
Spiritual Union Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"They're having these strong desires for deeper levels of union."
"The person who remains in conscious union with their Lord has the greatest freedom in prayer."
"You're being divinely guided here, and eventually you will come into union if it's not another person, this is you just coming into union with yourself."
"The world really wants Union with God, but it's disguising that desire with all this ridiculous promiscuous sex."
"The merge between these rays creates the divine marriage or the alchemical merge."
"Christ redeemed Us by dead and destroyed death for those coming into Union with God through him."
"They feel this in their soul. This is like a Divine marriage."
"You both feel the same way, yearning for each other and reaching out on a soul level. It's a balance of harmony and a desire for union on all levels."
"Twin flames unite to complement each other and grow together."
"This person did not plan to fall in love with you Pisces, that was not part of their plan."
"Destiny intervened to bring you together, destiny is intervening again in your union."
"Only the Oneness of love and the lover is eternal surrender your heart into this Union for all else in this world is momentary."
"They want to give to you, to create a beautiful life together."
"A never-ending story with someone you've known before in a past life."
"Holy Communion augments our Union with Christ."
"The third eye symbolizes the point of Union between the individual and the universal, between the self and the whole."
"The outcome: Harmony, the twin flame union. But you must have the courage to choose that union."
"God's ultimate goal is union with us. He wants us."
"This person feels this telepathic bond, they feel this oneness, this reunion on the other levels."
"The first wave of twin flame unions is happening now; it's time for healing and embracing a new paradigm."
"The bridal gown of my beloved has already been taken to our chamber."
"Your marriage is a holy union; it is the strongest covenant on the face of the earth."
"This is a divine connection... you and this person are going to become one."
"Everything that's worth anything comes out of the secret place of mystical union with Jesus. It's from that place that the kingdom of heaven is revealed." - Keith Collins
"The marriage supper of the Lamb is the eternal union of the church with Messiah."
"I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you, never permit me to be separated from you."
"A divinely guided union, a soulmate connection."
"Let's do the work on the inside of ourselves, let's figure out this journey so that we can manifest this kind of amazing union into our lives."
"You're definitely coming into union with a manifestation."
"Very soon, source bringing divine unions together."
"Your love is a sacred union, a great creative power."
"For many of you, this is coming into union, this union between the emperor and the high priestess."
"There's this powerful and tantric like union, this energetic union as well of the love and the oneness."
"They're working up the courage to stand in their power, to bring this union into completion, into Union."
"The marriage between the church and the Lamb is the marriage that will last."
"If a married man walks away from his wife in divorce, it does not mean he was never in a spiritual union with her."
"He is saying in union with Jesus Christ, in that vital union that we enjoy with him, the vine, he himself has died to sin."
"So I don't guarantee for those of you approaching transforming union to have no more troubles. It's not a magic carpet to bliss. It's a direct route to reality. Reality is total self-sacrifice."
"To be unified with Christ means you have died to sin. If you have not died to sin, you are not unified with Christ."
"...real peace and happiness and real Joy comes from that Union of you and God."
"I'm crucified with Him. And yet I live; but not I, Christ lives in me."
"When you receive the body and blood of Jesus, it is marital to the core."
"Your part is only to say thank you, burn my house down, rid me of ego, merge me with you."
"I hope that this video will lead to seeing more clearly the significance of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the powerful way she leads us to intimate union with God."
"The Tibetan tradition is a union of Sutra and Tantra."
"To anyone who longs for true marriage love the Lord provides compatibility [or a compatible person]. If it does not happen on earth, then he provides for it in the heavens."
"The Christian is someone who has been united with Jesus, both in his death for sin and in his resurrection."
"Humility derived from reverence towards God will destroy the obstacles that can prevent the soul's union with God."
"The mystery of light upon light when they meet, and then the longing changes into belonging."
"Remain in me, so I can remain in you."
"Remaining in him is so wonderful, such joy, such peace, such happiness."
"He and she that hath the bridegroom is the bride."
"No condemnation against those who are joined in life union with Jesus the anointed one."
"Jesus Christ only should be living in us, and that we should live only in Him. Our life should be a continuation and an expression of His life."
"Union with Christ - His death becomes ours, His life becomes ours."
"Healing is walking in Union with God and appropriating that relationship."
"The true marriage is the marriage of souls and that exists in the higher realms."
"That is the reason that real Christians who live in union with the living God and possess His spirit have a ministry that no other man in the world possesses."
"Resting in God can become a permanent state through the development of friendship into a stable union of life."
"...his bridal chamber is the tomb... where he consummates his relationship not with the physical city of Jerusalem but with his new city which is the city of God, the heavenly Jerusalem which is the church."
"You arrive at something that's a bit like a spiritual marriage, your whole human nature becomes in harmony with God's nature."
"Christ died to sin, and in that, I have fellowship with Him."
"My sanctity and perfection consist in the close union of my will with the will of God."
"The only marriage to ever occur in heaven is when the Lamb takes the bride."
"Marriage is to be this beautiful picture of two people coming together, being joined together by the Lord, and then choosing to stick to it."
"An avatar is one who attains union with spirit and then returns to earth to help mankind."
"The new covenant sign of baptism symbolizes... our union with Jesus Christ, His death, and His resurrection."
"I choose to be in harmonious union with my true twin flame."
"Marriage is more than a human contract."
"Then they feel that there streams forth into this spiritual being, with whom they are united, the force of their own longing."
"This verse explores how we move from simply understanding the Divine to creating an unbreakable Union with it."
"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are united to Christ in Christ Jesus."
"God never intended marriage to only be two; He always wanted marriage to be three: the man, the woman, and Himself."
"Love wins with this ace of cups, and his love, once again, if he continues to go in the direction that he's been going in, is going to help him win this Divine Union with his divine feminine."
"This is the true union of our will with the will of God."
"Every time I marry someone, it's a kind of miracle, bringing together two people in the eyes of the Lord."
"He abides in me and I abide in Him."
"Faith is the awakening to a union that already exists."
"Heaven and earth have come together, and soon you will hear the trumpet sound."
"The divine has taken his rightful place into your hearts and into your mind, and now the bride is in ultimate and supreme Anand and bliss."
"The soul, being thus purified, God unites it to Himself in a way known only to Him and the spirit."
"The sacred marriage is key to what Jesus and Mary Magdalene were actually teaching."
"I remained, lost in oblivion; my face I reclined on the Beloved. All ceased and I abandoned myself, leaving my cares forgotten among the lilies."
"The one looking for God merged into the one it was looking for."
"The marriage of Heaven and Earth, the marriage of the Divine and the material and the mundane."
"Everything our Lord said and did was for her, a source of Graces."
"You're supposed to come into union with yourself and God; that's what the connection is all about."
"The Twin Flame relationship is not about flesh; it's the highest level of divinity, a divine intertwined connection designed by source."
"You're going into a spiritual contract or a spiritual union with somebody, some of y'all getting ready to get married and everything."
"You two are married up there in the 5D, it's together."
"It's time to come into union with your twin flame."
"This is attracting in a Divine sacred union, a union that's in alignment with the universe."
"This is a Godly Union, this is someone who's going to bring out the best in you, not the worst in you."
"Coming together in union is really going to activate your soul wisdom from previous lifetimes."
"You are eternally blessed by a profound love, by a sacred union with the great source of light whose love moves the earth and stars."