love and that are meaningful to you."
"We can't go five seconds without the action scene mandate literally crashing into anything close to a meaningful scene."
"Instead of thinking about what would be most profitable, DreamWorks considered what would be most meaningful."
"Each moment is like meaningful, like, in itself, like, equally meaningful, like I feel like that was, like, the main message showing throughout the movie."
"They spoke with purpose, not... There was no filler. They spoke because there was a reason to speak."
"I just really wanted to make movies that were meaningful and that were about complex characters."
"His impact was just so impactful, you know?"
"Friendly Jordies does real meaningful journalism, one of the very few in the field that does."
"It's not about age, it's about having meaningful conversations."
"That's one of the the more meaningful images resisting images of a black female that's come out of contemporary film."
"Tonight, a cluster of clippage among the most meaningful."
"That's what a good friend is: it's not just small talk, it's connection, it's a durable connection between you."
"I feel like I'm at a place now where it could be meaningful to somebody for me to endorse their craft."
"Having silly out there concepts and telling a serious meaningful story are not mutually exclusive things."
"I found that to be really meaningful and purposeful."
"I have absolutely no regrets. It was the best decision ever and it was very meaningful."
"The Elizabeth Elliott response is much better, much more life-giving, and much more meaningful and long-term Eternal."
"Life scares me because life is so meaningful."
"I wasn't a mother then. That's really been, I think, the most meaningful change in my life."
"Being able to engage with people in that raw place of real living and address, in a meaningful and intelligent and thoughtful way, the questions from a world that is hurting and in desperate need of hope is absolutely critical."
"She gave me this bracelet for my birthday, and I literally never take it off. So meaningful."
"A real synchronicity is set apart from that by this sense of it being deeply meaningful."
"We have a chance to create art that is meaningful, educational, spiritual, inspirational, motivational."
"We're collaborating in a way that I think can make meaningful progress."
"It's really is sounds cliche but it's like watching your kids do stuff you're proud of as opposed to you doing it it's almost even more meaningful."
"Psychedelics tend to occasion mystical experiences that tend to be very, very meaningful for people. So, you know, buckle up."
"I am living a very peaceful, meaningful life, a life of purpose."
"The scene in the original where iro tells him... it's such a meaningful moment."
"A good conversation is about making it meaningful and substantive."
"Anything meaningful in life is going to have its upsides and its downsides."
"Anything meaningful in life is going to take a lot of work."
"Practicing empathy towards others helps us build deeper and more meaningful connections."
"Doing anything meaningful is hard."
"This is the best meaningful day of my life."
"I think it's really important for me that it's meaningful for me and for my family."
"It really is a meaningful experience and it's been a great pleasure connecting with you today."
"Ultimately at the end of the day what you're left with is something that is just overwhelmingly and intoxicatingly special."
"It's truly about making a meaningful difference in care."
"The only thing that's interesting when you're building a meaningful business is what's your retention."
"...there are sacred experiences which, when they occur, are so important in your life that you'll never forget them again..."
"...it is just the most rewarding and inspiring and meaningful thing that i've ever i've ever found to commit yourself to sharing what you know in some form rather than just keeping it private to yourself."
"I want to do pictures that have weight. I'd rather have one story a year that means something than 20 stories that are just fluff."
"The voice, the way that the voice is carrying this... I just."
"I thought that was extra special."
"I want to do something meaningful with this gift of my life."
"He decided to do something meaningful with his life."
"The second yes is the meaningful yes."
"This PS5 gift is so meaningful because let's not forget that the Make-A-Wish Foundation said if I wasn't available to spend the day with Roberto, his next wish was a PS5. So we're making two of his wishes come true in one day."
"If you give something that really makes sense and really helps people, it has a life on its own."
"If you're on the hunt for the perfect personalized jewelry that will hold its meaning for years to come, you've landed at the right place."
"He can communicate to us in a way that we can understand, not comprehensively, not exhaustively, but meaningfully, significantly, and really."
"This video means a lot to me and I hope you enjoy it without any interruptions."
"Hoping you can be the kind of person that says even though my connections may be fewer than what I would want I want them to be real I want them to be meaningful and ultimately you can find that's the way you get into your place where you find true peace."
