
Cosmic Mystery Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"This is the realm of the unknown. This is where we explore."
"The universe is a vast and complex place that in many ways we still don't understand."
"Whatever the case, it seems that the biggest black hole out there is the black hole in our knowledge of the universe and what lies beyond."
"This discovery of dark energy combined with the lack of answers on what it could be is, to me, about as shocking as it gets."
"Unimaginable wealth of knowledge drifting between our fingertips but we simply haven't figured out what we should be looking for."
"Are we alone in the universe? Where is everybody?"
"That's literally the best we got... they're just hiding in a corner and they've been watching us this entire time."
"It remains one of the strangest universe mysteries."
"These colorful bursts of light lasted just a cosmic second and marks the beginning of a mystery in deep space."
"The universe is a strange place by its very nature."
"Only time will tell if this technological marvel will conquer the enigma of 'Oumuamua, ultimately illuminating the path toward a deeper understanding of our vast and enigmatic universe."
"The Fermi Paradox: If there's a high likelihood of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations in our vast Universe, why haven't we detected or encountered any yet?"
"The great mystery surrounding unidentified flying objects aliens and the Enigma that is the cosmos continues to spark debate and conversation."
"Even if aliens aren’t responsible for the sound, it marks an almost equally fascinating discovery of a previously unknown cosmic phenomenon."
"We look out in the universe and 85 percent of all the gravity that's out there has some mysterious unknown source."
"The universe is literally a genie that we don't know how to use; they didn't tell us how to use it, they kept that to themselves."
"Black holes are some of the most mysterious, fascinating objects in the universe."
"I don't know if there are angels, but I know there's something bigger going on in this universe than our human brains have been able to understand yet."
"The age of understanding has been a blip, a tiny island amongst a deep stormy unknown mysterious sea of the universe."
"I could see something behind the moon, it was like a long stretch of black, like a hallway."
"...we just don't understand how galaxies form and evolve and we still are missing something really crucial when it comes to the formation of spiral galaxies."
"...what exactly makes these filaments so long and allows them to accelerate for such a long distance is still not entirely clear."
"Nobody knows what dark energy is; nobody has any freaking clue what it is."
"The Great Attractor is this mysterious gravitational force that seems to be causing all of the galaxies on the far side of the Milky Way to be drifting generally in the direction of this unseen mass."
"The World Spear is a cosmic crystal of unknown origin that pierced the planet of Argent D'Nur from pole to pole ages ago."
"This is something that is known as the Fermi Paradox."
"The Paradox of not detecting any advanced extraterrestrial intelligence anywhere out there."
"Are we on the brink of uncovering secrets that have eluded us for eons? Only time and space will tell."
"One thing about space is clear: we don't know everything about space."
"Perhaps the most exciting and fascinating mystery in the universe is whether or not we’re alone."
"The meteorites seem to harbor a strange power."
"Space remains much of a mystery to scientists."
"No one is entirely sure what is causing this, but one speculation is the weight in the galaxy's dark matter halo caused by the rapid motion of its two closest satellite galaxies."
"Methuselah's story captivates not just because of its age, but because it challenges our understanding of the cosmos, offering a paradox that has puzzled astronomers for years."
"What exactly is happening with the universe and what exactly is happening with dark energy is probably a question we're not going to be answering for the next few years at least, possibly even a few decades."
"I do not understand why galaxies have spiral arms or why they look like flattened disks."
"We don't know how the universe began."
"That means that we don't understand anything; it means that 85% of the universe is a complete mystery."
"Either something is really unusual about this particular Galaxy or the other explanation could maybe involve the mysterious Dark Matter."
"Marvel in that wonder of the universe that's out there."
"It's a huge mystery, and its presence inside galaxies is five times higher than regular visible matter."
"The mysterious thing is not that there is vacuum energy; the really mysterious thing is that there's so little of it."
"It's like finding the missing piece of a cosmic jigsaw puzzle."
"Dark matter, the invisible substance thought to make up about 27% of the universe's total mass and energy, remains one of the most profound mysteries in modern astrophysics."