
Capricorn Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"Capricorn's are very loyal people and that's one of my favorite qualities about them."
"Capricorn is the key from climbing from the gut of the animalistic towards the highest attainment of spiritual achievement."
"Capricorn is the goat, the literal and metaphorical greatest of all time, defying the odds."
"The stars are aligning for your success, Capricorn."
"Capricorn, your expenditure may rise, but professionally and financially, you'll meet qualified decision-makers offering unique opportunities for prosperity."
"Open your heart, speak and act with kindness and love, and honor your heightened sensitivity. Capricorn is directing you towards making healthy changes in your lifestyle, your career path and choices, your home, and your relationships."
"A lot of you guys are in your power, but let's see what we have for Capricorn and their person."
"Connect with your heart, Capricorn. Connect with your heart family."
"You, Capricorn, are supported. This is your confirmation."
"This full moon in Capricorn is in your ninth house. There's going to be a sense of something coming to a completion, making room for something else to come through."
"New moon in Capricorn... absolutely mind-blowing moment in time."
"Pluto is moving through Capricorn, deconstructing everything we've known."
"Capricorn, rewrite your story with hopeful optimism and strength. Build upon new and solid ground."
"You're going to be so focused on something that gives you strong emotional nourishment, Capricorn. Build something magnificent for yourself."
"Major upgrade energy for my Capricorns this month."
"Capricorn, embrace the energies of Saturn coming home. It will change your life forever."
"Capricorns are going to start getting recognized more for the work that they've done."
"Capricorns, y'all have been going through it, but in a nice way."
"Hopefully, this helps you if you're in a relationship with or interested in being in a relationship with the goal-oriented, supportive, aloof but surprisingly romantic Capricorn."
"Don't stress yourself out so much, Capricorn, it's gonna be alright."
"Capricorn season is a time for initiating and starting a new game plan that will be in place when we shift into 2021."
"This Capricorn season is a new beginning for you when it comes to you and money."
"Enjoy life, but take care; taking care is represented by that position in Capricorn."
"Capricorn can turn a losing hand into a winning hand."
"Jupiter's abundance, it's traveling, expansive, it's been very fortunate for Capricorns."
"Confidence in your magic; nothing can stop you, Capricorn."
"Expect a positive outcome with any health problem, Capricorn."
"It's a really good love year for you, Capricorn."
"There's something that this person is going through in the past that needs to be released, needs to be worked on, needs to be healed in order for them to come forward, Capricorn."
"Mars and Capricorn sits down and does the work, Mars and Capricorn has a plan and plans to execute it and does not give up until it's done."
"You're divinely protected and guided throughout 2024 Capricorn and you're focused and you are achieving something big, a big success."
"Capricorns tend to have a lot of suppressed or repressed sexual issues."
"Capricorns don't mind spending time alone."
"Keep being awesome Capricorn and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"Capricorns don't like people who play mind games or try to exert power over them."
"Capricorns can't stand bullshit. Save it for someone who cares."
"Capricorn, you are my favorite sign in the zodiac."
"You are a powerful being we know that you have major Power Cards in your reading and people are attracted to your Brilliance because everybody can see that light that shines within you Capricorn."
"Capricorn moons feel emotions on a deep level."
"Capricorn moons are good at compartmentalizing their emotions."
"Capricorn moons focus on success and stability."
"They may appear cold, but they feel deeply."
"Capricorn moons are disciplined and ambitious."
"Capricorn moons are destined for success."
"Capricorn moons are loyal and reliable partners."
"They want to build an empire with their partner."
"Capricorn people are ambitious and practical, and you are likely to have an excellent sense of social responsibility."
"Capricorns make really good partners. They're stable, steady, and determined for success. They're in it to win it."
"Capricorns are married to their work."
"Capricorns are very patient and they are builders, stone by stone, brick by brick."
"Capricorn, aka the goat, the G-O-A-T. Show-offs, right? Capricorns are represented by the sea goat, but its dark side is represented by the Leviathan. Great."
"Great adventure, Capricorn, I love this so much, this could not be more Aries."
"The last Capricorn I liked chased abs, and I was like, oh, boohoo."
"Capricorn is very emotional, they just don't show it all."
"Capricorns have really good BS detectors."
"Well, Capricorn's earth sign, okay? Capricorn is how I present myself, yes, okay, really hard workers, almost to a fault. Oh, like, 'I'm working so hard and what are you doing, sleeping?'"
"A Capricorn moon has a magical ability to accomplish literally anything that you put your mind to."
"The biggest fears of Capricorn: to be poor, to not be respected, and to die alone."
