
Action-packed Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"She's explosive she's all action there's a reason why she's a fan favorite because she's not afraid to let her hands go she's not afraid to let her elbows go either."
"It's action, action, action all the time, almost like a comic book or old cartoon."
"Valheim is both an action-packed RPG and a chill building game."
"It never slowed down enough for me to just be like whoa sonic is fighting knuckles and it's cool."
"New Getter is a non-stop onslaught from word go and never has a dull moment."
"Kid Icarus Uprising is one of the most attractive, exhilarating, entertaining, and outrageously fun titles on 3DS."
"This is like a cinematic, crazy, action-packed 'Call of Duty' campaign, but instead of guns and tactical soldiers, you're actually like elite tactical wizards in a fantasy world."
"Hell Divers 2 is an action-packed title and much of your time will be spent engaging with the game's insect and robotic foes."
"It's an absolute banger for fans, must-watch action."
"This game looks like it's absolutely packed full of variety and absolutely badass."
"The trailer makes it look like... they're not going to skimp on the action."
"Avengers: Endgame... the perfect MCU movie. Wall-to-wall action and feels, everyone and everything."
"Thor: Love and Thunder is a rocking great time with electrified action, lots of laughs, screaming goats, and a profound story on absent gods and our desire for love." - Unnamed commenter
"It's ridiculous, it's hilarious, it's so much fun, it's also very fast-paced and has great combat and plot at its core."
"Dog the Bounty Hunter was a show that had backyard brawls people getting pepper sprayed car chases and tons of family drama..."
"I was like kind of shocked at how much I like this movie. I thought it hit for me on everything. I didn't want to waste time with building relationships. It's non-stop, and a lot of times, we say that in a criticizing way, but I really dug it."
"It's a saga that does wander a touch in the middle, but when the mic is re-entered, it stays on point and delivers an action-packed conclusion that really holds up."
"If you want a fast-paced action-packed series that will almost give you that cinematic reading experience then this is the series for you."
"the music is Punchy and action-packed"
"It's action-packed, hugely enjoyable, and highly satisfying."
"Corny farm sequences aside, this is an action-packed hour and a half that introduces a diverse and interesting group of characters with plenty of potential. Space is for the first time since the original series a real frontier: wild, lawless, unexplored."
"Action-packed 'Interceptor Force'—life force which defies imagination."
"The movie was just padding itself out. It was essentially an excuse to keep the film a bigger and more action-packed ending. And do you know what? It did actually make the movie better."
And it's just the perfect combination of "fun, feel good, lighthearted action-packed... With some really strong emotional hits".
"Action-packed just like a Red Rising book always is."
"The blackest heart by Brian Lee Durfee...is maybe the most action-packed badass book that I'd ever read up to this point."
"Like I said not an action packed story, but just imagine if all of this had happened to you."
"This book is action-packed and it is so much fun and I highly recommend it."
"If you want just an absolute gruesome, balls to the wall action series, this is for you."
"That sold-out crowd getting a lot of offensive action in this first half."
"It's Mission Impossible right down to it. In fact, I think it's a better Mission Impossible than any of the Mission Impossible movies that we've had."
"What a great day, been an action-packed day."
"It's star-studded, action-packed."
"The whole movie is pretty non-stop, they really do not make them like this anymore."
"This week has been very action-packed, and next week is more luxury, more relaxing."
"Bone Lab doesn't hold anything back; you will sprint, jump, climb, fall, drive, shoot, float, and grab."
"Start to finish, the movie's great, excellent surprises, emotional character moments, badass action."
"It was one of the greatest fight action fights in UFC title history."
"I loved it man, from start to finish this was a fast action-paced book."
"It's such a wild ride honestly, there's so much going on."
"The story takes off at breakneck speed and just doesn't let up until the very end, which is perfect if you are trying to get out of a reading slump."
"You've got the car racing, you've got War Machine and Iron Man at the party, and then you have the third act."
"Every minute is as action-packed as you experience the excitement of the Old West."
"It's going to be an all-action fair, just like every Pro box TV Main Event."
"Yesterday was a whirlwind of action, some incredible riding probably one of my favorite runs of the day."
"It's just three books taped together, that's why it's fine, and it's nothing but action."
"Wow, Gregor, thank you, that was an incredibly action-packed session, appreciate you getting all of that in there."
"It is truly the film that has everything. It's got spectacular action, it's got great heart."
"It's going to be an action-packed week, so it's not going to be the one night a week family time; it's gonna be every night family time."
"It's basically non-stop action front to back."
"Incredible, I think this is the most action-packed one hour I've ever seen here at horse guards."
"For most people, these movies are fun and packed with action. So what if the physics don't work? What if the dialogue is silly and cringy at times? It's supposed to be entertaining."
"This fight is going to be a great fight, an amazing fight, an action-packed fight, and this can be fight of the year."
"It's going to be absolutely fantastic, cannot wait for that - a huge amount of action."
"It's what you want from a perfect action movie where it's always outdoing itself."
"We're going to do the other half of the trip tomorrow; it's going to be a wild, action-packed weekend."
"The most elaborate and enthralling fight scene."
"Packed with action, slapstick, hijinks, and all the glorious stuff of the movie."
"It's going to be plenty of action, stick around."
"I can appreciate a show that allows you to laugh and then it makes you cry and then it makes you go oh my God the action is so good."
"Every action sequence in this movie is great."
"It was a spectacular fight. I don't think you'll see any fight in the last 30, 40 years that has much action in three rounds."
"The actual action scenes were a lot of fun."