
Scorpio Quotes

There are 352 quotes

"All right, lots of love and light to all of you. I'll see Scorpio tomorrow."
"One of the best ways to hook a Scorpio is to give us a mystery."
"Ultimately, the energy that Scorpio is striving for is the Phoenix Rising From the Ashes."
"For Scorpio, most of your efforts will bring some kind of reward, success, and prosperity. You'll mingle with new people, but beware of delays and complications."
"March 2024 brings a whirlwind of energy and transformation for the intense and mysterious Scorpio."
"Scorpio fashion sense is expensive, it's fun, they are high fashion, it's very New York if that makes sense."
"A lot of happiness with the ace of cups, Scorpio."
"Scorpio is the eighth original sign of the zodiac, dealing with transformation."
"Scorpios are building integrity around their personal decisions."
"You don't want someone to tame your demons, Scorpio. You want someone to run with them with you."
"Scorpio moon: 'Deep, powerful, life-changing transformation.'"
"What makes a Scorpio cheat? When they find someone who shares similar insecurities or vulnerabilities."
"Scorpios are the detectives of the zodiac, they know everything in detail."
"If you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop on like and I will catch you all later peace."
"They're not on your level at this time, Scorpio, but they're working on it though."
"All they want to do is marry you and give you this and then put a baby in you, Scorpio."
"Happy birthday Scorpio! I wish you a year of luck, love, prosperity, and above all, happiness."
"All good things at the end of this retrograde for Scorpio."
"Scorpio energy, the epitome of loyalty, ferociousness, and beauty."
"Take action now... the door is being flung open wide for you, Scorpio."
"Whatever you want, Scorpio, it is yours. This is the time to reap those rewards of everything you sowed last year. Yes, it was tough, but you needed to learn those lessons, and now that we have the magician, what is yours is for the taking."
"So much success, Scorpio, so much abundance, happiness."
"Scorpio 2024 is meant for big and great things and I feel it's in your career for sure."
"There's definitely a union here for you, Scorpio."
"Somebody's gonna come in here and express their love Scorpio unspoken love is about to be spoken here oh whatcha gonna do with that from a soul mate twin flame life partner Scorpio."
"I can see a lot of blessing coming career-wise for our lovely Scorpio friends because of this combination."
"Scorpios tend to form deep connections with people."
"Scorpio is all about transformation and evolution."
"Something profound is happening in your life right now, Scorpio."
"There's something profound happening; there is almost like this new opening for you."
"You've got everything that you need, so know that and own that power, Scorpio."
"Scorpio is a lot about permanent change and transformation."
"You're very intelligent, Scorpio, you're very straight to the point."
"A very deep connection, Scorpio energy, very intense relationship one that is here to stay."
"Scorpios are very good at helping others connect more deeply to themselves."
"A lot of you Scorpio, this is just you wanting to implement your own understanding of a situation."
"Scorpios are here to transform your life, better or worse."
"You do not want to see a Scorpio get mad."
"Scorpio's purpose in life is to find Value, usually built out of transforming crisis and chaos."
"It's very difficult like once a Scorpio distrusts you or once you lose a Scorpio's trust, it's very difficult to regain that trust."
"Remember, all year long Scorpio, when you're out and about, you're interacting with anybody, your strength, the beauty of your soul is quite inspiring. Shine that as often as possible."
"Scorpio, this is a year of beautiful soulmate love alignment."
"You're ready for that. You've gone through a lot of lessons, a lot of struggle, challenge, hard work, and coming into 2024 is meant to be the year where all of that pays off."
"Venus moving into your sign... Scorpios, y'all are going to have a month that you'll never forget."
"Your ascension is assured, Scorpio. You've got everything that you need already."
"Your success is assured, Scorpio. But you might enjoy it more if you realize first of all there's no threat here."
"You carry Stardust in your bones, Scorpio, your ancestors' wisdom in your blood, and the whole universe is your soul. Know yourself, and nothing will bring you down."
"Anything that you want to happen, you're going to make it happen this month, Scorpio."
"You cannot ignore a Scorpio woman. She makes her presence felt, discreetly or extravagantly."