"Capricorns have a genuine desire to help others go with them."
"Capricorn feels that the only way that it can succeed and be happy in its success is to accept the reality that with pain comes pleasure."
"Capricorn and Virgo represent a treasure trove of goodies, two mysteries that are only preserved for them."
"The Capricorn woman has such restraint, such self-control, and the capability of self-denial and going towards the greater goal."
"Neptune in Capricorn is probably relevant to a large group of you out there because Neptune was in Capricorn between 1984 and the year 2000."
"Capricorns like to feel needed and they like to share their knowledge."
"Capricorns are extremely ambitious."
"Capricorns can be sarcastic, traditional, very competitive but very loyal, they're ambitious, they're charitable, they're super caring and very intelligent."
"Capricorns have eyes that are deep and penetrating and a smile that is very comforting."
"It is most certainly the time to open the door, my gorgeous Capricorn."
"They really want this connection with you, Capricorn, they want this relationship with you."
"Capricorns, if they like you, it's going to be similar to Scorpio where they'll begin to let you in."
"Capricorns... there's nothing that you can't do, there's no mountain you can't climb."
"You're looking good, Capricorn, you're looking good."
"That's my advice for you, Mrs. Mars in Capricorn."
"Capricorn men and Capricorn women, such complex and intriguing creatures, are they not?"
"Time is the most important thing to a Capricorn."
"Capricorn like the climb to success all the time."
"Ambition is the word to describe Capricorns."
"Capricorns are destined to be successful."
"Capricorn types are serious folks, practical folks... they're good at creating a plan, working the plan."
"Capricorn's expectations in love, they expect loyalty and they expect fidelity, loyalty, a certain sort of respect."
"Capricorn's biggest secret fear would be they're afraid of failing and being seen as such."
"Admire Capricorn, see them for all their strengths, build them up."
"Capricorns can be prudent, ambitious, disciplined, patient, and careful."
"Capricorn is a sign of Earth, the element is Earth."
"Mars and Venus are almost exactly conjoined at the 15th degree of Capricorn."
"Capricorn commits a hundred percent and they expect the same exact thing from you."
"No one in the zodiac will keep a level head and make you feel safer than a Capricorn does."
"Capricorn appreciates Pisces' kind nature."
"Capricorns themselves are associated with being the ones that lead and take on challenge and are very goal-oriented around that strategy."
"Capricorns... they're so closed off and I feel like you just really have to try and open one up."
"Capricorn, we the greatest of all times."
"Capricorn's actually care about these types of things; they care about things that's dealing with status."
"Capricorns play out the energy of feeling comfortable with reality, being able to understand reality."
"Capricorns may play off the tendency of over exhausting themselves into their work, into their passion, their motivation, their goals, their desires."
"Capricorn people tend to be very structured, they tend to be very grounded."
"The good thing about Capricorn is we very kind hearted and genuine."
"Onward and upward, Capricorn, there's a new goal, a new life chapter that is being initiated for you."
"Capricorns are the types because they're Earth, they're here to build something."
"High function Capricorns, you've got someone who is focused, driven, there's an ambition there, there's a loyalty to Capricorn task."
"It looks like something turns out in your favor, Capricorn, and you're able to leave something behind."
"Capricorns... they're really honest and open with advice and with opinions, and they listen to you."
"Let a Capricorn know that they can count on you anytime."
"You've integrated a part of your shadow, Capricorn."
"Your mindset sets the tone for everything this week, Capricorn."
"Capricorn loves words of affirmation that build them up."
"Capricorn risings have this wisdom about them, the wisdom of time."
"There's not a lot of chitchat about the weather with Capricorn ascendant; they don't waste their words."
"Capricorn has a shadow side of being a real teddy bear, they are actually a real kitten."
"We are celebrating like a triple birthday, it's like a lot of people's birthdays, so Capricorn table, you know the vibes."
"Capricorn: tenacious, strong, and hardworking."
"We do have a wise and noble soul, Capricorn, and that is you."
"The world is yours, Capricorn, dream bigger because the tables are turning for you here in your favor."
"You hold all the aces, Capricorn."
"I heard you're a Capricorn, is that true? Yeah, okay, I like Capricorns."
"Persistence... that was straight up my Capricorn energy in the mid Heaven."
"I'm happy I get to be part of the Capricorn Collective which I've always admired."
"You're going to win something, Capricorn."
"Capricorn is all about foundations and structures and Investments of time, energy, money."
"New Moon Capricorn, so this is a new cycle, a new start, a new door is opening."