"Life is immensely purposeful and meaningful."
"A really special gift for someone."
"That was the best $300 I ever had in my life. That money was so meaningful to me, 'cause I really needed it."
"Honestly, it's so cute and it's meaningful because like she knows about my piercing and stuff and like I mentioned how I wanted a hoop so it's really really cute."
"Bringing little things into your life one by one to allow your life to feel more purposeful and meaningful and lovely."
"This has been so meaningful to me professionally and personally."
"If it's about Allah, it's about having that particular vision."
"What's more meaningful as well, if it's your ego, it's meaningless anyway."
"he does come across as someone who is able to prioritize more meaningful things and able to recognize things that might be triggering for him"
"If you're bringing something to a first date, you should assume you may not see that again. Bring something you want to keep for the rest of your life and give it to a first date."
"Every moment is meaningful because every moment is prized with purpose unto the end."
"Absolutely jubilant. Look how much it means to him."
"Pain becomes meaningful and that makes you more patient."
"It involves offering real meaningful change."
"Putting in hours and hours of language study feels not just effortless, it feels fun and meaningful."
"Our communication with our patients are meaningful."
"Personalize your creations for a meaningful touch."
"I'm sure you guys could tell from the video but this adventure really meant a lot to me."
"If your legacy could be determined just by pushing a button, I would imagine that most of us, hopefully all of us, would say definitely meaningful."
"...it really does mean a lot to me just how many of you are watching and finding what I create meaningful and entertaining enough that you want to stick around and see what I make next."
"You really realize how meaningful doing shows is."
"sometimes there's like a really meaningful important interesting scene that maybe gets overlooked because like we're laughing so hard"
"Everybody proposes I know but still I'm going to propose into a way that is meaningful and special."
"There's something that told me no this is actually going to be a really meaningful interview."
"Make it meaningful, impactful, specific, and direct."
"...whatever I assumed I was going to get I got tenfold and in this like really meaningful way that I could not have expected"
"But other than that, you know what? It feels special."
"This just brought me Indescribable amounts of joy to work on because it has so much special meaning to me."
"This is top-level literature we needed."
"I always love the ones that say that Firefly was something meaningful to their life in some way."
"I'm very much so one of those type of people that I don't talk much but when I do talk I got something to say."
"What makes your life so rich and meaningful is relationships, family relationships in particular."
"Making something for Christmas is so meaningful, it's not just about the material side."
"But what I got was so much better and more meaningful to me and hopefully to you guys."
"I felt it was so meaningful to me."
"It's fun, it's goofy, it's silly, and you know, something of substance."
"There is nothing more powerful or meaningful than a face-to-face meeting."
"The silence for us as two characters is really important and it's so loaded."
"Every single word felt necessary; it just felt purposeful."
"It's meaningful input. It's meaningful to me."
"It's a photograph that has a lot of meaning and purpose to my own career."
"It's substantive and has some interesting things to say."
"Why not make it thoughtful, why not make it something that has meaning and purpose, and something that you actually love?"
"We're not trying to give you the flashiest thing on the record or the most ear candy-esque thing, we're trying to give you something that's meaningful."
"I want a life and I want relationships that matter, that make a difference, that means something."
"Write down the five most meaningful compliments that you've ever received."
"The Canadian Rangers are honestly something quite special and meaningful."
"A lot was made of my birthday, and it meant a lot to me; it was very meaningful."
"Poor Things is an incredible, challenging but satisfying, and meaningful experience."
"Everything they do seems to have a lot of meaning and a message behind that, which is really, really cool."
"Meaningful, thought-provoking conversation is my top one."
"I'm not a rapper, I rap about stuff that actually matters."
"Jewelry is such a perfect gift, especially if you want to do it with your mom, or your sister, or your best friend."
"It was a really edifying conversation, it wasn't just a bunch of fluff."
"Allowing things to grow more organically in some ways allows things to unfold in a bit more of a meaningful way."
"One of the surest signs that someone is looking for something meaningful is when they're actually trying to have conversation with you and get to know you."