"Scorpio comes with a superpower, and the superpower is to heal, to heal themselves and to help others heal. That's called transformation."
"Scorpios really, really, really, really want the ugly truth over a really beautiful lie."
"Scorpio moons want to get to know other people's depths."
"I see Scorpio really at a turning point, I see you um have come a long way, there's been a deep transformation here."
"Scorpio it looks like you've shed an old skin and you're moving into a new life."
"Scorpio is a sign of terrorism, of war, of extreme hostilities, extreme hatred, but also it will show us a two and a half years period of people doing extreme acts of heroism as well."
"Scorpio is Mars ruled, and that's what I love about Scorpios. Scorpios don't play around. They come into things full force, they know what they want, and they really go after it."
"Crystal clarity for Scorpio right now."
"Your glow up, I just heard that this person is very overprotective of you. If they are a Scorpio, this would make so much [ __ ] sense."
"May shape your future for you, Scorpio."
"Loyalty above everything for a Scorpio, like loyalty, you are not going to ever betray them, you're never going to cheat on them, you will have their back no matter what."
"...my thing is how does she know that the family's Gatherings are happening somebody's got to be telling her no baby that's you I can tell you with a Scorpio a Scorpio went right there immediately hit me with it hit me with Scorpio said who who telling..."
"But the spiteful Scorpio in me... that's my main thing though with the whole dog thing."
"We do forget to talk about the generosity of Scorpio. They are extremely generous."
"Scorpios are often mistaken for a fire sign because they have a kind of fiery side to them."
"There's a twist of fate coming, a Scorpio got caught red-handed and now they're hitting the panic button."
"Feel the fear and do it anyway, Scorpio."
"You are the sovereign of the seen and unseen worlds, Scorpio. The magic of love surrounds you, beauty transforms you."
"It's almost like someone got something messed up here. Oh, this sounds like your energy too. Yeah, show me Scorpio actually in the energy. Where is Scorpio though? We haven't pulled you yet."
"It's representing change and transformation. It's like you're all lit up, Scorpio, about something."
"The full moon in Scorpio: very emotional, you're going to feel this one."
"Dating a Scorpio man will really change your life."
"Scorpios are very loyal to the people that they love."
"Scorpio is a sign that's easily misunderstood."
"Intensity is a word that gets used to describe various qualities associated with Scorpio."
"One of the most common misconceptions about Scorpio is that they are destructive."
"Don't ever invalidate what a Scorpio senses to be a potential underlying darkness or reality."
"Scorpios have an energy that is extraordinarily magnetic, but it's an internal energy."
"Scorpios like deep sexual and emotional connections, and if you're not feeding that part of their soul, they will find it somewhere else."
"Scorpios love mystery. If you're not deep, don't bother."
"Scorpio risings are polarizing, either hated or loved."
"Scorpio is about transformation, although it's the Scorpion, Scorpio is also represented by the Phoenix."
"Scorpios derive power from what other people don't know. There's a sense of holding the energy in and being secretive."
"The sign of Scorpio was the symbol of death and rebirth, of evil and redemption. Most of all, it was man transcending his own inferior nature. It was the symbol of initiation into the secret rites which symbolized death. It was the death of the old and birth into the new."
"They admire the heck out of you Scorpio."
"You are very intuitive, that Scorpio energy is coming through. People may have tried to do you dirty in the past, but you're very tapped into your intuition."
"I feel like you are a very deep Scorpio obviously we all know this about you, but you also have this other side to you that is really gentle."
"The energy of Scorpio rules birth death transformation and rebirth and yes it does happen sometimes that death literal or figurative comes from these eclipses again nothing to be afraid of."
"When the Scorpio tells you something, it's real, it's all the way, it's straight from the heart."
"If you're looking for loyalty, trust, love, passion, and romance, then the Scorpio is the right person for you."
"You will get what you want, Scorpio. Something failed, but now you can plant new seeds."
"Someone really loves you, Scorpio. There's someone vouching for you, giving you a lot of support."
"He's going to want to please you, he's going to make you feel good, and Scorpio is going to love that."
"Scorpio loves that about Aries, that's the higher order."
"Scorpio energy, for all of its shyness, its timidity, is one of the leadership power energies out there."
