
Decisive Victory Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Jorge Masvidal disposes of Nick Aguilar. End of discussion."
"I knew right then as soon as I took the step up, it's over."
"Rod tang just knocked him down clean in the first round and then he shut him down for the rest of the fight."
"Charles Martel's dramatic and unlikely victory at Tours dashed all hopes the Umayyads had."
"Only to follow it up with a big knockout punch that sat his opponent down once and for all."
"Trump will absolutely destroy her absolutely."
"Don't leave it to the judges. Just win outright."
"Kevin De Bruyne wins us the game, there you go."
"The shortest game of the whole series and it ends up being a decisive victory."
"He finally blows the monster up instantly with his special ability."
"If Yamamoto can kill Aizen with his Bankai before the Hogyoku starts to break him down, I think he's probably won this fight."
"Cal would seize the moment and penetrate the Sith Lord's guard, cutting him down and ending his life."
"The Battle of 73 Easting lasted just over 23 minutes and resulted in an absolutely lopsided victory for American forces."
"Henry of Monmouth - skillfully blocked Welsh and Percy forces from uniting with one another and then played a decisive role in the royalist victory at Shrewsbury."
"Diesel won by a landslide that was incredible."
"The Beast fell to the ground and Valias managed to kill the notorious beast in one single hit."
"But the problem is, Nemkov destroyed Vader. I mean, it wasn't close."
"Arsenal putting them under pressure, and the pressure's paid. That's a big result."
"Once it gains stab on Extreme Speed, the game is usually over."
"Eventually, the boy becomes really powerful and one day motivated by what Yuya had shown him, he uses his maximum power and defeats Duran."
"If Rangers wins this, it's over. They have beaten Celtic to the challenge!"
"That's a complete sweep and unless they endurance Steam Engine I've got this."
"They've absolutely removed any doubt... Men against boys, they've absolutely destroyed them."
"And just like that, Fairy Peak will defeat OSM 3-0."
"Winning one teamfight in the late game will often allow you to just push and end the game in its entirety."
"Anish delivers the final blow... Rook to D1 check mate."
"The maiden severed the enemy's head, thus delivering a final blow that definitively killed the Demonic creature in a single strike."
"I attacked directly with both of them, game over."
"Who needs it? Mermaid pass, it's literally over."
"By November the 6th, the Battle of Alamein had ended in a resounding victory for the British."
"That's game! Scrub killer makes it absolutely certain with a kickoff goal."
"Whoever wins the race is going to win this championship."
"It's a double check, therefore it's a checkmate."
"Timur had shown that when two matched up armies fight, it is the courage of the leader that determines victory and defeat."
"Gore easily has infinite to high immeasurable levels of speed."
"Magic wins this one in an absolute landslide."
"Trump will regain the Oval Office, likely by a landslide."
"My Judo style is to always go for the ipon."
"Real live chance to produce a college football champion without a vote."
"Exodia obliterate! Kaiba gets completely annihilated."
"That's the golden snitch essentially; if they get this, they automatically win."
"Brian Ketzer strikes to clinch the point for Motown."
"The most decisive victory to have been won by a Byzantine army since the days of Basil II."
"The American victory had been completely decisive, and although the 17th Army didn’t know it yet, Yamamoto and the IJN now considered that the Island of Death had been lost."
"Jesus Christ has already decisively won the battle on the cross."