
Polarizing Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Escape from the lost city: people either loved it or thought it was."
"Be polarizing... people hate you... people love you."
"Whether you love it or hate it, it is a movie that warrants discussion."
"Warzone is polarizing to say the least. The highs are high and the lows are low."
"This is a game where one player might consider it to be an offensive piece of trash which deserves no more than a 3 or 4 but to others it is exceptional and refreshing."
"Trump turns people off but he also inspires people right you either love them or you hate them."
"Warning, warning, warning, polarizing opinion: I love licorice."
"Eyes Wide Shut is one of those fascinating films which really seems to split and polarize audiences."
"Love it or hate it, it draws a reaction."
"...this one is also a huge compliment getter but at the same time you'll also come across people that absolutely are repulsed by this scent."
"He's a little bit Marmite, you know, some people like him, some people won't."
"Being polarizing, I've learned to embrace it and sort of lean into it a little bit, which is fun to kind of troll the people."
"Allen Iverson is one of history's most polarizing players."
"Love them or hate them, you'll never forget them."
"It became a constant flow of misleading, polarizing, and low-quality content."
"If you don't like it you are going to absolutely hate it because it has the courage of its convictions it does what it does to the absolute Nth Degree and it is greatly loved by viewers."
"Whether you like the look of it or not, it sure as hell turns heads."
"Trisha is quite polarizing, but I think she is very true to herself."
"I feel like it's going like viral on TikTok but again I feel like it's a super polarizing product because people either love it or hate it."
"People are either gonna love you or hate you, but there will be nothing in the middle."
"This was a very, very polarizing thing that we did with the house."
"When Jesus went public, people loved him and they hated him."
"People either love him or really, really find him like a complete, we had people coming backstage when we were doing it in New York where people would say things like good play but the guy was a fraud, a total fraud."
"The most astounding and polarizing work to me in the spiral gallery was America the beautiful' 1960 by Norman Lewis."
"He Nails The Comedy in this. You love him and you hate him."
"...I agree with you and I think you know what Bradley as polarizing as a figure as he may be he find ways to win and he is a difficult difficult."
"Morrissey knew how to make people either love him or hate him."
"People either seem to love it or hate it."
"You're either love me or hate me, but if you hate me, you still watch what I do."
"Mikey on the other hand was a lightning rod and was a force of nature, just a hurricane of a human being. And he either loved him or hated him."
"Whatever you say about Reggie Jackson, people will always love him or hate him, but the son of a won the game."
"Whether you love me or hate me, you were entertained."
"Cyber truck is not going to appeal to everyone; some people are going to hate it, others are going to love it."
"I've always been quite polarizing, but that's fine."
"...love him or hate him he's a genius..."
"That means that it's good, you know, that means that you're onto something when you hit something like this that people either [ __ ] love or they hate."
"He is just that polarizing of a sports figure."
"Love him or hate him, you have to admit Michael Iaconelli is entertaining."
"The thing about this fragrance is it's so polarizing that I think in good old Fragcom, I think that if you're pro or anti-Afternoon Swim, it's gonna make you some friends and it's gonna make you some enemies."
"The astonishing... you love it or you hate it."
"Some people love it, some people hate it, it's a very polarizing car, but no matter where you fall on that spectrum, you can't mistake the car for what it is. It is most certainly a Cadillac."
"He was a deeply complicated man who even today remains a polarizing figure for shredding tonality and instituting the basis of a theoretical system that would come to define the rest of his century."
"People will hate it and people will love it."
"Little pump is easily one of the most polarizing characters."
"...sometimes books have low ratings but a lot of people loved it and a lot of people hated it..."
"It's like, it's polarizing, but it's also magnetizing. It makes you, it resonates on some level. Whether you love it, you hate it, you're not indifferent, are you?"
"I think people either love or hate my type of ASMR because I don't have a single no talking video on my channel."
"The Michael Bay Transformers films are a love it and hate relationship for many Transformers fans."
"You're either gonna love me or hate me, there's no in-between with me."
"It's like either you hate it or you love it, and I just loved it."
"It's like one of those books that you either love it or hate it, but I loved it."
"They're going to hate us or love us."
"No one could ignore him, they either hated him or they loved him."
"It's a little bit polarizing, not going to be for everybody, but for me, this is it right there."
"It's just one of those polarizing shoes that a lot of people will hate, but a lot of people will love."
"Such is the case for polarizing Miami rapper Space Ghost Purrp, whose unorthodox approach to music and unpredictable character receives both respect and contempt by his peers."
"Polarizing is good, people don't vote for meh."
"It's very character driven and people either love it or hate it."
"I definitely recommend this book left and right; it is very polarizing, and everyone's opinion on this book is different."
"The Viper is a pure expression of emotion; you either love it or hate it."
"People either absolutely hate these or love them."
"The exterior of the car is probably the most polarizing because of the awesome orange paint."
"Vegemite is one of the greatest things ever; you either love it or you hate it."
"Ebony and Ivory, okay you love it or you hate it, I have no problem with Ebony and Ivory at all."
"They are like Marmite; you love them or hate them."
"Some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalent about her."
"I think you could hate it, you can love it, you can feel kind of in the middle."
"It's love it or hate it; the effort is exquisite, it's unique."
"It's a bit of a Marmite kind of album; some people love it, some people hate it."
"You either hate it or you'll love it."
"Half of you are gonna hate me, half of you are gonna love me, but I don't even care because I am obsessed with Christmas."
"This is one of those items that people are either going to love it or they're going to hate it, but I love it."