
Initialization Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Pre-selecting a cell upon app launch keeps initialization clean."
"Each world starts from a seed, which is basically a number used to initialize the terrain generation and everything it will contain."
"This dot width will be equal to 100 to start."
"The first boot is going to take a little while."
"Optional can also be used to represent 'not initialized yet' for types with no default constructor."
"The first thing we want to do is to call Bluetooth enable."
"We can utilize the on Mount hook as soon as our application is loaded."
"Class-specific operator new to guarantee initialization."
"Initializing with curly braces sometimes helps and makes things less complicated."
"...this bit of time just to make sure that the I2C interface has initialized."
"It's the best practice to bootstrap the main React component to the DOM within the office initialize callback."
"Okay, following, we'll need to set up a Startup.cs class for SignalR."
"Okay, in here we need to define our hub connection. So, what does that mean? We need to define it and then we need to initialize it as well, and to start the connection."
"And that's it, we've now instantiated Tkinter and we're ready to go."
"Nothing has happened yet, nothing was updated, inserted. We haven't touched the database at all yet, this is just an object in Python code."
"Writing constructors involves initializing fields when objects are created."
"...npm init to initialize a new node project."
"Let's go ahead and use Prisma to initialize our Prisma application."
"Initialization is not assignment!"
"We initialize, you know, i to zero, h to 100, and all is good."
"Every allocator aware type will explicitly have an initializer in all constructors."
"This initializer actually creates some default stories for you to get a sense of Storybook."
"Whenever a git repository is created for the first time, it creates a branch; the name of the branch by default is the master."
"Neural mapping complete, please initiate Eon function check."
"Let's initialize Amplify inside of our project."
"Splash screens are useful for many applications because they need to do database connections or something in the background."
"Would you like to initialize the git repository? Of course."
"The value iteration begins by setting V0 equal to 0 for all states in the MDP."
"Let's start off by creating a state table."
"In practice, people are impatient; you still want to initialize well."
"A constructor is merely a method that allows us as developers to execute code at the moment that a new instance of a class is created."
"Constructors can be used really for any purpose, but typically they're used in order to put that new object into a valid state."
"Initialize a readme file and also put the license as MIT license."
"Your instinct should be to always initialize values before thinking of touching or reading them."
"We are also gonna need to set our index at zero; let's call this our display index."
"The registration is the first procedure the UE performs after power on."
"If there's an error accessing the data, then I need to initialize their data."
"We're going to be starting with the back-end right here."
"The non-nullable variable must be initialized; that's just saying we need to give it a value."
"In the constructor, we're going to initialize the royalty fee, address of the artist, and the price of the music NFTs."
"We have a way to initialize and customize our UIViewController."
"When you're doing generic code, sometimes it's really handy to know what type to return and also what zero to start with."
"To initialize the Git, you just need to move on to the third icon here which says source control."
"The command to initialize a Git repository using command line is 'git init'."
"A constructor is a method that is called when an instance of a class is created."
"That constructor doesn't do anything, it just initializes the fields of the class to their default values."
"We only use constructors in classes and situations where we really want to initialize an object to an earlier state that is really important for that object to perform."
"We'll start out by defining a value and a set value with useState."
"It's vital, vital, vital, that you have to initialize those parameter weights with small random values."
"On app start, services would make a call."
"Now let's go ahead and get started with setting up our users module."
"During machine learning training, what I would do is I would first go through the first sample and initialize w1, w2, and bias."
"For a certain class of these nasty non-convex models, if you initialize in a particular way, you would be guaranteed to get the right answer."
"Let's go ahead and add some information to that seeder file; we're just going to create some default chat rooms for our application right off the bat."
"View did load gets called the very first time the view is loaded into memory and it only gets called once."
"On create is the method that is called once and only once ever for a particular user."
"The only thing that should drive the choice of method is initialization."
"The initialized loop function enables the device to perform some initial actions such as resetting all devices and opening all Isolators."
"A Constructor is a special method that is used to initialize an object of a class."
"Read-only fields... they are going to be set at runtime inside of your constructors."
"Let's create an embed builder, literally type embed builder."
"Class constructor can be used to set initial property values on your class object."
"A constructor is nothing but a function which lets you initialize the variables inside the class."
"Let's start by adding some code to the form's initialize event."
"The 'init' method serves as a way to set initial values or perform setup tasks for our class instances."
"ViewDidLoad gives you an opportunity to customize it."
"We're getting the number of racers, we're initializing our turtles, we're picking the colors, and then we're creating the turtles."
"The basic idea behind pledge is this: Can we tell when a program has finished the initialization phase and entered the main loop where it doesn't need all those system calls anymore?"
"We're going to delete everything inside this main.dart file and start from scratch."
"ngOnInit is called when the component is initialized."