
Search Optimization Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Think about things that your target customers might be searching for perhaps names of people. Ok, other influencers related to whatever it is you're selling, the names of other brands. Those can all go here in the keyword targeting topics."
"Search folders make finding those things that you're always searching for very quick and easy."
"In the grand scheme of things, it's just another step forward, an improvement, just like all the others that came before it, that helps make Search a little bit more useful than it was yesterday."
"YouTube acts like a search engine, so create content that your ideal customers are searching for."
"If you want to master YouTube search, you need to discover your audience's problems and ambitions and really understand your viewer."
"Just by using a hypothetical question to search rather than the actual input question, we got a massive performance bump over what we started with."
"Iterative search... increases the number of relevant results for people."
"Using these prompts is where you're going to find that sometimes putting more specific keywords in really does help the final result."
"For example, if you search for 'best headphones,' then you'll see that all of the top-ranking pages have the current year in the titles because no one wants to know about the best headphones from previous years."
"I still tag my videos just to be safe."
"Ranking high in the Etsy search results is absolutely crucial to be discovered and make consistent sales."
"Make sure that you are optimized in all of those key areas of Etsy's ranking and are checking all the boxes to have the best chance of ranking higher in Etsy's search algorithm."
"...so that will work for every time they search."
"...if you made that movie Velvet Buzz Saw with Jake Gyllenhaal, great title for search engine optimization because you type that into Google and that's exactly what you're going to find."
"Sometimes when people are just searching on Google and they're not even searching on Poshmark for a specific style name, then your listing will pop up."
"...YouTube search-based channels can be about anything, usually it's about finding stuff that people search for on YouTube and then ranking high in the search results."
"Show Pinterest that we are the most relevant pin for this particular search term."
"Ending the search journey is the number one goal of all of this."
"Your gig description serves as a tool that helps your gig surface itself in Fiverr search."
"The rule of thumb for choosing the right video topics is selecting topics that have high search volume but low competition."
"Rearrange the words into ways that will actually make some of your top search phrases."
"What is the best answer to a searcher's problem? Well, the truth is that 'best' changes."
"These signals can be categorized into two broad categories: relevancy and popularity."
"The prompt engineering matters because we were trying to get for what it searched for."
"We can use regular expressions to help with searches, to replace or update text."
"The quicker Google can find your pages, the quicker you get found."
"Always use the advanced search features."
"And it saves you human time navigating a search engine or having to think about how to phrase your thoughts to properly manipulate the search engine to get you what you want."
"This is a good practice in principle for information retrieval if you want to match the query with the documents."
"The more listings you have on Etsy, the more chances you have of being found and shown in search results."
"And then we'll modify it to store extra information which will enable additional kinds of searches, typically, and sometimes to do updates better."
"It's ultimately about ending the search journey and that is basically how to rank on Google in the 2020s."
"The best way to actually improve your ranking is to show Amazon that people are searching, finding, and buying your product."
"We need to clearly state what is the business purpose, what are we trying to ultimately accomplish and how will search help to accomplish that."
"It's like the autocomplete in Google; it just kind of fills in as you go and helps you find what you're looking for very quickly."
"This is how you can save a time of running this search again and again."
"What Google did was they really mastered the search."
"If you really understand the language in the query and the language in the documents, you'd know that the second document is a much better match for that query."
"One thing that I really like to do as a design system manager is to optimize the search experience when you're searching for components."
"You can very easily create really comprehensive searches with a ton of really useful features inside there."
"This thing has the ability to let you search much better, much easier, much faster, and much more efficiently than using a computer."
"Field level searching is significantly more performant and accurate."
"You need to make sure that you're appearing on the most relevant keywords that customers are actually searching for."
"Having a clear, accurate, and descriptive title and tags is super important to make it easier for customers to find your products."
"The end goal of all of this obviously is to understand user intent and to drive better queries."
"A search using Spike Lee in that column would be faster, right? Using this new inverted index, you would go straight to his name, pull the reference to each ID."
"We'll show you how you can narrow the scope of that type of search by specifying a parent or a container element."
"Grover's algorithm can search n items by calling the Oracle only a square root of n times."
"With a little work in text analysis here, we can get pretty close."
"How long should a blog post be? As long as it takes to create a thorough resource for the user that's actually doing that search query."