"Scorpio transforms like no other sign and is capable of completely transforming themselves into a higher version."
"Scorpios are one of the most psychic signs."
"Scorpio moons, you guys have the magical ability of alchemy."
"Mars loves to be in Scorpio because it can keep its desires to itself, it can protect its manifestations."
"Scorpio is such an exceptional sign of self-respect, self-discipline, and transcendence."
"There's a uniqueness to your energy, Scorpio, that just cannot be matched."
"Scorpios are passionate, indulgent, they're very deep thinkers, they can be very sensitive but at the same time very charming, funny, can be very intense at times, very intelligent, and dominant."
"The Scorpio is probably known as the most manipulative sign, but honestly, I think that is a lazy stereotype."
"Venus in Scorpio is interesting because anything Scorpio is very, very magnetic or attractive."
"Scorpio really has to do with intimacy, so there can be a sense of attractive sexuality that is present in the Venus in Scorpio."
"Scorpio is about that transformation that we go under when we lose everything and how much powerful we become because of that transformation."
"Scorpio's mystery is what makes them so sexy."
"I'm a Scorpio, and I do believe the description fits me very well."
"You better shine that light, Scorpio."
"You have some really, really, really good stuff to look forward to, Scorpio."
"The moon is our emotional nature, and Scorpio is already right there because Scorpio is a water sign, and water signs live life through their emotions."
"I'm calling the theme of this month for Scorpio unprecedented luck and Fortune."
"The full moon in Scorpio tends to bring fullness, completion, fruition, drama, manifestation."
"Deep inside this powerful dynamic sign, there is a fear of being known to be vulnerable."
"The greatest weakness, sin, or disaster for Scorpio is really when they let their obsessions get out of control."
"Everything that happens in Scorpio, you know, this is really to do with like unraveling of mysteries and unraveling of truths."
"This Scorpio full moon that we're under right now is like a part of that legacy, this kind of bringing out the truth or touching upon mysteries."
"A Scorpio with Aries moon is passionate, loves adventure, is direct, and can be a bit controlling, but you always will know where they stand."
"A Scorpio with Scorpio moon is very mysterious, very sexy, very intelligent."
"Mars loves being in Scorpio because Mars is also the ruler of Scorpio."
"If you can get a Scorpio to think about you, it's like game over."
"They have a lot of passion as well as a lot of love for you, Scorpio."
"This person has always been in love with you, Scorpio."
"Scorpios are intuitive, controlling, and sometimes self-destructive, but in all this, they have a certain deadly beauty to their personalities."
"Hell hath no fury like a Scorpio scorned."
"Scorpios can either be your best friend ever or your worst enemy."
"Out of all 12 zodiac signs, Scorpio is the most intense."
"You will always know when you are in the presence of a Scorpio man because deep inside, you'll feel him staring into your soul."
"Scorpio men are extremely logical, gifted with strong listening skills."
"The good part of being obsessive is that goal attainment almost always happens."
"Scorpios are highly competitive, athletically inclined, and excel at various sports."
"Scorpio men have powerful memory banks and can recall the smallest detail of a situation."
"A relationship with a Scorpio will change you; you will not be the same person again without that experience."
"Scorpios are absolutely all in or all out with everything they do."
"Scorpio men and Scorpio women, such interesting and intense and dark creatures, are they not?"
"Scorpio is more decisive and more passionate and more assertive."
"Scorpio is about deep transformation."
"Scorpios are always evolving and becoming even stronger."
"If you're a friend to a Scorpio, you're like family to the Scorpio."
"Scorpios don't do well with fakeness."
"Scorpio Venus... tends to be into the darker, the little more goth or the morbid."
"Scorpios make the absolute best friends."
"Scorpios can be determined, powerful, passionate, exciting, and magnetic."
"Scorpio sun signs have some of the greatest emotional depth and passion for the things they love."
"If a Scorpio is going to be in a committed relationship with you, then they're gonna require a connection with your mind, your body, and your soul."
"Scorpios will be who they truly are through and through."
"Scorpio, your energy is that of transformation."
"Everything is aligning for you, Scorpio."
"...we're like a Scorpio, we're Phoenix, and yeah, we rise from our own ashes."
