
Intersection Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"Your channel is like a very interesting intersection between left wing and right wing politics. That's probably why you're so popular, and I think that's a good thing."
"Sometimes the objective world and the narrative world touch."
"The fact that biology has something to say about religion is something that's long overdue."
"The exciting thing for me is the intersection between all of them."
"They're points. They're where the path of the Moon meets the ecliptic."
"The intersection of a row with a column is called a data value."
"It's like in the middle of a venn diagram."
"At some point, they're going to converge, which is really interesting."
"Astrology and magic--two separate things that sometimes intersect and overlap."
"I think it's thrilling because it's a real problem where science and moral philosophy totally intersect."
"The intersection of life and people is culture."
"I think it’s a very exciting time to be a person of faith who is also into science."
"The Psalms themselves invite the worshipper to stand at the intersection of the original created matter and the matter of New Creation."
"One of the fascinating things about architecture is that it consists of this sort of exquisite moment of intersection where the awesome intersects with the every day, and to make art out of that is the challenge of architecture."
"Your heart is where your soul and the Spirit of God intersect."
"Half of your visual field was cut, and you couldn't see pedestrians or cars coming into intersection."
"How to check if point p is inside or not? We need to draw some ray and compute intersections."
"So, the probability of h and e, well, that's just this intersection here. So, that's 0.15."
"We all like to congregate at boundary conditions. Where land meets water. Where Earth meets air. Where body meets mind. Where space meets time."
"Dreams are a kind of parallel world that sometimes intersects with reality."
"This is where money and relationships meet. This is where finance meets romance."
"An intersection boolean takes two pieces and whatever area is overlapped between those two pieces will be kept."
"...as long as your camera is just looking at the LED volume, you can intersect through the different parts of your virtual world..."
"I tend to think that the overlap between science and philosophy is actually way more important than it has been taken to be."
"We don't have to like all the same things because every once in a while the streams will cross."
"How does the behavior sciences and religion jive or not jive? How did, where is there a touchpoint? Where is there a particular realm that's just faithful for them alone, and they need to be respected?"
"These people rarely talk and they really think together and this is what excites me to work in this area where these two areas intersect."
"...there is a collision if there is an intersection between the bird and the pipe."
"The perfect intersection between nerdiness and just straight-up badass."
"For two people to meet, their world lines must intersect at a precise point in both space and time."
"Each is an independent vector, but they all intersected on that vessel in the middle of the Atlantic."
"I always loved meeting you guys it was like we were at the same intersection they're like dad yes we like walked over and like said highs - shout-out to you guys you guys are so cute."
"...really at the intersection of machine learning and control theory."
"Simulating quantum chemistry on quantum computers sits at the intersection of interesting features."
"Optimization and excitement intersect."
"When things intersect and something new can pop out."
"...each of these biblical stories originated in a particular place and time that they literally intersect with what history and forensic evidence can tell us."
"That's our point of intersection."
"But then sometimes, we find that something in that larger world we're discovering, intersects with something we already knew about in our own, personal world."
"Be prepared and if you are going through an intersection, probably a good idea to slow down a little bit, look both ways."
"Art meets science sounds like my kind of place."
"There was an intersection of gaming, programming, user-generated content that was all interesting to me."
"The symbol of a three-dimensional octagon said to symbolize the intersecting points between the mundane square, the cube, and the divine circle, the sphere."
"For 30 years, Michael has been writing about the places where nature and culture intersect: on our plates, in our farms and gardens, and in our minds."
"Probability of A intersection B is equal to probability of A times probability of B."
"When you get this sort of scenario here, you get two solutions because there's two crossover points."
"The intersection of two subspaces is a smaller subspace but it is a subspace."
"Intersection of A and B is the set of all the elements which belong to both A and B."
"The complement of Union of two sets is equal to the intersection of their complements."
"Intersection is distributive over the Union."
"When you have two lines that cross like this, the angles that are across from each other are called vertical angles."
"The solution to the system is that intersection point of the two lines."
"The supernatural entered the natural."
"A tartan... is a place where two things meet, and they intersect, and they join, and they carry on in different directions sometimes."
"The crucified Jesus is... the place where heaven and earth now meet."
"Wherever those two graphs intersect, then we're going to have to create two integrals."
"Georgia is a transcontinental country at the intersection of Eastern Europe and Western Asia."
"There's a lot of really wonderful science to be done here in the middle of this Venn diagram at the intersection between physics, neuroscience, and AI."
"The church becomes the intersection point between humanity and divinity."
"What do artificial intelligence and spirituality have to do with each other?"
"Legend and Science cross paths with an unsolved mystery."
"It was one of those times where reality and art intersect."
"Heaven and earth are meant to overlap and interlock, and we humans are supposed to be standing at the dangerous place where that happens."
"Art and science, and how they come together and all the amazing things that happen when they intersect."
"An intersection... will contain only values in both sets."
"The West Virginia state penitentiary... a place with a rich but haunting history where lives intersected and a dark past remains etched in its walls."
"Must yield the right-of-way to traffic already in the intersection."
"We just stumbled into this idea that ends up being the most perfect intersection ever of these two types of fandoms."
"The intersection of technology and neuroscience and learning has always been a passion of mine."
"It's set in the universe, and there will be things that will intersect."
"Minus 40 is the exact point where Fahrenheit and Celsius intersect."
"Remote sensing image processing lives at the interface between image processing itself, computer vision, signal processing, and machine learning."
