
Ukrainian Forces Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The creativity of Ukrainian commanders and units has been just incredible to behold."
"The audacity and determination of Ukrainian forces."
"A resounding victory for the Ukrainian forces."
"He changed the balance of power by breaking through the Russian defensive line in Kerson and retaking strategic areas that are vital for the security and stability of Ukraine."
"The determination of the Ukrainian forces in Kupiansk was a testament to their professionalism, training, and dedication."
"The effective destruction of enemy tanks and artillery guns underlined Ukrainian tactical superiority."
"The successful offensive has shifted the momentum in favor of the Ukrainian forces."
"The success of the operation underscored the determination, expertise, and ability of the Ukrainian forces."
"The Ukrainian troops pushed forward with unrelenting determination, achieving impressive advances despite difficult conditions."
"The Ukrainian morale seems relatively undimmed."
"One of Dennis Pin's many advisers has actually now come forward and said that nearly all the troops that are fighting on the front lines from the Ukrainian Army are recently mobilized and untrained..."
"The Ukrainian military's planning of this operation was unsurpassed in its brilliance."
"The Ukrainian Armed Forces are making further headway in a number of different fronts during the counter-attack."
"Ukrainian Army gains ground against Russian forces."
"The Ukrainian military is making strategic advances and pressing on with offensive operations on multiple fronts."
"The Ukrainian armed forces have recently boosted their efforts."
"Nearly all attacks launched by the Ukrainian military have been successful."
"According to reports, Ukrainian forces have been responsible for the destruction of a significant number of Russian tanks in the past few weeks..."
"Despite the limited resources at their disposal, Ukrainian forces are making great progress in Bakmut."
"The Russians are losing ground, Ukrainian forces are going on the assault."
"The Ukrainian Army was suddenly much more visible and favorable."
"Victory for the Ukrainian Army is becoming increasingly certain."
"The military might of the Ukrainian Army was once again demonstrated."
"The Ukrainian military has mastered combined arms Warfare."
"Recent events suggest that the assault on Crimea by Ukrainian forces is imminent."
"One single aircraft from Ukraine's armed forces is responsible for downing upwards of six Russian jets in one-to-one combats."
"Most of the ground forces of Ukraine are far better equipped."
"Take a look at how skillfully and accurately the Ukrainian forces are using precision-guided munitions like the Xcaliber."
"The Ukrainian Army successfully evicted Russian soldiers from three distinct towns under occupation."
"The Ukrainian Armed Forces just neutralized 224 Intruders and 51 enemy equipment."
"The Ukrainian Army has now managed to get ahead in every area."
"It is important that Ukrainian forces not lose the initiative they currently hold." - Ukrainian General
"The Ukrainian Army's capture of a cargo train carrying SEO pakoy t50 planes demonstrates the country's rising military expertise and strategic insight."
"The Ukrainian Army gained the advantage with a massive assault, leaving the Russian soldiers unable to respond."
"The Continuous defeat of the Russian army raises the possibility of larger operations being organized by the Ukrainian forces in the near future."
"The tide on the southern front began to turn in Kiev's favor."
"Ukrainian soldiers' bravery and faith have been critical to their extraordinary achievement."
"The Ukrainian Army is gaining stronger by the day."
"They were completely taken aback by the recent operation that Ukrainian troops carried out."
"The Ukrainian counteroffensive has entered a new phase."
"As a result of the assault on the Russian army, the Ukrainian forces executed a remarkable maneuver inflicting severe damage and nearly prompting a declaration of Victory by the Ukrainian Army."