"Scorpio is one of personally a sign I get along with very, very well."
"Still waters run deep, and they feel to the core."
"Scorpios... they're great conversationalists at first they might seem shy and weird and then they open up."
"Scorpios don't really talk much about themselves... but if you're getting really close to a Scorpio and they're starting to have romantic feelings for you, they're probably gonna start to open up more."
"Scorpios are such sweetheart, sensitive, tender signs."
"Scorpio provides you with the uncanny ability to read between the lines and really to understand reality from a more deep and thorough understanding."
"The thirst for knowledge within Scorpio, the thirst for understanding, the thirst for the truth, the thirst for all things that are definite and real that complete Scorpio's understanding of the world are empowered on Jupiter in this placement."
"Scorpio North Nodes are revitalized by change."
"I know how intensely loyal we are as Scorpios."
"Scorpio is dealing with this deep understanding, this deep sort of unconscious knowing that once something's been born, including a relationship, it will one day die."
"Scorpios are hilarious, mysterious, funny, open, great at giving advice, and the best secret keepers you will ever come across."
"My favorite thing about the Scorpio... they're so friendly and goofy and funny."
"Be straightforward with a Scorpio."
"This is going to be a big month for you, Scorpio, huge month for you."
"You're an alchemist, Scorpio. You're able to turn people's negative thoughts into something positive."
"What Scorpio really wants is a bond that is deep, intimate, and absolutely unshakable."
"Scorpio loves people's like broken pieces, people's pain, people's trauma, people's scars."
"If a Scorpio approaches you and opens up, it means that they trust you being vulnerable with you."
"Scorpio wants to fully embody their love with you."
"When your love planet comes into the astrological sign of Scorpio, your love style is going to be intense devotion."
"Scorpios are super interesting beings; if there's one sign that I can guess before someone tells me, it's usually Scorpio."
"Once you get to know a Scorpio Rising person, there's a very rich personality, there's a lot of depth to them."
"There's such a determination with Scorpio Rising, and I almost say you have a motto of never give up."
"Your prayers are going to be answered here, Scorpio."
"Look at you, Scorpio, creating, manifesting, being in your power."
"Someone finds you attractive here, Scorpio."
"Scorpio magic always tends to be transformative, largely transformative."
"Scorpio reminds us that if we're holding on to anything for too long, that very thing can make us so sick."
"You're really appreciating where you are, Scorpio, and it's attracting so many more blessings."
"It's not hard to be understood anymore, Scorpio."
"Pluto is connected with Scorpio, it is about death and transformation."
"This is going to change your life, Scorpio."
"Lots of good wishes to the Scorpio people."
"Scorpio is ruled by the planet Pluto, which is the planet of rejuvenation and rebirth."
"My Scorpios are closing out a chapter and moving into a new chapter, a new phase, a new cycle along your journey."
"There's a new beginning coming into your life real soon, Scorpio, and you must prepare yourself for that."
"Still you rise, Scorpio, still you rise."
"A gift is on its way, actually, for a lot of you Scorpios."
"The death process isn't nice, but Scorpio is here to help us transform and transmute all of that energy so we can let it go finally and find more balance, happiness, joy, abundance."
"You're very powerful right now, Scorpio."
"Things will be getting easier for you, Scorpio."
"The sun is really shining on you, Scorpio."
"The best revenge is no revenge, just keep enjoying your life, Scorpio."
"Metamorphosis, go figure, right? When are Scorpios not going through major transformations?"
"Changes can bring you new life and energy; we will hold your hands, Scorpio."
"Listen to your heart, Scorpio, because not only is there going to be positivity around this, a positive impact on your life, but if it's the right person that is aligned to your energy, you're going to have a lot of give and take."
"Good news is coming in for you, Scorpio."
"You are ascending here, Scorpio, you are rising in consciousness, you are growing, you are seeing things from a higher perspective."
"My Scorpios, you were made for this, you were meant for this."
"Pay attention to the signs and synchronicities right now, Scorpio."
"I will get what I want because this is your ruling planet in Scorpio."
"It's going to be very enlightening for you, Scorpio; it's going to bring a lot of mental clarity."