"Life and death come together at the cross."
"...the cross just in terms of geometry, it is the place where the identity of something and its multiple elements meet."
"...the Incarnation itself represents an intersection of these two dimensions."
"Where science ends and spirituality and faith begins."
"I'm very interested in the intersection of our worlds, science and mysticism."
"The intersection between the two is where all of this gets interesting."
"When you follow two separate chains of thought, Watson, you will find some point of intersection which should approximate to the truth."
"Boulder is about a mile high in elevation, and it's basically what's considered the Boulder Valley, where the Rocky Mountains meet the Great Plains."
"When we are solving simultaneous equations graphically, all we're actually looking to do is find the points at which they intersect."
"The important part here is to know when we are looking at solving simultaneous equations graphically, we are looking for those points of intersection."
"The cross is the point where my flesh and His Spirit meet."
"The intersection of A and B deals with common elements between or among the sets under discussion."
"The intersection of A and B... is the region that is common between A and B."
"The cross is where the downward spiral of human despair meets the love that was always at the heart of creation."
"We have to think about Egypt as a crossroads."
"That's our optimum point which happens to be the intersection of these two lines right here."
"We're producing a new type of bioengineer that's really going to revolutionize where engineering and life science intersect."
"Where the cross meets daily life, that's the faith."
"It's that intersection of engineering meets beauty and the whole point is to help people with a better life with technology."
"It's a wild thing when your life intersects with people who you admire or whose work has inspired you."
"The place that God calls us is that place where the world's deep hunger and our deep desire meet."
"All lives intersect. Death doesn't just take someone, it misses someone else, and in the small distance between being taken and being missed, lives are changed."
"The intersection of any two simplices is a simplex."
"Intersection management is going to be your number one friend."
"The timelines will intersect like a multiverse theory."
"The intersection is to the intersecting parts of two objects, basically the things that they have in common."
"At the intersection of a row and a column, you have a data point."
"The probability of A intersection B is equal to the probability of A multiplied by the probability of B."
"When you find the solution to a system of equations, you only want one point, and there's only one point that works because it's the only point where both of these lines cross."
"Seven years later, another total solar eclipse goes the opposite direction over the U.S., and the paths of the two eclipses form a cross."
"If you want to think about this in a more geometric way, these three equations represent planes, and we are finding the place where all three of these planes intersect."
"He's standing right in the middle of that intersection between journalism and the business of media."
"The places where two different systems meet are places of great dynamism, great tension, but also the most creative, most diverse aspects."
"The point of intersection of two lines is actually relevant to real life stuff that we're doing."
"And it's the intersection of these sinusoids that end up describing the parameters or giving you the parameters of the straight line."
"If you guys didn't know, this is like the crossroads of cultures and religions."
"The solution to the equation will be the x value where these two graphs intersect."
"The three perfectly intersect; that's amazing."
"The intersection between two planes is usually a line."
"Where linear algebra and ordinary differential equations meet is probably one of the most interesting and powerful areas of math."
"That's where the lines intersect, exactly."
"This common part is called as A intersection B."
"The structural dynamics of why it's a year of living dangerously as these two graphs increasingly intersect."
"This is love in action, this is the intersection between human love and divine love."
"We live at the intersection of hardware, software, and molecular science."
"The intersection of two sets is just the common elements between two sets."
"They say it's the only time when our world intersects with theirs."
"The intersection of convex sets is convex."
"Perpendicular lines meet at a right angle."
"The cross is a symbol of the crossing of the vertical and the horizontal."
"These represent the X intercepts for this function, but what it also represents is the X values where this function and this function intersect."
"That is how we find points of intersection of basically any two functions."
"If two lines intersect, they intersect in exactly one point."
"If two distinct planes intersect, they intersect at exactly one line."
"The subway is the lifeblood of the city, where thousands of lives intersect before radiating out in a thousand different directions."
"It's a film in which these two families intersect, and the intersection is mostly about class."
"Tiny ML is really the intersection of machine learning and hardware that can run at extremely low power."
"When science and faith intersects, to me it is a phenomenal, phenomenal experience."
"The function only has one root because the graphs only intersect once."
"You can do that by drawing diagonals across from each corner and finding the point where they intersect."
"The temple is the interface between God and humans, the intersection where man's space and God's space meet and connect."
"The intersection of all of our lines will give us the optimal solution."
"It's this beautiful intersection of pop culture and the law."
"This is where fashion meets culture."
"The intersection of algebra and geometry happens in the family of curves."
"So if it intersects, it means we're solving them simultaneously to see these points."
"Determine the values for which \( C1 \) and \( C2 \) exactly one point of intersection."
"That's the point of intersection. That's what we were looking for, where these two lines, these two linear equations, where they intersect."
"The intersection \( n = 1 \text{ to } \infty I_n \) is not the empty set."
"Judaism and Christianity intersect because we believe in the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament."
"It's like the intersection of everything we love."
"Neural engineering is anywhere brains and technology meet."
"The most interesting thing I discuss are the intersections between these fantastical fictions and the unbelievable stories and joy behind their creations."
"The intersection of a and B is the set of all things that are elements of A and are elements of B."
"Rahu is the ascending point where the moon's orbit around the Earth intersects the Earth's orbit around the Sun."
"The question is then whether God's space and our space intersect and if so, how, when, and where."
"The ascendant is the intersecting point between what is above and what is below."
"Philosophy and science go hand in hand; that is this intersection."