"You are enough, you are worthy, Capricorn."
"You are a star, you are stepping into your light, you're shining bright, Capricorn."
"You'll get what you want, Capricorn."
"Capricorn overall focuses on commitment, perseverance, you know, really sticking through to like achieving your goals."
"Make sure you're prioritizing yourself, Capricorn, no matter what."
"The Capricorn New Moon on January 11th will help set focus on your goals, long-term plans, inspirations, and new beginnings."
"You all are just a very hardworking zodiac sign; you all are really the goats."
"You're going to see a lot of growth here, Capricorn."
"Full moon in Capricorn, the end of a tough cycle approaches."
"Happy birthday to all of my amazing Capricorns."
"It is officially Capricorn season."
"This person finds you, Capricorn, very nurturing, very loving, very open-hearted, very warm."
"The integrity of what you do is unmatched, Capricorn."
"You're coming into union with yourself right now, Capricorn, so you're moving forward with your life."
"You have someone here who is in love with you, Capricorn. This person loves you unconditionally."
"You need to party here, Capricorn, you need to do more of the things that bring happiness into your life."
"This is the start of something really great that actually looks like it's going to last here, Capricorn."
"Capricorns actually have very sweet hearts."
"Surround yourself with good music, Capricorn, good things, personal growth."
"You have that inner strength, you have that determination, that will, and that desire, and nothing can get in your way here, Capricorn."
"There are two really major things coming up for you guys within this year, and it's completely big for you, Capricorn."
"This is your happily ever after, Capricorn."
"You are winning at life, Capricorn."
"They don't feel like anyone else can compare to you, Capricorn."
"In Capricorn energy, we are building a solid sustainable foundation."
"You're gonna have a lot of good times ahead, Capricorn."
"May all your dreams come true, Capricorn."
"You do have something to look forward to, Capricorn."
"The good news that I see here for you, Capricorn, is that although there may be some sort of lack of a new beginning, there will be a second chance or a second opportunity."
"Success is yours, Capricorn, big time."
"It's time to move, Capricorn. That's what this is saying."
"This is for you if Capricorn is your sun sign, your moon sign, your rising sign, or any other Cap placement you're watching for."
"You march to the beat of your own drum, Capricorn; you do it the way you want to."
"You are one of a kind, Capricorn."
"Capricorn is the mountain goat, you gotta climb the mountain to get to the top."
"Whatever a Capricorn builds, it will withstand the test of time."
"You have the strength, and it's now time for you to shine your light, Capricorn."
"There's such a pure heart here, Capricorn, you're so nurturing and caring."
"Wow Capricorn, you got some happiness coming in here."
"You're such a good person Capricorn, you have a very big heart."
"This looks amazing, Capricorn. I love this for you."
"Love saves the day; you can have it all, Capricorn."
"I only want good things for you, Capricorns, and I feel like there's good stuff for you guys happening soon, if not right now."
"Capricorn symbolizes the serious outlook of maturity but also an awareness of how the individual spirit relates to the universe."
"Trust in your own gifts, Capricorn, you have many."
"You are meant to stand out, you are meant to be in the spotlight right now, Capricorn, and this is your time to shine."
"Your hard work is worth it. Your blood, sweat, and tears that you put into this coming to fruition for success, it means something, Capricorn."
"This is actually one of the gifts of Capricorn energy, the mastery of ourselves, the mastery of our life, of our purpose, and of our energies."
"You're not leaving anything to chance here, Capricorn."
"Dream big, dream bold, Capricorn, because you have the power to take charge and really change your life for success."
"Welcome to your love reading, Capricorn."
"There's a lot of love you have around you, Capricorn, and that's just so beautiful to see."
"You have a tremendous amount of love around you, Capricorn, that is very sincere."
"You're moving towards your dream life, Capricorn."
"There's a great big love here, who loves you Capricorn."
"Capricorn people really thrive when they find some great work to sink their teeth into."
"The sign of endurance, known as the sea goat, which can climb any mountain and cross any ocean."
"I hope you have an absolutely phenomenal and noteworthy November, Capricorn, and know that I wish you many blessings and peace."
"It's the journey not the destination, and this is deeply important for Capricorn."
"This is a powerful year, and I think the Capricorn community, you all are going through a lot of really big things."
"Saturn is joining you again and will be with you until December, and this is that last little window of time with your ruling planet with you."
"This is really closing out your cycle with eclipses in your sign, so this is really this last visitation, a very powerful energy."
"Everything this month is kind of one big initiation ritual for Capricorns."
"Shut the front door, the Capricorn energy! Let's take a moment."