
Showbiz Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"From the moment he infiltrated the showbiz set, Hammond ensured he achieved his twisted aims."
"Their sad endings serve as poignant reminders of the darker aspects of the world of showbiz."
"Wow, we truly have been doing this show a long time."
"I think this show is gonna be legendary though, legendary."
"This entire show has been about the will of the individual, individuality winning out over conformity."
"It's Showbiz baby, I can't get out."
"Their legacy irrespective of their current looks still casts a luminous glow across Showbiz."
"Deep Purple just... just... it was just showbiz at its greatest."
"What is the average show? 10 to 20. Pop musicians tend to play more like 20."
"It's much easier to do this show than to like memorize lines and all this other stuff."
"...it's something that I believe was intended to be temporary, the show did only run until 1987, leaving time for the set to be completely overhauled into a complex stunt pull featuring a tropical island."
"It's weird though to square a lot of the stuff with the way that showbiz works anyway. I mean it's so ridiculous, a lot of the stuff, quite apart from harassment, sexism, anything like that, just the whole pathetic way that status is negotiated."
"My squirrel is definitely going to be the star of the show."
"Every single show is like a heightened version of reality."
"I feel like I don't think I can travel anywhere if I'm not doing a show. It feels weird."
"For some size really does matter. I'm a professional dwarf. I've been doing it since '76, and every star was filmed. I love to act, I love to perform, small stars on a big stage, dwarves and showbiz."
"They try and do what's best for the show, even though it may make them look like fools sometimes."
"If you see me here at the show walk the other way."
"Freddie Mercury was showbiz, Boobla."
"That's true of any show that achieves a certain kind of success."
"Would I want Solo and Tam on your show causing carnage and creating headaches? More hassle than it's worth, you're right."
"I guarantee you by the end of this show she's gonna wish that she had died just gonna say it."
"It's still a show, it's still entertainment."
"We're starting to rent limos and stuff like that, that's right. For the sake of the show, not for a lot of flights."
"Anybody that's out here in L.A come to my show tomorrow night Tim and I will be at the Wilshire Ebell Theater, I'm not sure where it is, Tim knows maybe where it is mid Wilshire, mid-LA, I'll kill it, Google it 8 p.m."
"You have to be really good with people. It's kind of the same when you're filming a show."
"That's Hollywood, that's showbiz baby."
"Every show it could be the last and I'm aware of it."
"The biggest night of the year in show business: the annual Academy Awards."
"Johnny, want to give my regards to Broadway? You mean tell all the boys on 42nd Street?"
"What got you involved in showbiz?"
"Move to the front, to take centre stage. This is the Sidemen show."
"Nile Horan's story will continue to dominate the Showbiz world for years to come."
"This show was a lot more grown up in terms of content."
"It's good, they said it was incredibly competent. It was competent, and I feel like it... Yeah, it was, but it was one of those ones, it felt like a lot of this show just clipped along at a really quick pace."
"It's better to end things on a high than to drag a show out just to make money."
"Guys, what a great show here on the biggest problem in the universe."
"Why is this show like a female elephant? It has a massive trunk."
"We've got a great show tonight, with exciting topics."
"It's a show about Kanye, yeah that's amazing."
"He was a fun part of the show and always felt like everything he was in was very entertaining."
"I'm happy about the show, happy that you guys are on it."
"Everyone is iconic in the show; everyone is delivering."
"Everything about the show seemed to work right away."
"It's about time we got Eric nice and loosened up on this show."
"The great thing about the world of show business is you never know what's around the corner."
"The show must go on. There's no business like show business, right?"
"This might be one of the best entrances I've ever seen on the show."
"You definitely are doing something right when that is your audience's reaction to not being able to watch more of your show."
"I hope you guys at least after the show can hug it out."
"The show must go on, as they say."
"It's not our purpose here on the show to hurt people's feelings; we're all here to have fun."
"Blackpool is the heart of show business."
"The show's over, it was everything that could have possibly hoped for and more."
"The show must go on, that truly encapsulated the essence of this era."
"This thing was a show-stopping combination back in the day."
"Life would only connect has been one long round of showbiz parties, glitz, glitter, glamour, and money."
