
Web Presence Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"You'll be able to connect your own domain name and have a full affiliate marketing website."
"For less than three bucks a month, you can have a website online and start reaching thousands of people within the month."
"Having your own website is one of the best investments you can make today."
"You want to be on my website pay me you know simple as that."
"Having a professional website is a necessary investment in today's digital age."
"Always try to put your best feedbacks from clients on your portfolio website."
"If you're a designer like me, then you sort of need a website."
"One thing you should definitely put your time into is setting up your own personal web presence with your own brand."
"Having your own website is the way. No one can take it down."
"Your portfolio. You don't need a portfolio anymore. Your web presence is your portfolio."
"The secret to getting bigger clients is the language you use and the presentation you give on your website."
"It can provide some SEO benefits too."
"I guarantee you, you can charge five, ten dollars more per hour just by having a great website."
"You must have a great website, this is no longer a suggestion, this is a must in my opinion."
"So you can stand out with a beautiful website."
"Digital marketers take care of their clients' entire web presence."
"I don't rank websites, I rank brands, and if their website doesn't represent a brand, I create a brand."
"Squarespace empowers individuals to create their online web presence or launch their passion project."
"Always have an About page because we want to make sure that we don't just put and bring focus to the work that we do; we also want to bring through a little bit of personality."
"Search engine optimization is a way for search engines to recognize what's exactly on your site."
"Having a website is such a powerful way to market yourself and all that you have to offer."
"Getting traffic from thousands of websites is better than just getting it from one website."
"Have a professional website. This is one of the best things you can do for your time."
"Access to customers because I've always been a huge advocate for building your own website not only to save money on fees but also because you want to own your customer's information."
"The most important thing is finding and choosing a domain name that is related to your website or blog."
"Don't forget to make your corner of the web just a little bit more awesome."
"Without a doubt, having a website today is more important than ever before."
"What makes all the difference is not your content, but your website's Authority."
"The smallest company in the world can look as large as the largest company in the world on the web."
"Your website is like your house or a showroom for a product."
"I will show you how to submit your blog to Google Search Console to let Google know your website is alive."
"If you're a good writer, you can write content for websites."
"If you want to see more of my work, check out my new website."
"Let's go ahead and add in our latest and greatest blog posts."
"It's not a matter of me saying to you, you have to establish a website; it's the quality of your website."
"If you have just a small business website, that could be just fine."
"You can have your own domain as well."
"Your website is a very powerful marketing tool, and I would recommend getting one of those done if you're going to be in the lawn business for the long haul."
"A website makes your company look a lot more professional."
"You should get more traffic from whatever language you translate to."
"Recent activity prompts users to actually engage in the website."
"Remember, fantastic website is great, but you really want to be found and discovered."
"You're going to have a live site up and on the internet that you can reach on your mobile, send to friends, do on your desktop, whatever, it's up and going within just a few minutes."
"We design your complete online presence."
"If you don't already have a personal portfolio website, you honestly might be missing out on a lot of opportunities."
"If you want to attract so many clients for your business, you should have an amazing looking website like this one."
"Squarespace has everything you need in order to rank well in Google on SEO."
"So that ultimately, you can not only get some pages from the internet, you, yourself, can put them there."
"If you don't have a portfolio website, there's a 99% chance you won't get that job."
"Create your own website... they can never kick you off and you'll get all that customer information."
"A business website... that can actually help you get business."
"Updating your Page's title, description, keywords, and social sharing image can help improve how Google indexes your page."
"There's something really special and grounding about having your own domain name and a beautiful place to display all your work."
"Search engine optimization basically means optimizing your website so it ranks on search engines like Google and Bing."
"Think of your domain name as your address; that's what you give to people so that they can find you."