"I love when people personally make stuff because then it's like really meaningful."
"Creating a more inclusive design was really meaningful."
"You want to give something that touches somebody and is really used over and over and is meaningful and purposeful in their lives."
"A gift isn't a gift unless it has meaning." - Oprah Winfrey
"It's one of them ones, man. Catchy but meaningful."
"This experience meant a lot to me."
"I have really meaningful conversations and I love them."
"It's been very special and very meaningful, and we hope that it will stay that way for a long, long time to come."
"The song was really meaningful, I think they had lyrics that pertained to their own personal struggles and stuff which was really comforting to hear."
"I wanted to live a life that was meaningful, that had real purpose."
"It's been one of the most meaningful experiences of my life."
"It's exceedingly rare that a guy or a girl on a date gets asked a lot of meaningful questions about who they are, where they come from, what they want to do, how they feel about things."
"This soundtrack slaps. I just feel like the songs have more meaning and power behind their words."
"This song has a meaning, it has a message, there's substance there."
"The projects that mean the most are the ones that make a real difference to the people in my life."
"You're shifting into something more meaningful."
"Whatever this is, it's very meaningful to you, it has a lot of meaning."
"They're all striving to live a meaningful life with less."
"Marriage is more meaningful than I ever imagined it was when I was fighting for it."
"Kendrick makes songs that are meaningful, that has a purpose."
"I'm so thankful that they chose to write music that actually mattered."
"I want my connections to mean something, yes, but I also want them to be balanced."
"Everything that I do, I want it to be meaningful."
"This is the most meaningful trophy you've ever earned, bro."
"There's something so special about experiencing food in a context, and this context is quite meaningful for milkshake."
"It still resonates. It still has its meaning."
"It just made this book and the whole reading experience just more meaningful to me."
"You can give the most meaningful gift you have ever given at paintyourlife.com."
"It's going to be very meaningful, and it's going to be everything we want."
"Give me something that's gonna mean something."
"...those moments...were so valuable to me; it's something that meant a lot to me."
"Everything in this show has purpose."
"Doly is actually a Native American name that means Bluebird, which is so perfect for this trend."
"These are very, very meaningful cards to me and probably a lot of a teeny."
"This period of time... has been maybe the most meaningful part of my entire life."
"All these things add up to help the player have a more meaningful experience."
"Handwritten notes are so personal, they're so meaningful."
"It's absolutely wonderful, I mean what a great handmade gift that has such symbolism that means so much to me."
"After all that the girls have a moment together wherein they briefly share the most meaningful conversation in the entire show."
"It's not a big deal for me just to go fishing for a couple hours, but for him, I could tell it was very meaningful."
"The BTS album that holds the most meaning for him is 'LOVE YOURSELF ‘Tear’,' a period of struggle and enduring importance in his life."
"It really got to my heart; it means a lot."
"Two-thirds of the participants described it as among the most meaningful experiences of their entire lives."
"The most meaningful thing for me is it's given me this entirely different perspective on life."
"It's meaningful to me and I hope your viewers will find it meaningful as well."
"Every single one of these words has a very special meaning to me."
"That's a fire gift right there, means a lot."
"This is the best conversation I've had in 45 years."
"I'm not trying to be controversial, I'd rather talk about stuff with a purpose that matters."
"Building that relationship with your patients can be not only incredibly rewarding but it adds meaning and purpose to your work."
"I'd rather get something that's meaningful and that adds value."
"It meant a lot to them; it was really special for them."
"That's someone that's really wanted a personal, meaningful tattoo."
"I always feel like the work is meaningful."
"Conversations like that don't happen for no reason."
"Give your loved ones the most meaningful gift this year."
"There's nothing better than playing games that actually have some meaning to them."
"Every line has a deep meaning; it touches my soul."
"It meant a lot to everyone, to all of us."
"Every conversation meant something."
"Each piece is very thoughtfully crafted, they design them themselves with really particular meanings behind them."
"This is by far the most meaningful."
"His dialogue is never put to waste."
"Whenever you find this reading, you're meant to find it."
"We have to make moments that we're spending together more meaningful and purposeful."
"It being very meaningful communication as well."