"It's very hard to just say to people, 'Show business is not glamorous,' because this is glamorous."
"You're the reason why this show is together."
"You're only as good as your next show."
"That's always a beautiful moment on our show."
"Honestly, great way to open the show."
"You know what's interesting is that this has been a big anticipation for this show."
"At the end of the day, it's about entertainment."
"One monkey don't stop a show; the show must go on."
"They actually make a lot of the assets that help make this show become its thing."
"We have to bring in our legends to save the show."
"I was incredibly proud to be part of such an extraordinary show."
"We've got a jam-packed show planned for you, so let's get right into it with our first category."
"I love that we're back on this show and we're seeing all the behind the scenes things about drag."
"We want that to be the reality of our show because stuff happens."
"It's a tell-all movie of the week that chronicles not only my tumultuous show business career but also my life as husband and lover to my wonderful wife Dixie."
"You don't know the show must go on."
"It's all about the Showbiz, baby. It's all about the entertainment."
"It's a show, it's entertainment, this is the entertainment business."
"We're gonna be doing this show in its ridiculousness."
"Oh, that's showbiz, can get rough."
"That guy is never allowed on the show again, he's bad luck."
"We got to have sizzle, we got a little showbiz, we have to have some entertainment with our sports."
"It's just been a really kind of fun show so far."
"There's no business like show business and everything's coming up roses."
"It's that lovely spot in the show that goes wrong every week."
"Now this show is all about being in the right place at the right time."
"That's the show that time has progressed."
"It's been so fun doing the show by the way, and I know this has been such a big hit."
"That is the show, by the way, what you're describing here."
"It's what this show needs. You got to stick your neck out once in a while."
"I can't recall a more exciting show."
"It does just touch everyone about the joy of show business."
"So much of the show is about being messy and kind of confounding the stereotypes that we're used to seeing."
"It's gonna make people want to keep watching the show."
"I pray that God continue to elevate you guys' show."
"We do not beat around the bush in this show."
"It's a whole different vibe, a whole different setting, but the vibe and the flow of the show is different, and I'm really liking this."
"He's probably the most honest guy in showbiz; he'll never not know exactly where you stand."
"He was part of the greatest comeback in show business history, bigger than Sinatra's, bigger than Travolta's, bigger than anything."
"People's health is beyond anything. [__] the show bro, if people about to die, [__] the show."
"There's no people like show people; they smile when they are low."
"It was a beautiful way to start this show."
"Is it a big part of the show? Of course."
"We have a hot show for you today."
"Oh yeah babe, this is a big time show."
"It's the feverish insanity that has always been why this show is hilarious."
"Las Vegas is the epicenter of modern show business today."
"Sex sells, and that's part of what showbiz is about, especially in rock."
"This is entertainment with a capital 'E', razzmatazz with a capital 'Raz', glitter with a capital 'Glit'."
"The Show Must Go On, you understand what I'm saying."
"Welcome to the show, glad you could make it. Thank you for coming on down."
"But one thing is for sure, the thrill from the show will never ever age."
"Right now, she's the hardest worker in showbiz, already blessing tracks, training her mother's elite dance squad, and shaping New Age pop culture with her every move."
"I think the biggest surprise that we have is that the show's been going as long as it has."
"Welcome to all the glamour and glitz of show business."
"That's the show, good night, ladies and gentlemen. Everyone, face, have been real fun."
"The show must go on, so it is what it is."
"It's kind of one of the things about being in this business, you form friendships really quickly because you have to get vulnerable with creative people right away."
"I feel like this show is really rooted in legacy."
"That's our show, let's wrap it up, that's a fun one."
"All businesses [are] Show Business; success requires both those components."
"I feel proud to be a part of the show."
"No Business Like Show Business, you got up and did it anyway, no one would have known."
"I love our show, it's a lot of fun."
"This is showbiz, baby. Love a good mess-up."
"I loveed most about the show was the relationships that I developed; we were a family."
"Be special. Be different. You know, showbiz. Bright colors."
"I'm excited to be doing this show."
"Welcome back to the greatest show on Earth, Famous Fortunes."
"Let's make it a little more showbiz."
"This is showbiz; this is entertainment."